Resultats de la cerca:

Mostrant 241-250 de 1877 papers trobats

[1641] - Identifying and estimating the effects of unconventional monetary policy in the data: How to do It and what have we learned?
per Barbara Rossi
(Gener 2018; Revisat: Juliol 2020)

[1640] - Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in IV and local projections–IV models
per Gergely Ganics, Atsushi Inoue i Barbara Rossi
(Setembre 2018)

[1639] - The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy on exchange rates
per Atsushi Inoue i Barbara Rossi
(Desembre 2018) [Publicat a: Journal of International Economics, 118, 2019, 419-447]

[1638] - A new approach to measuring economic policy shocks, with an application to conventional and unconventional monetary policy
per Atsushi Inoue i Barbara Rossi
(Octubre 2018; Revisat: Abril 2021); Amb el títol: Before "The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy: A new approach"

[1637] - Capital misallocation and secular stagnation
per Andrea Caggese i Ander Pérez-Orive
(Juliol 2018; Revisat: Febrer 2019)

[1636] - The few-get-richer: a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings
per Fabrizio Germano, Vicenç Gómez i Gaël Le Mens
(Febrer 2019)

[1635] - Concentration in international markets: evidence from US Imports
per Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò i Gino Gancia
(Febrer 2019)

[1634] - Accounting for structural patterns in construction of value functions: a convex optimization approach
per Mohammad Ghaderi i Milosz Kadzinsky
(Gener 2019)

[1633] - Evolution of financial information and management control over the last 150 years. The case of Bodegas Torres
per Oriol Amat i Natàlia Amat
(Febrer 2019)

[1632] - The Phillips multiplier
per Régis Barnichon i Geert Mesters
(Gener 2019)

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