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Paper #280

An inequality for uniform deviations of sample averages from their means
Peter Bartlett i Gábor Lugosi
Febrer 1998
We derive a new inequality for uniform deviations of averages from their means. The inequality is a common generalization of previous results of Vapnik and Chervonenkis (1974) and Pollard (1986). Using the new inequality we obtain tight bounds for empirical loss minimization learning.
Paraules clau:
Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequality, uniform laws of large numbers, empirical risk, minimization
Codis JEL:
Àrea de Recerca:
Estadística, Econometria i Mètodes Quantitatius
Publicat a:
Statistics and Probability Letters, 44, (1999), pp. 55-62

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