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Paper #707

Are changes in education important for the wage premium and unemployment?
Xavier Cuadras Morató i Xavier Mateos Planas
Març 2003
A generalized rise in unemployment rates for both college and high-school graduates, a widening education wage premium, and a sharp increase in college education participation are characteristic features of the transformations of the U.S. labor market between 1970 and 1990. This paper investigates the interactions between these changes in the labor market and in educational attainment. First, it develops an equilibrium search and matching model of the labor market where education is endogenously determined. Second, calibrated versions of the model are used to study quantitatively whether either a skill-biased change in technology or a mismatch shock can explain the above facts. The skill-biased shock accounts for a considerable part of the changes but fails to produce the increase in unemployment for the educated labor force. The mismatch shock explains instead much of the change in the four variables, including the wage premium.
Paraules clau:
Education, wage Premium, unemployment
Codis JEL:
E24, I20, J24, J31, J64
Àrea de Recerca:
Macroeconomia i Economia Internacional / Economia Laboral, Pública, de Desenvolupament i de la Salut
Publicat a:
International Economic Review, v.47 (1), pp.129-160, 2006
Amb el títol:
Skill bias and employment frictions in the US labor market 1970-90

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