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Paper #1408

Understanding the gains from wage flexibility: The exchange rate connection
Jordi Galí i Tommaso Monacelli
Desembre 2013
We study the gains from increased wage flexibility using a small open economy model with staggered price and wage setting. Two results stand out: (i) the effectiveness of labor cost adjustments on employment is much smaller in a currency union, (ii) an increase in wage flexibility often reduces welfare, more likely so in an economy that is part of a currency union or with an exchange rate-focused monetary policy. Our findings call into question the common view that wage flexibility is particularly desirable in a currency union.
Paraules clau:
sticky wages, nominal rigidities, New Keynesian model, stabilization policies, exchange rate policy, currency unions, monetary policy rules.
Codis JEL:
E32, E52, F41
Àrea de Recerca:
Macroeconomia i Economia Internacional
Publicat a:
American Economic Review, 106 (12): 3829–3868, 2016

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