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Paper #1091

Incorporating waiting time in competitive location models: Formulations and heuristics
Francisco Silva i Daniel Serra
Maig 2008
In this paper we propose a metaheuristic to solve a new version of the Maximum Capture Problem. In the original MCP, market capture is obtained by lower traveling distances or lower traveling time, in this new version not only the traveling time but also the waiting time will affect the market share. This problem is hard to solve using standard optimization techniques. Metaheuristics are shown to offer accurate results within acceptable computing times.
Paraules clau:
Market capture, queuing, ant colony optimization
Codis JEL:
C61, L80
Àrea de Recerca:
Gestió de la Producció i de les Operacions
Publicat a:
Network and Spatial Economics, 2, 1, 2007

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