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Paper #365

Insurance with frequent trading
José Penalva
Octubre 1997
This paper looks at the dynamic management of risk in an economy with discrete time consumption and endowments and continuous trading. I study how agents in such an economy deal with all the risk in the economy and attain their Pareto optimal allocations by trading in a few natural securities: private insurance contracts and a common set of derivatives on the aggregate endowment. The parsimonious nature of the implied securities needed for Pareto optimality suggests that in such contexts complete markets is a very reasonable assumption.
Paraules clau:
Risk-sharing, insurance, hedging, point-processes, complete markets, general equilibrium
Codis JEL:
D81, D99, G11
Àrea de Recerca:
Finances i Comptabilitat
Publicat a:
Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001), pp. 790-822
Amb el títol:
Insurance with Frequent Trading: A Dynamic Analysis of Efficient Insurance Markets

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