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Paper #1540

Collective commitment
Christian Roessler, Sandro Shelegia i Bruno Strulovici
Juliol 2016
We consider collective decisions made by agents whose preferences and power depend on past events and decisions. Faced with an inecient equilibrium and an opportunity to commit to a policy, can the agents reach an agreement on such a policy? We provide a consistency condition linking power structures in the dynamic setting and at the commitment stage. When the condition holds, commitment has no value: any agreement that may be reached at the outset coincides with the equilibrium without commitment. When the condition fails, as in the case of time-inconsistent preferences, commitment can improve outcomes. We discuss several applications.
Codis JEL:
D70, H41, C70
Àrea de Recerca:
Economia de l'Empresa i Organització Industrial
Publicat a:
Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming

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