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Paper #593

Endogenous policy leads to inefficient risk sharing
Marco Celentani, J. Ignacio Conde i Klaus Desmet
Gener 2002
We analyze risk sharing and fiscal spending in a two-region model with complete markets. Fiscal policy determines tax rates for each state of nature. When fiscal policy is decentralized, it can be used to affect prices of securities. To manipulate prices to their beneffit, regions choose pro-cyclical fiscal spending. This leads to incomplete risk sharing, despite the existence of complete markets and the absence of aggregate risk. When a fiscal union centralizes fiscal policy, securities prices can no longer be manipulated and complete risk sharing ensues. If regions are homogeneous, median income residents of both regions prefer the fiscal union. If they are heterogeneous, the median resident of the rich region prefers the decentralized setting.
Paraules clau:
Interregional risk-sharing, complete markets
Codis JEL:
C72, D50, D72, E61
Àrea de Recerca:
Publicat a:
Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 7(3), pp 758-787, 2004

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