Tornar a Working Papers

Paper #659

Incomplete markets, labor supply and capital accumulation
Albert Marcet, Francesc Obiols-Homs i Philippe Weil
Octubre 2002
In this paper we explore the accumulation of capital in the presence of limited insurance against idiosyncratic shocks, borrowing constraints and endogenous labor supply. As in the exogenous labor supply case (e.g. Aiyagari 1994, Huggett 1997), we find that steady states are characterized with an interest rate smaller than the rate of time preference. However,wealsofind that when labor supply is endogenous the presence of uncertainty and a borrowing limit are not enough to give rise to �aggregate precautionary savings�.
Paraules clau:
Idiosyncratic Shocks, Incomplete Insurance, Labor Supply
Codis JEL:
D52, D58, J22
Àrea de Recerca:
Macroeconomia i Economia Internacional
Publicat a:
Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming

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