Los 10 working papers más recientes

Paper Year Info

[1899] - Markets for public services: Less might be more
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2025)


[1898] - Lumpy forecasts
por Isaac Baley y Javier Turen
(Diciembre 2024)


[1897] - The macroeconomics of irreversibility
por Isaac Baley y Andres Blanco
(Diciembre 2024)


[1896] - Why has construction productivity stagnated? The role of land-use regulation
por Leonardo D'Amico, Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, William Kerr y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Noviembre 2024)


[1895] - Supply chain disruption and precautionary industrial policy
por Massimo Motta y Michele Polo
(Octubre 2024)


[1894] - Backward induction reasoning beyond backward induction
por Emiliano Cantonini y Antonio Penta
(Septiembre 2024)


[1893] - Strategically robust implementation
por Ritesh Jain, Michele Lombardi y Antonio Penta
(Septiembre 2024)


[1892] - Paternity leave and child development
por Lidia Farr, Libertad González Luna, Claudia Hupkau y Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
(Julio 2024)


[1891] - An international perspective on inflation during the Covid-19 recovery
por Luca Fornaro y Federica Romei
(Junio 2024)


[1890] - AI and digital technology: gender gaps in higher education
por José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Juan José Ganuza, Manu García y Carlos Victoria
(Mayo 2024)


[1889] - The impact of COVID-19 on abortions in Spain
por Sofia Trommlerová y Libertad González Luna
(Mayo 2024)


[1888] - Industrialization without innovation
por Paula Bustos, Juanma Castro-Vincenzi, Joan Monràs y Jacopo Ponticelli
(Septiembre 2023)


[1887] - The effects of climate change on labor and capital reallocation
por Christoph Albert, Paula Bustos y Jacopo Ponticelli
(Mayo 2024)


[1886] - Geographic shareholder dispersion and mutual fund flow risk
por Javier Gil-Bazo y Raffaele Santioni
(Abril 2024)


[1885] - The medieval church and the foundations of impersonal exchange
por Benito Arruñada y Lucas López-Manuel
(Abril 2024; Revisado: Agosto 2024)


[1884] - Sectoral dynamics of safe assets in advanced economies
por Madalen Castells Jauregui, Dmitry Kuvshinov, Bjoern Richter y Victoria Vanasco
(Abril 2024)


[1883] - Fragmented monetary unions
por Luca Fornaro y Christoph Grosse-Steffen
(Abril 2024; Revisado: Junio 2024)


[1882] - Heterogeneity and aggregate fluctuations: insights from TANK models
por Davide Debortoli y Jordi Galí
(Marzo 2024)


[1881] - The short- and long-term effects of family-friendly policies on women's employment
por Alicia De Quinto y Libertad González Luna
(Marzo 2024)


[1880] - Climate change and migration: the case of Africa
por Bruno Conte
(Octubre 2023)


[1879] - Can Public Policies Break the Gender Mold? Evidence from Paternity Leave Reforms in Six Countries
por Sébastien Fontenay y Libertad González Luna
(Enero 2024)


[1878] - The dawn of civilization. Metal trade and the rise of hierarchy
por Matthias Flückiger, Mario Larch, Markus Ludwig y Luigi Pascali
(Enero 2024)


[1877] - Centralized vs decentralized markets: The role of connectivity
por Simone Alfarano, Albert Banal-Estañol, Eva Camacho, Giulia Iori, Burcu Kapar y Rohit Rahi
(Enero 2024)


[1876] - The impact of preference programs in public procurement: Evidence from veteran set-asides
por Rodrigo Carril y Audrey Guo
(Diciembre 2023)


[1875] - Human capital, institutions, and ambitious entrepreneurship during good times and two crises
por Mircea Epure, Victor Martin-Sanchez, Sebastian Aparicio y David Urbano
(Octubre 2023)


[1874] - Drivers of public procurement prices: Evidence from pharmaceutical markets
por Claudia Allende, Juan Pablo Atal, Rodrigo Carril, Jose Ignacio Cuesta y Andrés González Lira
(Noviembre 2023)


[1873] - Evaluating policy institutions -150 years of US monetary policy-
por Régis Barnichon y Geert Mesters
(Octubre 2023)


[1872] - Firm balance sheet liquidity, monetary policy shocks, and investment dynamics
por Priit Jeenas
(Octubre 2023)


[1871] - Consumption segregation
por Corina Boar y Elisa Giannone
(Julio 2023)


[1870] - Organizational identity and performance: An inquiry into nonconforming company names
por Mario Daniele Amore, Mircea Epure y Orsola Garofalo
(Septiembre 2023)


[1869] - The Roman Familia: A view from the economics of property
por Benito Arruñada
(Octubre 2023)


[1868] - Platform liability with reputational sanctions
por Alessandro De Chiara, Juan José Ganuza, Fernando Gómez, Ester Manna y Adrián Segura
(Septiembre 2023)


[1867] - The death and life of great British cities
por Stephan Heblich, David Krisztián Nagy, Alex Trew y Yanos Zylberberg
(Julio 2023)


[1866] - Political preferences and the spatial distribution of infrastructure:evidence from California’s high-speed rail
por Pablo Fajgelbaum, Cecile Gaubert, Nicole Gorton, Eduardo Morales Morales y Edouard Schaal
(Junio 2023)


[1865] - Fascist ideology and migrant labor exploitation
por Mario Carillo, Gemma Dipoppa y Shanker Satyanath
(Junio 2023)


[1864] - Uncovering the semantics of concepts using GPT-4 and Other recent large language models
por Gaël Le Mens, Balász Kovács, Michael T. Hannan y Guillem Pros
(Junio 2023) [Publicado en: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120 (49) e2309350120, pp. 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2309350120]


[1863] - The rationalizability of survey responses
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Junio 2023)


[1862] - Banks vs. firms: who benefits from credit guarantees?
por Alberto Martin, Sergio Mayordomo y Victoria Vanasco
(Abril 2023; Revisado: Enero 2025)


[1861] - Do incompetent politicians breed populist voters? Evidence from Italian municipalities
por Federico Boffa, Vincenzo Mollisi y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Marzo 2023)


[1860] - Exploring European regional trade
por Marta Santamaría, Jaume Ventura y Uğur Yeşilbayraktar
(Diciembre 2022) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics 146 (2023) 103747]


[1859] - Partisan Abortions
por Libertad González Luna, Luis Guirola y Blanca Zapater
(Marzo 2023)


[1858] - Trade and urbanization: Evidence from Hungary
por David Krisztián Nagy
(Diciembre 2020) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal, 14 (3), 2022, 733-790]


[1857] - The chi-square standardization, combined with Box-Cox transformation, is a valid alternative to transforming to logratios in compositional data analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Enero 2023)


[1856] - Principal component analysis
por Michael Greenacre, Patrick J. F Groenen, Trevor Hastie, Alfonso Iodice d’Enza, Angelos Markos y Elena Tuzhilina
(Enero 2023)


[1855] - Continuing patent applications at the USPTO
por Cesare Righi, Davide Cannito y Theodor Vladasel
(Enero 2023)


[1854] - Monetary policy, inflation, and crises: New evidence from history and administrative data
por Gabriel Jiménez, Dmitry Kuvshinov, José-Luis Peydró y Bjoern Richter
(Diciembre 2022; Revisado: Mayo 2023)


[1853] - Firing costs and productivity: Evidence from a natural experiment
por Andrea Caggese, Ozan Guler, Mike Mariathasan y Klaas Mulier
(Noviembre 2022)


[1852] - Income inequality and entrepreneurship: Lessons from the 2020 COVID-19 recession
por Christoph Albert, Andrea Caggese, Beatriz González y Victor Martin-Sanchez
(Octubre 2022)


[1851] - Self-preferencing and foreclosure in digital markets: Theories of harm for abuse cases
por Massimo Motta
(Diciembre 2022)


[1850] - A measure of behavioral heterogeneity
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel Ángel Ballester
(Noviembre 2022)


[1849] - Coordination and sophistication
por Larbi Alaoui, Katharina A. Janezic y Antonio Penta
(Noviembre 2022)


[1848] - Ownership diversification and product market pricing Incentives
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Jo Seldeslachts y Xavier Vives
(Noviembre 2022)


[1847] - Robust inference for non-Gaussian SVAR models
por Lukas Hoesch, Adam Lee y Geert Mesters
(Octubre 2022)


[1846] - Tweeting for money: Social media and mutual fund flows
por Javier Gil-Bazo y Juan F. Imbet
(Octubre 2022)


[1845] - Non-independent components analysis
por Geert Mesters y Piotr Zwiernik
(Agosto 2022)


[1844] - Market effects of sponsored search auctions
por Massimo Motta y Antonio Penta
(Junio 2022)


[1843] - Policy-making, trust and the demand for public services: Evidence from a nationwide family planning program
por Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Dijana Zejcirovic y Fernando Fernandez
(Junio 2022)


[1842] - Population pressure and implications for the world economy: An analysis of the recent past
por Enriqueta Camps
(Junio 2022; Revisado: Enero 2024)


[1841] - Are entrepreneurs more upwardly mobile?
por Matthew J. Lindquist y Theodor Vladasel
(Junio 2022)


[1840] - Immigration, labor markets and discrimination: Evidence from the venezuelan exodus in Perú
por Andre Groeger, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta y Steven Stillman
(Mayo 2022)


[1839] - Q-Monetary Transmission
por Priit Jeenas y Ricardo Lagos
(Mayo 2022)


[1838] - The allocation of incentives in multi-layered organizations
por Erika Deserranno, Stefano Caria, Philipp Kastrau y Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
(Abril 2022)


[1837] - Uniform and distribution-free inference with general autoregressive processes
por Tassos Magdalinos y Katerina Petrova
(Abril 2022)


[1836] - The effect of second generation rent controls: New evidence from Catalonia
por Joan Monràs y José Garcia Montalvo
(Diciembre 2021; Revisado: Abril 2022)


[1835] - Entropy, directionality theory and the evolution of income inequality
por Fabrizio Germano
(Abril 2022)


[1834] - Are managers paid for market power?
por Renjie Bao, Jan de Loecker y Jan Eeckhout
(Abril 2022)


[1833] - Capital controls, corporate debt and real effects
por Andrea Fabiani, Martha López Piñeros, José-Luis Peydró y Paul E. Soto
(Septiembre 2021)


[1832] - Monetary policy, labor income redistribution and the credit channel: Evidence from matched employer-employee and credit registers
por Martina Jasova, Caterina Mendicino, Ettore Panetti, José-Luis Peydró y Dominik Supera
(Septiembre 2021; Revisado: Marzo 2023)


[1831] - Attitudes towards success and failure
por Larbi Alaoui y Antonio Penta
(Marzo 2022)


[1830] - Optimal Monetary Policy with r* < 0
por Roberto M. Billi, Jordi Galí y Anton Nakov
(Marzo 2022) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics 142 (2024) 103518]


[1829] - Making sovereign debt safe with a financial stability fund
por Yan Liu, Ramon Marimon y Adrien Wicht
(Marzo 2022)


[1828] - Introducing an Austrian Backpack in Spain
por João Brogueira de Sousa, Julián Díaz-Saavedra y Ramon Marimon
(Marzo 2022)


[1827] - On the optimal design of a financial stability fund
por Árpád Ábrahám, Eva Cárceles-Poveda, Yan Liu y Ramon Marimon
(Marzo 2022)


[1826] - On the design of a european unemployment insurance system
por Árpád Ábrahám, João Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon y Lukas Mayr
(Marzo 2022)


[1825] - Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labor Taxes
por Katharina Greulich, Sarolta Laczó y Albert Marcet
(Enero 2022; Revisado: Agosto 2022) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 131 (7), 2023, 1904-1946]


[1824] - Competition under incomplete contracts and the design of procurement policies
por Rodrigo Carril, Andres Gonzalez-Lira y Michael S. Walker
(Marzo 2022)


[1823] - Solving the longitude puzzle: A story of clocks, ships and cities
por Martina Miotto y Luigi Pascali
(Febrero 2022)


[1822] - Choice-based foundations of ordered logit
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Febrero 2022)


[1821] - Government procurement and access to credit: firm dynamics and aggregate implications
por Julian di Giovanni, Manuel García-Santana, Priit Jeenas, Enrique Moral-Benito y Josep Pijoan-Mas
(Febrero 2022)


[1820] - Patenting inventions or inventing patents? Continuation practice at the USPTO
por Cesare Righi y Timothy Simcoe
(Febrero 2022)


[1819] - Sequential choice and selfreinforcing rankings
por Pantelis P. Analytis, Francesco Cerigioni, Alexandros Gelastopoulos y Hrvoje Stojic
(Febrero 2022)


[1818] - Designing securities for scrutiny
por Brendan Daley, Brett Green y Victoria Vanasco
(Septiembre 2016; Revisado: Noviembre 2021) [Publicado en: R&R at the Review of Financial Studies]


[1817] - Media capture by banks
por Ruben Durante, Andrea Fabiani, Luc Laeven y José-Luis Peydró
(Diciembre 2021; Revisado: Marzo 2022)


[1816] - Capital controls, domestic macroprudential policy and the bank lending channel of monetary policy
por Andrea Fabiani, Martha López Piñeros, José-Luis Peydró y Paul E. Soto
(Agosto 2021) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics 139, November 2022, 103677. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinteco.2022.103677]


[1815] - Backward induction reasoning beyond backward induction
por Emiliano Cantonini y Antonio Penta
(Febrero 2022)


[1814] - Monetary cooperation during global inflation surges
por Luca Fornaro y Federica Romei
(Enero 2022; Revisado: Diciembre 2024)


[1813] - The long-run effects of corporate tax reforms
por Isaac Baley y Andrés Blanco
(Enero 2022)


[1812] - Changing gender norms across generations: Evidence from a paternity leave reform
por Lidia Farré, Cristina Felfe, Libertad González Luna y Patrick Schneider
(Enero 2022)


[1811] - Hiring entrepreneurs for innovation
por Louise Lindbjerg y Theodor Vladasel
(Diciembre 2021)


[1810] - Monetary policy and endogenous financial crises
por F. Boissay, F. Collard, Jordi Galí y C. Manea
(Diciembre 2021; Revisado: Julio 2024)


[1809] - Borrower versus bank channels in lending: Experimental- and administrative-based evidence
por Valentina Michelangeli, José-Luis Peydró y Enrico Sette
(Diciembre 2021)


[1808] - A game-theoretic analysis of childhood vaccination behavior: Nash versus Kant
por Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, Stefan Penczynski, John E. Roemer y Roberto Vélez
(Diciembre 2021)


[1807] - Non-standard errors
por Albert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Juergen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Sebastian Neussüs, Michael Razen, Utz Weitzel, Christian T. Brownlees, Javier Gil-Bazo y et al.
(Diciembre 2021)


[1806] - Does paternity leave promote gender equality within households?
por Libertad González Luna y Hosny Zoabi
(Noviembre 2021)


[1805] - Compositional data analysis — linear algebra, visualization and interpretation
por Michael Greenacre
(Noviembre 2021)


[1804] - The relevance of the specification assumptions when modelling the correlates of physical activity: an analysis across dimensions
por Jaume Garcia Villar y María José Suárez
(Noviembre 2021)


[1803] - The global financial resource curse
por Gianluca Benigno, Luca Fornaro y Martin Wolf
(Diciembre 2019; Revisado: Agosto 2024) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 115 (1): 220–62.]


[1802] - Banks’ equity stakes in firms: A blessing or curse in credit markets?
por Falko Fecht, José-Luis Peydró, Günseli Tümer-Alkan y Yuejuan Yu
(Septiembre 2021)


[1801] - Similar-to-me effects in the grant application process: Applicants, panelists, and the likelihood of obtaining funds
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Qianshuo Liu, Inés Macho-Stadler y Pérez-Castrillo
(Septiembre 2021)


[1800] - Evaluating forecast performance with state dependence
por Florens Odendahl, Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Julio 2021)


[1799] - Labor market competition and the assimilation of immigrants
por Christoph Albert, Albrecht Glitz y Joan Llull
(Agosto 2021; Revisado: Junio 2022)


[1798] - Returns to labor mobility. Layoff costs and quit turbulence
por Isaac Baley, Lars Ljungqvist y Thomas J. Sargent
(Julio 2021; Revisado: Agosto 2023)


[1797] - Bayesian learning
por Isaac Baley y Laura Veldkamp
(Julio 2021)


[1796] - Idiosyncratic income risk and aggregate fluctuations
por Davide Debortoli y Jordi Galí
(Julio 2021; Revisado: Junio 2023) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2024, 16(4): 279–310]


[1795] - Reserve accumulation, growth and financial crises
por Gianluca Benigno, Luca Fornaro y Martin Wolf
(Abril 2012; Revisado: Marzo 2022) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 139, article 103660, 2022]


[1794] - Monetary policy in the age of automation
por Luca Fornaro y Martin Wolf
(Julio 2021; Revisado: Septiembre 2022)


[1793] - Fiscal targeting
por Régis Barnichon y Geert Mesters
(Julio 2021)


[1792] - Robust non-Gaussian inference for linear simultaneous equations models
por Adam Lee y Geert Mesters
(Julio 2021)


[1791] - Maternal age and infant health
por Cristina Borra, Libertad González Luna y David Patiño
(Julio 2021)


[1790] - Renegotiation and discrimination in symmetric procurement auctions
por Leandro Arozamena, Juan José Ganuza y Federico Weinschelbaum
(Julio 2021)


[1789] - The causal effect of an income shock on children’s human capital
por Cristina Borra, Ana Costa-Ramón, Libertad González Luna y Almudena Sevilla
(Julio 2021)


[1788] - Teacher compensation and structural inequality: Evidence from centralized teacher school choice in Perú
por Matteo Bobba, Tim Ederer, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Christopher A. Neilson y Marco Nieddu
(Julio 2021)


[1787] - Land titling and litigation
por Benito Arruñada, Marco Fabbri y Michael Faure
(Julio 2021)


[1785] - Cost-benefit analysis in reasoning: The value-of-information case with forward-looking agent
por Larbi Alaoui y Antonio Penta
(Julio 2021)


[1784] - Falling interest rates and credit reallocation: Lessons from general equilibrium
por Vladimir Asriyan, Luc Laeven, Alberto Martin, Alejandro Van der Ghote y Victoria Vanasco
(Mayo 2021; Revisado: Junio 2022) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies (2024) 00, 1–31]


[1783] - Prenatal transfers and infant health: Evidence from Spain
por Libertad González Luna y Sofia Trommlerová
(Mayo 2021)


[1782] - Bid coordination in sponsored search auctions: Detection methodology and empirical analysis
por Francesco Decarolis, Maris Goldmanis, Antonio Penta y Ksenia Shakhgildyan
(Mayo 2021)


[1781] - The commitment benefit of consols in government debt management
por Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes y Pierre Yared
(Mayo 2021; Revisado: Octubre 2021) [Publicado en: American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming]


[1780] - The “kill zone”: copying, acquisition and start-ups’ direction of innovation
por Massimo Motta y Sandro Shelegia
(Mayo 2021)


[1779] - Measuring inequality from above
por José Garcia Montalvo, Marta Reynal-Querol y Juan Carlos Muñoz Mora
(Enero 2017; Revisado: Mayo 2021)


[1778] - Quantifying market power and business dynamism in the macroeconomy
por Jan de Loecker, Jan Eeckhout y Simon Mongey
(Abril 2021)


[1777] - Optimal taxation and market power
por Jan Eeckhout, Chunyang Fu, Wenjian Li y Xi Weng
(Abril 2021)


[1776] - A network solution to robust implementation: The case of identical but unknown distributions
por Mariann Ollar y Antonio Penta
(Abril 2021)


[1775] - Listing specs: The effect of framing attributes on choice
por Francesco Cerigioni y Simone Galperti
(Abril 2021)


[1774] - Quantitative economic geography meets history: Questions, answers and challenges
por David Krisztián Nagy
(Noviembre 2020; Revisado: Marzo 2021) [Publicado en: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2021.103675]


[1773] - Monetary and macroprudential policy complementarities: Evidence from European credit registers
por Carlo Altavilla, Luc Laeven y José-Luis Peydró
(Marzo 2021)


[1772] - Can machine learning help to select portfolios of mutual funds?
por Victor DeMiguel, Javier Gil-Bazo, Francisco J. Nogales y André A. P. Santos
(Marzo 2021)


[1771] - Gender distribution across topics in Top 5 economics journals: A machine learning approach
por J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Juan José Ganuza, Manu Garcia y Luis A. Puch
(Febrero 2021)


[1770] - Promotions and productivity: The role of meritocracy and pay progression in the public sector
por Erika Deserranno, Philipp Kastrau y Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
(Febrero 2021)


[1769] - Politician-citizen interactions and dynamic representation: Evidence from Twitter
por Aina Gallego, Nikolas Schöll y Gaël Le Mens
(Enero 2021) [Publicado en: American Journal of Political Science, 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12772; Con el título: How Politicians Learn from Citizens’ Feedback: The Case of Gender on Twitter]


[1768] - Talent poaching and job rotation
por Diego Battiston, Miguel Espinosa y Shuo Liu
(Enero 2021)


[1767] - Should the ECB adjust its strategy in the face of a lower r*?
por Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan y Julien Matheron
(Enero 2021; Revisado: Abril 2021) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 132, 2021, 1-23]


[1766] - When transparency fails: Financial incentives for local banking agents in Indonesia
por Erika Deserranno, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta y Firman Witoelar
(Enero 2021)


[1765] - Rules versus discretion in public procurement
por Rodrigo Carril
(Enero 2021)


[1764] - Trade-induced local labor market shocks and asymmetrical labor income risk
por Ursula Mello y Tomas Rodriguez Martinez
(Diciembre 2020)


[1763] - Borders within Europe
por Marta Santamaría, Jaume Ventura y Uğur Yeşilbayraktar
(Diciembre 2020; Revisado: Febrero 2024)


[1762] - Understanding the effects of granting work permits to undocumented immigrants
por Joan Monràs, Javier Vázquez-Grenno y Ferran Elias
(Diciembre 2020)


[1761] - Monetary policy and inequality
por Asger Lau Andersen, Niels Johannesen, Mia Jørgensen y José-Luis Peydró
(Diciembre 2020; Revisado: Marzo 2021) [Publicado en: Journal of Finance, forthcoming]


[1760] - Bilateral international investments: The big sur?
por Fernando Broner, Tatiana Didier, Sergio L. Schmukler y Goetz von Peter
(Diciembre 2020; Revisado: Junio 2023) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 145, article 103795, 2023.]


[1759] - Toxic types and infectious communication breakdown
por Kfir Eliaz y Alexander Frug
(Diciembre 2020)


[1758] - The regional impact of economic shocks: Why immigration is different from import competition
por Christoph Albert y Joan Monràs
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Diciembre 2020)


[1757] - Separating predicted randomness from residual behavior
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel Ángel Ballester
(Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.]


[1756] - Who truly bears (bank) taxes? Evidence from only shifting statutory incidence
por Gabriel Jiménez, David Martinez-Miera y José-Luis Peydró
(Diciembre 2020)


[1755] - Social adaptation to diseases and inequality: Historical evidence from malaria in Italy
por Paolo Buonanno, Elena Esposito y Giorgio Gulino
(Noviembre 2020)


[1754] - Local sectoral specialization in a warming world
por Bruno Conte, Klaus Desmet, David Krisztián Nagy y Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
(Noviembre 2020)


[1753] - Risk mitigating versus risk shifting: evidence from banks security trading in crises
por José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo, Enrico Sette y Victoria Vanasco
(Noviembre 2020; Revisado: Febrero 2023)


[1752] - Common ownership in the US pharmaceutical industry: A network analysis
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Melissa Newham y Jo Seldeslachts
(Octubre 2020)


[1751] - Foreign shocks as granular fluctuations
por Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko y Isabelle Mejean
(Noviembre 2020)


[1750] - Gender stereotype and the scientific career of women: Evidence from biomedical research genters
por José Garcia Montalvo, Daniele Alimonti, Sonja Reiland y Isabelle Vernos
(Octubre 2020)


[1749] - Screening and loan origination time: lending standards, loan defaults and bank failures
por Mikel Bedayo, Gabriel Jiménez, José-Luis Peydró y Raquel Vegas
(Octubre 2020; Revisado: Agosto 2022)


[1748] - The scars of supply shocks: Implications for monetary policy
por Luca Fornaro y Martin Wolf
(Octubre 2020; Revisado: Marzo 2023) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 140, 2023, 18-36]


[1747] - Stock market spillovers via the global production network: Transmission of U.S. monetary policy
por Julian di Giovanni y Galina Hale
(Octubre 2020)


[1746] - Do more tourists promote local employment?
por Libertad González Luna y Tetyana Surovtseva
(Octubre 2020)


[1745] - Immigration and wage dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso crisis
por Joan Monràs
(Agosto 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy vol. 128 (8), August 2020]


[1744] - Preventing child maltreatment: Beneficial side effects of public childcare provision
por Malte Sandner, Stephan L. Thomsen y Libertad González Luna
(Octubre 2020)


[1743] - Unwilling to train? Firm responses to the Colombian apprenticeship regulation
por Santiago Caicedo, Miguel Espinosa y Arthur Seibold
(Agosto 2020)


[1742] - Asymmetric monetary policy tradeoffs
por Davide Debortoli, Mario Forni, Luca Gambetti y Luca Sala
(Junio 2020; Revisado: Septiembre 2023)


[1741] - Real-Time inequality and the welfare state in motion: Evidence from COVID-19 in Spain
por Oriol Aspachs, Ruben Durante, Alberto Graziano, Josep Mestres, José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Septiembre 2020)


[1740] - Distributional effects of COVID-19 on spending: A first look at the evidence from Spain
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Septiembre 2020)


[1739] - The short- and long-run employment impact of Covid-19 through the effects of real and financial shocks on new firms
por Christoph Albert, Andrea Caggese y Beatriz González
(Agosto 2020)


[1738] - Detecting accounting fraud using quantitative techniques
por Nirali Singh y Oriol Amat
(Agosto 2020)


[1737] - Forward looking loan provisions: Credit supply and risk-taking
por Bernardo Morais, Gaizka Ormazabal, José-Luis Peydró, Mónica Roa y Miguel Sarmiento
(Agosto 2020)


[1736] - Big tech mergers
por Massimo Motta y Martin Peitz
(Julio 2020)


[1735] - Shelving or developing? The acquisition of potential competitors under financial constraints
por Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta y Emanuele Tarantino
(Julio 2020)


[1733] - Riding out of a financial crisis: The joint effect of trust and corporate ownership
por Mario Daniele Amore y Mircea Epure
(Julio 2020)


[1732] - Public health interventions in the face of pandemics: network structure, social distancing, and heterogeneity
por Mohammad Ghaderi
(Junio 2020)


[1730] - Production and financial networks in interplay: Crisis evidence from supplier-customer and credit registers
por Kenan Huremovic, Jiménez Gabriel, Enrique Moral-Benito, José-Luis Peydró y Fernando Vega-Redondo
(Julio 2020)


[1729] - Colonization, early settlers and development: The case of Latin America
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Julio 2020)


[1728] - How the covid-19 lockdown affected gender Inequality in paid and unpaid work in Spain
por Lidia Farré, Yarine Fawaz, Libertad González Luna y Jennifer Graves
(Julio 2020)


[1727] - Optimal lockdown in a commuting network
por Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Amit Khandelwal, Wookun Kim, Cristiano Mantovani y Edouard Schaal
(Junio 2020)


[1726] - Monetary policy and asset price bubbles: a laboratory experiment
por Jordi Galí, Giovanni Giusti y Charles N. Noussair
(Mayo 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 130, 2021, 1-15.]


[1725] - Macroprudential policy, mortgage cycles and distributional effects: Evidence from the UK
por José-Luis Peydró, Francesc R. Tous, Jagdish Tripathy y Arzu Uluc
(Junio 2020) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Studies, accepted.]


[1724] - Trusting the bankers: A new look at the credit channel of monetary policy
por Matteo Ciccarelli, Angela Maddaloni y José-Luis Peydró
(Julio 2013) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, October 2015, 18(4): 979-1002]


[1723] - Asocial capital: Civic culture and social distancing during COVID-19
por Ruben Durante, Luigi Guiso y Giorgio Gulino
(Mayo 2020)


[1722] - Quantitative easing, investment, and safe assets: the corporate-bond lending channel
por Erasmo Giambona, Rafael Matta, José-Luis Peydró y Ye Wang
(Mayo 2020; Revisado: Octubre 2020)


[1721] - Stressed banks? Evidence from the largest-ever supervisory review
por Puriya Abbassi, Rajkamal Iyer, José-Luis Peydró y Paul E. Soto
(Febrero 2020)


[1720] - Media persuasion through slanted language: Evidence from the coverage of immigration
por Milena Djourelova
(Mayo 2020)


[1719] - Random utility models with ordered types and domains
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel Ángel Ballester
(Abril 2020)


[1718] - Comments on: "What drives aggregate investment? Evidence from German survey data."
por Andrea Caggese
(Noviembre 2019)


[1717] - Hinterlands, city formation and growth: evidence from the U.S. westward expansion
por David Krisztián Nagy
(Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies (2023) 90, 3238–3281]


[1716] - Optimal policy perturbations
por Régis Barnichon y Geert Mesters
(Abril 2020)


[1715] - On Public Spending and Unions
por Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Febrero 2020; Revisado: Noviembre 2020) [Publicado en: IMF Economic Review, 69(1), 2021, 122-154]


[1714] - Herding cycles
por Edouard Schaal y Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel
(Enero 2020; Revisado: Mayo 2023) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory 210 (2023) 105669; Con el título: Herding through booms and busts]


[1713] - Covid-19 coronavirus and macroeconomic policy
por Luca Fornaro y Martin Wolf
(Marzo 2020)


[1712] - Security design in non-exclusive markets with asymmetric information
por Vladimir Asriyan y Victoria Vanasco
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Junio 2021) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies (2024) 91, 690–719]


[1711] - Forecasting in the presence of instabilities: How do we know whether models predict well and how to improve them
por Barbara Rossi
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Julio 2021)


[1710] - Investor experiences and international capital flows
por Ulrike Malmendier, Demian Pouzo y Victoria Vanasco
(Diciembre 2019)


[1709] - Evaluating the economic cost of coastal flooding
por Klaus Desmet, Robert E. Kopp, Scott A. Kulp, David Krisztián Nagy, Michael Oppenheimer, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg y Benjamin H. Strauss
(Septiembre 2019) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 13(2), 2021, 444-486]


[1708] - All aboard: The aggregate effects of port development
por César Ducruet, Réka Juhász, David Krisztián Nagy y Claudia Steinwender
(Julio 2019; Revisado: Enero 2022) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics 151 (2024) 103963]


[1706] - Credit supply and monetary policy: Identifying the bank balance-sheet channel with loan applications
por Gabriel Jimenez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró y Jesús Saurina
(Septiembre 2010; Revisado: Septiembre 2011) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 102 (5), 2012, 2301-2326]


[1705] - Hazardous times for monetary policy: what do twenty-three million bank loans say about the effects on credit risk-taking?
por Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró y Jesús Saurina
(Mayo 2013) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 82 (2), 2014, 463-505]


[1704] - Monetary policy, risk-taking and pricing: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
por Vasso Ioannidou, Steven Ongena y José-Luis Peydró
(Septiembre 2007; Revisado: Octubre 2008) [Publicado en: Review of Finance, 19(1), 2015, 95-144]


[1703] - Monetary policy and bank lending in developing countries: loan applications, rates, and real effects
por Charles Abuka, Ronnie K. Alinda, Camelia Minoiu, José-Luis Peydró y Andrea F. Presbitero
(Noviembre 2018) [Publicado en: Journal of Development Economics, 139, 185-202, june 2019]


[1702] - Shocks abroad, pain at home? Bank-firm level evidence on the international transmission of financial shocks
por Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró y Neeltje van Horen
(Mayo 2014) [Publicado en: MF Economic Review, 63 (4), 698-750 (Nov. 2015)]


[1701] - Has the information channel of monetary policy disappeared? Revisiting the empirical evidence
por Lukas Hoesch, Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Febrero 2020; Revisado: Julio 2021)


[1698] - Countercyclical liquidity policy and credit cycles: Evidence from macroprudential and monetary policy in Brazil
por João Barata R. Blanco Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, José-Luis Peydró y Bernardus F. Nazar Van Doornik
(Febrero 2020)


[1697] - Cash transfers and fertility: How the introduction and cancellation of a child benefit affected births and abortions
por Libertad González Luna y Sofia Trommlerová
(Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin]


[1696] - Prospects of blockchain in contract and property
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2020)


[1695] - The organization of public registries: A comparative analysis
por Benito Arruñada
(Febrero 2020; Revisado: Septiembre 2021)


[1694] - Mismatch cycles
por Isaac Baley, Ana Figueiredo y Robert Ulbricht
(Enero 2020; Revisado: Agosto 2021) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]


[1693] - Winners and losers from Sovereign debt inflows: evidence from the stock market
por Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin, Lorenzo Pandolfi y Tomas Williams
(Diciembre 2019)


[1692] - Financial disclosure environment and the cash policy of private firms
por Marcelo Ortiz
(Enero 2020)


[1691] - On strategic transmission of gradually arriving information
por Alexander Frug
(Diciembre 2019)


[1690] - Optimal contracts with randomly arriving tasks
por Daniel Bird y Alexander Frug
(Enero 2020)


[1689] - From fixed-event to fixed-horizon density forecasts: Obtaining measures of multi-horizon uncertainty from survey density forecasts
por Gergely Ganics, Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Diciembre 2019)


[1688] - Understanding the size of the government spending multiplier: It’s in the sign
por Régis Barnichon, Davide Debortoli y Christian Matthes
(Febrero 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2020)


[1687] - Optimal fiscal policy without commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey
por Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes y Pierre Yared
(Febrero 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2020)


[1685] - Technological change and the decline of public investment
por Davide Debortoli y Pedro Gomes
(Junio 2014)


[1684] - Banking supervision, monetary policy and risk-taking: Big data evidence from 15 credit registers
por Carlos Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, José-Luis Peydró y Frank Smets
(Diciembre 2019; Revisado: Diciembre 2020)


[1683] - The impact of experience on how we perceive the rule of law
por Benito Arruñada
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Febrero 2020)


[1682] - Take It to the limit? The effects of household leverage caps
por Sjoerd Van Bekkum, Marc Gabarro, Rustom M. Irani y José-Luis Peydró
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Febrero 2022)


[1681] - The simple economics of white elephants
por Juan José Ganuza y Gerard Llobet
(Noviembre 2019)


[1680] - Global liquidity and impairment of local monetary policy
por Salih Fendoğlu, Eda Gülşen y José-Luis Peydró
(Noviembre 2019)


[1679] - Nonbanks, banks, and monetary policy: U.S. loan-level evidence since the 1990s
por David Elliott, Ralf R. Meisenzahl, José-Luis Peydró y B.C. Turner
(Marzo 2019; Revisado: Junio 2022)


[1678] - Negative monetary policy rates and systemic banks’ risk-taking: Evidence from the Euro area securities register
por Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni y José-Luis Peydró
(Marzo 2019; Revisado: Marzo 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2020, 52(S1): 197-231]


[1677] - A Theory of monetary union and financial integration
por Luca Fornaro
(Diciembre 2019; Revisado: Abril 2021) [Publicado en: The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (4), 2022, 1911-1947]


[1676] - Implementation via transfers with identical but unknown distributions
por Mariann Ollár y Antonio Penta
(Noviembre 2019)


[1675] - Media attention and strategic timing in politics: Evidence from U.S. presidential executive orders
por Milena Djourelova y Ruben Durante
(Octubre 2019)


[1674] - Underpromise and overdeliver? – Online product reviews and firm pricing
por Simon Martin y Sandro Shelegia
(Octubre 2019)


[1673] - Dual decision processes: retrieving preferences when some choices are automatic
por Francesco Cerigioni
(Octubre 2019)


[1672] - Higher orders of rationality and the structure of games
por Francesco Cerigioni, Fabrizio Germano, Pedro Rey-Biel y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Agosto 2019)


[1671] - Random models for the joint treatment of risk and time preferences
por Jose Apesteguia, Miguel Ángel Ballester y Angelo Gutierrez
(Septiembre 2019)


[1670] - Aggregate dynamics in lumpy economies
por Isaac Baley y Andrés Blanco
(Mayo 2019) [Publicado en: Econometrica (Vol. 89, No. 3, May 2021)]


[1669] - The identification problem for linear rational expectations models
por Majid Al-Sadoon y Piotr Zwiernik
(Septiembre 2019)


[1668] - Investment demand and structural change
por Manuel García-Santana, Josep Pijoan-Mas y Lucciano Villacorta
(Agosto 2019) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 2021, 89(6), 2751-2785.]


[1667] - How effective are monetary incentives to vote? Evidence from a nationwide policy
por Gonzales Mariella, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta y Luis R. Martinez
(Diciembre 2018; Revisado: Julio 2019)


[1666] - Accountability, political capture and selection into politics: evidence from Peruvian municipalities
por Miriam Artiles, Lukas Kleine-Rueschkamp y Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
(Abril 2018; Revisado: Agosto 2019)


[1665] - A theory of economic unions
por Gino Gancia, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Jaume Ventura
(Agosto 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 109, 2020, 107-127.]


[1664] - Sharing a government
por Jaume Ventura
(Julio 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (6), 2019, 1723-1752]


[1662] - Rationalizability, observability and common knowledge
por Antonio Penta y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Julio 2019)


[1661] - Who Is afraid of machines?
por Satiris Blanas, Gino Gancia y Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee
(Junio 2019)


[1660] - Education and gender differences in mortality rates
por Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Judit Vall Castello
(Junio 2019)


[1659] - Identifying modern macro equations with old shocks
por Régis Barnichon y Geert Mesters
(Mayo 2019)


[1658] - Funding academic research: grant application, partnership, award, and output
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler y David Pérez-Castillo
(Mayo 2019)


[1657] - Marketing agencies and collusive bidding in online ad auctions
por Francesco Decarolis, Maris Goldmanis y Antonio Penta
(Abril 2019)


[1656] - The international bank lending channel of monetary policy rates and QE: Credit supply, reach-for-yield, and real effects
por Bernardo Morais, José-Luis Peydró, Jessica Roldán-Peña y Claudia Ruiz-Ortega
(Marzo 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of Finance, 74(1), February 2019, 55-90]


[1655] - Monetary policy and bank profitability in a low interest rate environment
por Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha y José-Luis Peydró
(Octubre 2017; Revisado: Marzo 2018) [Publicado en: Economic Policy, 33(96), October 2018, 531-586.]


[1654] - Securities trading by banks and credit supply: Micro-evidence from the crisis
por Puriya Abbassi, Rajkamal Iyer, José-Luis Peydró y Francesc R. Tous
(Septiembre 2015; Revisado: Junio 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Economics, 121:3, 569-94.]


[1653] - The real effects of the bank lending channel
por Jiménez Gabriel, Atif Mian, José-Luis Peydró y Jesus Saurina
(Noviembre 2014; Revisado: Marzo 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics 115, 2020, pp.162-179]


[1652] - The rise of shadow banking: evidence from capital regulation
por Rustom M. Irani, Rajkamal Iyer, Ralf R. Meisenzahl y José-Luis Peydró
(Abril 2018; Revisado: Julio 2020) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Studies 34(5), May 2021, 2181-2235. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhaa106]


[1651] - From finance to fascism
por Sebastian Doerr, Stefan Gissler, José-Luis Peydró y Hans-Joachim Voth
(Marzo 2018; Revisado: Noviembre 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Finance, 77(6), December 2022, 2993-3425. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.13166; Con el título: ‘Financial Crises and Political Radicalization: How Failing Banks Paved Hitler's Path to Power’]


[1650] - Macroprudential and monetary policy: Loan-level evidence from reserve requirements
por Cecilia Dassatti Camors, José-Luis Peydró, Francesc Rodriguez-Tous y Sergio Vicente
(Marzo 2019; Revisado: Noviembre 2019)


[1649] - Expansionary yet different: credit supply and real effects of negative interest rate policy
por Margherita Bottero, Camelia Minoiu, José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo, Andrea F. Presbitero y Enrico Sette
(Febrero 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (2), Nov. 2022, pp. 754-778, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.11.004]


[1648] - Hedger of last resort: Evidence from Brazilian FX interventions, local credit, and global financial cycles
por Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, Dmitry Khametshin, José-Luis Peydró y Andrea Polo
(Octubre 2018; Revisado: Noviembre 2022)


[1647] - Monotone contracts
por Daniel Bird y Alexander Frug
(Abril 2019)


[1646] - Global unanimity agreement on the carbon budget
por Humberto Llavador y John E. Roemer
(Abril 2019)


[1645] - Transaction-tax evasion in the housing market
por José Garcia Montalvo, Amedeo Piolatto y Josep M. Raya
(Marzo 2019)


[1644] - Gender and credit risk: a view from the loan officer's desk
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Marzo 2019)


[1643] - The good, the bad and the complex: Product design with imperfect information
por Vladimir Asriyan, Dana Foarta y Victoria Vanasco
(Marzo 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2021) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2023, 15(2): 187–226]


[1642] - VAR-based Granger-causality test in the presence of instabilities
por Yiru Wang y Barbara Rossi
(Enero 2019)


[1641] - Identifying and estimating the effects of unconventional monetary policy in the data: How to do It and what have we learned?
por Barbara Rossi
(Enero 2018; Revisado: Julio 2020)


[1640] - Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in IV and local projections–IV models
por Gergely Ganics, Atsushi Inoue y Barbara Rossi
(Septiembre 2018)


[1639] - The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy on exchange rates
por Atsushi Inoue y Barbara Rossi
(Diciembre 2018) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 118, 2019, 419-447]


[1638] - A new approach to measuring economic policy shocks, with an application to conventional and unconventional monetary policy
por Atsushi Inoue y Barbara Rossi
(Octubre 2018; Revisado: Abril 2021); Con el título: Before "The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy: A new approach"


[1637] - Capital misallocation and secular stagnation
por Andrea Caggese y Ander Pérez-Orive
(Julio 2018; Revisado: Febrero 2019)


[1636] - The few-get-richer: a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings
por Fabrizio Germano, Vicenç Gómez y Gaël Le Mens
(Febrero 2019)


[1635] - Concentration in international markets: evidence from US Imports
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò y Gino Gancia
(Febrero 2019)


[1634] - Accounting for structural patterns in construction of value functions: a convex optimization approach
por Mohammad Ghaderi y Milosz Kadzinsky
(Enero 2019)


[1633] - Evolution of financial information and management control over the last 150 years. The case of Bodegas Torres
por Oriol Amat y Natàlia Amat
(Febrero 2019)


[1632] - The Phillips multiplier
por Régis Barnichon y Geert Mesters
(Enero 2019)


[1631] - Simple methods for consistent estimation of dynamic panel data sample selection models
por Majid M. Al-Sadoon, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Jose M. Labeaga
(Enero 2019)


[1630] - Strategic cautiousness as an expression of robustness to ambiguity
por Gabriel Ziegler y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Enero 2019)


[1629] - Mothers’ care: reversing early childhood health shocks through parental investments
por Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Antonio Cabrales, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Judit Vall Castello
(Enero 2019)


[1628] - Cyclical fluctuations, financial shocks, and the entry of fast-growing entrepreneurial startups
por Christoph Albert y Andrea Caggese
(Diciembre 2018; Revisado: Junio 2019)


[1627] - The isometric logratio transformation in compositional data analysis: a practical evaluation
por Michael Greenacre y Eric Grunsky
(Enero 2019)


[1626] - Use of Correspondence Analysis in Clustering a Mixed-Scale Data Set with Missing Data
por Michael Greenacre
(Enero 2019)


[1625] - Gains from wage flexibility and the zero lower bound
por Roberto M. Billi y Jordi Galí
(Diciembre 2018; Revisado: Febrero 2019)


[1624] - Bayesian forecasting of electoral outcomes with new parties' competition
por José Garcia Montalvo, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos y Timothée Stumpf-Fétizon
(Diciembre 2018)


[1623] - Not so disruptive after all: How workplace digitalization affects political preferences
por Aina Gallego, Thomas Kurer y Nikolas Schöll
(Noviembre 2018)


[1622] - Collateral booms and information depletion
por Vladimir Asriyan, Luc Laeven y Alberto Martin
(Diciembre 2020; Revisado: Enero 2019) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 89 (2), 2022, 517–555.]


[1621] - Cost-benefit analysis in reasoning
por Larbi Alaoui y Antonio Penta
(Octubre 2018) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, Volume 130, Number 4 April 2022]


[1620] - Gender norms and intimate partner violence
por Libertad González Luna y Núria Rodríguez-Planas
(Octubre 2018)


[1619] - Religion, division of labor and conflict: Anti-semitism in Germany over 600 years
por Sascha O. Becker y Luigi Pascali
(Octubre 2018)


[1618] - Firing the wrong workers: Financing constraints and labor misallocation
por Andrea Caggese, Vicente Cuñat y Daniel Metzger
(Octubre 2017)


[1617] - eSports: profile of participants, complementarity with sports and its perception as sport. Evidence from sports video games
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Carles Murillo
(Octubre 2018)


[1616] - Changes in inequality in mortality: New evidence for Spain
por Libertad González Luna y Ana Rodríguez-González
(Agosto 2018)


[1615] - Copy trading
por Jose Apesteguia, Jörg Oechssler y Simon Weidenholzer
(Julio 2018; Revisado: Septiembre 2019) [Publicado en: Management Science, forthcoming]


[1614] - Credit scoring for the supermarket and retailing industry: analysis and application proposal
por Raffaele Manini y Oriol Amat
(Enero 2018)


[1613] - The financial transmission of housing booms: evidence from Spain
por Alberto Martin, Enrique Moral-Benito y Tom Schmitz
(Junio 2018; Revisado: Septiembre 2020) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 111(3), 2021, 1013-1053]


[1612] - Common ownership and market entry: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry
por Melisa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts y Albert Banal-Estañol
(Mayo 2018)


[1611] - Evolving practice in land demarcation
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2018)


[1610] - Fiscal multipliers and foreign holdings of public debt
por Fernando Broner, Daragh Clancy, Alberto Martin y Aitor Erce
(Diciembre 2017; Revisado: Abril 2021) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 89(3), 2022, 1155–1204.]


[1609] - The paradox of global thrift
por Luca Fornaro y Federica Romei
(Diciembre 2016; Revisado: Abril 2019) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 109 (11), 2019, 3745-3779]


[1608] - Blockchain: The birth of decentralized governance
por Benito Arruñada y Luis Garicano
(Abril 2018)


[1607] - The effect of abortion legalization on fertility, marriage and long-term outcomes for women
por Libertad González Luna, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Natalia Nollenberger y Judit Vall Castello
(Abril 2018)


[1606] - Bargaining at Retail Stores: Evidence from Vienna
por Sandro Shelegia y Joshua Sherman
(Enero 2018)


[1605] - Beliefs and consumer search in a vertical industry
por Maarten Janssen y Sandro Shelegia
(Marzo 2018)


[1604] - Firms and economic performance: A view from trade
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò y Gino Gancia
(Marzo 2018; Revisado: Julio 2019)


[1603] - Collateral damages of the great crisis in Spain. A longitudinal health study
por M. Sáez, J. Vidiella-Martin y Guillem López i Casasnovas
(Marzo 2018)


[1602] - Democratic Tipping Points
por Antonio Ciccone
(Marzo 2018)


[1601] - Religion and the European Union
por Benito Arruñada y Matthias Krapf
(Marzo 2018; Revisado: Junio 2018)


[1600] - Uncovered interest parity, forward guidance and the exchange rate
por Jordi Galí
(Mayo 2017; Revisado: Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52(S2), 465-496.]


[1599] - Earthquakes and terrorism: the long lasting effect of seismic shocks
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Febrero 2018)


[1598] - Turbulence and unemployment in matching models
por Isaac Baley, Lars Ljungqvist y Thomas J. Sargent
(Enero 2018; Revisado: Julio 2020)


[1597] - The impact of progressive tuition fees on dropping out of higher education: a regression discontinuity design
por José Garcia Montalvo
(Enero 2018)


[1596] - International commodity prices and civil war outbreak: new evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond
por Antonio Ciccone
(Enero 2018)


[1595] - Elasticity determinants of inequality reducing income taxation
por Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau y Humberto Llavador
(Enero 2018)


[1594] - On the empirical (ir)relevance of the zero lower bound constraint
por Davide Debortoli, Jordi Galí y Luca Gambetti
(Enero 2018; Revisado: Junio 2019) [Publicado en: NBER Macroeconomics Annual, volume 34, 2019]


[1593] - Experiment-inspired comments on John Roemer's theory of cooperation
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquin Silvestre
(Diciembre 2017)


[1592] - Constraints on LTV as a macroprudential tool: a precautionary tale
por José Garcia Montalvo y Josep M. Raya
(Diciembre 2017)


[1591] - The optimal inflation target and the natural rate of interest
por Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan y Julien Matheron
(Diciembre 2017; Revisado: Febrero 2019)


[1590] - Global financial cycle, household credit, and macroprudential policies
por Mircea Epure, Irina Mihai, Camelia Minoiu y José-Luis Peydró
(Noviembre 2017; Revisado: Marzo 2023)


[1589] - Urbanization patterns, social interactions and female voting in rural Paraguay
por Alberto Chong, Gianmarco León, Vivian Roza, Martin Valdivia y Gabriela Vega
(Noviembre 2017)


[1588] - Property rights in sequential exchange
por Benito Arruñada, Giorgio Zanarone y Nuno Garoupa
(Noviembre 2017)


[1587] - Reasoning about others’ reasoning
por Larbi Alaoui, Katharina A. Janezic y Antonio Penta
(Noviembre 2017)


[1586] - Strength in diversity? Fiscal federalism among the fifty U.S. states
por Teresa Garcia-Milà, Therese J. McGuire y Wallace E. Oates
(Octubre 2017) [Publicado en: International Tax and Public Finance, 25 (4), 2018, 1071-1091]


[1585] - Ethnic diversity and growth: revisiting the evidence
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Octubre 2017)


[1584] - Teaching microeconomic principles with smartphones – lessons from classroom experiments with classEx
por Humberto Llavador y Marcus Giamattei
(Octubre 2017)


[1583] - Liquidity sentiments
por Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs y Brett Green
(Octubre 2017; Revisado: Junio 2018)


[1582] - The effect of changing the number of elective hospital admissions on the levels of emergency provision
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Catia Nicodemo y Stuart Redding
(Septiembre 2017)


[1581] - The macroeconomics of rational bubbles: a user's guide
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Septiembre 2017; Revisado: Febrero 2018) [Publicado en: Annual Review of Economics, 10 (1), 2018, 505-539]


[1580] - Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying knowledge spillovers and competition effects
por Christian Fons-Rosen, Sebnem Kalemli- Özcan, Bent E. Sørensen, Carolina Villegas-Sanchez y Vadym Volosovych
(Julio 2017)


[1579] - The effect of horizontal mergers, when firms compete in prices and investments
por Massimo Motta y Emanuele Tarantino
(Agosto 2017)


[1578] - Fundamental errors in the voting booth
por Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Edward L. Glaeser
(Agosto 2017)


[1577] - Burning money? Government lending in a credit crunch
por José-Luis Peydró, Gabriel Jiménez, Rafael Repullo y Jesús Saurina
(Agosto 2017; Revisado: Marzo 2019)


[1576] - Industrial espionage and productivity
por Albrecht Glitz y Eric Meyersson
(Agosto 2017)


[1575] - How to make land titling more rational
por Benito Arruñada
(Julio 2017; Revisado: Enero 2018) [Publicado en: Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal, 6(1), 73-112.]


[1574] - The micro origins of international business cycle comovement
por Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko y Isabelle Mejean
(Febrero 2017) [Publicado en: American Economic Review; Con el título: The Micro Origins of International Business-Cycle Comovement]


[1573] - Aggregation and design of information in asset markets with adverse selection
por Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs y Brett Green
(Julio 2017; Revisado: Febrero 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory 191 (2021) 105124]


[1572] - The effects of paternity leave on fertility and labor market outcomes
por Libertad González Luna y Lidia Farré
(Junio 2017)


[1571] - Consumers’ costly responses to product-harm crises
por Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela y Helena Perrone
(Junio 2017) [Publicado en: Management Science, forthcoming.]


[1570] - How should we model property? Thinking with my critics
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2017)


[1569] - The dog that didn’t bark: on the effect of the Great Recession on the surge of secessionism
por Xavier Cuadras Morató y Toni Rodon
(Mayo 2017)


[1568] - The implied volatility of forward starting options: ATM short-time level, skew and curvature
por Elisa Alòs, Antoine Jacquier y Jorge A. León
(Mayo 2017)


[1567] - Do demand or supply factors drive bank credit,in good and crisis times?
por Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró y Jesús Saurina
(Abril 2017)


[1566] - International financial integration, crises and monetary policy: evidence from the Euro area interbank crises
por Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning, Falko Fecht y José-Luis Peydró
(Abril 2017) [Publicado en: Published as ‘Cross-border interbank liquidity, crises, and monetary policy’ in Journal of International Economics, 139, November 2022, 103657. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinteco.2022.103657]


[1565] - Monetary policy at work: Security and credit application registers evidence
por José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo y Sette Enrico
(Abril 2017; Revisado: Abril 2018) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Economics, 140(3), June 2021, pp. 789-814, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.01.008]


[1564] - Unemployment and intimate-partner violence: A gender-identity approach
por Ana Tur-Prats
(Abril 2017)


[1563] - Hiring subsidies for people with disabilities: Do they work?
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Arnau Juanmarti Mestres y Judit Vall Castelló
(Abril 2017)


[1562] - Vertical integration, supplier behavior, and quality upgrading among exporters
por Gianmarco León, Christopher Hansman, Jonas Hjort y Matthieu Teachout
(Marzo 2017)


[1561] - Monetary policy and bubbles in a new Keynesian model with overlapping generations
por Jordi Galí
(Diciembre 2016; Revisado: Enero 2020) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13(2), 2021, 121-167]


[1560] - Designing a simple loss function for central banks: Does a dual mandate make sense?
por Davide Debortoli, Jinill Kim, Jesper Lindé y Ricardo Nunes
(Marzo 2017) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, Vol.129, No 621, 2010-2038, July 2019, 10.1111/ecoj.12630]


[1559] - International spillovers and local credit cycles
por Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan y Mehmet Fatih Ulu
(Febrero 2017; Revisado: Septiembre 2020) [Publicado en: forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies]


[1558] - Data reporting and visualization in ecology
por Michael Greenacre
(Febrero 2017)


[1557] - Capital flows and the international credit channel
por Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, José-Luis Peydró y Mehmet Fatih Ulu
(Enero 2017) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 108 (Supplement 1), 2017, S15-S22]


[1556] - The political economy of transportation investment
por Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Edward L. Glaeser
(Enero 2017; Revisado: Agosto 2017) [Publicado en: Economics of Transportation, 13, 2018, 4-26; Con el título: The Political Economy of Transportation Investment]


[1555] - Understanding the size of the government spending multiplier: It's in the sign
por Régis Barnichon y Christian Matthes
(Mayo 2016)


[1554] - Towards a pragmatic approach to compositional data analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Enero 2017)


[1553] - Dual decision processes and noise trading
por Francesco Cerigioni
(Septiembre 2016)


[1552] - Opinion dynamics via search engines (and other algorithmic gatekeepers)
por Fabrizio Germano y Francesco Sobbrio
(Diciembre 2016; Revisado: Marzo 2018)


[1551] - Selection and statistical analysis of compositional ratios
por Michael Greenacre
(Agosto 2016)


[1550] - Dual decision processes: Retrieving preferences when some choices are intuitive
por Francesco Cerigioni
(Septiembre 2016)


[1549] - Blockchain's struggle to deliver impersonal exchange
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2017; Revisado: Enero 2017) [Publicado en: Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 19, 55-105.]


[1548] - Uncertain Rationality, Depth of Reasoning and Robustness in Games with Incomplete Information
por Fabrizio Germano, Jonathan Weinstein y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Diciembre 2016)


[1547] - Property as sequential exchange: The forgotten limits of private contract
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2017)


[1546] - Debt signaling and outside investors in early stage firms
por Mircea Epure y Martí Guasch
(Noviembre 2015; Revisado: Febrero 2019)


[1545] - Dynamic nonmonetary incentives
por Daniel Bird y Alexander Frug
(Octubre 2016)


[1544] - Strategic gradual learning and information transmission
por Alexander Frug
(Septiembre 2016)


[1543] - Bilateral trade with strategic gradual learning
por Kfir Eliaz y Alexander Frug
(Julio 2016; Revisado: Septiembre 2017)


[1542] - Political connections and informed trading: Evidence from TARP
por Ozlem Akin, Nicholas S. Coleman, Christian Fons-Rosen y José-Luis Peydró
(Octubre 2016; Revisado: Marzo 2021) [Publicado en: Financial Management, 50(3), 2021, pp. 619-644]


[1541] - A generalized model of sales
por Sandro Shelegia y Chris M. Wilson
(Octubre 2016)


[1540] - Collective commitment
por Christian Roessler, Sandro Shelegia y Bruno Strulovici
(Julio 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]


[1539] - Inspired and inspiring: Hervé Moulin and the discovery of the beauty contest game
por Rosemarie Nagel, Christoph Bühren y Björn Frank
(Octubre 2016; Revisado: Noviembre 2016) [Publicado en: Mathematical Social Sciences, forthcoming]


[1538] - Securing property rights
por A. Patrick Behrer, Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Andrei Shleifer
(Septiembre 2019; Revisado: Mayo 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 129 (4), 2021, 1157-1192]


[1537] - Thinking of incentivizing care? The effect of demand subsidies on informal caregiving and intergenerational transfers
por Joan Costa-Font, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto
(Septiembre 2016; Revisado: Mayo 2017)


[1536] - Stochastic representatitve agent
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Septiembre 2016)


[1535] - Does long-term care subsidisation reduce unnecessary hospitalisations?
por Joan Costa-Font, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Cristina Vilaplana
(Septiembre 2016)


[1534] - Income-Induced expenditure switching
por Rudolfs Bems y Julian di Giovanni
(Agosto 2016) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, Vol. 106, No. 12, December 2016 (pp. 3898-3931)]


[1533] - Monetary policy for a bubbly world
por Vladimir Asriyan, Luca Fornaro, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Julio 2016; Revisado: Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: The Review of Economic Studies, 88 (3), 2021, 1418–1456.]


[1532] - Menu costs, uncertainty cycles, and the propagation of nominal shocks
por Isaac Baley y J. Andrés Blanco
(Julio 2016) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2019, 11(1): 276–337; Con el título: Firm Uncertainty Cycles and the Propagation of Nominal Shocks]


[1531] - Understanding the sources of macroeconomic uncertainty
por Barbara Rossi, Tatevik Sekhposyan y Matthieu Soupre
(Mayo 2016; Revisado: Diciembre 2018)


[1530] - In-sample inference and forecasting in misspecified factor models
por Marine Carrasco y Barbara Rossi
(Abril 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 34(3): 313-338, 2016]


[1529] - Information globalization
por Isaac Baley, Laura Veldkamp y Michael Waugh
(Marzo 2016; Revisado: Febrero 2019) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, Vol.126, September 2020; Con el título: Can Global Uncertainty Promote International Trade?]


[1528] - The economic geography of human capital in Twentieth-century Latin America in an international comparative perspective
por Enriqueta Camps y Stanley Engerman
(Junio 2016)


[1527] - Information sources used by European tourists: A cross-cultural study
por Tor Korneliussen y Michael Greenacre
(Junio 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Tourism Research, Forthcoming]


[1526] - Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure: Evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India
por Jose Asturias, Manuel García-Santana y Roberto Ramos
(Mayo 2016)


[1525] - The microeconomics of corruption. A review of thirty years of research
por Roberto Burguet, Juan José Ganuza y José Garcia Montalvo
(Mayo 2016)


[1524] - Anticipating the financial crisis: Evidence from insider trading in banks
por Ozlem Akin, José M. Marín y José-Luis Peydró
(Mayo 2016) [Publicado en: Economic Policy, 35 (102), June 2020, pp. 213-267]


[1523] - Tests for the validity of portfolio or group choice in financial and panel regressions
por Atsushi Inoue y Barbara Rossi
(Marzo 2015)


[1522] - Reverse speculative attacks: A comment
por Alberto Martin
(Abril 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Forthcoming]


[1521] - Know when to fold 'em: The grit factor
por Larbi Alaoui y Christian Fons-Rosen
(Abril 2016; Revisado: Abril 2021) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 2021,103736, ISSN 0014-2921]


[1520] - Did cheaper flights change the direction of science?
por Christian Catalini, Christian Fons-Rosen y Patrick Gaulé
(Abril 2016)


[1519] - Great Recession and disability insurance in Spain
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Arnau Juanmarti Mestres y Judit Vall Castelló
(Octubre 2016; Revisado: Abril 2017)


[1518] - Key success drivers in public research grants: Funding the seeds of radical innovation in academia?
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler y David Pérez-Castrillo
(Marzo 2016)


[1517] - Growing like Spain: 1995-2007
por Manuel García-Santana, Enrique Moral-Benito, Josep Pijoan-Mas y Roberto Ramos
(Febrero 2016)


[1516] - Sex selection and health at birth among Indian immigrants
por Libertad González Luna
(Marzo 2016)


[1515] - Single-crossing random utility models
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Marzo 2016)


[1514] - The impact of investment in human capital on economic development: An empirical exercise based on height and years of schooling in Spain (1881-1998)
por Enriqueta Camps
(Febrero 2016)


[1513] - Globalization and political structure
por Gino Gancia, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Jaume Ventura
(Agosto 2016; Revisado: Octubre 2021) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 20 (3), 2022, 1276-1310]


[1512] - Is there a difference in financing efficiency? Conventional banks versus ethical banks
por Juan José Durán Herrera, María José García López, Carmen Avilés Palacios y Oriol Amat
(Febrero 2016)


[1511] - The linear systems approach to linear rational expectations models
por Majid M. Al-Sadoon
(Enero 2016)


[1510] - Public development banks and credit market imperfections
por Marcela Eslava y Xavier Freixas
(Enero 2016)


[1509] - How Rome enabled impersonal markets
por Benito Arruñada
(Marzo 2016) [Publicado en: Explorations in Economic History, 61, 68-84, 2016.]


[1508] - Health capacity to work at older ages: Evidence from Spain
por Pilar García-Gómez, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Judit Vall Castello
(Febrero 2016)


[1507] - Coase and the departure from property
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2016) [Publicado en: Claude Ménard and Elodie Bertrand (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham UK, 305-19, 2016.]


[1506] - Insider-outsider labor markets, hysteresis and monetary policy
por Jordi Galí
(Septiembre 2015; Revisado: Junio 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 54(S1), 53-88, 2022.]


[1505] - Infrastructure, incentives and institutions
por Nava Ashraf, Edward L. Glaeser y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Enero 2016)


[1504] - Optimal time-consistent government debt maturity
por Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes y Pierre Yared
(Enero 2016; Revisado: Mayo 2016) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming]


[1503] - Global imbalances revisited: The transfer problem and transport costs in monopolistic competition
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Diciembre 2015; Revisado: Febrero 2017)


[1502] - Trade, finance and endogenous firm heterogeneity
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò y Gino Gancia
(Diciembre 2015; Revisado: Julio 2017) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (1), 2019, 79-130]


[1501] - The role of frames, numbers and risk in the frequency of cooperation
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Diciembre 2015) [Publicado en: International Review of Economics, February 2017, p. 1-23]


[1500] - Minimizing errors, maximizing incentives: Optimal court decisions and the quality of evidence
por Juan José Ganuza, Fernando Gomez y Jose Penalva
(Marzo 2015)


[1499] - Monotone stochastic choice models: The case of risk and time preferences
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Noviembre 2015)


[1498] - Does science advance one funeral at a time?
por Pierre Azoulay, Christian Fons-Rosen y Joshua S. Graff Zivin
(Diciembre 2015)


[1497] - Double bank runs and liquidity risk management
por Filippo Ippolito, José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo y Enrico Sette
(Noviembre 2015; Revisado: Junio 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Economics, 122(1): 135-154, October 2016]


[1496] - The effect of lawyers' career concerns on litigation
por Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela
(Septiembre 2015; Revisado: Octubre 2016)


[1495] - Testing subspace Granger causality
por Majid M. Al-Sadoon
(Noviembre 2015)


[1494] - Economic uncertainty and structural reforms
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Gino Gancia
(Octubre 2015; Revisado: Julio 2018)


[1493] - The tradeoff between ex ante and ex post transaction costs: Evidence from legal opinions
por Benito Arruñada y Carlos A. Manzanares
(Noviembre 2015) [Publicado en: Berkeley Business Law Journal, 13(1), 217-55, 2016.]


[1492] - Inequality reducing properties of progressive income tax schedules: The case of endogenous income
por Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau y Humberto Llavador
(Octubre 2015; Revisado: Abril 2017) [Publicado en: Theoretical economics, Vol. 13(1), pag:39-60, 2018]


[1491] - The role of public information in corporate social responsibility
por Aleix Calveras y Juan José Ganuza
(Febrero 2015)


[1490] - Offshoring and skill-upgrading in French manufacturing: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Melitz view
por Juan Carluccio, Alejandro Cuñat, Harald Fadinger y Christian Fons-Rosen
(Septiembre 2015)


[1489] - Urban networks: Connecting markets, people and ideas
por Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Yimei Zou
(Septiembre 2015; Revisado: Diciembre 2015) [Publicado en: Papers in Regional Science, 95 (1), 17-59, 2016]


[1488] - Hysteresis and the European unemployment problem revisited
por Jordi Galí
(Junio 2015)


[1487] - Stagnation traps
por Gianluca Benigno y Luca Fornaro
(Enero 2015; Revisado: Marzo 2017) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 85 (3), 2018, 1425-1470]


[1486] - Family types and intimate-partner violence: A historical perspective
por Ana Tur-Prats
(Junio 2015)


[1485] - The effect of changes in the statutory minimum working age on educational, labor and health outcomes
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Judit Vall Castello y Elena del Rey
(Mayo 2015)


[1484] - The unintended effects of increasing the legal working age on family behaviour
por Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Judit Vall-Castello
(Mayo 2015)


[1483] - Debt into growth: How sovereign debt accelerated the first Industrial Revolution
por Jaume Ventura y Hans-Joachim Voth
(Mayo 2015)


[1482] - Information spillovers in asset markets with correlated values
por Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs y Brett Green
(Abril 2015; Revisado: Julio 2016) [Publicado en: Forthcoming in American Economic Review]


[1481] - Large firm dynamics and the business cycle
por Vasco Carvalho y Basile Grassi
(Abril 2015)


[1480] - On the failures of the null-hypothesis test
por Nicholas Longford
(Abril 2015)


[1479] - Identifying the sources of model misspecification
por Atsushi Inoue, Chun-Hung Kuo y Barbara Rossi
(Febrero 2015; Revisado: Junio 2018)


[1478] - Heterogeneous consumers and fiscal policy shocks
por Emily Anderson, Atsushi Inoue y Barbara Rossi
(Febrero 2011; Revisado: Diciembre 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48 (8), 2016, 1877-1888]


[1477] - Macroeconomic uncertainty indices based on nowcast and forecast error distributions
por Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Enero 2015) [Publicado en: American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 105 (5), 650-55, May 2015]


[1476] - Forecasting in nonstationary environments: What works and what doesn't in reduced-form and structural models
por Raffaella Giacomini y Barbara Rossi
(Diciembre 2014) [Publicado en: Annual Review of Economics, 7, 207-229, 2015]


[1475] - Pricing and hedging Margrabe options with stochastic volatilities
por Elisa Alòs y Thorsten Rheinländer
(Marzo 2015; Revisado: Febrero 2017)


[1474] - Familiarity and competition: the case of mutual funds
por Ariadna Dumitrescu y Javier Gil-Bazo
(Marzo 2015)


[1473] - Market frictions, investor heterogeneity and persistence in mutual fund performance
por Ariadna Dumitrescu y Javier Gil-Bazo
(Abril 2012; Revisado: Marzo 2015)


[1472] - Non-residential capital stock in Latin America. 1875-2008
por Xavier Tafunell y Cristián Ducoing
(Marzo 2015) [Publicado en: Australian Economic History Review, forthcoming]


[1471] - The institutions of Roman markets
por Benito Arruñada
(Marzo 2015; Revisado: Noviembre 2019) [Publicado en: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, ed., Roman Law and Economics, vol. 2, Ch. 17. Oxford Studies in Roman Society and Law (Tom McGinn and Paul Du Plessis, eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.]


[1470] - Uncertain rationality and robustness in games with incomplete information
por Fabrizio Germano y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Febrero 2015)


[1469] - Firm's response and unintended health consequences of industrial regulations
por Christopher Hansman, Jonas Hjort y Gianmarco León
(Febrero 2015)


[1468] - Bounded rationality and correlated equilibria
por Fabrizio Germano y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Febrero 2015) [Publicado en: International Journal of Game Theory, Forthcoming]


[1467] - Self-perception of ethical behaviour. The case of listed Spanish companies
por María José García López y Oriol Amat
(Febrero 2015) [Publicado en: Intangible Capital, Vol. 12, n.1, 2016]


[1466] - Asset bubbles and sudden stops in a small open economy
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Septiembre 2014) [Publicado en: Radatz, C., Saravia, D. and Ventura, J. (Eds.), Global Liquidity, Spillovers to Emerging Markets, and Policy Responses, Central Bank of Chile, 315-341, 2014]


[1465] - The international transmission of credit bubbles: theory and policy
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Enero 2015; Revisado: Septiembre 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics , 76, S37-S56, 2015]


[1464] - Cognitive bubbles
por Ciril Bosch-Rosa, Thomas Meissner y Antoni Bosch-Domènech
(Enero 2015) [Publicado en: Experimental Economics, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-017-9529-0]


[1463] - Balance sheet recessions with informational and trading frictions
por Vladimir Asriyan
(Octubre 2014; Revisado: Octubre 2018) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies 88, 2021 (44-90); Con el título: Balance Sheet Channel with Information-Trading Frictions in Secondary Markets]


[1462] - On the external validity of social-preference games: A systematic lab-field study
por Matteo M. Galizzi y Daniel Navarro Martinez
(Enero 2015)


[1461] - Can oil prices forecast exchange rates?
por Domenico Ferraro, Ken Rogoff y Barbara Rossi
(Mayo 2011; Revisado: Enero 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of International Money, vol. 54 (1), pp. 116-141, 2015]


[1460] - Betting on exports: Trade and endogenous heterogeneity
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò y Gino Gancia
(Diciembre 2014; Revisado: Abril 2016) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 128 (609), 2018, 612-651.]


[1459] - The long and the short of it: Sovereign debt crises and debt maturity
por Raquel Fernández y Alberto Martin
(Diciembre 2014; Revisado: Septiembre 2015)


[1458] - On the second derivative of the at-the-money implied volatility in stochastic volatility models
por Elisa Alòs y Jorge A. León
(Noviembre 2014; Revisado: Julio 2016)


[1457] - Large capital inflows, sectoral allocation, and economic performance
por Gianluca Benigno, Nathan Converse y Luca Fornaro
(Noviembre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 55, pp. 60-87, 2015]


[1456] - Registries
por Benito Arruñada
(Agosto 2014) [Publicado en: Man and the Economy, 1(2), 209-30, 2014.]


[1455] - Reforming the U.S. Social Security system accounting for employment uncertainty
por Hugo Benítez-Silva, José Ignacio García-Pérez y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Noviembre 2014)


[1454] - Love in the time of the depression: The effect of economic conditions on marriage in the Great Depression
por Matthew J. Hill
(Septiembre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic History, Forthcoming]


[1453] - Easterlin revisted: Relative income and the baby boom
por Matthew J. Hill
(Septiembre 2014) [Publicado en: Explorations in Economic History, Forthcoming]


[1452] - Homes and husbands for all: Marriage, housing and the baby boom
por Matthew J. Hill
(Marzo 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Urban Economics. Revise and resubmit, September 2014]


[1451] - Source of health insurance coverage and employment survival among newly disabled workers: Evidence from the health and retirement study
por Matthew J. Hill, Nicole Maestas y Kathleen J. Mullen
(Septiembre 2014)


[1450] - Employer accommodation and labor supply of disabled workers
por Matthew J. Hill, Nicole Maestas y Kathleen J. Mullen
(Octubre 2014)


[1449] - From micro to macro via production networks
por Vasco Carvalho
(Octubre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28 (4), 23-48, 2014]


[1448] - Patent collateral investor commitment and the market for venture lending
por Yael V. Hochberg, Carlos J. Serrano y Rosemarie H. Ziedonis
(Octubre 2014)


[1447] - Incompatibility of estimation and policy objectives. An example from small-area estimation
por Nicholas Longford
(Octubre 2014)


[1446] - A closed-form option pricing approximation formula for a fractional Heston model
por Elisa Alòs y Yan Yang
(Octubre 2014)


[1445] - Organizing public good provision: Lessons from managerial accounting
por Benito Arruñada y Stephen Eliot Hansen
(Septiembre 2014; Revisado: Octubre 2014) [Publicado en: International Review of Law and Economics, 42, 185-91, 2015.]


[1444] - Size and shape in the measurement of multivariate proximity
por Michael Greenacre
(Septiembre 2014)


[1443] - Discrete choice estimation of risk aversion
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Septiembre 2014) [Publicado en: Mathematics and Archaeology, (eds) Barcelo, J.A.and Bogdanovic, I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, USA, 491–499]


[1442] - Discrete choice estimation of time preferences
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Agosto 2014)


[1441] - The effects of a money-financed fiscal stimulus
por Jordi Galí
(Septiembre 2014; Revisado: Julio 2019)


[1440] - Banking competition and stability: The role of leverage
por Xavier Freixas y Kebin Ma
(Agosto 2014)


[1439] - A residual-based ADF test for stationary cointegration in I (2) settings
por Javier Gómez Biscarri y Javier Hualde
(Septiembre 2014)


[1438] - Boycott or buycott?: Internal politics and consumer choices
por Xavier Cuadras Morató y Josep M. Raya
(Julio 2014)


[1437] - Model comparisons in unstable environments
por Raffaella Giacomini y Barbara Rossi
(Agosto 2014; Revisado: Enero 2015) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 57(2), 335-756, May 2016]


[1436] - The impact of race and inequality on human capital formation in Latin America during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
por Enriqueta Camps y Stanley Engerman
(Septiembre 2014; Revisado: Marzo 2016)


[1435] - Rolling window selection for out-of-sample forecasting with time-varying parameters
por Atsushi Inoue, Lu Jin y Barbara Rossi
(Junio 2014; Revisado: Abril 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 196 (1), 2017, 55-67]


[1434] - Truthfulness in accounting: How to discriminate accounting manipulators from non-manipulators
por Alina Beattrice Vladu, Oriol Amat y Dan Dacian Cuzdriorean
(Agosto 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming]


[1433] - "Mathematics and Archaeology" rediscovered
por Michael Greenacre
(Julio 2014) [Publicado en: : Mathematics and Archaeology, (eds) Barcelo, J.A.and Bogdanovic, I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, USA, 491–499]


[1432] - Agricultural risk and the spread of religious communities
por Philipp Ager y Antonio Ciccone
(Julio 2014; Revisado: Octubre 2016)


[1431] - Financial crises and exchange rate policy
por Luca Fornaro
(Julio 2014; Revisado: Noviembre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 95 (2), pp. 202-215, 2015]


[1430] - The real estate and credit bubble: Evidence from Spain
por Ozlem Akin, José Garcia Montalvo, Jaume Garcia Villar, José-Luis Peydró y Josep M. Raya
(Julio 2014) [Publicado en: SERIEs, vol. 5, pp. 223-243, 2014]


[1429] - The titling role of possession
por Benito Arruñada
(Junio 2014) [Publicado en: Yun-chien Chang, ed., The Law and Economics of Possession, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 207-33. 2015.]


[1428] - The wind of change: Maritime technology, trade and economic development
por Luigi Pascali
(Junio 2014)


[1427] - Policy-related small-area estimation
por Nicholas Longford
(Junio 2014)


[1426] - Forecast rationality tests in the presence of instabilities, with applications to Federal Reserve and survey forecasts
por Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Junio 2014; Revisado: Noviembre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31(3), 457-610, April-May 2016]


[1425] - Transparency and deliberation within the FOMC: A computational linguistics approach
por Stephen Eliot Hansen, Michael McMahon y Andrea Prat
(Mayo 2014)


[1424] - Gender peer effects in school, a birth cohort approach
por Antonio Ciccone y Walter Garcia-Fontes
(Junio 2014)


[1423] - Identifying inliers
por Michael Greenacre y H. Öztas Ayhan
(Junio 2014)


[1422] - Delaying the normal and early retirement ages in Spain: behavioural and welfare consequences for employed and unemployed workers
por Alfonso R. Sánchez, J. Ignacio García-Pérez y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Mayo 2014)


[1421] - Building a reputation as a socially responsible firm
por Aleix Calveras y Juan José Ganuza
(Mayo 2014)


[1420] - Missing girls in Spain
por Libertad González Luna
(Mayo 2014)


[1419] - A multiple indicator model for panel data: an application to ICT area-level variation
por Eva Ventura y Albert Satorra
(Mayo 2014)


[1418] - Input diffusion and the evolution of production networks
por Vasco Carvalho y Nico Voigtländer
(Marzo 2014; Revisado: Febrero 2015)


[1417] - Univariate versus multivariate modeling of panel data
por Juan Carlos Bou y Albert Satorra
(Febrero 2014)


[1416] - Alternative tests for correct specification of conditional predictive densities
por Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Enero 2014; Revisado: Julio 2017)


[1415] - On the inefficiency of the restricted maximum likelihood
por Nicholas Longford
(Marzo 2014)


[1414] - A global view of cross-border migration
por Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko y Francesc Ortega
(Marzo 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 13 (1), 168-202, 2015]


[1413] - Who is afraid of the big bad ban? An evaluation of the effects of the Spanish clean air law on expenditure at hospitality venues
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Ángel López-Nicolás
(Febrero 2014; Revisado: Julio 2014) [Publicado en: Forthcoming in European Journal of Health Economics]


[1412] - A new approach to measure the impact of highways on business location with an application to Spain
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y José Garcia Montalvo
(Junio 2013)


[1411] - A general theory of rank testing
por Majid M. Al-Sadoon
(Febrero 2014; Revisado: Febrero 2015)


[1410] - Optimally vague contracts and the law
por Nicola Gennaioli y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Junio 2015; Revisado: Enero 2017)


[1409] - On the tractability of the piecewise-linear approximation for general discrete-choice network revenue management
por Sumit Kunnumkal y Kalyan Talluri
(Enero 2014)


[1408] - Understanding the gains from wage flexibility: The exchange rate connection
por Jordi Galí y Tommaso Monacelli
(Diciembre 2013; Revisado: Junio 2016) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 106 (12): 3829–3868, 2016]


[1407] - On the impact of microcredit: Evidence from a randomized intervention in rural Ethiopia
por Alessandro Tarozzi, Jaikishan Desai y Kristin Johnson
(Octubre 2013)


[1406] - The effect of tax enforcement on tax elasticities: Evidence from charitable contributions in France
por Gabrielle Fack y Camille Landais
(Noviembre 2013)


[1405] - The changing relationship between commodity prices and equity prices in commodity exporting
por Barbara Rossi
(Octubre 2012) [Publicado en: IMF Economic Review, 60 (49), 533-539, 2012]


[1404] - Out-of-sample forecast tests robust to the choice of window size
por Barbara Rossi y Atsushi Inoue
(Abril 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30 (3), 432-453, 2012]


[1403] - Agricultural productivity and structural transformation. Evidence from Brazil
por Paula Bustos, Bruno Caprettini y Jacopo Ponticelli
(Julio 2012; Revisado: Junio 2015)


[1402] - Heterogeneity, selection and labor market disparities
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Gino Gancia
(Octubre 2013; Revisado: Febrero 2018) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, 31, 2019, 305-325]


[1401] - International debt deleveraging
por Luca Fornaro
(Noviembre 2012; Revisado: Septiembre 2016) [Publicado en: International Debt Deleveraging, Journal of the European Economic Association, 16 (5), 2018, 1394-1432]


[1400] - Coworker networks in the labour market
por Albrecht Glitz
(Mayo 2013)


[1399] - Benchmarking for routines and organizational knowledge: A managerial accounting approach with performance feedback
por Mircea Epure
(Octubre 2012; Revisado: Febrero 2016)


[1398] - Corporate governance and corporate social performance: The influence of ownership, boards and institutions
por Kurt A. Desender y Mircea Epure
(Octubre 2013; Revisado: Octubre 2015)


[1397] - Declining labor force attachment and downward trends in unemployment and participation
por Régis Barnichon y Andrew Figura
(Octubre 2013)


[1396] - A study of the labour market trajectories in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
por Nicholas Longford y Ioana C. Salagean
(Octubre 2013)


[1395] - Labor market heterogeneity and the aggregate matching function
por Régis Barnichon y Andrew Figura
(Octubre 2010; Revisado: Septiembre 2013)


[1394] - Reprisals remembered: German-Greek conflict and car sales during the Euro crisis
por Vasiliki Fouka y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2012; Revisado: Octubre 2013)


[1393] - Improving college access and success for low-income students: Evidence from a large need-based grant program
por Gabrielle Fack y Julien Grenet
(Septiembre 2013)


[1392] - The effects of monetary policy on stock market bubbles: Some evidence
por Jordi Galí y Luca Gambetti
(Octubre 2013; Revisado: Diciembre 2013)


[1391] - Nets: Network estimation for time series
por Matteo Barigozzi y Christian T. Brownlees
(Octubre 2013)


[1390] - The long-run and intergenerational education impacts of intergovernmental transfers
por Irineu de Carvalho Filho y Stephan Litschig
(Septiembre 2013)


[1389] - Transportation choices and the value of statistical life
por Gianmarco León y Edward Miguel
(Septiembre 2013)


[1388] - The global welfare impact of China: Trade integration and technological change
por Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko y Jing Zhang
(Octubre 2013) [Publicado en: American Journal of Economics: Macroeconomics, 6:3, 153-183, July 2014]


[1387] - Firms, destinations, and aggregate fluctuations
por Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko y Isabelle Méjean
(Octubre 2013; Revisado: Abril 2014) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 82:4 , 1303-1340, July 2014]


[1386] - Patterns of convergence and divergence in the euro area
por Ángel Estrada, Jordi Galí y David López-Salido
(Octubre 2013)


[1385] - Relationship and transaction lending in a crisis
por Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas, Leonardo Gambacorta y Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
(Septiembre 2013)


[1384] - Is bank debt special for the transmission of monetary policy? Evidence from the stock market
por Filippo Ippolito, Ali K. Ozdagli y Ander Pérez Orive
(Septiembre 2013)


[1383] - Gifts of Mars: Warfare and Europe's early rise to riches
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Septiembre 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27 (4), 165-186, 2013]


[1382] - The impact of eliminating a child benefit on birth timing and infant health
por Cristina Borra, Libertad González Luna y Almudena Sevilla-Sanz
(Julio 2013)


[1381] - Recreating the South Sea bubble: Lessons from an experiment in financial history
por Giovanni Giusti, Charles Noussair y Joachim Voth
(Septiembre 2013)


[1380] - Weighted Euclidean biplots
por Michael Greenacre y Patrick J. F. Groenen
(Julio 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Classification, 2016, 33, 442-459]


[1379] - Endogeneous matching in university-industry collaboration: Theory and empirical evidence from the UK
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler y David Pérez-Castrillo
(Julio 2013)


[1378] - Banks, government bonds, and default: what do the data say?
por Nicola Gennaioli, Alberto Martin y Stefano Rossi
(Julio 2013; Revisado: Julio 2017) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 98, 2018, 98-113]


[1377] - Factors that determine the evolution of high-growth businesses
por Oriol Amat, Marcos Antón Renart y María José García
(Julio 2013) [Publicado en: Intangible Capital, vol. 9, núm. 2, 2013]


[1376] - Impact of quality and environmental investment on business competitiveness and profitability: The case of travel agencies
por Llorenç Bagur, Jordi Perramon y Oriol Amat
(Julio 2013) [Publicado en: Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2014 (DOI:10.1080/14783363.2014.895523)]


[1375] - Bowling for fascism: Social capital and the rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany, 1919-33
por Shanker Satyanath, Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Junio 2013)


[1374] - Newborn health and the business cycle: Is it good to be born in bad times?
por Ainhoa Aparicio y Libertad González Luna
(Junio 2013; Revisado: Marzo 2014)


[1373] - The impact of investment in education on economic development: Spain in comparative perspective (1860-2000)
por Enriqueta Camps
(Junio 2013)


[1372] - Sovereign debt markets in turbulent times: Creditor discrimination and crowding-out effects
por Fernando Broner, Aitor Erce, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Junio 2013; Revisado: Noviembre 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 61, 114-142, 2014]


[1371] - Fetal testosterone (2D:4D) as predictor of cognitive reflection
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Pablo Brañas-Garza y Antonio M. Espín
(Mayo 2013) [Publicado en: Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 43, 1-10, May 2014; Con el título: Can exposure to prenatal sex hormones (2D:4D) predict cognitive reflection?]


[1370] - Evaluating predictive densities of U.S. output growth and inflation in a large macroeconomic data set
por Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Febrero 2013) [Publicado en: International Journal of Forecasting, 30 (3), 662-682, July-September 2014]


[1369] - Exchange rate predictability
por Barbara Rossi
(Febrero 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Literature, 51 (4), 1063-1119, December 2013]


[1368] - Conditional predictive density evaluation in the presence of instabilities
por Barbara Rossi y Tatevik Sekhposyan
(Febrero 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 177 (2), 199-212, 2013]


[1367] - Managing credit bubbles
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Octubre 2012; Revisado: Marzo 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 14 (3), 753-789, 2016]


[1366] - Do Spanish informal caregivers come to the rescue of dependent people with formal care unmet needs?
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Cristina Vilaplana Prieto
(Mayo 2013; Revisado: Julio 2014)


[1364] - Turnout, political preferences and information: Experimental evidence from Perú
por Gianmarco León
(Marzo 2013)


[1363] - Globalization, technology and inequality
por Gino Gancia
(Febrero 2012; Revisado: Noviembre 2012)


[1362] - Offshoring and directed technical change
por Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Noviembre 2012; Revisado: Junio 2014) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Forthcoming]


[1361] - Stare decisis: Rhetoric and substance
por Patricio A. Fernández y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Marzo 2009; Revisado: Abril 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 28 (2), 313-336, 2012]


[1360] - Uncertainty, electoral incentives and political myopia
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Gino Gancia
(Octubre 2012) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 123, 373-400, 2013]


[1359] - Clusters of entrepreneurship
por Edward L. Glaeser, William R. Kerr y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Septiembre 2009) [Publicado en: Journal of Urban Economics, 67 (1), 150-168, January , 2010]


[1358] - Competing engines of growth: Innovation and standardization
por Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Abril 2010; Revisado: Agosto 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2), 570-601, 2012]


[1357] - Estimating Bayesian decision problems with heterogeneous priors
por Stephen Eliot Hansen y Michael McMahon
(Marzo 2013)


[1356] - Geometric and long run aspects of Granger causality
por Majid M. Al-Sadoon
(Enero 2013)


[1355] - Money doctors
por Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer y Robert Vishny
(Junio 2012)


[1354] - Married to intolerance: Attitudes towards intermarriage in Germany, 1900-2006
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2012) [Publicado en: American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, 103 (3), 79-85, 2013]


[1353] - Entry regulation and intersectoral reallocation
por Antonio Ciccone y Elias Papaioannou
(Junio 2008)


[1352] - Spinning welfare: The gains from process innovation in cotton and car production
por Tim Leunig y Joachim Voth
(Mayo 2011)


[1351] - Oil price shocks, income and democracy
por Marcus Brückner, Antonio Ciccone y Andrea Tesei
(Febrero 2011) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics, 94 (2), 389-399, 2012]


[1350] - Predestination and the Protestant ethic
por Larbi Alaoui y Alvaro Sandroni
(Enero 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, Forthcoming]


[1349] - A new compact linear programming formulation for choice network revenue management
por Sumit Kunnumkal y Kalyan Talluri
(Diciembre 2012)


[1348] - Time scarcity and the market for news
por Larbi Alaoui y Fabrizio Germano
(Diciembre 2012; Revisado: Abril 2019)


[1347] - On the closed-form approximation of short-time random strike options
por Elisa Alòs y Jorge A. León
(Mayo 2013)


[1346] - Calibration of stochastic volatility models via second order approximation: the Heston model case
por Elisa Alòs, Rafael De Santiago y Josep Vives
(Octubre 2012)


[1345] - Growth, selection and appropriate contracts
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Gino Gancia
(Julio 2009; Revisado: Julio 2012) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, 17 (1), 21-38, 2014]


[1344] - (Re-) Shaping hatred: Anti-Semitic attitudes in Germany, 1890-2006
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Marzo 2012)


[1343] - Leverage and beliefs: Personal experience and risk taking in margin lending
por Peter Koudijs y Joachim Voth
(Noviembre 2013)


[1342] - Austerity and anarchy: Budget cuts and social unrest in Europe, 1919-2008
por Jacopo Ponticelli y Joachim Voth
(Julio 2011; Revisado: Octubre 2012)


[1341] - Man-bites-dog business cycles
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Diciembre 2011; Revisado: Diciembre 2013) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, forthcoming]


[1340] - Financial reforms and capital flows: Insights from general equilibrium
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Septiembre 2012) [Publicado en: Caballero, R. and Hebel, K. (Eds.), Economc Policy in Emerging Economies, Central Bank of Chile, Forthcoming]


[1339] - Notes for a new guide to Keynes (I): Wages, aggregate demand, and employment
por Jordi Galí
(Septiembre 2012; Revisado: Diciembre 2012)


[1338] - Two-sided learning in New Keynesian models: Dynamics, (lack of) convergence and the value of information
por Christian Matthes y Francesca Rondina
(Septiembre 2012)


[1337] - Speculation, risk premia and expectations in the yield curve
por Francisco Barillas y Kristoffer Nimark
(Agosto 2012; Revisado: Noviembre 2013)


[1336] - Shrouded costs of government: The political economy of state and local public pensions
por Edward L. Glaeser y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Agosto 2012; Revisado: Junio 2013) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, (NBER Pensions), 116 (1), 86-105, August 2014]


[1335] - Political centralization and government accountability
por Federico Boffa, Amedeo Piolatto y Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Octubre 2011; Revisado: Julio 2015) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (1), 381-422, 2016]


[1334] - How accurate are surveyed preferences for public policies? Evidence from a unique institutional setup
por Patricia Funk
(Septiembre 2012; Revisado: Noviembre 2013)


[1333] - Civil conflict and human capital accumulation: The long-term effects of political violence in Perú
por Gianmarco León
(Marzo 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 47(4): 991-1023. Forthcoming (fall 2012)]


[1332] - Endogenous depth of reasoning
por Larbi Alaoui y Antonio Penta
(Julio 2012; Revisado: Marzo 2014) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, Forthcoming]


[1331] - Sources of comparative advantage in polluting industries
por Fernando Broner, Paula Bustos y Vasco Carvalho
(Junio 2011; Revisado: Diciembre 2019)


[1330] - Assessing technology-based spin-offs from university support units
por Mircea Epure, Diego Prior y Christian Serarols
(Noviembre 2011; Revisado: Abril 2014) [Publicado en: Regional Studies, forthcoming]


[1329] - Standardized enforcement: Access to justice vs contractual innovation
por Nicola Gennaioli y Enrico Perotti
(Abril 2009; Revisado: Junio 2012)


[1328] - Taming SIFIs
por Xavier Freixas y Jean-Charles Rochet
(Junio 2012)


[1327] - Transition probabilities and duration analysis among disability states: Some evidence from Spanish data
por Guillem López i Casasnovas y Catia Nicodemo
(Junio 2012)


[1326] - Approximate knowledge of rationality and correlated equilibria
por Fabrizio Germano y Peio Zuazo-Garin
(Junio 2012; Revisado: Octubre 2012)


[1325] - Fuzzy coding in constrained ordinations
por Michael Greenacre
(Junio 2012) [Publicado en: Ecology, 2013, 94(2), 280-286]


[1324] - The role of awareness, information gathering and processing in school choice
por Ghazala Azmat y José Garcia Montalvo
(Mayo 2012)


[1323] - The impact of "early" nineteenth-century globalization on foreign trade in the Southern Cone: A study of British trade statistics
por Manuel Llorca-Jaña
(Mayo 2012; Revisado: Junio 2012)


[1322] - Launching prices for new pharmaceuticals in heavily regulated and subsidized markets
por Jaume Puig y Beatriz González López-Valcárcel
(Mayo 2012)


[1321] - Estimating overidentified, nonrecursive, time-varying coefficients structural VARs
por Fabio Canova y Fernando J. Pérez Forero
(Mayo 2012)


[1320] - Bridging DSGE models and the raw data
por Fabio Canova
(Noviembre 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2012)


[1318] - Measuring risk aversion with lists: A new bias
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Marzo 2012) [Publicado en: Theory and Decisions, October 2012.]


[1317] - Slow recoveries: A structural interpretation
por Jordi Galí, Frank Smets y Rafael Wouters
(Mayo 2012)


[1316] - Contractual resolutions of financial distress
por Nicola Gennaioli y Stefano Rossi
(Noviembre 2006; Revisado: Mayo 2012) [Publicado en: The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming]


[1315] - Macroprudential policy, countercyclical bank capital buffers and credit supply: Evidence from the Spanish dynamic provisioning experiments
por Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró y Jesús Saurina
(Junio 2012; Revisado: Agosto 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy 2017, 125:6 , 2126-77]


[1314] - Do institutions and culture matter for business cycles?
por Sumru Altug y Fabio Canova
(Abril 2012)


[1313] - The value of useless information
por Larbi Alaoui
(Abril 2012)


[1312] - Productivity and the welfare of nations
por Susanto Basu, Luigi Pascali, Fabio Schiantarelli y Luis Serven
(Marzo 2012)


[1311] - Credit lines: The other side of corporate liquidity
por Filippo Ippolito y Ander Pérez Orive
(Marzo 2012)


[1310] - Monitoring bank performance in the presence of risk
por Mircea Epure y Esteban Lafuente
(Marzo 2012; Revisado: Julio 2014) [Publicado en: Forthcoming in Journal of Productivity Analysis]


[1309] - Choice by sequential procedures
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Febrero 2012) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 77: 90-99, January 2013]


[1308] - Property as an economic concept: Reconciling legal and economic conceptions of property rights in a Coasean framework
por Benito Arruñada
(Marzo 2012) [Publicado en: International Review of Economics, Vol. 59(2), 121-144, 2012]


[1307] - Social capital, government expenditures, and growth
por Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Ugo Troiano
(Febrero 2012; Revisado: Enero 2024)


[1306] - Are self-regarding subjects more rational?
por Benito Arruñada, Marco Casari y Francesca Pancotto
(Enero 2012) [Publicado en: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 140, 2015.; Con el título: Pro-sociality and Strategic Reasoning in Economic Decisions.]


[1305] - Equivalence of piecewise-linear approximation and Lagrangian relaxation for network revenue management
por Sumit Kunnumkal y Kalyan Talluri
(Diciembre 2011; Revisado: Noviembre 2012)


[1304] - Saving lives: Evidence from a conditional food supplementation program
por Stephan Litschig y Marian Meller
(Agosto 2012; Revisado: Noviembre 2013)


[1303] - A tractable consideration set structure for network revenue management
por Arne Strauss y Kalyan Talluri
(Febrero 2012; Revisado: Octubre 2012)


[1302] - A foundation for strategic agenda voting
por Jose Apesteguia, Miguel Ballester y Yusufcan Masatlioglu
(Febrero 2012) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 87: 91-99, September 2014]


[1301] - Understanding bubbly episodes
por Vasco Carvalho, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Enero 2012) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, Papers and Proceeedings, 102 (3), 95-100, 2012]


[1300] - Gender gaps in performance: Evidence from young lawyers
por Ghazala Azmat y Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela
(Enero 2012; Revisado: Octubre 2015) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]


[1299] - Rules or consequences? The role of ethical mindsets in moral dynamics
por Michael Bashshur, Gert Cornelissen, Marc Le Menestrel y Julian Rode
(Enero 2012) [Publicado en: Psychological Science, Forthcoming]


[1298] - The distribution of talent across contests
por Ghazala Azmat y Marc Möller
(Enero 2012; Revisado: Mayo 2013)


[1297] - The contribution of schooling in development accounting: Results from a nonparametric upper bound
por Francesco Caselli y Antonio Ciccone
(Noviembre 2011; Revisado: Septiembre 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Development Economics, 104, 199-211, 2013]


[1296] - The Dracula effect: voter information and trade policy
por Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto, Maria Petrova y Ruben Enikolopov
(Noviembre 2008; Revisado: Octubre 2020)


[1295] - Schooling supply and the structure of production: Evidence from US States 1950-1990
por Antonio Ciccone y Giovanni Peri
(Noviembre 2011)


[1294] - State capacity and military conflict
por Nicola Gennaioli y Joachim Voth
(Noviembre 2011; Revisado: Octubre 2013)


[1293] - Monetary policy and rational asset price bubbles
por Jordi Galí
(Abril 2011; Revisado: Agosto 2013) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, forthcoming]


[1292] - One person in the battlefield is not a warrior: Self-construal, perceived ability to make a difference, and socially responsible behavior
por Irina Cojuharenco, Gert Cornelissen y Natalia Karelaia
(Octubre 2011)


[1291] - The network origins of aggregate fluctuations
por Daron Acemoglu, Vasco Carvalho, Asuman Ozdaglar y Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
(Octubre 2011) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 80 (5), 1977-2016, 2012]


[1290] - The implicit theory of historical change in the work of Alan S. Milward
por Fernando Guirao y Frances M. B. Lynch
(Octubre 2011)


[1289] - High-growth cooperatives: Financial profile and key factors for competitiveness
por Oriol Amat y Jordi Perramon
(Octubre 2011) [Publicado en: CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, ISSN: 0213-8093, 2011, Núm. 73, Special Issue, pp. 81-98.]


[1288] - Let's (not) talk about sex: The effect of information provision on gender differences in performance under competition
por Nagore Iriberri y Pedro Rey-Biel
(Septiembre 2011)


[1287] - Quotient spaces of boundedly rational types
por Davide Cianciaruso y Fabrizio Germano
(Septiembre 2011)


[1286] - Human capital and regional development
por Nicola Gennaioli, Rafael Laporta, Florencio López-de-Silanes y Andrei Schleifer
(Septiembre 2011; Revisado: Julio 2012) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming]


[1285] - How important is the intensive margin of labor adjustment?
por Thijs van Rens
(Junio 2011; Revisado: Octubre 2011) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 59 (1), 59 (1). January 2012]


[1284] - Risk sharing with the monarch: Excusable defaults and contingent debt in the age of Philip II, 1556-1598
por Maurizio Drelichman y Joachim Voth
(Junio 2011; Revisado: Octubre 2013) [Publicado en: Cliometrica, forthcoming]


[1283] - A model of shadow banking
por Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer y Robert Vishny
(Mayo 2011; Revisado: Mayo 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Finance, Forthcoming]


[1282] - Capital formation in machinery and industrialization. Chile 1844-1938
por Cristián Ducoing
(Septiembre 2011)


[1281] - The effects of a universal child benefit
por Libertad González Luna
(Septiembre 2011)


[1280] - Welfare of naive and sophisticated players in school choice
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Septiembre 2011) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 115(2): 172-174, May 2012]


[1279] - First impressions matter: Signalling as a source of policy dynamics
por Stephen Eliot Hansen y Michael McMahon
(Agosto 2011)


[1278] - The contributions of rare objects in correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Septiembre 2011) [Publicado en: Ecology, 2013, 94(1), 241-249]


[1277] - Selective hiring and welfare analysis in labor market models
por Christian Merkl y Thijs van Rens
(Septiembre 2011; Revisado: Enero 2012)


[1276] - Structural unemployment
por Benedikt Herz y Thijs van Rens
(Julio 2011)


[1275] - The effects of employment uncertainty and wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming behavior of older American workers
por Hugo Benítez-Silva, J. Ignacio García-Pérez y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Junio 2011)


[1274] - Banks and development: Jewish communities in the Italian Renaissance and current economic performance
por Luigi Pascali
(Abril 2011; Revisado: Marzo 2012)


[1273] - The economic effects of a Spanish trade boycott against Catalan products
por Xavier Cuadras Morató y Modest Guinjoan
(Mayo 2011)


[1272] - When to carry eccentric products? Optimal retail assortment under consumer returns
por Aydm Alptekinoglu y Alex Grasas León
(Abril 2011; Revisado: Noviembre 2012)


[1271] - A simple permutation test for clusteredness
por Michael Greenacre
(Abril 2011)


[1270] - Audit risk and rent extraction: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in Brazil
por Stephan Litschig y Yves Zamboni
(Abril 2011; Revisado: Junio 2013)


[1269] - Persecution perpetuated: The medieval origins of anti-semitic violence in Nazi Germany
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Abril 2011) [Publicado en: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2012, 127 (3), pp. 1339-1392]


[1268] - Fiscal policy, pricing frictions and monetary accommodation
por Fabio Canova y Evi Pappa
(Marzo 2011) [Publicado en: Economic Policy, 68, 555-598, 2011]

[1267] - Has the Euro-Mediterranean partnership affected Mediterranean business cycles?
por Fabio Canova y Alain Schlaepfer
(Febrero 2011; Revisado: Mayo 2012)


[1266] - Unemployment in an estimated new Keynesian model
por Jordi Galí, Frank Smets y Rafael Wouters
(Marzo 2011; Revisado: Junio 2011)


[1265] - Adopting a new religion: The case of Protestantism in 16th Century Germany
por Davide Cantoni
(Marzo 2011)


[1264] - How the West "invented" fertility restriction
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2008; Revisado: Diciembre 2012) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 103 (6), 2227-2264 , 2013]


[1263] - Banking as an emerging technology: Hoare's Bank, 1702-1742
por Peter Temin y Joachim Voth
(Octubre 2006) [Publicado en: Financial History Review, October 2006, 13 (2), pp. 149-178.]


[1262] - Serial defaults, serial profits: Returns to sovereign lending in Habsburg Spain, 1566-1600
por Mauricio Drelichman y Joachim Voth
(Enero 2011) [Publicado en: Explorations in Economic History, January 2011, 48 (1), pp. 1-19. Explorations Prize for best article published in "Economic History" in 2010/11]


[1261] - Design effect and interviewer effects: Evidence from the Spanish ESS3-2006 Data
por Anna Cuxart
(Enero 2011)


[1260] - The economic effects of the Protestant Reformation: Testing the Weber hypothesis in the German Lands
por Davide Cantoni
(Diciembre 2010)


[1259] - An enhanced concave program relaxation for choice network revenue management
por Joern Meissner, Arne Strauss y Kalyan Talluri
(Enero 2011; Revisado: Agosto 2011)


[1258] - ClubMed? Cyclical fluctuations in the Mediterranean basin
por Fabio Canova y Matteo Ciccarelli
(Enero 2011; Revisado: Marzo 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 88, 162-175, 2012]


[1257] - Adverse selection, credit and efficiency: The case of the missing market
por Alberto Martin
(Diciembre 2010)


[1256] - Concentration and self-censorship in commercial media
por Fabrizio Germano y Martin Meier
(Diciembre 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 97, pp. 117-130, 2013]


[1255] - Cities, skills, and regional change
por Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto y Kristina Tobio
(Junio 2010; Revisado: Marzo 2011) [Publicado en: Regional Studies, 48 (1), 7-43, January 2014.]


[1254] - Intellectual property rights and efficient firm organization
por Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
(Diciembre 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2014)


[1252] - Salience and consumer choice
por Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli y Andrei Shleifer
(Abril 2010; Revisado: Mayo 2012)


[1251] - Neglected risks, financial innovation and financial fragility
por Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer y Robert Vishny
(Abril 2010; Revisado: Septiembre 2010)


[1250] - The political cost of reforms (preliminar version of working paper number 1360: Uncertainty, electoral incentives and political myopia)
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Gino Gancia
(Enero 2010; Revisado: Junio 2011)


[1249] - Structural development accounting
por Gino Gancia, Andreas Müller y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Julio 2010; Revisado: Febrero 2011) [Publicado en: Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano and E. Dekel (eds.),Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society (Econometric Society Monographs), vol. II, 2013.]


[1248] - Computing congruences of modular forms and Galois representations modulo prime powers
por Xavier Taixés y Gabor Wiese
(Enero 2010)


[1247] - Congruences between modular forms and lowering the level mod l^n
por Luis Dieulefait y Xavier Taixés
(Abril 2008) [Publicado en: Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 21, 1, p. 109-118, 2009]


[1246] - The size and distribution of donations: Effects of numbers of potential recipients
por Robin Hogarth y Emre Soyer
(Noviembre 2010)


[1245] - International capital flows and credit market imperfections: A tale of two frictions
por Alberto Martin y Filippo Taddei
(Noviembre 2010; Revisado: Febrero 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 89(2), 441-452, 2013]


[1244] - Gazelle companies: Growth drivers and an evolution analysis
por Oriol Amat y Jordi Perramon
(Noviembre 2010) [Publicado en: Revista Internacional Legis de Contabilidad & Auditoría, ISSN: 1692-2913, 2011, july-september, 47, pp.137-160.]


[1243] - Network revenue management with product-specific no-shows
por Sumit Kunnumkal, Kalyan Talluri y Huseyin Topaloglu
(Octubre 2010; Revisado: Mayo 2011)


[1242] - Does money matter in shaping domestic business cycles? An international investigation (with appendices)
por Fabio Canova y Tobias Menz
(Julio 2009; Revisado: Noviembre 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 43(4), 577-609, 2011]


[1241] - The dynamics of US inflation: Can monetary policy explain the changes?
por Fabio Canova y Filippo Ferroni
(Junio 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 167 (1), 47-60, 2011]


[1240] - Japan's lost decade: Does money have a role?
por Fabio Canova y Tobias Menz
(Noviembre 2009) [Publicado en: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 24(2), 178-195, 2010]


[1239] - Retirement incentives, individual heterogeneity and labour transitions of employed and unemployed workers
por J. Ignacio García-Pérez, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Alfonso R. Sánchez-Martín
(Octubre 2010)


[1238] - What do outside experts bring to a committee? Evidence from the Bank of England
por Stephen Eliot Hansen y Michael McMahon
(Octubre 2010)


[1237] - Credit constraints, firms' precautionary investment and the business cycle
por Ander Pérez Orive
(Septiembre 2010; Revisado: Noviembre 2012)


[1236] - The electric revolution in Latin America
por Xavier Tafunell
(Septiembre 2010)


[1235] - Estimating cross-industry cross-country models using benchmark industry characteristics
por Antonio Ciccone y Elias Papaioannou
(Septiembre 2010; Revisado: Junio 2016)


[1234] - North-South convergence and the allocation of CO2 emissions
por Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer y Joaquim Silvestre
(Agosto 2010)


[1233] - Government spending and re-election: Quasi-experimental evidence from Brazilian municipalities
por Stephan Litschig y Kevin Morrison
(Junio 2010; Revisado: Junio 2012)


[1232] - The benefits of limited feedback in organizations
por Stephen Eliot Hansen
(Julio 2010)


[1231] - Promoting rule compliance in daily-life: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in the public libraries of Barcelona
por Jose Apesteguia, Patricia Funk y Nagore Iriberri
(Agosto 2010; Revisado: Febrero 2011) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 266-284, 2013.]


[1230] - The vanishing procyclicality of labor productivity
por Jordi Galí y Thijs van Rens
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Julio 2010) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal 131(1), 302-326]


[1229] - A unifying approach to the empirical evaluation of asset pricing models
por Francisco Peñaranda y Enrique Sentana
(Julio 2010)


[1228] - The role of incidental variables of time in mood assessment
por Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell y Anna Cuxart
(Julio 2010)


[1227] - Gross capital flows: Dynamics and crises
por Fernando Broner, Tatiana Didier, Aitor Erce y Sergio L. Schmukler
(Junio 2010; Revisado: Diciembre 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, Forthcoming]


[1226] - Tobin meets Oates: Solidarity and the optimal fiscal federal structure
por Xavier Calsamiglia, Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Julio 2010) [Publicado en: International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 450-473]


[1225] - The impact of gender composition on team performance and decision-making: Evidence from the field
por Jose Apesteguia, Ghazala Azmat y Nagore Iriberri
(Julio 2010) [Publicado en: Management Science, Vol. 58, Nº 1, pp. 78-93, January 2012]


[1224] - Experiencing simulated outcomes
por Robin Hogarth y Emre Soyer
(Junio 2010)


[1223] - The monetary pillar and the great financial crisis
por Jordi Galí
(Junio 2010)


[1222] - Theoretical notes on bubbles and the current crisis
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Mayo 2010; Revisado: Febrero 2011) [Publicado en: IMF Economic Review, 59 (1), 6-40, 2011]


[1221] - The credit ratings game
por Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas y Joel Shapiro
(Mayo 2010)


[1220] - A measure of rationality and welfare
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel Angel Ballester
(Mayo 2010; Revisado: Octubre 2014) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, Forthcoming]


[1219] - Putting health in all policies: The National Institute for Welfare Enhancement
por Vicente Ortún y Beatriz González López-Valcárcel
(Mayo 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010; 64: 497-499.]


[1218] - Killing by lung cancer or by diabetes? The trade-off between smoking and obesity
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Federico A. Todeschini y José María Labeaga
(Mayo 2010)


[1217] - Prime property institutions for a subprime era: Toward innovative models of homeownership
por Benito Arruñada y Amnon Lehavi
(Mayo 2010) [Publicado en: Berkeley Business Law Journal, 8(1), 2011.]


[1216] - The provision of relative performance feedback information: An experimental analysis of performance and happiness
por Ghazala Azmat y Nagore Iriberri
(Abril 2010)


[1215] - A randomized concave programming method for choice network revenue management
por Kalyan Talluri
(Abril 2010; Revisado: Octubre 2011)


[1214] - Are agent-based simulations robust? The wholesale electricity trading case
por Albert Banal-Estañol y Augusto Rupérez-Micola
(Marzo 2010)


[1213] - The ins and outs of unemployment: An analysis conditional on technology shocks
por Fabio Canova, David Lopez-Salido y Claudio Michelacci
(Octubre 2009; Revisado: Enero 2012) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, Forthcoming 2012]


[1212] - Finite sample nonparametric tests for linear regressions
por Karl Schlag y Olivier Gossner
(Marzo 2010)


[1211] - A structural model of Australia as a small open economy
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Marzo 2009) [Publicado en: Australian Economic Review, 42 (1), pp. 24-41.]


[1210] - A medium-scale open economy model of Australia
por Kristoffer Nimark y Jarkko Jääskelä
(Diciembre 2008) [Publicado en: Economic Record, vol. 87 (276), 11-36, March 2011; Con el título: A medium-scale new Keynesian open economy model of Australia]


[1209] - Generating global brand equity through corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders
por Anna Torres, Tammo H. A. Bijmolt, Josep A. Tribó y Peter Verhoef
(Febrero 2010; Revisado: Octubre 2011) [Publicado en: International Journal of Research in Marketing (special issue on Global Brand Management), Vol. 29(1), March 2012, pp. 13-24]


[1208] - The great diversification and its undoing
por Vasco Carvalho y Xavier Gabaix
(Enero 2010; Revisado: Octubre 2010) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 103 (5), 1697-1727, 2013]


[1207] - Structure and change in US input-output networks (in progress)
por Vasco Carvalho
(Junio 2009)


[1206] - Aggregate fluctuations and the network structure of intersectoral trade
por Vasco Carvalho
(Noviembre 2007; Revisado: Octubre 2010)


[1205] - Dynamic price competition with fixed capacities
por Kalyan Talluri y Víctor Martínez de Albéniz
(Febrero 2010)


[1204] - Econometrics and decision making: Effects of presentation mode
por Robin Hogarth y Emre Soyer
(Febrero 2010)


[1203] - Business cycle measurement with some theory
por Fabio Canova y Matthias Paustian
(Noviembre 2007; Revisado: Julio 2011) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 58 (4), 345-361, 2011]


[1202] - Bank liquidity, interbank markets and monetary policy
por Xavier Freixas, Antoine Martin y David Skeie
(Febrero 2010)


[1201] - Post crisis challenges to bank regulation
por Xavier Freixas
(Diciembre 2009)


[1200] - Monetary policy in a systemic crisis
por Xavier Freixas
(Noviembre 2009)


[1199] - The return of the wage Phillips curve
por Jordi Galí
(Mayo 2009; Revisado: Junio 2010)


[1198] - Monetary policy and unemployment
por Jordi Galí
(Octubre 2009; Revisado: Febrero 2010)


[1197] - Implementing TURF analysis through binary linear programming
por Daniel Serra
(Febrero 2010; Revisado: Noviembre 2012) [Publicado en: Food Quality and Preferences, Forthcoming]


[1196] - Proving the performance of a new revenue management system
por Kalyan Talluri, Fernando Castejon, Begoña Codina y Juan Magaz
(Noviembre 2009; Revisado: Enero 2010)


[1195] - Institutional support of the firm: A theory of business registries
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2010; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: The Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 2 (2), pp 525-576, Fall 2010.]


[1194] - Speculative dynamics in the term structure of interest rates
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Diciembre 2009; Revisado: Septiembre 2012)


[1193] - Electronic titling: Potential and risks
por Benito Arruñada
(Diciembre 2009; Revisado: Abril 2010) [Publicado en: New Zealand Law Journal, 2010, April, 115-120; Con el título: "Leaky Title Syndrome?"]


[1192] - Merger failures
por Albert Banal-Estañol y Jo Seldeslachts
(Junio 2009)


[1191] - Conglomeration with bankruptcy costs: Separate or joint financing?
por Albert Banal-Estañol y Marco Ottaviani
(Febrero 2009; Revisado: Julio 2010)


[1190] - Theimpact of industry collaboration on research: Evidence from engineering academics in the UK
por Albert Banal-Estañol, Mireia Jofre-Bonet y Cornelia Meissner
(Septiembre 2008; Revisado: Agosto 2010)


[1189] - The impact of trade liberalization on skill upgrading. Evidence from Argentina
por Paula Bustos
(Noviembre 2005; Revisado: Julio 2011)


[1188] - A decomposition formula for option prices in the Heston model and applications to option pricing approximation
por Elisa Alòs
(Diciembre 2009)


[1187] - The law of impersonal transactions
por Benito Arruñada
(Noviembre 2009; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: "The Law of Impersonal Transactions" in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant, eds., The Manufacturing of Markets: Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 58-77, 2014.]


[1186] - What comes to mind
por Nicola Gennaioli y Andrei Shleifer
(Febrero 2009; Revisado: Noviembre 2009) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125 (4), 1399-1433, 2010]


[1185] - Malthusian dynamism and the rise of Europe: Make war, not love
por Joachim Voth y Nico Voigtländer
(Mayo 2009) [Publicado en: American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, May 2009, 99 (2), pp. 248-254.]


[1184] - Debt sustainability in historical perspective: The role of fiscal repression
por Joachim Voth y Mauricio Drelichman
(Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 2008, 6 (2-3), pp. 657-667]


[1183] - Betting on Hitler: The value of political connections in Nazi Germany
por Joachim Voth y Thomas Ferguson
(Febrero 2008) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2008, 123 (1), pp. 101-137]


[1182] - A low dimensional Kalman filter for systems with lagged observables
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Noviembre 2009)


[1181] - Monetary policy with signal extraction from the bond market
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Noviembre 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (8), pp. 1389-1400, 2008]


[1180] - Modelling state dependence and feedback effects between poverty, employment and parental home emancipation among European youth
por Sara Ayllón Gatnau
(Octubre 2009) [Publicado en: VATT]


[1179] - Growing at the production frontier. European aggregate growth, 1870-1914
por Albert Carreras y Camilla Josephson
(Octubre 2009)


[1178] - Intergenerational justice when future worlds are uncertain
por Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer y Joaquim Silvestre
(Octubre 2009; Revisado: Junio 2010) [Publicado en: Forthcoming in Journal of Mathematical Economics.]


[1177] - Property titling and conveyancing
por Benito Arruñada
(Octubre 2009) [Publicado en: Kenneth Ayotte and Henry E. Smith, eds., Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, Research Handbooks in Law and Economics Series, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 2011, 237-56.]


[1176] - Efficient interval scoring rules
por Karl Schlag y Joël van der Weele
(Octubre 2009)


[1175] - A house price index defined in the potential outcomes framework
por Nicholas Longford
(Octubre 2009)


[1174] - On the drivers of commodity co-movement: Evidence from biofuels
por Francisco Peñaranda y Augusto Rupérez-Micola
(Octubre 2009; Revisado: Octubre 2011)


[1173] - Trade liberalization, exports and technology upgrading: Evidence on the impact of MERCOSUR on Argentinean firms
por Paula Bustos
(Agosto 2009) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 101 (1), 304-340, 2011.]


[1172] - Beyond the glass ceiling: Does gender matter?
por Renée Adams y Patricia Funk
(Septiembre 2009) [Publicado en: Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 58(2), pages 219-235, February 2012.]


[1171] - Disability, capacity for work and the business cycle: An international perspective
por Hugo Benítez Silva, Richard Disney y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Septiembre 2009) [Publicado en: Economic Policy, July 2010.]


[1170] - Sovereign default, domestic banks and financial institutions
por Nicola Gennaioli, Alberto Martin y Stefano Rossi
(Agosto 2009; Revisado: Febrero 2012) [Publicado en: The Journal of Finance, 69 (2), 819-866, 2014.]


[1169] - Immigration policy with partisan parties
por Humberto Llavador y Angel Solano-García
(Agosto 2009; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, 95(1-2), 134-142, 2011]


[1168] - Bundling and competition for slots: Sequential pricing
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Agosto 2009)


[1167] - Immigration and housing booms: Evidence from Spain
por Libertad González Luna y Francesc Ortega
(Julio 2009)


[1166] - Mobile termination and mobile penetration
por Sjaak Hurkens y Doh-Shin Jeon
(Julio 2009)


[1165] - Under-achievement and the glass ceiling: Evidence from a TV game show
por Robin Hogarth, Natalia Karelaia y Carlos Andrés Trujillo
(Mayo 2009)


[1164] - Lending to the borrower from hell: Debt and default in the age of Philip II, 1556-1598
por Mauricio Drelichman y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2007; Revisado: Noviembre 2009) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, December 2011, 121, pp. 1205-1227]


[1163] - Sweet diversity: Colonial goods and the rise of European living standards after 1492
por Jonathan Hersh y Joachim Voth
(Julio 2009; Revisado: Enero 2011)


[1162] - Contribution biplots
por Michael Greenacre
(Julio 2009; Revisado: Enero 2011) [Publicado en: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2013, 22(1), 107–122]


[1161] - Immigration, family responsibilities and the labor supply of skilled native women
por Lídia Farré, Libertad González Luna y Francesc Ortega
(Junio 2009)


[1160] - Decision making in uncertain and changing environments
por Karl Schlag y Andriy Zapechelnyuk
(Junio 2009)


[1159] - Comment to "Weak instruments robust tests in GMM and the New Keynesian Phillips curve" by Frank Kleibergen and Sophocles Mavroeidis
por Fabio Canova
(Enero 2009) [Publicado en: Journal of business and economic statistics, forthcoming]


[1158] - Do institutional changes affect business cycles? Evidence from Europe
por Fabio Canova, Matteo Ciccarelli y Eva Ortega
(Marzo 2009; Revisado: Abril 2012) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36, 1520-1533, 2012]


[1157] - Behavioral assumptions and management ability
por Benito Arruñada y Xosé H. Vázquez
(Junio 2009; Revisado: Abril 2010) [Publicado en: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 9(2), 209-232, 2013; Con el título: "The Impact of Behavioral Assumptions on Management Ability: A Test Based on the Earnings of MBA Graduates"]


[1156] - TV or not TV? Subtitling and English skills
por Augusto Rupérez-Micola, Arturo Bris y Albert Banal-Estañol
(Marzo 2009)


[1155] - Costly search and design
por Heski Bar-Isaac, Guillermo Caruana y Vicente Cuñat
(Abril 2009)


[1154] - Canonical correspondence analysis in social science research
por Michael Greenacre
(Abril 2009) [Publicado en: Classification as a Tool for Research, (eds) H. Locarek-Junge and C. Weihs, Springer-Verlag, pp. 279-286]


[1153] - Dynamic perceptual mapping
por Michael Greenacre
(Abril 2009)


[1152] - Bundling and competition for slots: On the portfolio effects of bundling
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Febrero 2009; Revisado: Julio 2009)


[1151] - Median problems in networks
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Marzo 2009)


[1150] - Can sanctions induce pessimism? An experiment
por Roberto Galbiati, Karl Schlag y Joël van der Weele
(Marzo 2009)


[1149] - The credit ratings game
por Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas y Joel Shapiro
(Enero 2009)


[1148] - The importance of relative performance feedback information: Evidence from a natural experiment using high school students
por Ghazala Azmat y Nagore Iriberri
(Enero 2009; Revisado: Marzo 2010)


[1147] - The role of role uncertainty in modified dictator games
por Nagore Iriberri y Pedro Rey-Biel
(Mayo 2008; Revisado: Abril 2010)


[1146] - Understanding portfolio efficiency with conditioning information
por Francisco Peñaranda
(Enero 2009; Revisado: Octubre 2011)


[1145] - Globalization and culture shaping the gender gap: A comparative analysis of urban Latin America and East Asia (1970 - 2000)
por Enriqueta Camps
(Febrero 2009)


[1144] - Are rules-based government programs shielded from special-interest politics? Evidence from revenue-sharing transfers in Brazil
por Stephan Litschig
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2012)


[1143] - Judicial presence and rent extraction
por Stephan Litschig y Yves Zamboni
(Mayo 2008; Revisado: Diciembre 2012)


[1142] - Financing local development: Quasi-experimental evidence from municipalities in Brazil, 1980-1991
por Stephan Litschig
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Junio 2012)


[1141] - A finite-population revenue management model and a risk-ratio procedure for the joint estimation of population size and parameters
por Kalyan Talluri
(Febrero 2009)


[1140] - The customer valuations game as a basis for revenue management
por Kalyan Talluri
(Diciembre 2008)


[1139] - Hybrid risk adjustment for pharmaceutical benefits
por Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern y José María Inoriza
(Enero 2009)


[1138] - Estimates of patient costs related with population morbidity: Can indirect costs affect the results?
por M. Carreras, Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern, J. Coderch, L. Vall-Llosera y José María Inoriza
(Enero 2009)


[1137] - Elicited beliefs and social information in modified dictator games: What do dictators believe other dictators do?
por Nagore Iriberri y Pedro Rey-Biel
(Abril 2008; Revisado: Enero 2009)


[1136] - A model of collateral, investment and adverse selection
por Alberto Martin
(Enero 2009) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 144 (4), 2009, 1572-1588.]


[1135] - Multiple filtering devices for the estimation of cyclical DSGE models
por Fabio Canova y Filippo Ferroni
(Enero 2009; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2, (1), 2011, 73-98]


[1134] - Globalization and the provision of incentives inside the firm: The effect of foreign competition
por Vicente Cuñat y Maria Guadalupe
(Enero 2009)


[1133] - On commercial media bias
por Fabrizio Germano
(Diciembre 2008; Revisado: Abril 2009)


[1132] - Illusory correlation in the remuneration of chief executive officers: It pays to play golf, and well
por Gueorgui I. Kolev y Robin Hogarth
(Diciembre 2008)


[1131] - When "hope springs eternal": The role of chance in risk taking
por Natalia Karelaia y Robin Hogarth
(Diciembre 2008; Revisado: Junio 2009)


[1130] - Entrepreneurial success and failure: Confidence and fallible judgement
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Diciembre 2008)


[1129] - Earnings management and audit adjustments: An empirical study of IBEX 35 constituents
por Oriol Amat, Oscar Elvira y Petya Platikanova
(Diciembre 2008) [Publicado en: Investment Management and Financial Innovations, ISSN: ISSN 1810-4967, 2010, Vol.7, 1, pp.50-61.]


[1128] - Rethinking the effects of financial globalization
por Fernando Broner y Jaume Ventura
(Octubre 2010; Revisado: Octubre 2015) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (3), 1497-1542, 2016]


[1127] - Economic shocks and civil conflict: A comment
por Antonio Ciccone
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Febrero 2011) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3 (4), 215-227, 2011]


[1126] - Gender gaps in policy making: Evidence from direct democracy in Switzerland
por Patricia Funk y Christina Gathmann
(Noviembre 2008)


[1125] - Technological change and the wealth of nations
por Gino Gancia y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Octubre 2008) [Publicado en: Annual Review of Economics, 1, 93-120, 2009]


[1124] - Motivation, test scores and economic success
por Carmit Segal
(Noviembre 2006; Revisado: Octubre 2008)


[1123] - Does direct democracy reduce the size of government? New evidence from historical data, 1890-2000
por Patricia Funk y Christina Gathmann
(Diciembre 2007; Revisado: Octubre 2008) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 121(557), pages 1252-1280, December 2011.]


[1122] - The long term effects of legalizing divorce on children
por Libertad González Luna y Tarja Viitanen
(Octubre 2008)


[1121] - The sustainable debts of Philip II: A reconstruction of Castile's fiscal position, 1566-1596
por Mauricio Drelichman y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2006; Revisado: Mayo 2009) [Publicado en: The Journal of Economic History, December 2010, 70 (4), pp. 813-842.]


[1120] - Poor, hungry and ignorant: Numeracy and the impact of high food prices in industrializing Britain, 1780-1850
por Jörg Baten, Dorothee Crayen y Joachim Voth
(Octubre 2007; Revisado: Diciembre 2011) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming]


[1119] - A century of global equity market correlations
por Dennis Quinn y Joachim Voth
(Noviembre 2006; Revisado: Octubre 2008) [Publicado en: American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2008, 98 (2), pp. 535-540]


[1118] - Dynamic higher order expectations
por Kristoffer Nimark
(Octubre 2007; Revisado: Marzo 2011)


[1117] - Combining multivariate density forecasts using predictive criteria
por Hugo Gerard y Kristoffer Nimark
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Octubre 2008)


[1116] - Psychological pressure in competitive environments: Evidence from a randomized natural experiment
por Jose Apesteguia y Ignacio Palacios-Huerta
(Octubre 2008) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 100(5): 2548-2564, December 2010]


[1115] - The three horsemen of riches: Plague, war and urbanization in early modern Europe
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Junio 2012) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 80 (2), 774-811, 2013]


[1114] - Rain and the democratic window of opportunity
por Markus Brückner y Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 2008; Revisado: Octubre 2009) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 79 (3), 923-947, 2011]


[1113] - Targeting fertility and female participation through the income tax
por Ghazala Azmat y Libertad González Luna
(Octubre 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2009)


[1112] - Correspondence analysis of raw data
por Michael Greenacre
(Septiembre 2008; Revisado: Julio 2009) [Publicado en: Ecology, 2010, 91(4), pp. 958-963]


[1111] - The risk of divorce and household saving behavior
por Libertad González Luna y Berkay Özcan
(Septiembre 2008)


[1110] - A dynamic analysis of human welfare in a warming planet
por Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer y Joaquim Silvestre
(Septiembre 2008; Revisado: Febrero 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, 95(11-12), 1607-1620, 2011]


[1109] - A new method for constructing exact tests without making any assumptions
por Karl Schlag
(Agosto 2008)


[1108] - Emotion and reason in everyday risk perception
por Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell, Anna Cuxart y Gueorgui I. Kolev
(Septiembre 2008; Revisado: Julio 2009) [Publicado en: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 24 (2), 202-222, March 2011]


[1107] - World population growth and fertility patterns, 1960-2000. A simple model explaining the evolution of world's fertility during the second half of the 20th Century
por Enriqueta Camps y Stanley Engerman
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Junio 2013)


[1106] - Measuring subcompositional incoherence
por Michael Greenacre
(Agosto 2008; Revisado: Enero 2011) [Publicado en: Mathematical Geosciences, 2011, 43, 681–693]


[1105] - Small-area estimation with spatial similarity
por Nicholas Longford
(Julio 2008; Revisado: Septiembre 2009) [Publicado en: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 10.1016/j.csda.2009.09.005]


[1104] - Inference with the lognormal distribution
por Nicholas Longford
(Julio 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,; Con el título: Vol. 139, pages 2329-2340, 2009]


[1103] - Generic finiteness of equilibrium payoffs for bimatrix games
por Andreu Mas-Colell
(Julio 2008)


[1102] - English Auctions with toeholds: An experimental study
por Sotiris Georganas y Rosemarie Nagel
(Julio 2008)


[1101] - Spanning tests in return and stochastic discount factor mean-variance frontiers: A unifying approach
por Francisco Peñaranda y Enrique Sentana
(Junio 2008; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming]


[1100] - Optimised search heuristic combining valid inequalities and tabu search
por Susana Fernandes y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Julio 2008) [Publicado en: Hybrid Metaheuristics, M.J. Blesa, C. Blum, C. Cotta, A.J. Fernández, J.E. Gallardo, A. Roli, M.Sampels (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5296: 87-101. ISBN: 978-3-540-88438-5]


[1099] - Bringing game theory to hypothesis testing: Establishing finite sample bounds on inference
por Karl Schlag
(Junio 2008)


[1098] - Common law and civil law as pro-market adaptations
por Benito Arruñada y Veneta Andonova
(Junio 2008) [Publicado en: Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 26, pp. 81-130, 2008.]


[1097] - Exact tests for correlation and for the slope in simple linear regressions without making assumptions
por Karl Schlag
(Junio 2008)


[1096] - Trade-off between formal and informal care in Spain
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Cristina Vilaplana Prieto
(Junio 2008)


[1095] - Capital formation in machinery in Latin America, 1890-1930
por Xavier Tafunell
(Junio 2008)


[1094] - Cooperative games in strategic form
por Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Mayo 2008)


[1093] - Interviews and adverse selection
por Jens Josephson y Joel Shapiro
(Mayo 2008)


[1092] - Locating emergency services with different priorities: The priority queuing covering location problem
por Francisco Silva y Daniel Serra
(Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, pp. 1229-1238, 2008]


[1091] - Incorporating waiting time in competitive location models: Formulations and heuristics
por Francisco Silva y Daniel Serra
(Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: Network and Spatial Economics, 2, 1, 2007]


[1090] - Mandatory accounting disclosure by small private companies
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 32(3), 377-413, 2011]


[1089] - A characterization of sequential rationalizability
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Mayo 2008)


[1088] - How "Doing Business" jeopardizes institutional reform
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: European Business Organization Law Review, 2009, 10(4), 555-574.]


[1087] - Minimax regret and strategic uncertainty
por Ludovic Renou y Karl Schlag
(Abril 2008)


[1086] - Separated by a common currency? Evidence from the Euro changeover
por Arturo Bris y Augusto Rupérez-Micola
(Marzo 2008)


[1085] - Adverse selection, credit and efficiency: The case of the missing market
por Alberto Martin
(Abril 2008; Revisado: Septiembre 2009)


[1084] - Do expectations matter? The Great Moderation revisited
por Fabio Canova y Luca Gambetti
(Noviembre 2007; Revisado: Enero 2009)


[1083] - Composition of electricity generation portfolios, pivotal dynamics and market prices
por Augusto Rupérez-Micola y Albert Banal-Estañol
(Noviembre 2007)


[1082] - Dynamic graphics of parametrically linked multivariate methods used in compositional data analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Abril 2008)


[1081] - A Hull and White formula for a general stochastic volatility jump-diffusion model with applications to the study of the short-time behavior of the implied volatility
por Elisa Alòs, Jorge A. León, Monique Pontier y Josep Vives
(Abril 2008)


[1080] - Measuring intangibles' productivity. Empirical evidence from Spanish firms
por Ester Oliveras y David Castillo
(Marzo 2008)

[1079] - Skill-biased technological change and the business cycle
por Almut Balleer y Thijs van Rens
(Marzo 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2012)


[1078] - Population based resource allocation: The use of hybrid risk adjustment
por Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern y José María Inoriza
(Marzo 2008)


[1077] - Biplots of fuzzy coded data
por Zerrin Asan y Michael Greenacre
(Marzo 2008) [Publicado en: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2011, 183, 57–71]


[1076] - Labor markets and monetary policy: A new-Keynesian model with unemployement
por Olivier Blanchard y Jordi Galí
(Marzo 2006; Revisado: Marzo 2008)


[1075] - The new Keynesian approach to monetary policy analysis: Lessons and new directions
por Jordi Galí
(Febrero 2008)


[1074] - Interconnection among academic journal platforms: Multilateral versus bilateral interconnection
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Marzo 2008; Revisado: Octubre 2009)


[1073] - Children's work in Spanish textiles during the 19th and 20th Centuries
por Enriqueta Camps
(Febrero 2008) [Publicado en: Hug D. Hindman (Ed.), Child Labor World Atlas: A Reference Encyclopedia, forthcoming]


[1072] - Competition amongst contests
por Ghazala Azmat y Marc Möller
(Febrero 2008)


[1071] - Hybrid consumption paths in the attribute space: A model and application with scanner data
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Antonio Ladrón de Guevara
(Febrero 2008) [Publicado en: Investigaciones Económicas, September 2009; Con el título: State dependence and optimal consumption patterns: A dynamic model with applications to scanner data.]


[1070] - An agenda-setting model of electoral competition
por Josep M. Colomer y Humberto Llavador
(Febrero 2008; Revisado: Septiembre 2010)


[1069] - On the performance of small-area estimators: Fixed vs. random area parameters
por Alex Costa, Albert Satorra y Eva Ventura
(Febrero 2008)


[1068] - Rational reasoning or adaptive behavior? Evidence from two-person beauty contest games
por Brit Grosskopf y Rosemarie Nagel
(Junio 2007)


[1067] - Why are some Spanish regions so much more efficient than others?
por Jaume Puig y Jaime Pinilla
(Febrero 2008)


[1066] - On bounds for network revenue management
por Kalyan Talluri
(Enero 2008; Revisado: Mayo 2009)


[1065] - How well do individuals predict the selling prices of their homes?
por Hugo Benítez-Silva, Selcuk Eren, Frank Heiland y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Febrero 2008; Revisado: Abril 2008)


[1064] - On the role of non-equilibrium focal points as coordination devices
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Nicolaas J. Vriend
(Febrero 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 94, Pages 52-67, October 2013.]


[1063] - Estimating the effect of transitory economic shocks on civil conflict
por Antonio Ciccone
(Junio 2011) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Institutions, 4 (2), 1-14, 2013]


[1062] - Do agglomeration economies reduce the sensitivity of firm location to tax differentials?
por Marius Brülhart, Mario Jametti y Kurt Schmidheiny
(Diciembre 2007)


[1061] - Modern energy consumption and economic modernisation in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1890 and 1925
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas, César Yáñez, Mauricio Folchi y Albert Carreras
(Noviembre 2007)


[1060] - The housing boom and forest fires
por Libertad González Luna
(Octubre 2007)


[1059] - How do very open economies adjust to large immigration flows? Recent evidence from Spanish regions
por Libertad González Luna y Francesc Ortega
(Noviembre 2007)


[1058] - Duality in mean-variance frontiers with conditioning information
por Francisco Peñaranda y Enrique Sentana
(Octubre 2007)


[1057] - Constant interest rate projections without the curse of indeterminacy
por Jordi Galí
(Agosto 2007; Revisado: Febrero 2008)


[1056] - A theory of reference-dependent behavior
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Octubre 2007) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 40: 427-455, 2009]


[1055] - A retail benchmarking approach to efficient two-way access pricing
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Sjaak Hurkens
(Octubre 2007)


[1054] - How much structure in empirical models?
por Fabio Canova
(Octubre 2007) [Publicado en: Palgrave Handbook of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming]


[1053] - International commodity prices, growth and the outbreak of Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa
por Markus Brückner y Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 2007; Revisado: Agosto 2009) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 120 (544), 519-534, 2010]


[1052] - Determinants of economic growth: Will data tell?
por Antonio Ciccone y Marek Jarocinski
(Octubre 2007; Revisado: Septiembre 2009) [Publicado en: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2 (4), 222-246, 2010]


[1051] - The drift of public spending towards the elderly: A generational analysis of the trend of public policies in Spain
por Guillem López y Ana Mosterin
(Octubre 2007)


[1050] - A simple optimised search heuristic for the job-shop scheduling problem
por Susana Fernandes y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Enero 2007) [Publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (eds. C. Cotta and J. van Hemert), 4446:60-71, 2007; Con el título: A GRASP and Branch-and-Bound Metaheuristic for the Job-Shop Scheduling]


[1049] - Enforcement problems and secondary markets
por Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Agosto 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 6 (2-3), 683-694, 2008]


[1048] - On the complexity of rationalizing behavior
por Jose Apesteguia y Miguel A. Ballester
(Septiembre 2007)


[1047] - Wage rigidity and job creation
por Christian Haefke, Marcus Sonntag y Thijs van Rens
(Abril 2007; Revisado: Abril 2012)


[1045] - The macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks: Why are the 2000s so different from the 1970s?
por Olivier J. Blanchard y Jordi Galí
(Agosto 2007; Revisado: Octubre 2008)


[1044] - Power transformations in correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Agosto 2007; Revisado: Marzo 2008) [Publicado en: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2009, 53, pp. 3107-3116]


[1043] - The aftermath of Civil War
por Siyan Chen, Norman V. Loayza y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Julio 2007)


[1042] - Intergenerational mobility and the informative content of surnames
por Maia Güell, José V. Rodriguez Mora y Chris Telmer
(Mayo 2007)


[1041] - On the sources of the Great Moderation
por Jordi Galí y Luca Gambetti
(Septiembre 2006; Revisado: Junio 2007)


[1040] - Pitfalls to avoid when measuring institutions: Is "Doing Business" damaging business?
por Benito Arruñada
(Junio 2007; Revisado: Abril 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(4), 729-47, 2007]


[1039] - Macroeconomic modeling for monetary policy evaluation
por Jordi Galí y Mark Gertler
(Junio 2007; Revisado: Julio 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 21 (4), 2007 25-45]


[1038] - The colonial origins of Civil War
por Simeon Djankov y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Mayo 2007)


[1037] - Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Junio 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 83, 1-13, 2011]


[1036] - Improving social measurements: The experience of the ESS first rounds in Spain
por Anna Cuxart y Clara Riba
(Mayo 2007) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis), Nº 125, 2009, pp.147-168; Con el título: Mejorando a partir de la experiencia: implementación de la tercera ola de la ESE en España]


[1035] - Portfolio choice and the effects of liquidity
por Ana González y Gonzalo Rubio
(Mayo 2007)


[1034] - Market and institutional determinants in the regulation of conveyancers
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2007) [Publicado en: European Journal of Law and Economics, 23(2), 93-116, 2007]


[1033] - Multimarket contact in pharmaceutical markets
por Javier Coronado, Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Pedro L. Marín
(Abril 2007; Revisado: Julio 2007)


[1032] - The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: Are U.S. prices really higher than those of Canada?
por Antonio Cabrales y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Abril 2007) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 22(11), 1377-1397, 2013; Con el título: The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: Are U.S. prices really so high?]


[1031] - Fragile markets: An experiment on judicial independence
por Benito Arruñada y Marco Casari
(Abril 2007; Revisado: Mayo 2016) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Forthcoming]


[1030] - Book production and the onset of modern economic growth
por Jörg Baten y Jan Luiten van Zanden
(Abril 2007)


[1029] - Measuring time-varying economic fears with consumption-based stochastic discount factors
por Belén Nieto y Gonzalo Rubio
(Abril 2007; Revisado: Septiembre 2007)


[1028] - Social value orientation as a moral intuition: Decision-making in the dictator game
por Gert Cornelissen, Siegfried Dewitte y Luk Warlop
(Abril 2007)


[1027] - The role of interbank markets in monetary policy: A model with rationing
por Xavier Freixas y José Jorge
(Marzo 2007; Revisado: Abril 2008)


[1026] - Portfolio choice beyond the traditional approach
por Francisco Peñaranda
(Marzo 2007)


[1025] - The pricing of academic journals: A two-sided market perspective
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Jean-Charles Rochet
(Marzo 2007; Revisado: Abril 2009)


[1024] - Growth accounting in items of turbulence and death: efficiency, technology, capital accumulation and human capital 1929-1950
por Kerstin Enflo y Jörg Baten
(Marzo 2007)


[1023] - Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain
por David Casado, Pilar García Gómez y Ángel López
(Marzo 2007)


[1022] - Credible redistributive policies and migration across US States
por Roc Armenter y Francesc Ortega
(Febrero 2007)


[1021] - Gender specialization in households: An empirical analysis
por Francesc Ortega y Ryuichi Tanaka
(Enero 2007)


[1020] - Social capabilities in Alzheimer’s patients
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Rosemarie Nagel y Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés
(Enero 2007) [Publicado en: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Vol. 65B, Number 1, 119-128.]


[1019] - A leverage theory of reputation building with co-branding: Complementarity in reputation building
por Jay Pil Choi y Doh-Shin Jeon
(Marzo 2007)


[1018] - Irreversible investment in stochastically cyclical markets
por Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda y Jianjun Wu
(Marzo 2007)


[1017] - What other sciences look like
por Josep M. Colomer
(Marzo 2007) [Publicado en: European Political Science, 6, 2, May 2007]


[1016] - Ownership structure, customer satisfaction and brand equity
por Anna Torres y Josep A. Tribó
(Marzo 2007; Revisado: Junio 2007)


[1015] - The effects of uncertainty avoidance on brand performance: Marketing creativity, product innovation and the brand duration
por Marco S. Giarratana y Anna Torres
(Febrero 2007)


[1014] - Generic entry into a regulated pharmaceutical market
por Iván Moreno Torres, Jaume Puig y Joan-Ramon Borrell-Arqué
(Febrero 2007)


[1013] - On the robust effects of technology shocks on hours worked and output
por Fabio Canova, David López-Salido y Claudio Michelacci
(Noviembre 2006; Revisado: Febrero 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming; Con el título: The Effects of Technology Shocks on Hours and Output: A Robustness Analysis]


[1012] - Schumpeterian technology shocks
por Fabio Canova, David Lopez-Salido y Claudio Michelacci
(Mayo 2006; Revisado: Noviembre 2007)


[1011] - Entrepreneurial risk, investment and innovation
por Andrea Caggese
(Diciembre 2006)


[1010] - Financing constraints and fixed-term employment contracts
por Andrea Caggese y Vicente Cuñat
(Junio 2006)


[1009] - Testing financing constraints on firm investment using variable capital
por Andrea Caggese
(Febrero 2003; Revisado: Agosto 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Economics, núm. 86, pp. 683-723, December 2007]


[1008] - Financing constraints, irreversibility and investment dynamics
por Andrea Caggese
(Junio 2001; Revisado: Agosto 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, núm. 54, pp. 2102-2130, October 2007]


[1007] - Determinants of linear judgment: A meta-analysis of lens model studies
por Natalia Karelaia y Robin Hogarth
(Febrero 2007) [Publicado en: Psychological Bulletin, 134 (3), 404-426, 2008]


[1006] - The biased balance: Observation, formalism and interpretation of a dissymmetric measuring device
por Marc Le Menestrel
(Enero 2007)


[1005] - What risks do people perceive in everyday life? A perspective gained from the experience sampling method (ESM)
por Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell y Anna Cuxart
(Enero 2007) [Publicado en: Risk Analysis, Vol. 27, No.6, 2007 pp. 1427-1439]


[1004] - Asessing public policies. The case of education in Europe and the interaction between personal and institutional factors
por Anna Cuxart y Clara Riba
(Enero 2007) [Publicado en: Torcal, Mariano (ed.). La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión pública y comportamiento políticos. 1 ed. CIS, Madrid, 2010, pp. 85-103; Con el título: Las políticas y la formación de la opinión pública. La educación en Europa.]


[1003] - On the impact of fundamentals, liquidity and coordination on market stability
por Francisco Peñaranda y Jón Daníelsson
(Enero 2007; Revisado: Marzo 2010) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 52, pp. 621-638, 2011.]


[1002] - The evolution of adult height in Europe: A brief note
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Climent Quintana-Domeque
(Diciembre 2006; Revisado: Febrero 2007) [Publicado en: Economics and Human Biology; Con el título: Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 340-349]


[1001] - Income and body mass index in Europe
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Climent Quintana-Domeque
(Diciembre 2006; Revisado: Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: Economics and Human Biology; Con el título: 7, 73 - 83, 2009]


[1000] - Voting after the bombing: Can terrorist attacks change the outcome of democratic elections?
por José Garcia Montalvo
(Diciembre 2006)


[999] - Firms vs. insiders as traders of last resort
por José M. Marín y Antoni Sureda-Gomila
(Noviembre 2006)


[998] - Sovereign risk and secondary markets
por Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Diciembre 2006; Revisado: Agosto 2009) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 100 (4), 1523-1555, 2010]


[997] - Does privatising public service provision reduce accountability?
por Matthew Ellman
(Octubre 2006)


[996] - Quantifying quantitative literacy: Age heaping and the history of human capital
por Brian A'Hearn, Jörg Baten y Dorothee Crayen
(Noviembre 2006)


[995] - An assessment of empirical Bayes and composite estimators for small areas
por Nicholas Longford
(Noviembre 2006)


[994] - Performance assessment and league tables. Comparing like with like
por Nicholas Longford y D. B. Rubin
(Noviembre 2006)


[993] - Health care management autonomy: Evidence from the Catalonian hospital sector in a decentralised Spain
por Guillem López, David McDaid y Joan Costa-Font
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Management, forthcoming]


[992] - Selling to consumers with endogenous types
por Jan Boone y Joel Shapiro
(Agosto 2006)


[991] - Driver scheduling problem modelling
por Rita Portugal, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço y José P. Paixao
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Lourenço H.R., Paixão J.P. and Portugal R. (2009), Driver Scheduling Problem Modelling. Public Transport: Planning and Operations. 1(2):103-120.]


[990] - The use of derivatives in the Spanish mutual fund industry
por José M. Marín y Thomas A. Rangel
(Noviembre 2006)


[989] - For public service or money: Understanding geographical imbalances in the health workforce in Ethiopia
por Pieter Serneels, Magnus Lindelow, José Garcia Montalvo y Abigail Barr
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Health Policy and Planning, forthcoming]


[988] - Financial integration, productivity and capital accumulation
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli
(Septiembre 2006)


[987] - On the justice of voting systems
por Jose Apesteguia, Miguel A. Ballester y Rosa Ferrer
(Noviembre 2006)


[986] - The effect of divorce laws on divorce rates in Europe
por Libertad González Luna y Tarja K. Viitanen
(Octubre 2006)


[985] - Red tape and delayed entry
por Antonio Ciccone y Elias Papaioannou
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 5 (2-3), 444-458, 2007]


[984] - Organisational innovations and health care decentralisation: A perspective from Spain
por Guillem López
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law, forthcoming]


[983] - Social spending and demographics: The role of public policies in the intergenerational redistribution of income. Empirical evidence from Spain and Catalonia
por Guillem López y Ana Mosterin
(Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Nota d'Economia n. 86, forthcoming]


[982] - Adjustment to target capital, finance and growth
por Antonio Ciccone y Elias Papaioannou
(Noviembre 2006)


[981] - Entrepreneurial structure of the mercantile company in pre-industrial Catalonia
por Lídia Torra
(Noviembre 2006)


[980] - Embodied technical change and the fluctuations of wages and unemployment
por Michael Reiter
(Octubre 2006)


[979] - The impact of tax credits on labour supply
por Ghazala Azmat
(Octubre 2006; Revisado: Julio 2009)


[978] - The impact of Economics on health policy and management in Spain
por Vicente Ortún y Ricard Meneu de Guillerna
(Octubre 2006) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Salud Pública 2006; 80(5): 479-92]


[977] - Predictability of drug expenditures: An application using morbidity data
por Manuel García-Goñi y Pere Ibern
(Septiembre 2006)


[976] - Management information systems: The balanced scorecard in Spanish public universities
por Josep Lluís Boned y Llorenç Bagur
(Agosto 2006)


[975] - IFRS introduction and its effect on listed companies in Spain
por Jordi Perramon y Oriol Amat
(Julio 2006)


[974] - On heuristic and linear models of judgment: Mapping the demand for knowledge
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Junio 2006) [Publicado en: Psychological Review, 114 (3), 733-758, 2007; Con el título: Heuristic and linear models of judgment: Matching rules and environments]


[973] - On ignoring scientific evidence: The bumpy road to enlightenment
por Robin Hogarth
(Mayo 2006) [Publicado en: In P. M. Todd, G. Gigerenzer, & The ABC Research Group (Eds.), Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Con el título: When simple is hard to accept]


[972] - Solving heterogeneous-agent models by projection and perturbation
por Michael Reiter
(Septiembre 2006)


[971] - The structural dynamics of output growth and inflation: some international evidence
por Fabio Canova, Luca Gambetti y Evi Pappa
(Abril 2006; Revisado: Agosto 2006) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal; Con el título: 117(519), 2007, C167-C191]


[970] - Globalization and wage inequality in South and East Asia, and Latin America: A gender approach
por Enriqueta Camps, Maria Camou, Silvana Maubrigades y Natalia Mora-Sitja
(Julio 2006)


[969] - Improving small area estimation by combining surveys: new perspectives in regional statistics
por Albert Satorra, Eva Ventura y Alex Costa
(Junio 2006) [Publicado en: SORT(Statistics and Operations Research Transactions) 30, 101-122, 2006]


[968] - On the short-time behavior of the implied volatility for jump-diffusion models with stochastic volatility
por Elisa Alòs, Jorge A. León y Josep Vives
(Junio 2006) [Publicado en: Finance Stoch (2007) 11: 571- 589]


[967] - Protectionist but globalised? Latin American custom duties and trade during the pre-1914 belle époque
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas
(Junio 2006)


[966] - Award errors and permanent disability benefits in Spain
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, José M. Labeaga y Cristina Vilaplana Prieto
(Mayo 2006)


[965] - The optimal length of contracts with application to outsourcing
por Matthew Ellman
(Febrero 2006)


[964] - Cost system design and cost management in the Spanish public sector
por Josep Lluís Boned, Llorenç Bagur y Mike Tayles
(Abril 2006)


[963] - Are Americans' musical preferences more omnivores today?
por Jordi López-Sintas, Anna Torres y Konstantina Zerva
(Abril 2006)


[962] - The informational value of incumbency
por Humberto Llavador y Carmen Beviá
(Abril 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 11 (5):775 - 798, 2009]


[961] - Which inflation to target? A small open economy with sticky wages indexed to past inflation
por Alessia Campolmi
(Marzo 2006)


[960] - Spatial market expansion through mergers
por Verónica Durán-Carbó, Charles ReVelle y Daniel Serra
(Marzo 2006)


[959] - Minimum distance estimation of stationary and non-stationary ARFIMA processes
por Laura Mayoral
(Enero 2006) [Publicado en: Econometrics Journal, vol. 10, Issue 1, pg. 124-148, February 2007]


[958] - The persistence of inflation in OECD countries: A fractionally integrated approach
por Laura Mayoral
(Febrero 2005; Revisado: Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: International Journal of Central Banking, nº 4, 2006]


[957] - Testing I(1) against I(d) alternatives in the presence of deteministic components
por Juan J. Dolado, Jesús Gonzalo y Laura Mayoral
(Febrero 2005)


[956] - Is the observed persistence spurious? A test for fractional integration versus short memory and structural breaks
por Laura Mayoral
(Octubre 2005)


[955] - Further evidence on the statistical properties of real GNP
por Laura Mayoral
(Mayo 2005; Revisado: Febrero 2006) [Publicado en: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2006, vol. 68, issue s1, pp. 901-920]


[954] - What is what?: A simple time-domain test of long-memory vs. structural breaks
por Juan J. Dolado, Jesús Gonzalo y Laura Mayoral
(Septiembre 2005)


[953] - Increasing returns, imperfect competition and factor prices
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Julio 2004; Revisado: Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics 88, 583-598, 2006]


[952] - Revealed preference and indifferent selection
por Eric Danan
(Abril 2006)


[951] - Perceptual mapping of practical ethics along the value chain: A multiple correspondence analysis with industry and cultural indices as supplementary variables
por Antonio Ladrón de Guevara, Anna Torres y Josep A. Tribó
(Marzo 2006)


[950] - Endogenous labor market participation and the business cycle
por Christian Haefke y Michael Reiter
(Marzo 2006)


[949] - On optimal monetary and fiscal policy interactions in open economies
por Chiara Forlati
(Julio 2004; Revisado: Marzo 2006)


[948] - The dog that did not bark: Insider trading and crashes
por José M. Marín y Jacques Olivier
(Marzo 2006)


[947] - Equities and inequality
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli
(Septiembre 2005)


[946] - Financial liberalization, bank crises and growth: Assessing the links
por Alessandra Bonfiglioli y Caterina Mendicino
(Octubre 2004)


[945] - Heterogeneous life-cycle profiles, income risk and consumption inequality
por Giorgio E. Primiceri y Thijs van Rens
(Febrero 2006; Revisado: Agosto 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 56 (1), pp. 20-39. January 2009]


[944] - Organizational capital and employment fluctuations
por Thijs van Rens
(Noviembre 2004)


[943] - Inequality over the business cycle: Estimating income risk using micro-data on consumption
por Giorgio Primiceri y Thijs van Rens
(Julio 2002; Revisado: Octubre 2004)


[942] - Education, growth and income inequality
por Coen Teuling y Thijs van Rens
(Enero 2001; Revisado: Julio 2006) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 90 (1), pp. 89-104. February 2008]


[941] - Riesz-Nágy singular functions revisited
por Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader y Lluís Bibiloni
(Febrero 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 329, 1, pp. 592-602, August 2007]


[940] - Tying up the loose ends in simple correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Enero 2006) [Publicado en: A. Rizzi and M. Vichi (eds), Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 2006, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 163 - 186]


[939] - Assessing the wellbeing of the Spanish elderly
por Michele Boldrin y Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Febrero 2006)


[938] - Wage inequality and unemployment with overeducation
por Xavier Cuadras Morató y Xavier Mateos-Planas
(Enero 2006)


[937] - On information and competition in private value auctions
por Juan José Ganuza y José S. Penalva
(Enero 2006; Revisado: Julio 2006)


[936] - R&D in the pharmaceutical industry: A world of small innovations
por Beatriz Domínguez, Juan José Ganuza y Gerard Llobet
(Diciembre 2005)


[935] - Regulation and opportunism: How much activism do we need?
por Aleix Calveras, Juan José Ganuza y Gerard Llobet
(Septiembre 2005)


[934] - Risk aversion and embedding bias
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Enero 2006) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, Volume 75:4, 465-496, 2013; Con el título: "Measuring risk aversion with lists: A new bias"]


[933] - Competition, innovation and growth with limited commitment
por Ramon Marimon y Vincenzo Quadrini
(Diciembre 2005)


[932] - Averting risk in the face of large losses: Bernoulli vs. Tversky and Kahneman
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Enero 2006) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, Vol. 107, Issue 2, 180-182, 2010.]


[931] - Interlocking directorates in Spanish banking in the twentieth century
por Francisco J. Pueyo
(Enero 2006) [Publicado en: Investigaciones de Historia Económica, num. 6, October 2006]


[930] - Product market deregulation and the U.S. employment miracle
por Monique Ebell y Christian Haefke
(Diciembre 2002; Revisado: Enero 2006)


[929] - Allowing for heterogeneity in the decomposition of measures of inequality in health
por Andrew M. Jones y Ángel López
(Octubre 2004; Revisado: Junio 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Inequality, vol 4(3), pp. 347-365. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-005-9019-z, 2006]


[928] - The elusive costs and the immaterial gains of fiscal contraints
por Fabio Canova y Evi Pappa
(Diciembre 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, 90 (8-9), pp. 1391-1414, 2006]


[927] - Back to square one: Identification issues in DSGE models
por Fabio Canova y Luca Sala
(Mayo 2005; Revisado: Septiembre 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), 2009, 431-449]


[926] - Does it cost to be virtuous? The macroeconomic effects of fiscal constraints
por Fabio Canova y Evi Pappa
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Diciembre 2004) [Publicado en: NBER International Macro Annual 2005; Con el título: Clarida, R., Frankel, J., Giavazzi, F. and K. West (eds.) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, 11065]


[925] - The transmission of US shocks to Latin America
por Fabio Canova
(Mayo 2003; Revisado: Junio 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20 (2): 229- 251 (2005)]


[924] - Similarities and convergence in G-7 cycles
por Fabio Canova, Matteo Ciccarelli y Eva Ortega
(Febrero 2003; Revisado: Agosto 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(3), 2007, 850-878]


[923] - Price differentials in monetary unions: The role of fiscal shocks
por Fabio Canova y Evi Pappa
(Junio 2003; Revisado: Junio 2005) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 117(520), 2007, 713-737]


[922] - Monetary policy in the Euro area: Lessons from 5 years of ECB and implications for Turkey
por Fabio Canova y Carlo Favero
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Bacsi, E., Togan, S., and Von Hagen, J. (eds.) 2005, Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession]


[921] - The structural dynamics of US output and inflation: What explains the changes?
por Luca Gambetti, Evi Pappa y Fabio Canova
(Junio 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40(2-3), 2008, 369-388]


[920] - Estimating multi-country VAR models
por Fabio Canova y Matteo Ciccarelli
(Junio 2002; Revisado: Abril 2008) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 50(3), 2009, 929-961]


[919] - What explains the Great Moderation in the US? A structural analysis
por Fabio Canova
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Diciembre 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(4), 2009, 697-721]


[918] - Structural changes in the US economy: is there a role for monetary policy?
por Fabio Canova y Luca Gambetti
(Mayo 2003; Revisado: Abril 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(2), 2009, 477-490]


[917] - On Rothschild-Stiglitz as competitive pooling
por Alberto Martin
(Agosto 2003; Revisado: Enero 2006) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 2007, vol. 31, issue 2, pg. 371-386]


[916] - Endogenous credit cycles
por Alberto Martin
(Noviembre 2004; Revisado: Agosto 2008)


[915] - Openness, government size and the terms of trade
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Noviembre 2005; Revisado: Enero 2008) [Publicado en: The Review of Economic Studies, 76, 629-668, 2009]


[914] - On the role of retaliation in trade agreements
por Alberto Martin y Wouter Vergote
(Junio 2005; Revisado: Abril 2008) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 76 (1) 2008, 61-77]


[913] - Country portfolios
por Aart Kraay, Norman Loayza, Luis Servén y Jaume Ventura
(Octubre 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (4), 914-945, 2005]


[912] - Real wage rigidities and the new Keynesian model
por Olivier Blanchard y Jordi Galí
(Abril 2005; Revisado: Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, supplement to vol. 39, nº1, 2007, 35-66]


[911] - Understanding the effects of government spending on consumption
por Jordi Galí, J. David López-Salido y Javier Vallés
(Septiembre 2002; Revisado: Agosto 2005)


[910] - New evidence on inflation persistence and price stickiness in the Euro area: Implications for macro modelling
por Ignazio Angelloni, Luc Aucremanne, Michael Ehrmann, Jordi Galí, Andrew Levin y Frank Smets
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 4 (2-3), 562-574, April-May 2006]


[909] - Optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a currency union
por Jordi Galí y Tommaso Monacelli
(Octubre 2005; Revisado: Febrero 2008)


[908] - Distributional equivalence and subcompositional coherence in the analysis of contingency tables, ratio-scale measurements and compositional data
por Michael Greenacre y Paul Lewi
(Diciembre 2005; Revisado: Agosto 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of Classification, 2009, 26, pp. 29-54]


[907] - Existence of sparsely supported correlated equilibria
por Fabrizio Germano y Gábor Lugosi
(Octubre 2005; Revisado: Abril 2006) [Publicado en: Economic Theory (2007) 32: 575-578]


[906] - The impact of generic reference pricing interventions in the statin market
por Jaume Puig
(Diciembre 2005)


[905] - Hypothesis on immigration and welfare
por Pilar García Gómez y Guillem López
(Septiembre 2003; Revisado: Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Moneda y Crédito, 2006]


[904] - Country portfolios and the Solow-model
por Volker Reinthaler
(Septiembre 2005)


[903] - Satisfaction in choice as a function of the number of alternatives: When "goods satiate" but "bads escalate"
por Elena Reutskaja y Robin Hogarth
(Noviembre 2005; Revisado: Mayo 2006)


[902] - Human capital, the structure of production and growth
por Antonio Ciccone y Elias Papaioannou
(Noviembre 2005) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics, 91 (1), 66-82, 2009]


[901] - Credit card debt puzzles
por Michael Haliassos y Michael Reiter
(Noviembre 2005)


[900] - Voting with preferences over margins of victory
por Humberto Llavador
(Octubre 2005; Revisado: Noviembre 2006) [Publicado en: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 56(3):355-365, 2008]


[899] - Price regulation of plastic money: A critical assessment of Spanish rules
por Benito Arruñada
(Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: European Business Organization Law Review, 2005, 6(4), 625-50]


[898] - A sequential model for older workers’ labor transitions after a health shock
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín, José M. Labeaga y Cristina Vilaplana Prieto
(Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Health Economics. 15: 1033 - 1054 (2006)]


[897] - Body size, activity, employment and wages in Europe: A first approach
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Climent Quintana
(Agosto 2005; Revisado: Mayo 2006) [Publicado en: Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Vol. 17, 187-217, Elsevier JAI, 2007; Con el título: Obesity, employment and wages in Europe]


[896] - Endogenous constitutions
por Davide Ticchi y Andrea Vindigni
(Febrero 2002; Revisado: Septiembre 2005)


[895] - Cumulative dominance and heuristic performance in binary multi-attribute choice
por Manel Baucells, Juan A. Carrasco y Robin Hogarth
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Operations Research, 56 (5), 1289-1304, 2008]


[894] - Portable alphas from pension mispricing
por José M. Marín y Francesco Franzoni
(Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Portfolio Management, pp. 44-53, Summer 2006]


[893] - Building an honest microfinance organization: Embezzlement and the optimality of rigid repayment schedules and joint liability
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Enero 2006)


[892] - The gender bias and children's work: Spain, Latin America and Developing countries in a long run comparative perspective
por Enriqueta Camps
(Septiembre 2005; Revisado: Enero 2016)


[891] - The impact of women's educational and economic resources on fertility. Spanish birth cohorts 1901-1950
por Pau Baizán y Enriqueta Camps
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Angelique Janssens (ed.) Gendering the Fertility Decline in the Western World, New York et alt., Peter Lang, 2007]


[890] - Stabilization versus insurance: Welfare effects of procyclical taxation under incomplete markets
por James S. Costain y Michael Reiter
(Noviembre 2004; Revisado: Agosto 2005)


[889] - Drivers and sources of supply flexibility: An exploratory study
por Elcio Mendonça Tachizawa y Cristina Giménez
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: International Journal of Operations and Production Managemement (2007) Vol.27 No.10]


[888] - The role of Mexico in the first oil shortage: 1918-1922, an international perspective
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Revista de Historia Económica, Madrid, Fundación Empresa Pública, vol. 24 (2006), 1, pp. 69-96]


[887] - Computation of multiple correspondence analysis, with code in R
por Michael Greenacre y Oleg Nenadic
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Statistic Software, Vol. 20, Issue 3, Feb 2007]


[886] - Notes on stochastic choice
por Andreu Mas-Colell
(Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Fiscal Fragmentation in Decentralized Countries. Subsidiarity, Solidarity and Asymmetry, R. Bird and R. Ebel (ed.), Edward Elgar, Northampton, 2007]


[885] - The gain-loss asymmetry and single-self preferences
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: Advances in Mathematical Economics, Toru Maruyama, editor, Springer Verlag, Tokyo, 2006]


[884] - Geographical deviations in foreign trade statistics: A study into European trade with Latin American Countries, 1925
por Anna Carreras-Marín y Marc Badia-Miró
(Julio 2005)


[883] - From correspondence analysis to multiple and joint correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: chapter 2 of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006]


[882] - Ambiguity seeking as a result of the status quo bias
por Mercè Roca, Robin Hogarth y A. John Maule
(Septiembre 2005; Revisado: Junio 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 32, Number 3, May 2006, pp. 175-194]


[881] - Multiple correspondence analysis of a subset of response categories
por Michael Greenacre y Rafael Pardo
(Agosto 2005) [Publicado en: chapter 8 of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006]


[880] - A note on the Malliavin differentiability of the Heston volatility
por Elisa Alòs y Christian-Olivier Ewald
(Agosto 2005)


[879] - On the accuracy of Latin American trade statistics: A nonparametric test for 1925
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas y Mauricio Folchi
(Julio 2005)


[878] - The overhang hangover
por Jean Imbs y Romain Rancière
(Junio 2005)


[877] - Manipulation of earnings reports in Spain - some evidence
por Oriol Amat, Catherine Gowthorpe y Jordi Perramon
(Julio 2005) [Publicado en: The Journal of Applied Accounting Research, ISSN: 0967-5426, 2007, vol. 8 (iii), october, pp.93-115.]


[876] - The determinants of the prevalence of single mothers: A cross-country analysis
por Libertad González Luna
(Julio 2005)


[875] - Money and prices in models of bounded rationality in high inflation economies
por Albert Marcet y Juan Pablo Nicolini
(Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics 8 (2005) 452 - 479]


[874] - Why did modern trade fairs appear?
por Albert Carreras y Lídia Torra
(Junio 2005)


[873] - Capital goods imports and investments in Latin America in the mid 1920s
por Xavier Tafunell y Albert Carreras
(Junio 2005)


[872] - Business cycles, unemployment insurance and the calibration of matching models
por James S. Costain y Michael Reiter
(Junio 2003; Revisado: Octubre 2006)


[871] - Pension plan funding and stock market efficiency
por Francesco Franzoni y José M. Marín
(Junio 2005) [Publicado en: The Journal of Finance, Volume 61, Number 2, April 2006, pp. 921-956(36)]


[870] - The curse of aid
por Simeon Djankov, José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Abril 2005)


[869] - Is lumpy investment really irrelevant for the business cycle?
por Tommy Sveen y Lutz Weinke
(Junio 2005)


[868] - Energy as an indicator of modernisation in Latin America by 1925
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas y Mauricio Folchi
(Mayo 2005)


[867] - Value and depreciation of mineral resources over the very long run: An empirical contrast of different methods
por M. del Mar Rubio Varas
(Mayo 2005)


[866] - Fiscal decentralization in Spain: An asymmetric transition to democracy
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Marzo 2002) [Publicado en: Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Maintaining an Effective State in Diverse Countries, Richard Bird editor, World Bank, 2005]


[865] - Why do differences in the degree of fiscal decentralization endure?
por Xavier Calsamiglia, Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Agosto 2004)


[864] - When in peril, retrench: Testing the portfolio channel of contagion
por Fernando Broner, R. Gaston Gelos y Carmen M. Reinhart
(Octubre 2003; Revisado: Mayo 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 69 (1), 2006, 203-230]


[863] - Determining underlying macroeconomic fundamentals during emerging market crises: Are conditions as bad as they seem?
por Mark Aguiar y Fernando Broner
(Agosto 2001; Revisado: Agosto 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (4), 2006, 699-724]


[862] - Why are capital flows so much more volatile in emerging than in developed countries?
por Fernando Broner y Roberto Rigobon
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: External Financial Vulnerability and Preventive Policies. R. Caballero, C. Calderón, and L. Céspedes (eds.). Eighth Annual Conference of the Central Bank of Chile, 2006]


[861] - Riding the South Sea bubble
por Peter Temin y Joachim Voth
(Diciembre 2004) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 94(5), pp. 1654-1668, December 2004]


[860] - Private borrowing during the financial revolution: Hoare’s Bank and its customers, 1702-1724
por Peter Temin y Joachim Voth
(Mayo 2005) [Publicado en: Economic History Review, August 2008, 61 (3), pp. 541-564.]


[859] - Credit rationing and crowding out during the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from Hoare's Bank, 1702-1862
por Peter Temin y Joachim Voth
(Febrero 2004; Revisado: Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 42(3), pp. 325-348, July 2005]


[858] - Interest rate restrictions in a natural experiment: loan allocation and the change in the usury laws in 1714
por Joachim Voth y Peter Temin
(Mayo 2005) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, April 2008, 118, pp. 743-758]


[857] - Why England? Demand, growth and inequality during the Industrial Revolution
por Nico Voigtländer y Joachim Voth
(Mayo 2005; Revisado: Diciembre 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Growth, 2006: 319-361]


[856] - Credit derivatives in emerging markets
por Romain Rancière
(Abril 2002)


[855] - Financial development, financial fragility and growth
por Norman Loayza y Romain Rancière
(Septiembre 2004)


[854] - Systemic crises and growth
por Romain Rancière, Aaron Tornell y Frank Westermann
(Mayo 2002; Revisado: Noviembre 2004)


[853] - Banks, liquidity crises and economic growth
por Alejandro Gaytan y Romain Rancière
(Agosto 2001; Revisado: Mayo 2003)


[852] - Crises and growth: A re-evaluation
por Romain Rancière, Aaron Tornell y Frank Westermann
(Mayo 2002; Revisado: Septiembre 2003)


[851] - Wealth, financial intermediation and growth
por Alejandro Gaytan y Romain Rancière
(Enero 2004; Revisado: Abril 2004)


[850] - Productivity growth and the exchange rate regime: The role of financial development
por Philippe Aghion, Philippe Bacchetta, Romain Rancière y Kenneth Rogoff
(Mayo 2005)


[849] - A global view of economic growth
por Jaume Ventura
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Handbook of Economic Growth, vol. 1B, Philippe Aghion and Steven N. Durlauf (eds.), 2005 Elsevier B. V.]


[848] - Economic growth with bubbles
por Alberto Martin y Jaume Ventura
(Noviembre 2003; Revisado: Septiembre 2011) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 102 (6), 3033-3058, October 2012]


[847] - The dot-com bubble, the Bush deficits and the US current account
por Jaume Ventura y Aart Kraay
(Junio 2005; Revisado: Diciembre 2005) [Publicado en: G7 Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment, R. Clarida (eds.), 2007, The University of Chicago Press]


[846] - Bubbles and capital flows
por Jaume Ventura
(Octubre 2002; Revisado: Marzo 2010) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2), 738-758, 2012]


[845] - Comparative advantage and the cross-section of business cycles
por Aart Kray y Jaume Ventura
(Enero 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 5 (6), 1300-1333, 2007]


[844] - Stable sunspot equilibria in a cash-in-advance economy
por George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja y Ramon Marimon
(Febrero 2004; Revisado: Julio 2005)


[843] - Aggregate consequences of limited contract enforceability
por Thomas Cooley, Ramon Marimon y Vicenzo Quadrini
(Junio 1999; Revisado: Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 2004, v.112(4), 817 - 847]


[842] - Strategic delegation in monetary unions
por V.V. Chari, Larry E. Jones y Ramon Marimon
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: The Manchester School, 2004, v.72(s1) 19-33]


[841] - Nominal debt as a burden on monetary policy
por Javier Díaz-Giménez, Giorgia Giovannetti, Ramon Marimon y Pedro Teles
(Enero 2003; Revisado: Enero 2006)


[840] - On the timing of balance of payments crises: Disaggregated information and interest rate policy
por Fernando Broner
(Diciembre 1999; Revisado: Febrero 2002)


[839] - Discrete devaluations and multiple equilibria in a first generation model of currency crises
por Fernando Broner
(Noviembre 2003; Revisado: Enero 2007) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (3), 2008, 592-605.]


[838] - Why do emerging economies borrow short term?
por Fernando Broner, Guido Lorenzoni y Sergio L. Schmukler
(Agosto 2003; Revisado: Diciembre 2011) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 11 (S1), 2013, 67-100]


[837] - Globalization and risk sharing
por Fernando Broner y Jaume Ventura
(Octubre 2005; Revisado: Abril 2009) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 49-82, 2011]


[836] - Markups, gaps and the welfare costs of business fluctuations
por Jordi Galí, Mark Gertler y J. David López-Salido
(Mayo 2005) [Publicado en: The Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2007, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 44-59]


[835] - Monetary policy and exchange rate volatility in a small open economy
por Jordi Galí y Tommaso Monacelli
(Julio 2004) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 72, 707-734, 2005]


[834] - North-south trade and directed technical change
por Gino Gancia
(Mayo 2003; Revisado: Mayo 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 76, 276-296, 2008]


[833] - The skill bias of world trade
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Noviembre 2004; Revisado: Marzo 2007) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 118, 927-960, July 2008]


[832] - Trade, migration and regional unemployment
por Paolo Epifani y Gino Gancia
(Marzo 2002; Revisado: Noviembre 2003) [Publicado en: Regional Science and Urban Economics 35, 625-644, 2005]


[831] - Horizontal innovation in the theory of growth and development
por Gino Gancia y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Handbook of Economic Growth, Philippe Aghion and Steve Durlauf editors, 2005]


[830] - Modern perspectives on stabilization policies
por Jordi Galí
(Octubre 2004; Revisado: Agosto 2005) [Publicado en: CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 51, 587-599, 4/2005]


[829] - Trends in hours, balanced growth and the role of technology in the business cycle
por Jordi Galí
(Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 87(4), pp. 459-86, July/August 2005]


[828] - Regions of rationality: Maps for bounded agents
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Abril 2005; Revisado: Marzo 2006) [Publicado en: Decision Analysis, 3(3), 124-144, 2006]


[827] - Managing competition in professional services and the burden of inertia
por Benito Arruñada
(Mayo 2005) [Publicado en: Claus-Dieter Ehlermann e Isabela Atanasiu, eds., European Competition Law Annual 2004: The Relationship between Competition Law and the (Liberal) Professions, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2006, pp. 51-71]


[826] - The effect of university culture and stakeholders' perceptions on university-business linking activities
por Jeannine Horowitz Gassol
(Mayo 2005)


[825] - The illusion of control, the structures of prizes and the demand for football pools in Spain
por Jaume Garcia Villar y Plácido Rodríguez
(Abril 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Sports Economics, 2007, volume 8, number 4, p. 335-354; Con el título: The Demand for Football Pools in Spain. The Role of Price, Prizes and the Composition of the Coupon]


[824] - Reverse logistics in the editorial sector: An exploratory study
por Cristina Giménez, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço y Juan Pablo Soto
(Abril 2005)


[823] - Medición de las preferencias de los consumidores sobre el comportamiento socialmente responsable de las empresas
por Daniel Fernández-Kranz y Anna Merino
(Enero 2005)


[822] - Human nature and institutional analysis
por Benito Arruñada
(Marzo 2005; Revisado: Septiembre 2008) [Publicado en: New Institutional Economics: A Guidebook, Cambridge University Press, E. Brousseau and J.-M. Glachant, eds., Cambridge, 2008, pp. 81-99]


[821] - Geographical effects on the accuracy of textile trade data:an international approach for 1913
por Anna Carreras
(Marzo 2005)


[820] - Regulating financial conglomerates
por Xavier Freixas, Gyöngyi Lóránth y Alan D. Morrison
(Marzo 2005)


[819] - A one-shot Prisoners’ Dilemma with procedural utility
por Marc Le Menestrel
(Junio 2003)


[818] - Single mothers and incentives to work: The French experience
por Libertad González Luna
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 22, 3, pàg. 447-468, setembre 2008; Con el título: Single Mothers, Welfare, and Incentives to Work]


[817] - Policy making in divided government. A pivotal actors model with party discipline
por Josep M. Colomer
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Public Choice, 125, 3-4, pp. 247-269, 2005]


[816] - Subcontracting and vertical integration in the Spanish cotton industry
por Joan Ramon Rosés
(Marzo 2005)


[815] - Immigration and the survival of the welfare state
por Francesc Ortega
(Diciembre 2004)


[814] - On the origins of electoral systems and political parties. The role of elections in multi-member districts
por Josep M. Colomer
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Electoral Studies, 26, 1, 2007]


[813] - The left-right dimension in Latin America
por Josep M. Colomer
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Desarrollo Económico, 44, 177, pp. 123-136, 2005; Con el título: La dimensión izquierda-derecha en América Latina]


[812] - It's parties that choose electoral systems (or Duverger's Law upside down)
por Josep M. Colomer
(Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: Political Studies, 53, 1, pp. 1-21, 2005]


[811] - Circulation of private notes during a currency shortage
por Xavier Cuadras Morató
(Marzo 2005)


[810] - La evaluación del gasto sanitario en España en sus niveles y determinantes
por Guillem López
(Febrero 2005) [Publicado en: Ed. Masson, 2005; Con el título: Chapter in Mas Recursos para la Salud?]


[809] - Drug utilization studies and data registries in primary care
por Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Anselmo López Cabañas, Antonio Cabeza Mora, José Antonio Díaz Berenguer, Vicente Ortún y Fayna Álamo Santana
(Febrero 2005) [Publicado en: Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 67, pp 161-189, 2005]


[808] - A simple access pricing rule to achieve the Ramsey outcome for interconnected networks
por Doh-Shin Jeon
(Febrero 2005; Revisado: Septiembre 2005)


[807] - Drug innovation, prices and health
por Vicente Ortún, Jaume Puig y María Callejón
(Enero 2005) [Publicado en: González B (ed): Difusión de nuevas tecnologías sanitarias y políticas públicas. Barcelona: Masson, 2005, pp. 173-193]


[806] - Teaching metaheuristics in business schools
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Enero 2005) [Publicado en: AIRO News, IX, n.1, Spring 2004, pp. 4-7]


[805] - Money, fame and the allocation of talent: Brain drain and the institution of science
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Febrero 2005; Revisado: Agosto 2005)


[804] - Measuring strategic uncertainty in coordination games
por Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel y Peter Ockenfels
(Diciembre 2004)


[803] - Long term debt with hidden borrowing
por Heski Bar-Isaac y Vicente Cuñat
(Enero 2005)


[802] - Interbank comptetition with costly screening
por Xavier Freixas, Sjaak Hurkens, Alan D. Morrison y Nir Vulkan
(Noviembre 2004)


[801] - Market institutions and judicial rulemaking
por Benito Arruñada y Veneta Andonova
(Diciembre 2004) [Publicado en: Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Dordrecht, Springer, 2005, 229-250]


[800] - What do the papers sell?
por Matthew Ellman y Fabrizio Germano
(Diciembre 2004; Revisado: Febrero 2006) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 119, 537, pp. 680-704. 2009; Con el título: What do the papers sell? A model of advertising and media bias]


[799] - Specificity revisited: The role of cross-investments
por Matthew Ellman
(Noviembre 2004; Revisado: Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Law Economics and Organization, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2006]


[798] - Resolving inconsistencies in utility measurement under risk: Tests of generalizations of expected utility
por Han Bleichrodt, José María Abellán-Perpiñan, JoséLuis Pinto y Ildefonso Méndez-Martínez
(Enero 2005)


[797] - Responsabilidad social corporativa. Una visión desde la teoría económica
por Aleix Calveras y Juan José Ganuza
(Septiembre 2004)


[796] - The donor problem
por Klaus Abbink y Matthew Ellman
(Octubre 2004; Revisado: Enero 2005)


[795] - Downsizing, job insecurity and firm reputation
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Joel Shapiro
(Noviembre 2004)


[794] - Biased representation of homothetic preferences on homogeneous sets
por Marc Le Menestrel y Bertrand Lemaire
(Noviembre 2004) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, 60: 207-217, 2006; Con el título: Ratio-scale measurement with intransitivity or incompleteness: the homogeneous case]


[793] - Homothetic interval orders
por Bertrand Lemaire y Marc Le Menestrel
(Enero 2004) [Publicado en: Discrete Mathematics, 306, 1669-1683, 2006]


[792] - Turbulence and unemployment in a job matching model
por Wouter J. Den Haan, Christian Haefke y Garey Ramey
(Noviembre 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (2005), 6 (December), pp. 1360-1385]


[791] - Subset correspondence analysis: Visualizing relationships among a selected set of response categories from a questionnaire survey
por Michael Greenacre y Rafael Pardo
(Noviembre 2004) [Publicado en: Sociological Methods and Research, 2006, 35, 193-218]


[790] - The European Social Survey. Methodological aspects
por Anna Cuxart y Clara Riba
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Torcal Mariano; Pérez-Nievas, Santiago y Morales, Laura (eds.), Colección Ciencia Política, nº 18, p. 21-40, 2005, Ed. Tirant Lo Blanc, València; Con el título: Aspectos metodológicos de la Encuesta Social Europea, en España: Sociedad y política en perspectiva comparada. Un análisis de la primera ola de la Encuesta Social Europea]


[789] - Biased quantitative measurement of interval ordered homothetic preferences
por Marc Le Menestrel y Bertrand Lemaire
(Julio 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 570-581, 2006; Con el título: Biased Extensive Measurement: The General Case]


[788] - Global Nash convergence of Foster and Young's regret testing
por Fabrizio Germano y Gábor Lugosi
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior (2007) 60: 135-154]


[787] - Moral hazard and dynamics of insider ownership stakes
por Branko Urosevic
(Febrero 2001; Revisado: Octubre 2004)


[786] - Overconfidence and market efficiency with heterogeneous agents
por Diego Garcia, Francesco Sangiorgi y Branko Urosevic
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 30(2), pp. 313-336, February, 2007]


[785] - Noise and aggregation of information in large markets
por Diego García y Branko Urosevic
(Octubre 2004)


[784] - On the valuation and incentive effects of executive cash bonus contracts
por Lionel Martellini y Branko Urosevic
(Diciembre 2003) [Publicado en: Managerial Finance, Vol. 31, No. 7. (July 2005), pp. 27-53]


[783] - Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibrium
por Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 57, Num. 2, p. 286-303, Nov. 2006]


[782] - The changing relationship between tax and financial reporting in Spain
por Christopher Nobes, Ester Oliveras y Xavier Puig
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Accounting in Europe, Volume 2, pp. 195-207, 2005]


[781] - Reporting intellectual capital in Spain
por Ester Oliveras y Yulia Kasperskaya
(Octubre 2004)


[780] - Firm-specific investment, sticky prices and the Taylor principle
por Tommy Sveen y Lutz Weinke
(Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 123, No. 1, pp 21-39, July 2005]


[779] - Ethical differentiation and market behavior: An experimental approach
por Julian Rode, Robin Hogarth y Marc Le Menestrel
(Octubre 2004; Revisado: Mayo 2006) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 66, 265-280, 2008]


[778] - Excess entry, ambiguity seeking and competence: An experimental investigation
por Daniela Grieco y Robin Hogarth
(Octubre 2004)


[777] - Weighted metric multidimensional scaling
por Michael Greenacre
(Septiembre 2004)


[776] - On a series of Goldbach and Euler
por Lluís Bibiloni, Pelegrí Viader y Jaume Paradís
(Septiembre 2004) [Publicado en: American Mathematical Monthly 113 (3) pp 206-220; Con el título: On a Series of Goldbach and Euler]


[775] - Fermat's treatise on quadrature: A new reading
por Jaume Paradís, Josep Pla y Pelegrí Viader
(Septiembre 2004) [Publicado en: Revue d'histoire des mathématiques 14, fascicule 1 (2008), 1-49; Con el título: Fermat's method of quadrature]


[774] - Long-run selection and the work ethic
por Jens Josephson y Karl Wärneryd
(Septiembre 2004)


[773] - Pitfalls in the modeling of forward-looking price setting and investment decisions
por Tommy Sveen y Lutz Weinke
(Septiembre 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics; Con el título: Lumpy Investment, Sticky Prices, and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism]


[772] - Competition and cost overruns in procurement
por Juan José Ganuza
(Octubre 2003)


[771] - Book vs. fair value accounting in banking and intertemporal smoothing
por Xavier Freixas y Dimitrios P. Tsomocos
(Septiembre 2004)


[770] - Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil wars
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Julio 2004; Revisado: Marzo 2005) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 95 (3), pp. 796 - 816, 2005]


[769] - E-supply chain management: Review, implications and directions for future research
por Cristina Giménez y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Septiembre 2004; Revisado: Mayo 2007) [Publicado en: Giménez C. and Lourenço H.R. (2008), e-SCM: Internet’s impact on Supply Chain Processes. International Journal of Logistics Management 19(3): 309-343. ISSN 0957-4093.]


[768] - Judges' cognition and market order
por Benito Arruñada y Veneta Andonova
(Julio 2004; Revisado: Enero 2008) [Publicado en: Review of Law and Economics, 4(2), 2008, 665-92]


[767] - Determinants of organizational form: Transaction costs and institutions in the European trucking industry
por Benito Arruñada, Manuel González y Alberto Fernández
(Junio 2004) [Publicado en: Industrial and Corporate Change, 13 (6), pp. 867-882, 2004.]


[766] - Fighting against Malaria: Prevent wars while waiting for the "miraculous" vaccine
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Septiembre 2001; Revisado: Enero 2006)


[765] - Trade, extent of the market and economic growth 1960-1996
por Francisco Alcalá y Antonio Ciccone
(Febrero 2003; Revisado: Diciembre 2003)


[764] - Long-run substitutability between more and less educated workers: Evidence from U.S. States 1950-1990
por Antonio Ciccone y Giovanni Peri
(Junio 2004) [Publicado en: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 87, No. 4 , pp. 652-663, November 2005]


[763] - The effects of structural reforms on productivity and profitability enhancing reallocation: Evidence from Colombia
por Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler y Maurice Kugler
(Mayo 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Development Economics , 75, 2, (Dec. 2004), pp. 333-371]


[762] - Regulatory ambivalence and the limitations of pharmaceutical policy in Spain
por Joan Costa y Jaume Puig
(Junio 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics & POlicy 2005;13(4): 33-49]


[761] - Stochastic evolution of rules for playing normal form games
por Fabrizio Germano
(Junio 2004) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision (2007) 62: 311-333]


[760] - Conflicts of interest, information provision and competition in banking
por Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas y Joel Shapiro
(Junio 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Economics, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online February 2006]


[759] - Optimal negligence rule under limited liability
por Juan José Ganuza y Fernando Gómez
(Marzo 2003; Revisado: Mayo 2004)


[758] - Socio-economic inequalities in health in Catalonia
por Pilar García Gómez y Ángel López
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Octubre 2005) [Publicado en: Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 175-4, pp. 103-122, 2005]


[757] - Regional differences in socio-economic health inequalities in Spain
por Pilar García Gómez y Ángel López
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Octubre 2004)


[756] - The evolution of inequity in the access to health care in Spain: 1987-2001
por Pilar García Gómez y Ángel López
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Octubre 2006) [Publicado en: Research in Economic Inequality Vol 15, (2007), forthcoming; Con el título: Public and Private Health Insurance and the Utilisation of Health Care in Spain]


[755] - Location models in the public sector
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Mayo 2004) [Publicado en: in Z. Drezner and H. Hamacher (eds.). New York: Springer, 2002, 119-144.; Con el título: Facility Location: Applications and Theory]


[754] - Patentes, regulación de precios e innovación en la industria farmacéutica
por Vicente Ortún
(Mayo 2004) [Publicado en: Cuadernos económicos de ICE 2004, 67, pp. 191-207]


[753] - Location models for ceding market share and shrinking services
por Charles ReVelle, Alan T. Murray y Daniel Serra
(Mayo 2004)


[752] - El impacto de los servicios sanitarios sobre la salud
por Vicente Ortún, Ricard Meneu y Salvador Peiró
(Mayo 2004) [Publicado en: Junoy G., lópez G., Ortún V. ¿Más recursos para la salud? Barcelona: Masson, 2004, pp. 173-204]


[751] - The challenge of representative design in psychology and economics
por Robin Hogarth
(Mayo 2004; Revisado: Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Methodology, 12 (2), 253-263, 2005]


[750] - Strike outcomes and wage settlements in Spain
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: Labour, 20 (4), 673-698 (2006)]


[749] - Creative accounting: Nature, incidence and ethical issues
por Oriol Amat y Catherine Gowthorpe
(Abril 2004)


[748] - Creative accounting: Some ethical issues of macro- and micro-manipulation
por Catherine Gowthorpe y Oriol Amat
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Business Ethics, 2005, vol. 57, núm. 1, pp. 55-64]


[747] - La gestión sanitaria: orientaciones a futuro para el cambio organizativo, del control y la financiación
por Guillem López
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: Cuadernos de Informacion Economica, abril 2004]


[746] - The effects of poor financial information systems on the long term sustainability of local public services. Empirical evidence from the Catalan Municipalities
por Eugeni Garcia Alegre y Guillem López
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: Jounal of Urban Economics, April 2006]


[745] - Diversity and regional inequalities: Assessing the outcomes of the Spanish 'System of Health Care Services'
por Guillem López, Joan Costa-Font y Ivan Planas
(Abril 2004) [Publicado en: Health Economics 14: S221 - S235, 2005]


[744] - What form of relative performance evaluation?
por Marco Celentani y Rosa Loveira-Pazó
(Enero 2004) [Publicado en: Review of Economyc Dynamics, Vol 9, 525-540, 2006; Con el título: A Simple Explanation of the Relative Performance Evaluation Puzzle]


[743] - Protestants and Catholics: Similar work ethic, different social ethic
por Benito Arruñada
(Marzo 2004; Revisado: Septiembre 2010) [Publicado en: The Economic Journal, 2010, 120 (547), 890-918.]


[742] - Ignoring information in binary choice with continuous variables: When is less 'more'?
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Febrero 2004; Revisado: Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49, pp. 115-124, 2005]


[741] - A test of the predictive validity of non-linear QALY models using time trade-off utilities
por José Mª Abellán, José Luis Pinto, Ildefonso Méndez y Xabier Badía
(Febrero 2004)


[740] - A generalization of Hull and White formula and applications to option pricing approximation
por Elisa Alòs
(Febrero 2004) [Publicado en: Finance and Stochastics, 10, 353-365, 2006]


[739] - Simple models for multi-attribute choice with many alternatives: When it does and does not pay to face tradeoffs with binary attributes
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Febrero 2004; Revisado: Abril 2005) [Publicado en: Management Science, Vol. 51 (2005), No 12, pp. 1860-1872]


[738] - Compensating wage differentials and voluntary job changes: Evidence from West Germany
por Ernesto Villanueva
(Enero 2004)


[737] - Finite mixture analysis of beauty-contest data using generalised beta distributions
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech, José Garcia Montalvo, Rosemarie Nagel y Albert Satorra
(Enero 2004; Revisado: Mayo 2010) [Publicado en: Experimental Economics, Vol. 13(4), 461-475, 2010.]


[736] - Solving a concrete sleepers production scheduling by genetic algorithms
por M. E. Pérez-Vázquez, A. M. Gento-Municio y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Enero 2004) [Publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 179, Issue 3, 16 June 2007, Pages 605-620]


[735] - How to recognize opportunities: Heterarchical search in a Wall Street trading room
por Daniel Beunza Ibáñez y David Stark
(Enero 2004; Revisado: Septiembre 2005) [Publicado en: K. Knorr Cetina et A. Preda (ed.), The sociology of financial markets, Oxford University Press, October 2004]


[734] - Resolving identities: Successive crises in a trading room after 9/11
por Daniel Beunza Ibáñez y David Stark
(Enero 2004; Revisado: Septiembre 2005)


[733] - Security analysts as frame-makers
por Daniel Beunza Ibáñez y Raghu Garud
(Enero 2004; Revisado: Septiembre 2005)


[732] - Ethics and creative accounting: Some empirical evidence on accounting for intangibles in Spain
por Ester Oliveras y Oriol Amat
(Diciembre 2003)


[731] - Using composite estimators to improve both domain and total area estimation
por Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra y Eva Ventura
(Diciembre 2003) [Publicado en: SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 28, 1, (2004), pp. 69-86]


[730] - Partisan competition, growth and the franchise
por Humberto Llavador y Robert Oxoby
(Diciembre 2003; Revisado: Septiembre 2004) [Publicado en: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.120(3):1155-1189, 2005]


[729] - The persistence of abnormal returns at industry and firm levels
por Juan Carlos Bou y Albert Satorra
(Noviembre 2003)


[728] - Associationism and electoral participation: A multilevel study of 2000 Spanish general election
por Clara Riba y Anna Cuxart
(Noviembre 2003) [Publicado en: 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, actas, ISBN 84-8409-955-5, pags.585-604, Lleida 2003]


[727] - Exact and approximate stepdown methods for multiple hypothesis testing
por Joseph Romano y Michael Wolf
(Diciembre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, 94-108, 2005]


[726] - Product market deregulation and labor market outcomes
por Monique Ebell y Christian Haefke
(Diciembre 2002; Revisado: Diciembre 2003)


[725] - Inventory-routing model, for a multi-period problem with stochastic and deterministic demand
por Rita Ribeiro y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Noviembre 2003) [Publicado en: Proceeding of the Decision Sciences Institute International Conference, IESE, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, pp. 403-414]


[724] - Multi-period vendor managed inventory systems
por Rita Ribeiro y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Diciembre 2003) [Publicado en: Proceedings of The Second Spanish Congress in Metaheuristics, Evolutive and Bioinspired Algorithms, Gijón, Spain, February 5-7, pp. 257-265]


[723] - Strategies for an integrated distribution problem
por Rita Ribeiro y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Noviembre 2003)


[722] - Effects of employment protection and product market regulations on the Italian labor market
por Adriana Kugler y Giovanni Pica
(Noviembre 2003) [Publicado en: Julian Messina, Claudio Michelacci, Jarkko Turunen, and Gylfi Zoega, eds. Edward Elgar, 2005; Con el título: Labour Market Adjustments in Europe]


[721] - The labor market effects of payroll taxes in a middle-income country: Evidence from Colombia
por Adriana Kugler y Maurice Kugler
(Julio 2003)


[720] - Implications of dynamic trading for insurance markets
por José Penalva
(Diciembre 2003)


[719] - Cost efficiency in primary care contracting: A stochastic frontier cost function approach
por Jaume Puig y Vicente Ortún
(Julio 2003) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 2004; 13: 1149-1165]


[718] - Labour market in the Catalan cotton textile sector: Employment and fertility (1850-1913)
por Enriqueta Camps
(Octubre 2003; Revisado: Septiembre 2009)


[717] - A BPE model for the Burgers' equation
por Arturo Kohatsu y Shigeyoshi Ogawa
(Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Publications of the Research Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, 2004]


[716] - Regional industrialisation without national growth: The Catalan industrialization and the growth of Spanish economy (1830-1861)
por Joan Ramon Rosés
(Noviembre 2003)


[715] - An evaluation of the life-cycle effects of minimum pensions on retirement behavior
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Alfonso R. Sánchez
(Octubre 2003; Revisado: Junio 2006) [Publicado en: Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2007]


[714] - Nonparametric bounds on the returns to language skills
por Libertad González
(Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20: 771-795, 2005]


[713] - The impact of interest-rate subsidies on long-term household debt: Evidence from a large program
por Nuno C. Martins y Ernesto Villanueva
(Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, 90, (8-9), 1601-1623, 2006; Con el título: The Impact of Mortgage Interest Rate Subsidies on Household Borrowing]


[712] - Stepwise multiple testing as formalized data snooping
por Joseph P. Romano y Michael Wolf
(Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Econometrica 73, 1237-1282, 2005]


[711] - Measurement and explanation of socioeconomic inequality in health with longitudinal data
por Andrew M. Jones y Ángel López
(Septiembre 2003) [Publicado en: Health Economics, Volume 13, Issue 10, Date: October 2004, pages: 1015-1030]


[710] - Logistics integration processes in the food industry
por Cristina Giménez
(Septiembre 2003) [Publicado en: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management; Vol. 36 No.3, pp. 231-249; 2006]


[709] - Take-the-best and other simple strategies: Why and when they work 'well' in binary choice
por Robin Hogarth y Natalia Karelaia
(Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, 61, 205-249, 2006]


[708] - The lender of last resort: A 21st Century approach
por Xavier Freixas, Bruno M. Parigi y Jean-Charles Rochet
(Septiembre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 2(6) Dec 2004]


[707] - Are changes in education important for the wage premium and unemployment?
por Xavier Cuadras Morató y Xavier Mateos Planas
(Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, v.47 (1), pp.129-160, 2006; Con el título: Skill bias and employment frictions in the US labor market 1970-90]


[706] - General preferences for consumption goods in the random matching model of commodity money
por Xavier Cuadras Morató
(Septiembre 2003)


[705] - Eliciting consumers preferences using stated preference discrete choice models: Contingent ranking versus choice experiment
por Anna Merino
(Junio 2003)


[704] - Demand for pharmaceutical drugs: A choice modelling experiment
por Anna Merino
(Junio 2003)


[703] - Forward induction and the excess capacity puzzle: An experimental investigation
por Jordi Brandts, Antonio Cabrales y Gary Charness
(Julio 2003) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, forthcoming]


[702] - Inflation and output dynamics with firm-owned capital
por Lutz Weinke y Tommy Sveen
(Julio 2003)


[701] - On equilibria in duopolies with finite strategy spaces
por Kalyan Talluri
(Julio 2003)


[700] - Wage structures and family economies in the Catalan textile industry in an age of nascent capitalism
por Enriqueta Camps
(Junio 2003) [Publicado en: Continuity and Change, august, 2004]


[699] - University admission marks in Catalonia: Some highlights from the empirical research
por Anna Cuxart, Rosa M. Grau y Manuel Martí-Recober
(Junio 2003)


[698] - Optimal information transmission in organizations: Search and congestion
por Àlex Arenas, Antonio Cabrales, Albert Díaz-Guilera, Roger Guimerà y Fernando Vega
(Junio 2003)


[697] - The rise and decline of children's labour participation levels during the early stages of industrialisation. Catalonia (1850-1925)
por Enriqueta Camps
(Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Cuadernos de Historia Contemporanea, 2002; també a: Kristpffel Lieten and Elise van Nederven Meerkerk (eds.) , Peter Lang, forthcoming; Con el título: Child Labour's Global Past, 1500-2000, New York et alt.]


[696] - Generalized canonical correlation analysis of matrices with different row and column orders
por Michel Van de Velden y Tammo Bijmolt
(Junio 2003) [Publicado en: Psychometrika 71, 2 (June 2006), 323-331; Con el título: Generalized canonical correlation analysis of matrices with missing rows: a simulation study]


[695] - Portfolio delegation under short-selling constraints
por Juan-Pedro Gómez y Tridib Sharma
(Junio 2003) [Publicado en: Economic Theory 28, Issue 1, 173 - 196 May 2006]


[694] - Keeping up with the Joneses: An international asset pricing model
por Juan-Pedro Gómez, Richard Priestly y Fernando Zapatero
(Junio 2003)


[693] - Asset pricing implications of benchmarking: A two-factor CAPM
por Juan-Pedro Gómez y Fernando Zapatero
(Julio 2001) [Publicado en: European Journal of Finance, 9, (2003), pp. 343-357]


[692] - Do the eealthy risk more money? An experimental comparison
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Junio 2003; Revisado: Enero 2005) [Publicado en: The Birgit Grodal Symposium, Karl Vind, editor, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2006]


[691] - Honey, I shrunk the sample covariance matrix
por Olivier Ledoit y Michael Wolf
(Junio 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Portfolio Management 30, Volume 4, 110-119, 2004]


[690] - Oil and economy in Mexico, 1900-1930s
por M. del Mar Rubio
(Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Caeteris Paribus, 1, año 8, marzo 2005, pp.13-18 -Spanish version-]


[689] - The capital gains from trade are not enough: Evidence from the environmental accounts of Venezuela and Mexico
por M. del Mar Rubio
(Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 48, 3, (2004), pp. 1175-1191]


[688] - Estimating the probability of leaving unemployment using uncompleted spells from repeated cross-section data
por Maia Güell y Luojia Hu
(Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, vol. 133 (1), pp. 307-341, 2006]


[687] - Construyendo las bases para una comparación fiable: la Encuesta Social Europea
por Clara Riba y Anna Cuxart
(Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Ciencia Política,Vol. 8, 165-185, 2003; Con el título: Construyendo las bases para una comparación fiable: la Encuesta Social Europea 2002 en España]


[686] - Social security, retirement, and the single-mindedness of the electorate
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martín
(Mayo 2003)


[685] - Addressing the natural resource curse: An illustration from Nigeria
por Xavier Sala-i-Martín y Arvind Subramanian
(Mayo 2003)


[684] - The economic tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa
por Elsa V. Artadi y Xavier Sala-i-Martín
(Abril 2003)


[683] - Economic growth and investment in the Arab world
por Xavier Sala-i-Martín y Elsa V. Artadi
(Mayo 2003)


[682] - How binding are legal limits? Transitions from temporary to permanent work in Spain
por Maia Güell y Barbara Petrongolo
(Mayo 2003; Revisado: Julio 2005) [Publicado en: Labour Economics, 14 (2), 153-183, 2007]


[681] - Giffen goods and market making
por Giovanni Cespa
(Abril 2002; Revisado: Mayo 2003) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 2005, vol. 25, 983-997]


[680] - Australian Asian options
por Manuel Moreno y Javier F. Navas
(Febrero 2003)


[679] - Incentives and pharmaceutical reimbursement reforms in Spain
por Jaume Puig
(Abril 2003) [Publicado en: Health Policy, 2004, 67, pp. 149-165]


[678] - Bundling electronic journals and competition among publishers
por Doh-Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Abril 2003; Revisado: Agosto 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of the European Economic Association, vol.4 (5), 1038-83, September 2006]


[677] - Earnings management in Spain. Some evidence from companies quoted in the Spanish stock exchange
por Oriol Amat, Jordi Perramon y Ester Oliveras
(Abril 2003)


[676] - A consistency test of the time trade-off
por Han Bleichrodt, José Luis Pinto y José María Abellán-Perpiñán
(Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Health Economics, 2003, vol. 22, issue 6, pp. 1037-1052]


[675] - Additional utility of insiders with imperfect dynamical information
por José Mª Corcuera, Peter Imkeller, Arturo Kohatsu y David Nualart
(Abril 2003) [Publicado en: Finance and Stochastics, Volume 8, Number 3, August 2004, pp. 437-450]


[674] - An empirical evaluation of small area estimators
por Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra y Eva Ventura
(Abril 2003; Revisado: Junio 2003) [Publicado en: SORT, 27, 1, (2003), pp. 113-135]


[673] - On moments and tail behaviors of storage processes
por Arturo Kohatsu y Makoto Yamazato
(Abril 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Probability, 20, (2003), pp. 1069-1086]


[672] - Malliavin calculus in finance
por Arturo Kohatsu y Montero Miquel
(Abril 2003)


[671] - Ignorance promotes competition: An auction model with endogenous private valuations
por Juan José Ganuza
(Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: RAND Journal of Economics, 35 (2004), 3, pp. 583-598]


[670] - Combating corruption in international business transactions
por Marco Celentani, Juan José Ganuza y José L. Peydró
(Marzo 2003; Revisado: Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Economica, Vol. 71, No. 283, pp. 417-448, August 2004]


[669] - On some geometry and equivalence classes of normal form games
por Fabrizio Germano
(Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: International Journal of Game Theory, 34 (2006), 4, pp. 561-581]


[668] - Supply chain management implementation in the Spanish grocery sector: An exploratory study
por Cristina Giménez
(Marzo 2003; Revisado: Septiembre 2003) [Publicado en: International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 1, 1, pp. 98-114]


[667] - The marginal propensity to spend on adult children
por Joseph Altonji y Ernesto Villanueva
(Junio 2003)


[666] - Caution, children crossing: Heterogeneity of victim's cost of care and negligence rule
por Juan José Ganuza y Fernando Gómez
(Diciembre 2002) [Publicado en: Review of Law & Economics, 1 (2006), 3, pp. 3]


[665] - A general decomposition formula for derivative prices in stochastic volatility models
por Elisa Alòs
(Febrero 2003)


[664] - An overall perspective on banking regulation
por Xavier Freixas
(Febrero 2003) [Publicado en: S. Bhattacharya, A. Boot and A. Thakor, editors, Credit, Intermediation and the Macroeconomy, Models and Perspetives Chapter Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.424-448, New York, 2004; Con el título: Regulation of Financial Intermediaries, A Discussion]


[663] - Análisis empírico del comportamiento de los costes en las explotaciones agrícolas mediante datos de la red contable agraria nacional
por Josep M. Argilés
(Febrero 2003)


[662] - Pharmaceutical generics, vertical product differentiation and public policy
por Antonio Cabrales
(Enero 2003)


[661] - A new chance-constrained maximum capture location problem
por Rosa Colomé, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço y Daniel Serra
(Enero 2003) [Publicado en: Annals of Operations Research, 122, 1-4, (2003), pp. 121-139]


[660] - Why ethnic fractionalization? Polarization, ethnic conflict and growth
por José Garcia Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol
(Febrero 2002; Revisado: Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 2005, 95 (3), 796-816; Con el título: Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil wars]


[659] - Incomplete markets, labor supply and capital accumulation
por Albert Marcet, Francesc Obiols-Homs y Philippe Weil
(Octubre 2002; Revisado: Octubre 2003) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming]


[658] - Location of multiple server common service centers or public facilities for minimizing general congestion and travel cost functions
por Daniel Serra
(Enero 2003) [Publicado en: Annals of Operations Research, 111, (2003), pp. 35-50]


[657] - Logistics-production, logistics-marketing and external integration: Their impact on performance
por Cristina Giménez y Eva Ventura
(Enero 2003) [Publicado en: International Journal of Operations and Production Management; Vol. 25 No.1, pp. 20-38; 2005]


[656] - Insurance and safety after September 11, 2001: Coming to grips with the costs and threats of terrorism
por Robin Hogarth
(Octubre 2002) [Publicado en: Social Science Research Council. Essays...Perspectives from the Social Sciences. SSRC webpage https://www.ssrc.org/sept11/essays/hogarth.htm); Con el título: Insurance and safety after September 11: Has the world become a "riskier" place?]


[655] - Is confidence in decisions related to feedback? Evidence-and lack of evidence-from random samples of real-world managerial behavior?
por Robin Hogarth
(Enero 2003; Revisado: Abril 2004) [Publicado en: In K. Fiedler & P. Juslin (eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition (pp. 456-484). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006]


[654] - Deciding analytically or trusting your intuition? The advantadges and disadvantadges of analytic and intuitive thought
por Robin Hogarth
(Octubre 2002) [Publicado en: T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (eds.), pp. 67-82, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2005 (abridged version); Con el título: The routines of decision making]


[653] - Specialization and rent-seeking in moral enforcement: The case of confession
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2003; Revisado: Julio 2009) [Publicado en: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(3), 2009, 443-61]


[652] - Evaluating Spanish pension expenditure under alternativa reform scenario
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín y Michele Boldrin
(Noviembre 2002) [Publicado en: Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Fiscal Implications, Jon Gruber and D. Wise (eds), Chicago University Press for the NBER, forthcoming in 2007]


[651] - Employment consequences of restrictive permanent contracts: Evidence from Spanish labor market reforms
por Adriana Kugler, Juan F. Jimeno y Virginia Hernanz
(Noviembre 2002)


[650] - Parental altruism under imperfect information: Theory and evidence
por Ernesto Villanueva
(Septiembre 2002)


[649] - Job search and asset accumulation under borrowing constraints
por Silvio Rendon
(Octubre 2002) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 233-263, February 2006]


[648] - Doctors without borders: The returns to an occupational license for Soviet immigrant physicians in Israel
por Adriana Kugler y Robert Sauer
(Octubre 2002) [Publicado en: Journal of Labor Economics, June 2005]


[647] - Employee referrals and efficiency wages
por Adriana Kugler
(Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: Labour Economics, 10, 5, (2003), pp. 531-556]


[646] - Price increase and stability with new entries in Cournot markets
por Ramon Villanova, Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader y Joan Miralles
(Octubre 2002; Revisado: Enero 2012) [Publicado en: Keio Economic Studies, 48, 69-96, 2012]


[645] - Olson vs. Coase: Coalitional worth in conflict
por Joan Esteban y József Sákovics
(Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision 55, 339-357, 2004]


[644] - Endogenous bargaining power
por Joan Esteban y József Sákovics
(Febrero 2002)


[643] - Stochastic dominance and absolute risk aversion
por Jordi Caballé y Joan Esteban
(Julio 2002)


[642] - Locating emergency services with priority rules: The priority queuing covering location problem
por Daniel Serra y Francisco Silva
(Septiembre 2002; Revisado: Mayo 2008) [Publicado en: International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, N 21, 2007, pp. 5117-5134; Con el título: A Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Constrained Backlogging Probabilities]


[641] - Supply chain management as a competitive advantage in the Spanish grocery sector
por Eva Ventura y Cristina Giménez
(Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: The International Journal of Logistics Management, 14, 1, (2003), pp. 77-88]


[640] - Reflections on gains and losses: A 2x2x7 experiment
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Septiembre 2002; Revisado: Febrero 2005) [Publicado en: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 33, 3, 2006]


[639] - Cashing by the hour: Why large law firms prefer hourly fees over contingent fees
por Nuno Garoupa y Fernando Gómez
(Julio 2002)


[638] - Hypernormal densities
por Raffaella Giacomini, Andreas Gottschling, Christian Haefke y Halbert White
(Septiembre 2002)


[637] - Quality assurance mechanisms in agrifood: The case of the Spanish fresh meat sector
por Manuel González-Díaz, Marta Fernández-Barcala y Benito Arruñada
(Septiembre 2001; Revisado: Marzo 2002) [Publicado en: International Journal of Technology Management and International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology, 2(3-4), 2003, 361-382]


[636] - A recoverable production planning model
por Juan P. Soto y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Julio 2002)


[635] - Improved nonparametric confidence intervals in time series regressions
por Joseph P. Romano y Michael Wolf
(Julio 2002) [Publicado en: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Volume 18, Number 2, February 2006, pp. 199-214]


[634] - Stakeholder activism, managerial entrenchment and the congruence of interests between shareholders and stakeholders
por Giovanni Cespa y Giacinta Cestone
(Julio 2002)


[633] - What social security: Beveridgean or Bismarckian?
por J. Ignacio Conde y Paola Profeta
(Julio 2002)


[632] - Are tax subsidies for private medical insurance self-financing? Evidence from a microsimulation model for outpatient and inpatient episodes
por Ángel López-Nicolás y Marcos Vera-Hernández
(Julio 2002; Revisado: Octubre 2004)


[631] - Tax incentives and the city
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Octubre 2001; Revisado: Diciembre 2001) [Publicado en: Brooking-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 2002, pp. 95-132]


[630] - Measuring asymmetries in brand associations using correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre y Anna Torres
(Julio 2002)


[629] - Social preferences and skill segregation
por Antonio Cabrales y Antoni Calvó
(Julio 2002)


[628] - Additive utility with intransitive indifference and without independence: A homogeneous case
por Marc Le Menestrel y Bertrand Lemaire
(Junio 2002) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48, (2004), pp. 9-14; Con el título: Biased Extensive Measurement: The Homogeneous Case]


[627] - An investigation of the relationship between job characteristics and the gender wage gap
por Jaume Garcia Villar, Pedro J. Hernández y Ángel López-Nicolás
(Mayo 2002)


[626] - The importance of individual heterogeneity in the decomposition of measures of socioeconomic inequality in health: An approach based on quantile regression
por Andrew M. Jones y Ángel López-Nicolás
(Junio 2002)


[625] - Trade credit: Suppliers as debt collectors and insurance providers
por Vicente Cuñat
(Junio 2002; Revisado: Febrero 2004) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming]


[624] - Optimal second-degree price discrimination and arbitrage: On the role of asymetric information among buyers
por Doh Shin Jeon y Domenico Menicucci
(Noviembre 2001; Revisado: Enero 2005) [Publicado en: Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 36 (2), 337-360, Summer 2005]


[623] - Relying on the agent in charge of production for project evaluation
por Doh Shin Jeon
(Revisado: Enero 2006)


[622] - Ethics outside, within or beyond OR models
por Marc Le Menestrel y Luk N. Van Wassenhove
(Mayo 2002; Revisado: Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research, 153, (2004), pp. 477-484]


[621] - Social security and democracy
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Junio 2002)


[620] - 15 years of new growth economics: What have we learnt?
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Agosto 2001; Revisado: Junio 2002)


[619] - Informational matching
por Silvio Rendón
(Mayo 2002)


[618] - Does foreign direct investment crowd out domestic entrepreneurship?
por Koen de Backer
(Mayo 2002) [Publicado en: Review of Industrial Organization 22, 67-84, 2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers]


[617] - Foreign ownership and productivity dynamics
por Koen de Backer
(Mayo 2002) [Publicado en: Economics letters, Vol. 79, Issue 2, 177-183, May 2003]


[616] - The disturbing 'rise' of global income inequality
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Agosto 2001; Revisado: Abril 2002)


[615] - The world distribution of income (estimated from individual country distributions)
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Enero 2002; Revisado: Mayo 2002)


[614] - Wage inequality in a frictional labor market
por Joel Shapiro
(Abril 2002)


[613] - Fixed and random effects in Classical and Bayesian regression
por Silvio Rendón
(Abril 2002)


[612] - Importancia de la información contable para el análisis y predicción de la viabilidad de las explotaciones agrícolas
por Josep M. Argilés
(Marzo 2002) [Publicado en: Revista de Economía Aplicada, nº 41 (vol. XIV), págs. 141-167, 2006; Con el título: La información contable en el análisis y predicción de viabilidad de las explotaciones agrícolas]


[611] - Indentifying human capital externalities: Theory with an application to US cities
por Antonio Ciccone y Giovanni Peri
(Marzo 2002; Revisado: Julio 2005) [Publicado en: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 381-412, April 2006]


[610] - How different are returns to education? Evidence from German school choices
por Dörte Dömeland
(Enero 2002)


[609] - La imposición de los carburantes de automoción en España: algunas observaciones teóricas y empíricas
por Xavier Labandeira Villot y Ángel López Nicolás
(Marzo 2002) [Publicado en: Hacienda Pública Española, 160, 1, (2002), pp. 177-210]


[608] - On p-beauty contest integer games
por Rafael López
(Diciembre 2001)


[607] - The choice of titling system in land
por Benito Arruñada y Nuno Garoupa
(Marzo 2001; Revisado: Diciembre 2004) [Publicado en: Journal of Law and Economics, 48 (2), 2005, 709-727]


[606] - Análisis del comportamiento de los resultados en 'full' y 'direct costing'
por Josep M. Argilés
(Marzo 2002)


[605] - Equilibrium unemployment insurance
por John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Abril 1998; Revisado: Junio 1999)


[604] - A positive theory of geographic mobility and social insurance
por John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Agosto 2001) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 46 (2005), 1 (02), pp. 263-303]


[603] - The survival of the welfare state
por John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Diciembre 2001) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 93 (2003), 1, pp. 87-112]


[602] - Fixed-term contracts and the duration distribution of unemployment
por Maia Güell
(Febrero 2002; Revisado: Mayo 2003)


[601] - Equilibrium selection through incomplete information in coordination games: An experimental study
por Rosemarie Nagel, Antonio Cabrales y Roc Armenter
(Febrero 2002)


[600] - Subsampling the mean of heavy-tailed dependent observations
por Piotr Kokoszka y Michael Wolf
(Febrero 2002) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 127, 201-224, 2005]


[599] - A subsampling approach to estimating the distribution of diversing statistics with application to assessing financial market risks
por Patrice Bertail, Christian Haefke, Dimitris N. Politis y Halbert White
(Diciembre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 120, (2004), pp. 295-326]


[598] - Ratio maps and correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre
(Enero 2002)


[597] - Variance reduction methods for simulation of densities on Wiener space
por Arturo Kohatsu y Roger Pettersson
(Enero 2002) [Publicado en: SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 12, (2002) pp.423-476]


[596] - Long run relationships and price rigidity
por Giovanni Cespa
(Enero 2002)


[595] - Quality safeguards and regulation of online pharmacies
por Benito Arruñada
(Diciembre 2001; Revisado: Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 13 (4), 2004, 329-344]


[594] - Allocating ideas: Horizontal competition in tournaments
por Juan J. Ganuza y Esther Hauk
(Enero 2002) [Publicado en: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 2006, pp. 763-787(25)]


[593] - Endogenous policy leads to inefficient risk sharing
por Marco Celentani, J. Ignacio Conde y Klaus Desmet
(Enero 2002; Revisado: Marzo 2003) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 7(3), pp 758-787, 2004]


[592] - From severance pay to self-insurance: Effects of severance payments savings accounts in Colombia
por Adriana D. Kugler
(Diciembre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, 89, 2-3 (Feb. 2004), pp. 487-500]


[591] - Processes and consequences in business ethical dilemmas: The oil industry and climate changes
por Marc Le Menestrel, Sybille van den Hove y Henri Claude de Bettignies
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Climate Policy, 41, 3, (2002), pp. 251-266]


[590] - Estimadores compuestos en estadística regional: aplicación para la tasa de variación de la ocupación en la industria
por Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra y Eva Ventura
(Diciembre 2001) [Publicado en: Qüestió, 26, 1-2, (2002), pp. 213-243]


[589] - A dynamic choice model of hybrid behavior in the attribute-space
por Antonio Ladrón de Guevara
(Noviembre 2001)


[588] - The HP-filter in cross-country comparisons
por Albert Marcet y Morten O. Ravn
(Noviembre 2001; Revisado: Diciembre 2003)


[587] - Protective or counter-productive? Labor market institutions and the effect of immigration on EU natives
por Joshua D. Angrist y Adriana D. Kugler
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 113, (2003), pp. 302-331]


[586] - Improved estimation of the covariance matrix of stock returns with an application to portofolio selection
por Olivier Ledoit y Michael Wolf
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Empirical Finance 10, 603-621, 2003]


[585] - New findings regarding return autocorrelation anomalies and the importance of non-trading periods
por Josep Garcia Blandón
(Noviembre 2001)


[584] - Economic rationality and ethical behavior
por Marc Le Menestrel
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Business Ethics: A European Review, 11, 2, (2002), pp. 157-166]


[583] - Management control in non-profit organizations: The case of the Associations of Economists in Spain
por Ester Oliveras y Pilar Soldevila
(Noviembre 2001)


[582] - Exploiting fitness distance correlation of set covering problems
por Markus Finger, Thomas Stützle y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Applications of Evolutionary Computing, S. Cagnoni, J. Gottlieb, E. Hart, M. Middenford, and G. R. Raidl (eds.), Springer-LNCS, vol. 2279, pp. 61-71 (2002)]


[581] - Endogenous price leadership
por Eric van Damme y Sjaak Hurkens
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior 47, 404-20, 2004]


[580] - Trade and productivity
por Francisco Alcalá y Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 2001; Revisado: Julio 2002) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CXIX (2) , 613-646, May 2004]


[579] - Interbank market integration under asymmetric information
por Xavier Freixas y Cornelia Holthausen
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Studies, 18(2):459-490, 2005]


[578] - Flexible multivariate GARCH modeling with an application to international stock markets
por Olivier Ledoit, Pedro Santa Clara y Michael Wolf
(Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Review of Economics and Statistics 85, 735-747, 2003]


[577] - Internet e-ethics in confrontation with an activists' agenda: Yahoo! on trial
por Marc Le Menestrel, Mark Hunter y Henri Claude de Bettignies
(Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Business Ethics, 39, 1, (2002), pp. 135-144]


[576] - The domain and interpretation of utility functions: An exploration
por Marc Le Menestrel y Luk N. Van Wassenhove
(Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, 51, (2001)]


[575] - Some hypothesis tests for the covariance matrix when the dimension is large compared to the sample size
por Olivier Ledoit y Michael Wolf
(Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Annals of Statistics 30, 1081-1102, 2002]


[574] - Failure to collude in the presence of asymmetric information
por Doh Shin Jeon
(Agosto 2001; Revisado: Junio 2005)


[573] - Subsampling inference in threshold autoregressive models
por Jesús Gonzalo y Michael Wolf
(Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 127, 201-224, 2005]


[572] - A multilevel analysis on the determinants of regional health care expenditure. A note
por Guillem López y Marc Sáez
(Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: European Journal of Health Economics, october 2006]


[571] - Electoral platforms, implemented policies and abstention
por Humberto Llavador
(Septiembre 2001; Revisado: Octubre 2004) [Publicado en: Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 27, Number 1 / August, 2006]


[570] - A process approach to the utility for gambling
por Marc Le Menestrel
(Septiembre 2001) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, 50, 3, (2001), pp. 249-262]


[569] - Correspondence analysis and categorical conjoint measurement
por Anna Torres
(Agosto 2001) [Publicado en: Michael Greenacre & Joerg Blasius. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press 2006; Con el título: Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods (chapter in book)]


[568] - Shocks and institutions in a job matching model
por Christian Haefke
(Marzo 2001; Revisado: Agosto 2001)


[567] - A search theory of money and commerce with Neoclassical production
por Miquel Faig
(Septiembre 2001)


[566] - Parental altruism under imperfect information: Theory and evidence
por Ernesto Villanueva
(Septiembre 2001; Revisado: Septiembre 2002)


[565] - The role of title insurance under recording and registration
por Benito Arruñada
(Julio 2001; Revisado: Septiembre 2002) [Publicado en: The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 27 (4), 2002, 582-601]


[564] - Property enforcement as organized consent
por Benito Arruñada
(Abril 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 19 (2), 2003, 401-444]


[563] - An economic theory of church strictness
por Nuno Garoupa y Pedro Pita Barros
(Agosto 2001) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 12, (2002) pp. 558-575]


[562] - Estimating parliamentary composition through electoral polls
por Frederic Udina y Pedro Delicado
(Julio 2001) [Publicado en: J. R. Statist. Soc. (2005) 168, Part 2, pp. 387-399]


[561] - On the receiver pays principle
por Doh Shin Jeon, Jean Jacques Laffont y Jean Tirole
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: RAND Journal of Economics, 35, 1, (2004), pp. 85-110]


[560] - Educational opportunity and the college premium
por Igal Hendel, Joel Shapiro y Paul Willen
(Mayo 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, Volume 89, Issues 5-6, pp. 841-870, June 2005]


[559] - Income taxation in a frictional labor market
por Joel Shapiro
(Junio 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Public Economics, Volume 88, Issues 3-4, pp. 465-479, March 2004]


[558] - Debt and deficit fluctuations and the structure of bond markets
por Albert Marcet y Andrew Scott
(Mayo 2001; Revisado: Julio 2003)


[557] - Biplots of compositional data
por J. Aitchison y Michael Greenacre
(Junio 2001) [Publicado en: Applied Statistics, 51, (2002), pp. 375-392]


[556] - Non-stationary job search when jobs are not forever: A structural estimation
por J. Ignacio García Pérez
(Mayo 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 21(2), pp. 245-272, 2006]


[555] - The determinants of football match attendance revisited: Empirical evidence from the Spanish Football League
por Jaume Garcia y Plácido Rodríguez
(Junio 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Sports Economics, vol. 3, p. 18-38, 2002]


[554] - Temporary help agencies and workers' occupational mobility
por J. Ignacio García Pérez y Fernando Muñoz Bullón
(Mayo 2001) [Publicado en: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol 65(2), pp. 163-180, 2005]


[553] - Wild bids. Gambling for resurrection in procurement contracts
por Aleix Calveras, Juan J. Ganuza y Esther Hauk
(Marzo 2001; Revisado: Abril 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Regulatory Economics, Volume 26, Number 1, July, 2004, pp. 41-68]


[552] - Convertibility, currency controls and the cost of capital in Western Europe, 1950-1999
por Hans Joachim Voth
(Mayo 2001) [Publicado en: International Journal of Finance & Economics, 8 (2003), 3, pp. 255-276]


[551] - Testing the descriptive performance of the rank-dependent utility in the domain of health profiles
por José Mª Abellán y José Luis Pinto
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Spanish Economic Review, 3, (2001), pp.177-191]


[550] - ¿Es posible reducir el gasto sanitario a través del subsidio a los seguros sanitarios privados? La doble cobertura sanitaria en Catalunya. Estimación de patrones de utilización de servicios sanitarios y simulación de costes asociados a la asistencia
por Ángel López Nicolás, Jaume Garcia Villar, Guillem López y Jaume Puig
(Diciembre 2000)


[549] - Fiscal decentralization policies and sub-national government debt in evolving federations
por Teresa Garcia-Milà, Timothy J. Goodspeed y Therese J. McGuire
(Julio 2001; Revisado: Mayo 2002)


[548] - How important are tobacco prices in the propensity to start and quit smoking? An analysis of smoking histories from the Spanish National Health Survey
por Ángel López Nicolás
(Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 11, 2002, pp. 521-535]


[547] - The crew-scheduling module in the GIST system
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Mayo 2001) [Publicado en: Industrial Applications of Operations Research, L. Valadares Tavares i C. Henggeler Antunes (eds.), McGraw-Hill, pp.168-184, 2000; Con el título: Geraçao de Serviços de Motoristas através de Metaheurística-Sistema GIST]


[546] - On payoff heterogeneity in games with strategic complementarities
por Antonio Ciccone y James Costain
(Abril 2001; Revisado: Febrero 2002) [Publicado en: Oxford Economic Papers, 56 (4), 701-713, 2004]


[545] - A comparison of stock market mechanisms
por Giovanni Cespa
(Mayo 2001; Revisado: Noviembre 2003) [Publicado en: Rand Journal of Economics, 2004, vol. 35, 803-824]


[544] - Income maintenance programs and multidimensional screening
por Joel Shapiro
(Abril 2001)


[543] - On the robustness of least-squares Monte Carlo (LSM) for pricing American derivatives
por Manuel Moreno y Javier R. Navas
(Abril 2001) [Publicado en: Review of Derivatives Research, 6 (2003), 2 (May), pp. 107-128]


[542] - Female labour supply in Spain: The importance of behavioural assumptions and unobserved heterogeneity specification
por Jaume Garcia y María J. Suárez
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 164, p. 9-27, 2003; Con el título: Female labour Supply and Income Taxation in Spain: The importance of behavioural assumptions and unobserved heterogeneity specification]


[541] - Efectos de la reforma del IRPF sobre la oferta laboral de las mujeres
por Jaume Garcia y María J. Suárez
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Revista de Economía Aplicada, vol 10, p. 53-77, 2002; Con el título: La reforma del IRPF y la oferta laboral de las mujeres casadas]


[540] - One hundred issues of Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad (REFC)-insights into trends in the Spanish academic community
por Oriol Amat y Ester Oliveras
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad, 108, (2001), pp. 529-552]


[539] - Analysis of matched matrices
por Michael Greenacre
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Statistics, 30, 10, (2004), pp. 1101-1113]


[538] - Supply chain management: An opportunity for metaheuristics
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: Metaheuristics Optimization via Memory and Evolution, C. Rego and B. Alidaee (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 329-356, 2005; Con el título: Logistics Management: an opportunity for Metaheuristics]


[537] - Resistance to reform: Reconsidering the role of individual-specific uncertainty
por Antonio Ciccone
(Marzo 1998; Revisado: Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: The American Economic Review, 94 (3), 785-795, June 2004; Con el título: Resistance to Reform: Status Quo Bias in the Presence of Individual-Specific Uncertainty: Comment]


[536] - Teaching, research and service: Experience and opinions of accounting Spanish academics
por Ester Oliveras
(Marzo 2001)


[535] - Inflation, political instability and stockmarket volatility in interwar Germany
por Hans Joachim Voth
(Marzo 2001)


[534] - Assigning proctors to exams with scatter search
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Rafael Martí y Manuel Laguna
(Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, edited by M. Laguna and José L. González Velarde, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2000), pp. 215-228]


[533] - Revenue management under general discrete choice model of consumer behavior
por Kalyan Talluri y Garrett van Ryzin
(Septiembre 2000; Revisado: Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Management Science, 50(1):15-33, 2004a]


[532] - A multi-objective model for a multi-period distribution management problem
por Rita Ribeiro y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: Proceeding of the First International Conference on Integrated Logistics, Singapore, (2001), pp. 463-471]


[531] - Demand for private health insurance: Is there a quality gap?
por Joan Costa y Jaume Garcia
(Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: Health Economics, vol. 12, p. 587-599, 2003; Con el título: Demand for private health insurance: how important is the quality gap?]


[530] - Productividad, competencia e innovación en la banca privada española (1900-1914)
por Xavier Cuadras, Ángel S. Fernández Castro y Joan R. Rosés
(Febrero 2001) [Publicado en: Revista de Historia Económica, XX, 3, (2002)]


[529] - Corporate criminal law and organization incentives: A managerial perspective
por Nuno Garoupa
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Managerial and Decision Economics, 21, 6, (2000), pp.243-252]


[528] - The so-called 'external partners' in the groups of corporations: A model of presentation in the consolidated statements
por Soledad Moya
(Enero 2001)


[527] - Insuring California earthquakes and the role for catastrophe bonds
por José Penalva
(Enero 2001) [Publicado en: The Journal of Risk Finance, 3(4), 54-72, 2002]


[526] - Organized vs. competitive corruption
por Marco Celentani y Juan J. Ganuza
(Enero 2001; Revisado: Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: Annals of Operations Research, 109, (2002), pp. 293-315]


[525] - Campaign rhetoric: A model of reputation
por Enriqueta Aragonés y Andrew Postlewaite
(Septiembre 2000)


[524] - The impact of the reference price system on the pharmaceutical market: A theoretical approach
por Anna Merino
(Diciembre 2000; Revisado: Junio 2003)


[523] - Financiación capitativa, articulación entre niveles asistenciales y descentralización de las organizaciones sanitarias
por Vicente Ortún y Guillem López
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Documentos de Trabajo 3, Fundación BBVA, 2002]


[522] - Bank versus venture capital
por Masako Ueda
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Finance 59(2), 601-621, 2004; Con el título: Banks versus Venture Capital: Project Evaluation, Screening, and Expropiation]


[521] - The role of institutions in the contractual process
por Benito Arruñada
(Diciembre 2000; Revisado: Abril 2003) [Publicado en: B. Deffains and T. Kirat, eds., Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries, The Economics of Legal Relationships Series, vol. 6, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001, pp. 149-167]


[520] - Short-term investment and equilibrium multiplicity
por Giovanni Cespa
(Junio 2000; Revisado: Junio 2002) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 46, 9, (2002), pp. 1645-1670]


[519] - Financement et autonomie fiscale de la Catalogne: Deux décénnies de problèmes non résolus
por Guillem López
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Documents de l'Institit d'Estudis Autonòmics, novembre 2000]


[518] - La Crema: A case study of mutual fire insurance
por Antonio Cabrales, Antoni Calvó y Matthew O. Jackson
(Diciembre 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 111, (2003), pp. 425-458]


[517] - Designing institutions for financial stability: Regulation and supervision by objective for the Euro area
por Giorgio di Giorgio y Carmine Di Noia
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Brooklyn Journal of International Law, vol 28, 2003; Con el título: Financial Market Regulation and Supervision: How Many Peaks for the Euro Area?]


[516] - With a bang, not a whimper: Pricking Germany's "stock market bubble" in 1927 and the slide into depression
por Hans Joachim Voth
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 63, No. 1 (March 2003), pp. 65-99]


[515] - An attempt to go beyond conventional financial accounting information
por Josep Vallverdú
(Noviembre 2000)


[514] - Beyond Smith's rule: An optimal dynamic index, rule for single machine stochastic scheduling with convex holding costs
por José Niño-Mora
(Noviembre 2000)


[513] - Iterated local search
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Olivier C. Martin y Thomas Stützle
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Handbook of Metaheuristics, F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, pp. 321-353 (2002)]


[512] - Endogeneizing know-how flows through the nature of R&D investments
por Bruno Cassiman, David Pérez Castrillo y Reinhilde Veugelers
(Agosto 2000; Revisado: Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: The International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20 (6), p. 775-799, 2001]


[511] - Corporate finance and the monetary transmission mechanism
por Patrick Bolton y Xavier Freixas
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Financial Studies, 19: 829 - 870, Fall 2006]


[510] - Heterogeneity as a coordination device
por Melvyn G. Coles y Jan Eeckhout
(Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 111, pp. 265-276, 2003; Con el título: Indeterminacy and Directed Search]


[509] - Cross-border banking in Europe: An empirical investigation
por Josep García Blandón
(Octubre 2000)


[508] - Model selection and error estimation
por Peter L. Bartlett, Stéphane Boucheron y Gábor Lugosi
(Octubre 2000) [Publicado en: Machine Learning. vol.48, pp. 85-113, 2002]


[507] - Strategies for sequential prediction of stationary time series
por László Györfi y Gábor Lugosi
(Septiembre 2000) [Publicado en: In Moshe Dror, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Ferenc Szidarovszky (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001; Con el título: Modeling Uncertainty:An examination of its theory, methods, and applications (book)]


[506] - A zero-delay sequential scheme for lossy coding of individual sequences
por Tamás Linder y Gábor Lugosi
(Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47:2533--2538, 2001]


[505] - A note on robust detection
por Luc Devroye, László Györfi y Gábor Lugosi
(Agosto 2000) [Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48, pp.2111--2114, 2002]


[504] - Fiat money, intrinsic properties and government transaction policy
por Xavier Cuadras
(Septiembre 2000) [Publicado en: Manchester School, 72, 1, (2004), pp. 152-166.; Con el título: Fiat Money in a Search Theoretical Model with Generalistic Consumers]


[503] - Measuring and explaining farm inefficiency in a panel data set of mixed farms
por Jaume Puig y Josep M. Argilés
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: Agricultural Economic Review, 2004;5(2).]


[502] - Mixed equilibrium in a Downsian model with a favored candidate
por Enriqueta Aragonés y Thomas R. Palfrey
(Septiembre 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 103, 1, (2002), pp. 131-161]


[501] - Estimating learning models from experimental data
por Antonio Cabrales y Walter Garcia Fontes
(Septiembre 2000)


[500] - Technology diffusion and the spatial distribution of wages in the US
por Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1999)


[499] - Agglomeration-effects in Europe
por Antonio Ciccone
(Abril 1998; Revisado: Agosto 1999) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 46 (2), 213-227, 2002]


[498] - Input chains and industrialization
por Antonio Ciccone
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 69 (3), 565-589, 2002]


[497] - New opportunities for farm accounting
por Josep M. Argilés y Eric J. Slof
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: European Accounting Review, 10, 2, (2001)]


[496] - The daily market for funds in Europe: Mathematical appendix
por Gabriel Pérez y Hugo Rodríguez
(Julio 2000)


[495] - Factor prices and productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution
por Pol Antràs y Hans Joachim Voth
(Octubre 2000) [Publicado en: Explorations in Economic History, January 2003, 40 (1), pp. 52-77]


[494] - Human capital and externalities in cities
por Antonio Ciccone y Giovanni Peri
(Enero 1999; Revisado: Octubre 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 73 (2), 381-412, 2006; Con el título: Identifying Human Capital Externalities: Theory with an Application to US cities]


[493] - Human capital distribution, growth and convergence
por Danilo Guaitoli
(Agosto 2000) [Publicado en: Research in Economics 54, (2000), pp. 331-350]


[492] - Bargaining on networks: An experiment
por Gary Charness y Margarida Corominas
(Agosto 2000)


[491] - Do market conditions affect preferences? Evidence from experimental markets with excess supply and excess demand
por Jordi Brandts y Gary Charness
(Junio 2000)


[490] - Gestión de la competencia en el sector público
por Benito Arruñada
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: Anuario de la Competencia 1999, (2000), pp. 267-311]


[489] - How political parties, rather than member-states, are building the European Union
por Josep M. Colomer
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: in Bernard Steunenberg ed. Widening the European Union. The Politics of Institutional Change and Reform. London and New York: Routledge. 2002]


[488] - Job creation under liquidity constraints: The Spanish case
por Silvio Rendón
(Julio 2000)


[487] - Choice of partners in multiple two-person prisoner's dilemma games: An experimental study
por Esther Hauk y Rosemarie Nagel
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45, 6, (2001), pp. 770-793]


[486] - Managing by values in the next milenium: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change
por Shimon L. Dolan y Salvador García
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Management Development, Vol 21 (2), 101-117, 2002; Con el título: Managing by Values: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change at the dawn of the 21st century]


[485] - Organisational values as "attractors of chaos": An emerging cultural change to manage organisational complexity
por Shimon L. Dolan, Salvador García, Samantha Diegoli y Alan Auerbach
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: International Journal of Management, Vol 20(1) 23-36, 2003; Con el título: Understanding and Managing Chaos in Organizations]


[484] - Job satisfaction and life satisfaction: Analysis of a reciprocal model with social demographic moderators
por Shimon L. Dolan y Eric Gosselin
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Chapitre dans : Roland Foucher, André Savoie et Luc Brunet (éditeurs); Société québécoise de psychologie du travail et des organisations (SQPTO), Montréal, 2002; Con el título: Identifier les rapports entre la satisfaction au travail et celle hors travail : vers un modèle polymorphique de la relation]


[483] - Causal assessment in finite extensive-form games
por José Penalva y Michael D. Ryall
(Mayo 2001; Revisado: Septiembre 2003)


[482] - Economic integration and corruption: The corrupt soul of the European Union
por Juan J. Ganuza y Esther Hauk
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: International Journal of Industrial Organizations, 22, 10, pp. 1463-1484, 2004]


[481] - A theory of international conflict management and sanctioning
por Nuno Garoupa y Joao E. Gata
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Public Choice, 110, 1, (2002), pp. 41-65]


[480] - A Walrasian theory of commodity money: Paradoxical results
por Xavier Cuadras
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Bulletin of Economic Research, 52, 3, (2000), pp. 207-214]


[479] - Equity considerations in health care: An axiomatic bargaining approach
por Xavier Cuadras, José Luis Pinto y José M. Abellán
(Abril 2000) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 10, (2001), pp. 187-205,]


[478] - Optimal contracts, adverse selection and social preferences: An experiment
por Antonio Cabrales y Gary Charness
(Junio 2000)


[477] - On the structural difference between the evolutionary approach of Young and that of Kandori, Mailath and Rob
por Hans Jorgen Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen y Brigitte Sloth
(Junio 1999; Revisado: Diciembre 1999)


[476] - Endogenous business cycles and stabilization policies
por Marta Aloi, Hans Jorgen Jacobsen y Teresa Lloyd Braga
(Septiembre 1998; Revisado: Junio 2000) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 44 (2003), 3 (08), pp. 895-915]


[475] - The evolution of conventions under incomplete information
por Hans Jorgen Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen y Birgitte Sloth
(Junio 1997; Revisado: Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, vol. 25(1), pp. 171-185, 2005]


[474] - The daily market for funds in Europe: Has something changed with the EMU?
por Gabriel Pérez Quirós y Hugo Rodríguez
(Julio 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 38/1, 91-118, 2001]


[473] - The social value of health programs: Is age a relevant factor?
por Eva Rodríguez y José Luis Pinto
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 9, (2000), pp. 611-621]


[472] - The significance of distributive effects in social assessment of health care
por Eva Rodríguez y José Luis Pinto
(Junio 2000) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 11, (2002), pp. 43-53; Con el título: Measuring the Social Importance of Concentration or Dispersion of Individual Health Benefits]


[471] - Competition and cost overruns. Optimal misspecification of procurement contracts
por Juan J. Ganuza
(Octubre 1998; Revisado: Marzo 2002)


[470] - The Spanish motor industry in the first third of the 20th Century: A lost opportunity
por Salvador Estapé Triay
(Junio 2000)


[469] - Supermarket key attributes and location decisions: A comparative study between British and Spanish consumers
por Daniel Serra y Rosa Colomé
(Junio 2000)


[468] - Pay-as-you-go social security and the distribution of bequests
por Jordi Caballé y Luisa Fuster
(Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 70, 2, 2003, pp. 541-568]


[467] - An experimental test of loss aversion and scale compatibility
por Han Bleichrodt y José Luis Pinto
(Mayo 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 3, (2002), pp. 315-337; Con el título: Loss Aversion and Scale Compatibility in Two-Attributive Trade-Offs]


[466] - On the concept of optimality interval
por Pelegrí Viader, Jaume Paradís y Lluís Bibiloni
(Mayo 2000) [Publicado en: International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 30, 9, (2002), pp. 559-567]


[465] - Voto dual y abstención diferencial. Un estudio sobre el comportamiento electoral en Cataluña
por Clara Riba
(Mayo 2000) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Investogaciones Sociológicas, 91, (2000), pp. 59-87]


[464] - Corruption and competition in procurement
por Marco Celentani y Juan J. Ganuza
(Marzo 2000; Revisado: Marzo 2001) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 46, (2002), pp. 1273-1303]


[463] - Forest fires: Evaluation of government intervention measures
por Xavier Ballart y Clara Riba
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Policy Sciences, vol. 35, pp. 361-377, 2002]


[462] - The 'new political economy': Two recent books
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Abril 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Literature, 38 (2000), 4, pp. 915-925; Con el título: The "New Political Economy": Recent Books by Allen Drazen and by Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini]


[461] - Full insurance, asymmetric information and genetic testing
por José Penalva
(Noviembre 2000)


[460] - Insurance with frequent trading: A dynamic analysis of efficient insurance markets
por José Penalva
(Noviembre 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001), pp. 790-822]


[459] - On the sources of business cycles in the G-7
por Fabio Canova y Gianni de Nicoló
(Octubre 1999; Revisado: Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 59(1), 2003, 77-100]


[458] - Country effects in ISSP-1993 environmental data: Comparison of SEM approaches
por Pilar Rivera y Albert Satorra
(Enero 2000) [Publicado en: Latent Variable and Latent Structure Models (G. Marcoulides and I. Moustaki, edts.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers (in press)]


[457] - Electoral competition under the threat of political unrest
por Matthew Ellman y Leonard Wantchekon
(Agosto 1999) [Publicado en: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115, 2, 2000, pp. 499-531]


[456] - On certain greedoid polyhedra, partially indexable scheduling problems and extended restless bandit allocation indices
por José Niño-Mora
(Abril 2000)


[455] - The ethics of creative accounting: Some Spanish evidence
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Ester Oliveras
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Business Ethics: A European Review, 9, 3, (2000), pp. 136-142]


[454] - Optimal magnitude and probability of fines
por Nuno Garoupa
(Abril 2000) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 45, 9, (2001) pp. 1765-1771]


[453] - Location models for airline hubs behaving as M/D/c queues
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Computers and Operations Research, 30, (2003), pp. 983-1003]


[452] - Audit quality: Attributes, private safeguards and the role of regulation
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2000) [Publicado en: European Accounting Review, 9, 2, (2000), pp. 205-24]


[451] - Technical inefficiency and public capital in US States: A stochastic frontier approach
por Jaume Puig
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Regional Science, 41, (2001), pp. 65-88]


[450] - Flexibility vs. rigidity: Does Spain have the worst of both worlds?
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Jonas Agell, Michael Keen and Alfons Weichenrieder (eds.), Labor Market Institutions and Public Regulation, 2004, 101-122]


[449] - Will EMU increase eurosclerosis?
por Gilles Saint Paul y Samuel Bentolila
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: EMU: Impact on Europe and the World, C. Wyplosz, ed., WIDER and Oxford University Press, 2001]


[448] - Resolució de problemes i mètode de raonament en l'educació matemàtica
por Joan Miralles y Jaume Paradís
(Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: Temps d'Educació, 22(2), 1999, pp. 13:28]


[447] - Hiring and firing costs, adverse selection and long-term unemployment
por Adriana D. Kugler y Gilles Saint Paul
(Febrero 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Labor Economics, 22, 3 (2004), pp. 553-584]


[446] - Monetary policy shocks and transmission in Italy: A VAR analysis
por Giuseppe De Arcangelis y Giorgio Di Giorgio
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: Economic Notes, Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics, Blackwell, Vol 30, 2001]


[445] - The quasi-judicial role of large retailers: An efficiency hypothesis of their relation with suppliers
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2000) [Publicado en: Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 92, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, (2000), pp. 277-96. Reprinted in E. Brousseau and J.-M. Glachant (eds.), The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002, pp. 337-57]


[444] - External technology sources: Embodied or disembodied technology acquisition
por Bruno Cassiman y Reinhilde Veugelers
(Enero 2000)


[443] - Forecasting and turning point predictions in a Bayesian panel VAR model
por Fabio Canova y Matteo Ciccarelli
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Econometrics, 120(2), 2004, 327-359]


[442] - The macroeconomic effects of German unification: Real adjustments and the welfare state
por Fabio Canova y Morten O. Ravn
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, 2000, 3(3), pp. 423-460]


[441] - Social preferences: Some simple tests and a new model
por Gary Charness y Matthew Rabin
(Octubre 1999; Revisado: Enero 2000) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 117, pp. 817-869, 2002]


[440] - Systemic risk, interbank relations and liquidity provision by the Central Bank
por Xavier Freixas, Bruno Parigi y Jean Charles Rochet
(Octubre 1998; Revisado: Septiembre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Money Credit and Banking 32(3, part 2), 611-638, August 2000]


[439] - Radial measures of public services deficit for regional allocation of public funds
por Jaume Puig
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: The Journal of Management Science and Regional Developement, 4, (2002), pp. 65-88]


[438] - One, two, (three), infinity: Newspaper and lab beauty-contest experiments
por Rosemarie Nagel, Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Albert Satorra y José García Montalvo
(Noviembre 1999) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 92, 5, (2002)]


[437] - Retribution in a cheap-talk experiment
por Jordi Brandts y Gary Charness
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: Management Science, Vol 49, No. 1, January 2003; Con el título: Truth or Consequences]


[436] - Relative payoffs and happiness: An experimental study
por Gary Charness y Brit Grosskopf
(Agosto 1999; Revisado: Enero 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 45(3), pp. 301-328, 2001]


[435] - Restless bandits, partial conservation laws and indexability
por José Niño-Mora
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: Advances in Applied Probability, 33, 1, pp. 76-98, 2001]


[434] - Importance of international linkages for local know-how flows. Some econometric evidence from Belgium
por Reinhilde Veugelers y Bruno Cassiman
(Enero 2000) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 48(2), p.455-476, 2004]


[433] - Toward a theory of labor market institutions
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Noviembre 1999)


[432] - Environmental factors giving rise to variations in national management accounting practice
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Philip Wraith
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: European Business Review, 12, 3, (2000), pp. 122-128]


[431] - On the relevance of modeling volatility for pricing purposes
por Manuel Moreno
(Septiembre 1997; Revisado: Octubre 1999)


[430] - A note on the dual scaling of dominance data and its relationship to correspondence analysis
por Michael Greenacre y Anna Torres
(Diciembre 1999) [Publicado en: International Journal for Research in Marketing, 19, pp. 401-05, 2002]


[429] - Assessing an intuitive condition for stability under a range of traffic conditions via a generalised Lu-Kumar network
por Kevin D. Glazebrook y José Niño-Mora
(Enero 1997; Revisado: Enero 2000) [Publicado en: Journal of Applied Probability, 37, 3, (2000), pp. 890-899]


[428] - Causes of subcontracting: Evidence from panel data on construction firms
por Manuel González, Benito Arruñada y Alberto Fernández
(Noviembre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 42 (2), 2000, 167-187]


[427] - Parallel scheduling of multiclass M/M/m queues: Approximate and heavy-traffic optimization of achievable performance
por Kevin D. Glazebrook y José Niño-Mora
(Febrero 1997; Revisado: Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Operations Research, (forthcoming)]


[426] - Unemployment duration and workers' wage aspirations in Spain
por Namkee Ahn y J. Ignacio García Pérez
(Marzo 2000) [Publicado en: Spanish Economic Review, Vol 4, pp. 103-118, 2002]


[425] - Hierarchical location-allocation models for congested systems
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Enero 2000) [Publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research, 135, 1, (2001), pp. 196-209]


[424] - Contractual allocation of decision rights and incentives: The case of automobile distribution
por Benito Arruñada, Luis Garicano y Luis Vázquez
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 17 (1), 2001, 256-283]


[423] - The provision on non-audit services by auditors: Let the market evolve and decide
por Benito Arruñada
(Junio 1999) [Publicado en: International Review of Law and Economics, 19 (4), 1999, 513-531]


[422] - A generalization of histogram type estimators
por Pedro Delicado y Manuel del Río
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 15 (1), 113-135, 2003]


[421] - Modelos estadísticos y evaluación: tres estudios en educación
por Anna Cuxart
(Noviembre 1999) [Publicado en: Revista de educación, 323, (2000), pp. 369-394]


[420] - Monetary policy misspecification in VAR models
por Fabio Canova y Joaquim Pires Pina
(Octubre 1998; Revisado: Septiembre 1999) [Publicado en: Chapter in book ed. by Diebolt and Kritsou, Springer and Verlag, 2005; Con el título: Advances in Macroeconomics]


[419] - Implementing interactive computing in an object-oriented environment
por Frederic Udina
(Noviembre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Statistical Software, 5, 3, (2000), pp. 1-10]


[418] - Worst-case bounds for the logarithmic loss of predictors
por Nicolò Cesa Bianchi y Gábor Lugosi
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Machine Learning, 43, 3, (2001), pp. 247-264]


[417] - On the distribution of income and worker assignment under intra-firm spillovers, with an application to ideas and networks
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 109 (2001), 1 (February), pp. 1-37]


[416] - Local volatility changes in the black-scholes model
por Hans Peter Bermin y Arturo Kohatsu
(Septiembre 1999) [Publicado en: Mathematical Finance, 13, (2003), pp. 85-97; Con el título: Local Vega Index and Variance Reduction Methods]


[415] - Variations in national management accounting approaches
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Ester Oliveras
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Revista iberoamericana de contabilidad de gestión, 1, (2003), pp. 13-38]


[414] - Validation procedures in radiological diagnostic models. Neural network and logistic regression
por Estanislao Arana, Pedro Delicado y Luis Martí
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Investigative Radiology, 34, 636-642, 1999]


[413] - Adaptive learning in models with lagged variables
por Wilfredo Leiva
(Octubre 1999)


[412] - A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis
por Albert Satorra y Peter M. Bentler
(Agosto 1999) [Publicado en: Psychometrika, 66, pp. 507-514]


[411] - Should banking supervision and monetary policy tasks be given to different agencies?
por Carmine Di Noia y Giorgio Di Giorgio
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: International Finance, 2, 3, (1999), pp. 361-378]


[410] - Financial intermediation and equity investment with costly monitoring
por Giorgio Di Giorgio
(Septiembre 1999) [Publicado en: International Review of Economcis and Finance, vol.11, 2002]


[409] - Spanish auditors and the 'true and fair view'
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Ester Oliveras
(Octubre 1999) [Publicado en: Técnica contable, 611, (1999), pp. 779-788]


[408] - On forward induction and evolutionary and strategic stability
por Esther Hauk y Sjaak Hurkens
(Julio 1999; Revisado: Septiembre 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 106, Number 1, September 2002, pp. 66-90(25)]


[407] - A simple model of multiple equilibria based on risk
por James S. Costain
(Marzo 1998; Revisado: Julio 1999)


[406] - Catalan government popularity. An example of economic effects on sub-national government support
por Aida Díaz y Clara Riba
(Junio 1999) [Publicado en: Dorussen, H. & Taylor, M (eds) Economic Voting, Routledge, London, pp. 173-199, 2002; Con el título: Economic Voting in Sub-national Government. Catalonian Evidence]


[405] - Asset pricing with idiosyncratic risk and overlapping generations
por Kjetil Storesletten, Chris Telmer y Amir Yaron
(Junio 1996; Revisado: Julio 1999)


[404] - Testing for convergence clubs in income per-capita: A predictive density approach
por Fabio Canova
(Julio 1997; Revisado: Junio 1999) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 45(1), 2004, 49-77]


[403] - State and industry in the 1940s: The Spanish automobile industry
por Salvador Estapé Triay
(Junio 1999)


[402] - Dynamic optimal law enforcement with learning
por Mohamed Jellal y Nuno Garoupa
(Junio 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 20(2004), pp. 192-206]


[401] - Optimal law enforcement under asymmetric information
por Mohamed Jellal y Nuno Garoupa
(Junio 1999) [Publicado en: European Journal of Law and Economics, 14, 1 (2002), pp. 5-13]


[400] - Optimal bail out policy, conditionality and constructive ambiguity
por Xavier Freixas
(Junio 1999)


[399] - La capitación en la financiación territorial de los servicios públicos transferidos: el caso de la sanidad y de la educación
por Guillem López
(Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, mayo 1999]


[398] - Are these classical business cycles?
por Michael Reiter y Ulrich Woitek
(Marzo 1999)


[397] - Economic booms, trade deficits and economic policy
por Francisco Alcalá y Diego Peñarrubia
(Julio 2000)


[396] - Asset prices and the measurement of wealth and saving
por Michael Reiter
(Septiembre 1999)


[395] - Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi-sample analysis of moment structures
por Albert Satorra
(Julio 1999) [Publicado en: Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis: A Fstschrift for Heinz Neudecker. Heijmans, D. D. H., Pollock, D. S. G. and Satorra, A. (edts. pp. 233-247), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht]


[394] - Dimensions of national culture and the accounting environment -The Spanish case-
por Oriol Amat, John Blake, Philip Wraith y Ester Oliveras
(Junio 1999) [Publicado en: European Business Review, 12, 3, (2000), pp. 122-128]


[393] - The effect of intergroup competition on group coordination: An experimental study
por Gary Bornstein, Uri Gneezy y Rosemarie Nagel
(Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 41(2002), 1, pp. 1-25]


[392] - On the cultural transmission of corruption
por Esther Hauk y Maria Sáez
(Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory 107, 311-335, 2002]


[391] - Multiple prisoner's dilemma games with (out) an outside option: An experimental study
por Esther Hauk
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Theory and Decision, Volume 54, Number 3, May 2003, pp. 207-229(23)]


[390] - New ideas need new space
por Diego Rodríguez
(Mayo 1999)


[389] - Capital, wages and growth: Theory and evidence
por Antonio Ciccone, Giovanni Peri y Douglas Almond
(Enero 1999; Revisado: Mayo 1999)


[388] - The impact of firing costs on turnover and unemployment: Evidence from the Colombian labour market reform
por Adriana D. Kugler
(Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: The International Tax and Public Finance Journal, 6, 3, (August 1999), pp. 389 - 410]


[387] - Communication, coordination and efficiency in evolutionary one-population models
por Sjaak Hurkens y Karl H. Schlag
(Abril 1999)


[386] - Endogenous information structures
por Sjaak Hurkens y Nir Vulkan
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 50(2006), 1, pp. 35-54]


[385] - Social security in theory and practice (II): Efficiency theories, narrative theories and implications for reform
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Abril 1999)


[384] - Social security in theory and practice (I): Facts and political theories
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Abril 1999)


[383] - Gerontocracy, retirement, and social security
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Abril 1999)


[382] - Corruption and the Hadleyburg effect
por Marco Celentani y Juan J. Ganuza
(Abril 1999)


[381] - A note on the convergence to competitive equilibria in economies with moral hazard
por Alberto Bisin, Piero Gottardi y Danilo Guaitoli
(Diciembre 1998) [Publicado en: P. J. J. Herings et al. (ed.): The Theory of Markets, North-Holland (1999)]


[380] - The case for a new accounting research agenda in Spain
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Ester Oliveras
(Enero 1999)


[379] - Regional diversity in the fruit sector in the European Union
por Josep M. Argilés
(Mayo 1999)


[378] - A singular function and its relation with the number systems involved in its definition
por Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader y Lluís Bibiloni
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 253, (2001), pp.107-125; Con el título: The Derivative of Minkowski's Singular Function]


[377] - Heterogeneity-promoting optimal procurement
por Juan J. Ganuza y Lambros Pechlivanos
(Enero 1998; Revisado: Enero 1999) [Publicado en: Economic Letters, 67, (2000), pp. 105-112]


[376] - A sharp concentration inequality with applications
por Stéphane Boucheron, Gábor Lugosi y Pascal Massart
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Random Structures and Algorithms, 16, (2000), pp. 277-292]


[375] - Almost sure testability of classes of densities
por Luc Devroye y Gábor Lugosi
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, vol. 14, pp.675--698, 2002]


[374] - Explaining movements in the labor share
por Samuel Bentolila y Gilles Saint Paul
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Contributions to Macroeconomics, Berkeley Electronic Press, vol. 3(1), 2003, pages 1103-1103]


[373] - A general class of adaptative strategies
por Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 98(1), pages 26-54, May 2000; Con el título: A General Class of Adaptive Strategies]


[372] - Las bases sociales y políticas de la abstención en las elecciones generales españolas: recursos individuales, movilización estratégica e instituciones electorales
por Carles Boix y Clara Riba
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 90, (2000), pp. 95-128]


[371] - Asymptotic behaviour of the density in a parabolic SPDE
por Arturo Kohatsu, D. Márquez Carreras y M. Sanz Solé
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Mathematics Preprint Series 257 of the Universitat de Barcelona and Journal of Theoretical Probability, 14, (2001), pp. 427-462]


[370] - Self-serving biases: Evidence from a simulated labor relationship
por Gary Charness y Ernan Haruvy
(Enero 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Managerial Psychology]


[369] - When are layoffs acceptable? Evidence from a quasi-experiment
por Gary Charness y David I. Levine
(Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 53, no. 3 (Apr., 2000), pp. 381-400]


[368] - Altruism, equity and reciprocity in a gift-exchange experiment: An encompassing approach
por Gary Charness y Ernan Haruvy
(Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 40(2002), 2, pp. 203-231]


[367] - Setting the rules of the game: The choice of electoral systems in advanced democracies
por Carles Boix
(Enero 1999) [Publicado en: American Political Science Review 93, pp. 609-624, September, 1999]


[366] - Optimal law enforcement and criminal organization
por Nuno Garoupa
(Marzo 1999)


[365] - Insurance with frequent trading
por José Penalva
(Octubre 1997; Revisado: Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001), pp. 790-822; Con el título: Insurance with Frequent Trading: A Dynamic Analysis of Efficient Insurance Markets]


[364] - Ambiguity in election games
por Enriqueta Aragonés y Andrew Postlewaite
(Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Design, 7, 3, pp. 233-255, 2002]


[363] - The struggle against creative accounting: Is "true and fair view" part of the problem or part of the solution?
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Ester Oliveras
(Marzo 1999)


[362] - Review of the literature on reference pricing
por Guillem López y Jaume Puig
(Febrero 1999) [Publicado en: Health Policy, 54, (2000), pp. 87-123]


[361] - Does risk aversion or attraction depend on income? An experiment
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Febrero 1999; Revisado: Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 65, 3, (1999)]


[360] - The timing of foreign direct investment under uncertainty: Evidence from the Spanish banking sector
por Josep Garcia Blandón
(Marzo 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 45 (2001), 2, pp. 213-224]


[359] - Surviving in a competitive spatial market: The threshold capture model
por Daniel Serra, Charles Revelle y Ken Rosing
(Febrero 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Regional Science, 39, 4, (1999), pp. 637-652]


[358] - Weak approximations. A Malliavin calculus approach
por Arturo Kohatsu
(Febrero 1999) [Publicado en: Mathematics of Computation, 70, (2001), pp. 135-172]


[357] - A non-quasi-competitive Cournot oligopoly with stability
por Ramon Villanova, Jaume Paradís y Pelegrí Viader
(Febrero 1999) [Publicado en: Keio Economic Studies, 38, 1, (2001), pp. 71-82]


[356] - The science of monetary policy: A new Keynesian perspective
por Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí y Mark Gertler
(Septiembre 1997; Revisado: Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Literature, 37, 4, (1999), pp. 1661-1707]


[355] - The political economy of employment protection
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Enero 1999) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 110(3), pp. 672-701, June 2002]


[354] - Lyfe-cycle effects on household expenditures: A latent-variable approach
por Eva Ventura y Albert Satorra
(Octubre 1998) [Publicado en: Qüestió, 25, 1, (2001), pp. 93-117]


[353] - La política monetaria europea y sus posibles repercusiones sobre la economía española
por Jordi Galí
(Diciembre 1998)


[352] - Endogenous spillovers, increased competition and re-organization waves
por Diego Rodríguez
(Enero 1999)


[351] - Credit cycles in theory and experiment
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y María Sáez
(Enero 1999) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 36, (2001), pp. 105-137]


[350] - Monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability: Evidence and some theory
por Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí y Mark Gertler
(Marzo 1997; Revisado: Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. CXV, issue 1, 147-180, 2000]


[349] - The ethics of creative accounting
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Jack Dowds
(Diciembre 1998) [Publicado en: Ethical Issues in Accounting, Routledge (eds.), Londres 1998, pp.24-40; Con el título: The Ethics of Creative Accounting]


[348] - Institutional constraints on organizations: The case of Spanish car dealerships
por Benito Arruñada, Luis Vázquez y Giorgio Zanarone
(Enero 1999; Revisado: Junio 2007) [Publicado en: Managerial and Decision Economics, 30(1), pp. 15-26, 2009.]


[347] - Competitividad comparada del sector granívoro español en el marco de la Unión Europea. Referencia específica a Cataluña
por Josep M. Argilés
(Diciembre 1998)


[346] - Assesing the political viability of labour market reform: The case of employment protection
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Diciembre 1998) [Publicado en: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue May 1999, pages 73-87]


[345] - Moral hazard and non-exclusive contracts
por Alberto Bisin y Danilo Guaitoli
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 35, n. 2, pp. 306-328, Summer 2004]


[344] - Crime and punishment: Further results
por Nuno Garoupa
(Noviembre 1998) [Publicado en: Économie Appliquée, Special Issue in Law and Economics (Économie de la Justice), 54, 3, (2001), pp. 107-120]


[343] - The political consequences of unemployment
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Noviembre 1998) [Publicado en: Swedish Economic Policy Review, 5, 2, 1998, pp. 259-296]


[342] - An analysis of the accounting principles applied by the European Farm Accountancy Data Network
por Eric J. Slof y Josep M. Argilés
(Febrero 1998; Revisado: Octubre 1998)


[341] - Inflation dynamics: A structural econometric analysis
por Jordi Galí y Mark Gertler
(Agosto 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 44, nº 2, 195-222, 1999]


[340] - On a problem of Alfréd Rényi
por Pelegrí Viader, Lluís Bibiloni y Jaume Paradís
(Diciembre 1998) [Publicado en: Acta arithmetica, 91, 2, (1999), pp. 107-115]


[339] - A polynomial algorithm for special case of the one-machine scheduling problem with time-lags
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Diciembre 1998)


[338] - Solving two production scheduling problems with sequence-dependent set-up times
por Joao António Noivo y Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço
(Diciembre 1998)


[337] - Recursive contracts
por Albert Marcet y Ramon Marimon
(Septiembre 1994; Revisado: Octubre 1998)


[336] - Contracting externalities and multiple equilibria in sectors: Theory and evidence
por Neus Bover, Juan J. de Lucio y Diego Rodríguez
(Noviembre 1998)


[335] - The adverse effects of environmental policy in green markets
por José L. Moraga y Noemí Padrón
(Noviembre 1998)


[334] - Internacionalización bancaria: paradigmas teóricos y teorías explicativas
por Josep Garcia Blandón
(Noviembre 1998)


[333] - Inflationary expectations during Germany's great slump
por Hans Joachim Voth
(Noviembre 1998)


[332] - Increasing political returns and rural-urban migrations
por Gabriel Sánchez
(Agosto 1998)


[331] - Timing of seasonal sales
por Pascal Courty y Li Hao
(Noviembre 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Business October 1999]


[330] - Strategy communication and measurement systems
por Pascal Courty
(Octubre 1997)


[329] - Constant coefficient tests for random coefficient regression
por Pedro Delicado y Juan Romo
(Noviembre 1998)


[328] - R&D cooperation and spillovers: Some empirical evidence
por Bruno Cassiman y Reinhilde Veugelers
(Octubre 1998) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 92(4), 1169-1184, 2002]


[327] - The organization of research corporations and researcher ability
por Bruno Cassiman
(Agosto 1998)


[326] - Reputation and honesty in a market for information
por Gary Charness y Nuno Garoupa
(Septiembre 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9, 3, (2000), pp. 425-451]


[325] - Variable Kernel estimates: On the impossibility of tuning the parameters
por Luc Devroye y Gábor Lugosi
(Octubre 1998) [Publicado en: E. Gine and D. Mason (editors), High-Dimensional Probability, Springer-Verlag, New York, (2000)]


[324] - On prediction of individual sequences
por Nicolo Cesa Bianchi y Gábor Lugosi
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Annals of Statistics, 27, 6, (1999), 1865-1895]


[323] - Adaptive model selection using empirical complexities
por Gábor Lugosi y Andrew B. Nobel
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Annals of Statistics, 27, 6, (1999), pp. 1830-1864]


[322] - Responsibility-allevation and effort provision in a gift-exchange experiment
por Gary Charness
(Septiembre 1998)


[321] - Hot vs. cold: Sequential responses and preference stability in experimental games
por Jordi Brandts y Gary Charness
(Agosto 1998) [Publicado en: Experimental Economics, Volume 2, Number 3, March 2000, pp. 227-238(12)]


[320] - The variability of money velocity in a generalized cash-in-advance model
por Hugo Rodríguez
(Septiembre 1998)


[319] - Equilibrium asset prices and savings of heterogeneous agents in the presence of incomplete markets and portfolio constraints
por Albert Marcet y Kenneth J. Singleton
(Abril 1990; Revisado: Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Macroeconomic Dynamics, (1999), 3]


[318] - Migration across Spanish provinces: Evidence from the social security records (1978-1992)
por Carlo Devillanova y Walter Garcia Fontes
(Septiembre 1998) [Publicado en: Investigaciones Económicas, 28 (2004), 3, pp. 461-487]


[317] - The evolution of personally disadvantageous punishment among cofoundresses of the ant Acromyrmex versicolor
por Gregory B. Pollock, Antonio Cabrales y Steven W. Rissing
(Septiembre 1998)


[316] - Weak and strong altruism in traitgGroups: Reproductive suicide, personal fitness and expected value
por Gregory B. Pollock y Antonio Cabrales
(Septiembre 1998)


[315] - Entrepreneurship, organization and economic performance among Spanish firms, 1930-1975. The case of the motor industry
por Albert Carreras y Salvador Estapé Triay
(Septiembre 1998) [Publicado en: M. J. Lynskey & S. Yonekura, eds., Entrepreneurship and Organization. The Role of the Entrepreneur in Organizational Innovation, Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, pp. 123-151; Con el título: The Spanish Motor Industry, 1930-1975]


[314] - Optimization of multiclass queueing networks with changeover times via the achievable region method: Part II, the multi-station case
por Dimitris Bertsimas y José Niño-Mora
(Septiembre 1996; Revisado: Agosto 1998) [Publicado en: Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, (1999), pp. 331-361]


[313] - Ex post bargaining, labor coordination and wage formation at the firm level
por Diego Rodríguez
(Septiembre 1998)


[312] - Relative price riddles in international business cycle theory: Are transport costs the explanation?
por Elisabetta Mazzenga y Morten O. Ravn
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(4), 645-71, 2004]


[311] - Rate of convergence of a particle method to the solution of the Mc Kean-Vlasov's equation
por Fabio Antonelli y Arturo Kohatsu
(Agosto 1998) [Publicado en: Annals of Applied Probability, 12, (2002), pp. 423-476]


[310] - Statistics in archaeology: New directions
por Pedro Delicado
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: British Archaeological Reports International Series. ArchaeoPress, Oxford, 1999; Con el título: New Techniques for Old Times. Computer Applications in Archaeology, J. A. Barceló, editor]


[309] - Principal curves and principal oriented points
por Pedro Delicado
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 77, 84-116, 2001; Con el título: Another look at principal curves and surfaces]


[308] - Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand
por Jaume Puig, Marc Sáez y Esther Martínez Garcia
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Health Care Management Science, 1, (1998), pp. 39-52]


[307] - Las deducciones en el IRPF por gasto sanitario privado: situación actual y posibilidades de reforma
por Esther Martínez
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Papeles de economía española, 76, (1998), pp. 273-283]


[306] - The achievable region approach to the optimal control of stochastic systems
por Marcus Dacre, Kevin Glazebrook y José Niño-Mora
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of The Royal Statistical Society B, 61, (1999), pp. 747-791]


[305] - Window-dressing in German interwar balance sheets
por Mark Spoerer
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Accounting, Business & Financial History, volume 8, number 3, 351-369, November 1998]


[304] - Metaheuristics for the bus-driver scheduling problem
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, José Pinto y Rita Portugal
(Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Transportation Science, 3, 35, (2001), pp. 331-343]


[303] - Valuation bubbles and sequential bubbles
por Kevin X.D. Huang y Jan Werner
(Junio 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, vol 15, pg 253-278,; Con el título: Asset price bubbles in Arrow-Debreu and sequential equilibrium]


[302] - Optimization of multiclass queueing networks with changeover times via the achievable region approach: Part I, the single-station case
por Dimitris Bertsimas y José Niño-Mora
(Julio 1996; Revisado: Julio 1998) [Publicado en: Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, (1999), pp. 306-330]


[301] - Restless bandits, linear programming relaxations and a primal-dual index heuristic
por Dimitris Bertsimas y José Niño-Mora
(Agosto 1994; Revisado: Octubre 1997) [Publicado en: Operations Research, 48, 1, (2000), pp. 80-90]


[300] - An experiment on Nash implementation
por Antonio Cabrales, Gary Charness y Luis Corchón
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 51, (2003), pp. 161-193,]


[299] - Solving higher-dimensional continuous time stochastic control problems by value function regression
por Michael Reiter
(Marzo 1997; Revisado: Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23, (1999), pp. 1329-53]


[298] - Correspondence analysis of two transition tables
por Michael Greenacre y José G. Clavel
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Statisctics in Transition, 5(2002), pp.185-197; Con el título: Simultaneous visualization of two transition tables]


[297] - A portrait of the Spanish accounting community
por Oriol Amat, Catherine Gowthorpe, Soledad Moya y Ester Oliveras
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad, XXVII, 96, (1998), pp. 821-850]


[296] - Parameterized expectations approach; Some practical issues
por Albert Marcet y Guido Lorenzoni
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies, October 2001, pp. 143-172(30)]


[295] - The effect of unemployment spells on subsequent wages in Spain
por Alfonso Rosolia y Gilles Saint Paul
(Junio 1998)


[294] - International accounting harmonisation - A comparison of Spain, Sweden and Austria
por John Blake, Oriol Amat y Catherine Gowthorpe
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: The Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 4, 1, (1998), pp. 90-118]


[293] - Pre-play communication and credibility: A test of Aumann's conjecture
por Gary Charness
(Junio 1998) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 33(2000), pp. 179-194]


[292] - Quasi-integration in less-than-truckload trucking
por Alberto Fernández, Benito Arruñada y Manuel González
(Junio 1998; Revisado: Julio 2002) [Publicado en: C. Ménard, (ed.), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northhampton, 2000, 293-312]


[291] - Monetary unions and the transaction cost savings of a single currency
por Hugo Rodríguez
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Review of International Economics, 10 (2002), 2, pp. 263-267]


[290] - Consumer choice in competitive location models: Formulations and heuristics
por Daniel Serra y Rosa Colomé
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Papers in Regional Science, 80, 4, (2001), pp. 425-438]


[289] - Endogenous price leadership
por Eric van Damme y Sjaak Hurkens
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 23, 105-29, 2004]


[288] - Adaptive approach heuristics for the generalized assignment problem
por Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço y Daniel Serra
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Mathware & Soft Computing, Special Issue on Ant Colony Pptimization: Models and Applications, 2, 9, (2002), pp. 209-234; Con el título: Meta-heuristics for the Generalized Assignment Problem]


[287] - How wide is the gap? An investigation of gender wage differences using quantile regression
por Jaume Garcia, Pedro J. Hernández y Ángel López Nicolás
(Mayo 1998) [Publicado en: Empirical Economics, 26, pp. 149-168, (2001)]


[286] - A dilution cost approach to financial intermediation and securities markets
por Patrick Bolton y Xavier Freixas
(Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 108 (2), (2000), pp.324-351]


[285] - Diffusion with delayed informational spillovers
por Gabriel Duque
(Marzo 1998)


[284] - Bargaining efficiency and screening: An experimental investigation
por Gary Charness
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 42(3), pages 285-304, July 2000]


[283] - Attribution and reciprocity in a simulated labor market: An experimental investigation
por Gary Charness
(Septiembre 1996; Revisado: Octubre 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Labor Economics]


[282] - A simple randomized algorithm for consistent sequential prediction of ergodic time series
por László Györfi, Gábor Lugosi y Gusztáv Morvai
(Abril 1998) [Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45, (1999), pp. 2642-2650]


[281] - Inequalities for a new data-based method for selecting nonparametric density estimates
por Luc Devroye, Gábor Lugosi y Frederic Udina
(Febrero 1998) [Publicado en: M. L. Puri (editor), Festschrift in Honour of George Roussas, VSP International Science Publishers, (2000)]


[280] - An inequality for uniform deviations of sample averages from their means
por Peter Bartlett y Gábor Lugosi
(Febrero 1998) [Publicado en: Statistics and Probability Letters, 44, (1999), pp. 55-62]


[279] - Complementarity between technology make and buy in innovation strategies: Evidence from Belgiam manufacturing firms
por Bruno Cassiman y Reinhilde Veugelers
(Febrero 1998) [Publicado en: Research Policy, 28, p.63-80, 1999]


[278] - Cost-containment in health care: The case of Spain from the eighties up to 1997
por Guillem López
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: Chapter in Julien Le Grand and E. Mossialos, 'Cost-Containment in Health Care', january 1998]


[277] - Accounting information and the prediction of farm viability
por Josep M. Argilés
(Marzo 1998) [Publicado en: The European Accounting Review, vol. 10, no. 2, (2001)]


[276] - On the throughput-WIP trade-off in queueing systems, diminishing returns and the threshold property: A linear programming approach
por José Niño-Mora
(Marzo 1998)


[275] - Comparison and evaluation of states of health
por Carmen Herrero, José Luis Pinto y Han Bleichrodt
(Diciembre 1997; Revisado: Marzo 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of Health Economics, 1, 7, (2002); Con el título: A Proposal to Solve the Comparability Problem in Cost-Utility Analysis]


[274] - Firm investment in imperfect capital markets: A structural estimation
por Sangeeta Pratap y Silvio Rendón
(Septiembre 1996; Revisado: Marzo 1998) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics; Con el título: 6, 3, (2003), pp. 513-545]


[273] - Negativity effect in multiparty electoral competition
por Enriqueta Aragonés
(Agosto 1994; Revisado: Septiembre 1997)


[272] - Lobbying, innovation and protectionist cycles
por Gabriel Sánchez
(Febrero 1998)


[271] - The choice of the form of representation in multinational banking: Evidence from Spain
por Josep Garcia Blandón
(Marzo 1998)


[270] - On the efficiency and sensitivity of a pyramidal classification algorithm
por Àngel J. Gil, Carles Capdevila y Antoni Arcas
(Marzo 1998)


[269] - Imitation of succesful behavior in Cournot markets
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Nicolaas J. Vriend
(Febrero 1998; Revisado: Mayo 1999) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 113, pp. 495-524, 2003]


[268] - Free entry does not imply zero profits
por Sjaak Hurkens y Nir Vulkan
(Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 81, 3, (2003), pp. 285-290]


[267] - Completing contracts ex post: How car manufacturers manage car dealers
por Benito Arruñada, Luis Garicano y Luis Vázquez
(Septiembre 1998; Revisado: Julio 2004) [Publicado en: Review of Law and Economics, 1 (1), pp. 149-173, 2005]


[266] - A total order in [0,1] defined through a 'next' operator
por Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader y Lluís Bibiloni
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: ORDER, 16, 3, (1999), pp. 17-30]


[265] - Finance versus costs for teaching hospitals in Spain
por Guillem López y Marc Sáez
(Febrero 1998) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 8, (1999), pp. 641-651]


[264] - Influence activity and the organization of research and development
por Bruno Cassiman
(Junio 1996; Revisado: Diciembre 1997)


[263] - Research joint ventures and optimal R&D policy with asymmetric information
por Bruno Cassiman
(Octubre 1994; Revisado: Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: The International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18 (2), p. 283-314, 2000]


[262] - On the quantitative importance of wage bargaining models
por James S. Costain
(Enero 1998)


[261] - How competition controls team production: The case of fishing firms
por Benito Arruñada y Manuel González
(Noviembre 1997)


[260] - Job dynamics, correlated shocks and wage profiles
por Antonio Cabrales y Hugo Hopenhayn
(Enero 1998)


[259] - Country asymmetries, endogenous product choice and the speed of trade liberalization
por Antonio Cabrales y Massimo Motta
(Febrero 1996; Revisado: Enero 1998) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 45, (2001), pp. 87-107]


[258] - Foreign direct investments and spillovers through workers' mobility
por Andrea Fosfuri, Massimo Motta y Thomas Ronde
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 53, pp. 205-222, 2001]


[257] - Monitoring the university admissions process in Spain
por Anna Cuxart y Nicholas T. Longford
(Julio 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Higher Education in Europe, XXIII, 3, (1998), Editorial CARFAX (UNESCO), pp. 385-396]


[256] - Employment protection, international specialization and innovation
por Gilles Saint Paul
(Enero 1996; Revisado: Mayo 1997) [Publicado en: European Economic Review 46, pp 375-395]


[255] - Algunos factores que inciden en el rendimiento y en la evaluación de los alumnos en las PAAU
por Anna Cuxart, Manuel Martí y Ferran Ferrer
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: Revista de educacion, 314, (1998), pp. 63-68]


[254] - Risk management under a two-factor model of the term structure of interest rates
por Manuel Moreno
(Diciembre 1997)


[253] - Expertise and finance: Mergers motivated by technological change
por Masako Ueda
(Diciembre 1997)


[252] - Employee referrals and the inter-industry wage structure
por Adriana D. Kugler
(Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Labour Economics, 10(5): 531-556, 2003]


[251] - The drive for quality - the impact on accounting in the wine industry
por Soledad Moya, Oriol Amat y John Blake
(Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Wine Research, 9, 2, (1998), pp. 75-85]


[250] - Seeking theta's desperately: Estimating the distribution of consumers under increasing block rates
por Pedro Delicado, Fidel Castro y Jose M. Da Rocha
(Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Regulatory Economics, 22 (1), pp. 29-58, 2002; Con el título: Desperately seeking theta's: Estimating the distribution of consumers under increasing block rates]


[249] - Effects of uncertain lifetime and annuity insurance on capital accumulation and growth
por Luisa Fuster
(Enero 1998) [Publicado en: Economic Theory 13, 2, (1999), pp. 429-445]


[248] - Crossing the Rio Grande: Migrations, business cycles and the welfare state
por Morten O. Ravn y Fabio Canova
(Julio 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1997)


[247] - Asymmetric effects of monetary policy in the US: Positive vs. negative or big vs. small?
por Morten O. Ravn y Martín Solà
(Octubre 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Quarterly Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2004]


[246] - The economics of organized crime and optimal law enforcement
por Nuno Garoupa
(Septiembre 1997; Revisado: Diciembre 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Inquiry, 38, 2, (2000), 278-288]


[245] - The role of moral values in the economic analysis of crime: A general equilibrium approach
por Nuno Garoupa
(Diciembre 1997)


[244] - Recurrent hyperinflations and learning
por Albert Marcet y Juan P. Nicolini
(Noviembre 1995; Revisado: Noviembre 2001) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 93, 5, (2003), pp. 1476-98]


[243] - Unemployment insurance with endogenous search intensity and precautionary saving
por James Costain
(Noviembre 1997)


[242] - Life-time redistribution effects of the Spanish public pension system
por Guillem López y Joan Gil
(Diciembre 1997)


[241] - Finite horizon bargaining and the consistent field
por Armando Gomes, Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Abril 1997) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 27, pp. 204-228, 1999]


[240] - Unobserved heterogeneity and censoring in the demand for health care
por Ángel López Nicolás
(Noviembre 1997) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 7, pp. 429-437, (1998)]


[239] - A mathematical excursion: From the three-door problem to a Cantor-type perfect set
por Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader y Lluís Bibiloni
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: American Mathematical Monthly, 106, 3, (1999), pp. 241-251]


[238] - Strategic behavior and price discovery
por Luis A. Medrano y Xavier Vives
(Septiembre 1997) [Publicado en: Rand Journal of Economics, 32, 221-248, 2001]


[237] - The growth and diffusion of knowlegde and the theory of the firm
por Diego Rodríguez
(Septiembre 1997)


[236] - It's still 2%: evidence on convergence from 116 years of the US States panel data
por Etsuro Shioji
(Septiembre 1997)


[235] - Convergence in panel data: Evidence from the skipping estimation
por Etsuro Shioji
(Agosto 1997)


[234] - Is altruism important for understanding the long-run effects of social security?
por Luisa Fuster
(Septiembre 1997) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics 2, 3, (1999), pp. 616-637]


[233] - Secret information acquisition in Cournot markets
por Esther Hauk y Sjaak Hurkens
(Marzo 1996; Revisado: Agosto 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 18, 3, (2001), pp. 661-681]


[232] - A model of conglomeration and synergy traps
por M. Àngels Oliva y Luis Rivera-Bátiz
(Agosto 1997)


[231] - Multinationals, technology networks and international takeovers
por M. Àngels Oliva y Luis Rivera-Bátiz
(Septiembre 1997)


[230] - An experimental study of adaptive behavior in an oligopolistic market game
por Rosemarie Nagel y Nicolaas J. Vriend
(Julio 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9, Issue 1, p. 27-65, 1999]


[229] - The optimum quantity of money: Theory and evidence
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Money Credit and Banking, (1997)]


[228] - Crecimiento de las regiones españolas: estructura sectorial, dinámica regional y distribución de rentas.
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y Ramon Marimon
(Abril 1999) [Publicado en: Papeles de Economia Española, 80, (1999), pp. 21-50]


[227] - Location of hubs in a competitive environment
por Vladimir Marianov, Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research, 114, (1999), pp. 363-371]


[226] - A new light on Minkowski's? $(x)$ function
por Pelegrí Viader, Jaume Paradís y Lluís Bibiloni
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Number Theory, 73, (1998), pp. 212-227]


[225] - Constraints and non-existence of rational expectations equilibria
por José M. Marín y Jacques Olivier
(Julio 1997)


[224] - Sequential screening
por Pascal Courty y Li Hao
(Mayo 1997) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, Volume 67 Issue 4, pp 697-717, October 2000]


[223] - Speculative securities
por José M. Marín y Rohit Rahi
(Abril 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 14, pp. 653-668, 1999]


[222] - Risk dominance selects the leader. An experimental analysis
por Antonio Cabrales, Walter Garcia Fontes y Massimo Motta
(Febrero 1997) [Publicado en: International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18, (2000), pp. 137-162]


[221] - Implementation, elimination of weakly dominated strategies and evolutionary dynamics
por Antonio Cabrales y Giovanni Ponti
(Febrero 1997) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics, 3, (2000), pp. 247-282]


[220] - On optimal location with treshold requirements
por Miquel Carreras y Daniel Serra
(Marzo 1997) [Publicado en: Socio Economic Planning Sciences, 33, 2, (1999)]


[219] - Competitive location and pricing on networks
por Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: Geographical Analysis, 31, 2, (1999)]


[218] - Una modelización de los años de vida ajustados por la calidad como utilidades esperadas
por José M. Abellán y José L. Pinto
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: Spanish Economic Review, 2, 1, (2000), pp. 49-63,; Con el título: Quality Adjusted Life Years as Expected Utilities]


[217] - Invariance and randomness in the Nash program for coalitional games
por Nir Dagan y Roberto Serrano
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 58, 43-49, 1998]


[216] - Identifying monetary policy shocks in Japan
por Etsuro Shioji
(Abril 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 14, Number 1, March 2000, pp. 22-42(21)]


[215] - Spanish monetary policy: A structural VAR analysis
por Etsuro Shioji
(Mayo 1997)


[214] - Market structure and hospital efficiency: Evaluating potential effects of deregulation in a national health service
por Eulàlia Dalmau y Jaume Puig
(Junio 1997) [Publicado en: Review of Industrial Organization, 13, (1998), pp. 447-466]


[213] - Forecasting with missing data: Application to a real case
por Pedro Delicado y Ana Justel
(Mayo 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Forecasting, 18, 285-298, 1999; Con el título: Forecasting with missing data: Application to coastal wave heights]


[212] - Setting standards: Information accumulation in development
por Daron Acemoglu y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Marzo 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Growth, March 1999, vol4, 5-38]


[211] - Unemployment vs. mismatch of talents: Reconsidering unemployment benefits
por Ramon Marimon y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Mayo 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 109(455), pp 266-291, 1999]


[210] - Comparing and validating hypothesis test procedures: Graphical and numerical tools
por Pedro Delicado y Iolanda Placencia
(Abril 1997) [Publicado en: Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation, 30 (2), pp. 403-422, 2001; Con el título: Comparing empirical distributions of p-values from simulations]


[209] - Auctions of licences and market structure
por Gustavo Rodríguez
(Febrero 1997) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 19, 283-309, 2002]


[208] - First price auctions: Monotonicity and uniqueness
por Gustavo Rodríguez
(Febrero 1997) [Publicado en: International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 29, Number 3, pp 413-432, November 2000]


[207] - Do interregional transfers improve the economic performance of poor regions? The case of Spain
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: International Tax and Public Finance, 8 (3), 2001, pp. 281-295]


[206] - Minimax lower bounds for the two-armed bandit problem
por Sanjeev R. Kulkarni y Gábor Lugosi
(Febrero 1997) [Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control]


[205] - Advertising bans
por Massimo Motta
(Octubre 1996; Revisado: Enero 1997)


[204] - International business cycles, financial markets and household production
por Fabio Canova y Ángel J. Ubide
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22(4), 1998, 545-572]


[203] - Stock returns, term structure, inflation and real activity: An international perspective
por Fabio Canova y Gianni de Nicolo
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: Macroeconomic Dynamics, 4(3), 2000, 343-372]


[202] - Did colonization matter for growth? An empirical exploration into the historical causes of Africa's underdevelopment
por Graziella Bertocchi y Fabio Canova
(Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 46(10), 2002, 1851-1871]


[201] - I just ran four million regressions
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 87, 2, (1997), pp. 178-183]


[200] - A simple adaptive procedure leading to correlated equilibrium
por Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Marzo 1996; Revisado: Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 68, 5, (2000), pp. 1127-1150,]


[199] - A data-dependent skeleton estimate and a scale-sensitive dimension for classification
por Marta Horvath y Gábor Lugosi
(Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 86, (1998), pp. 37-61]


[198] - The minimax distortion redundancy in empirical quantizer design
por Peter Bartlett, Tamas Linder y Gábor Lugosi
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44, (1998), pp. 1802-1813]


[197] - Strong minimax lower bounds for learning
por Andras Antos y Gábor Lugosi
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: Machine Learning, 30, (1998), pp. 31-56]


[196] - Dynamic adverse selection and debt
por Gilles Chemla y Antoine Faure Grimaud
(Marzo 1996; Revisado: Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, Volume 45, Number 9, October 2001, pp. 1773-1792(20)]


[195] - Falling real wages during an industrial revolution
por Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 1996)


[194] - Externalities and interdependent growth: Theory and evidence
por Antonio Ciccone
(Octubre 1996)


[193] - A two-mean reverting-factor model of the term structure of interest rates
por Manuel Moreno
(Noviembre 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Futures Markets, 23, 11, 1075-1105, 2003]


[192] - Health investment complementarities under competing risks
por William H. Dow, Tomas Philipson, Xavier Sala-i-Martin y Jessica Holmes
(Enero 1997) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, (1999)]


[191] - On the term structure of Interbank interest rates: Jump-diffusion processes and option pricing
por Manuel Moreno y Juan I. Peña
(Noviembre 1996)


[190] - Endogenous Stackelberg leadership
por Eric van Damme y Sjaak Hurkens
(Noviembre 1996) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, 28, 1, (1999), pp. 105-129]


[189] - An adaptation of correspondence analysis for square tables
por Michael Greenacre
(Diciembre 1996) [Publicado en: Applied Statistics, 49, (2000), pp. 297-310]


[188] - Sources and propagation of international cycles: Common shocks or transmission?
por Fabio Canova y Jane Marrinan
(Noviembre 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of International Economics, 46, 1, (1998), pp. 133-166; Con el título: Macroeconomic Dynamics Sources and Propagation of Output Cycles: Common Shocks or Transmission]


[187] - Government consumption and private consumption correlations
por Jane Marrinan
(Octubre 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of International Money and Finance, 17, (1998), pp. 615-636]


[186] - Nonlinear models and small sample performance of the generalized method of moments
por Eva Ventura
(Septiembre 1996)


[185] - Does eeasoning enhance learning?
por Nicolaas J. Vriend
(Octubre 1996) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 55, No. 1, 9-18, 1997]


[184] - A model of market-making
por Nicolaas J. Vriend
(Octubre 1996) [Publicado en: European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 15, No. 3, 185-202, 2001]


[183] - Fusion of data sets in multivariate linear regression with errors-in-variables
por Albert Satorra
(Octubre 1996) [Publicado en: Classification and Knowledge Organization, (1997), pp. 195-207]


[182] - Minimum price variations, time priority and quotes dynamics
por Tito Cordella y Thierry Foucault
(Septiembre 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Intermediation, 8: 141-173, 1999]


[181] - La contabilidad creativa en España y en el Reino Unido. Un estudio comparativo
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Soledad Moya
(Julio 1995) [Publicado en: Barcelona Management Review, 3, (1996), pp. 68-75]


[180] - The P-median problem in a changing network: The case of Barcelona
por Daniel Serra y Vladimir Marianov
(Julio 1996) [Publicado en: Location Science, 4, 1, (1999)]


[179] - Adaptive dynamics and the implementation problem with complete information
por Antonio Cabrales
(Julio 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 86, (1999), pp. 159-184]


[178] - Bargaining, coalitions and competition
por Nir Dagan, Roberto Serrano y Oscar Volij
(Junio 1996) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, 15, 279-296, 2000]


[177] - Probabilistic maximal covering location-allocation models with constrained waiting time or queue length for congested systems
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Septiembre 1996) [Publicado en: Annals of Operations Research, 111, (2002), pp. 35-50]


[176] - Contagion and efficiency in gross and net interbank payment systems
por Xavier Freixas y Bruno Parigi
(Marzo 1996; Revisado: Junio 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Intermediation, 7, 1, (1998), pp. 3-31, (1998)]


[175] - Optimal regulation of a fully insured deposit banking system
por Xavier Freixas y Emmanuelle Gabillon
(Mayo 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Regulatory Economics, 16, 2, (1999), pp. 111-134]


[174] - European research funding and regional technological capabilities: Network composition analysis
por Alfonso Gambardella y Walter Garcia Fontes
(Junio 1996)


[173] - Trade liberalization in Uruguay: Domestic and foreign firms
por Walter Garcia Fontes, Ruben Tansini y Marcel Vaillant
(Junio 1995)


[172] - Public and private saving and investment
por Eric van Wincoop y Jane Marrinan
(Junio 1996)


[171] - Approximation of quadratic irrationals and their pierce expansions
por Jaume Paradís, Lluís Bibiloni y Pelegrí Viader
(Junio 1996) [Publicado en: The Fibonacci Quarterly, 36, 2, (1998), pp. 146-153]


[170] - Optimal taxation without state-contingent debt
por Albert Marcet, Thomas J. Sargent y Juha Seppala
(Abril 1996; Revisado: Octubre 2001) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, December 2002]


[169] - Comparison of information structures
por Olivier Gossner
(Mayo 1996) [Publicado en: Games and Economic Behavior, num. 30, pp. 44-63, 2000]


[168] - The intra-generational redistributive effects of social security
por Luis M. Cubeddu
(Abril 1996)


[167] - An axiomatization of the prekernel of nontransferable utility games
por Roberto Serrano y Ken Ichi Shimomura
(Abril 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 83, 286-3071998; Con el título: Beyond Nash Bargaining Theory: The Nash Set]


[166] - Testing calibrated general equilibrium models
por Fabio Canova y Eva Ortega
(Marzo 1996) [Publicado en: In Mariano, Schuerman and Weeks (eds.); Con el título: Simualtion Methods in Econometrics]


[165] - Market versus limit orders in an imperfectly competitive security
por Luís A. Medrano
(Febrero 1996)


[164] - Weighted Kernel regression
por Pedro Delicado y Manuel del Rio
(Marzo 1996; Revisado: Abril 1997) [Publicado en: Communications in Statistics. Theory and methods, 26(12), 2983-2998, 1997; Con el título: Weighted nonparametric regression]


[163] - Negativity effect and the emergence of ideologies
por Enriqueta Aragonés
(Enero 1994; Revisado: Diciembre 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Theoretical Politics, 9, 2, (1997), pp. 189-210]


[162] - Strategic ambiguity in electoral competition
por Enriqueta Aragonés y Zvika Neeman
(Enero 1994; Revisado: Abril 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Theoretical Politics, 12, 2, (2000), pp. 183-204]


[161] - A comment on the Nash program and the theory of implementation
por Roberto Serrano
(Marzo 1996) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 55, 203-208, 1997]


[160] - On money as a medium of exchange when goods vary by supply and demand
por Xavier Cuadras y Randall Wright
(Febrero 1996) [Publicado en: Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1, (1997), pp.680-700]


[159] - Rapid catch-up, fast convergence and persistent underdevelopment
por Antonio Ciccone
(Febrero 1996)


[158] - Efficiency and equilibrium with locally increasing aggregate returns due to demand complementarities
por Antonio Ciccone y Kiminori Matsuyama
(Enero 1996) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 67 (3), 499-525, 1999]


[157] - Agency costs in the process of development
por Daron Acemoglu y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Febrero 1996)


[156] - Boundedly rational credit cycles
por María Sáez
(Febrero 1996)


[155] - Information acquisition and entry
por Sjaak Hurkens y Nir Vulkan
(Febrero 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 44(4): 467-479 (2001)]


[154] - Unfolding a symmetric matrix
por John C. Gower y Michael Greenacre
(Enero 1996) [Publicado en: Journal of Classification, 13, (1996), pp. 81-105]


[153] - Implicit collusion on wide spreads
por Bruno Biais, Thierry Foucault y François Salani
(Diciembre 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Markets, 1, 523-584; October 1998]


[152] - Recontracting and competition
por Nir Dagan
(Agosto 1994; Revisado: Enero 1996)


[151] - Consistency and the Walrasian allocations correspondence
por Nir Dagan
(Enero 1996)


[150] - Altruism, uncertain lifetime and the distribution of wealth
por Luisa Fuster
(Diciembre 1995) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Dynamics 3, (2000); Con el título: Capital Accumulation in an Economy with Dynasties and Uncertain Lifetimes]


[149] - Insider Trading and Real Investment
por Luis A. Medrano
(Diciembre 1995)


[148] - Managerial incentives for mergers
por Ramon Faulí y Massimo Motta
(Noviembre 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 4, 4, (1996), pp. 497-514]


[147] - Research joint ventures in an international economy
por Massimo Motta
(Noviembre 1995) [Publicado en: Ricerche Economiche, 50, (1996), pp. 293-315]


[146] - On the impact of leverage constraints on asset prices and trading volume
por José M. Marín y Jacques P. Olivier
(Noviembre 1995; Revisado: Agosto 2002) [Publicado en: Spanish Economic Review, 5, pp.123-151, 2003]


[145] - Information revelation and market incompleteness
por José M. Marín y Rohit Rahi
(Febrero 1996) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, vol. 67, no. 3, 635-651, 2000]


[144] - Shared knowledge
por José V. Rodríguez Mora
(Septiembre 1995)


[143] - Regional allocation of skills
por Etsuro Shioji
(Diciembre 1995)


[142] - Start-up costs and pecuniary externalities as barriers to economic development
por Antonio Ciccone y Kiminori Matsuyama
(Marzo 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Development Economics, 49, (1996), pp. 33-59]


[141] - Consistent solutions in exchange economies: A characterization of the price mechanism
por Nir Dagan
(Noviembre 1995)


[140] - Is the person trade-off a valid method for allocating health care resources? Some caveats
por José Luis Pinto
(Octubre 1995) [Publicado en: Health Economics, 6, 1, (1996), pp. 71-81]


[139] - Transfers, social safety nets and economic growth
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Septiembre 1995) [Publicado en: IMF Staff Papers, 44, 1, (1997), pp. 81-102]


[138] - Regional growth in Japan
por Etsuro Shioji
(Enero 1992; Revisado: Octubre 1995) [Publicado en: The Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 15, 29-49 (2001), Academic Press]


[137] - The poor stay poor: Non-convergence across countries and regions
por Fabio Canova y Albert Marcet
(Octubre 1995; Revisado: Junio 1999)


[136] - The equity premium and the risk free rate: A cross country, cross maturity examination
por Fabio Canova y Gianni De Nicolo
(Abril 1995) [Publicado en: IMF staff papers, 50(2), 2003, 222-249]


[135] - International consumption risk sharing
por Fabio Canova y Morten O. Ravn
(Marzo 1993; Revisado: Junio 1995) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 37, 3, (1996), pp. 573-601]


[134] - Adoption of financial technologies: Implications for money demand and monetary policy
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Agosto 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 2000; Con el título: The Adoption Costs of Financial Technologies: Implications for Monetary Policy]


[133] - Measuring the stability of histogram appearance when the anchor position is changed
por Jeffrey S. Simonoff y Frederic Udina
(Julio 1995) [Publicado en: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 23, (1997), pp. 335-353]


[132] - The dynamics of research networks in Brite-Euram
por Walter Garcia Fontes y Aldo Geuna
(Enero 1995; Revisado: Julio 1995) [Publicado en: The Organization of Economic Innovation in Europe, A. Gambardella and F. Malerba (edts.), chapter 14, pp. 343-366, Cambridge University Press, (1999)]


[131] - The algebraic equality of two asymptotic tests for the hypothesis that a normal distribution has a specified correlation matrix
por Heinz Neudecker y Albert Satorra
(Abril 1995) [Publicado en: Statistics & Probability Letters, vol 30 (1996), pp. 99--103]


[130] - Fair pricing of deposit insurance. Is it possible? Yes. Is it desirable? No
por Xavier Freixas y Jean Charles Rochet
(Enero 1995; Revisado: Junio 1995) [Publicado en: Research in Economics, 52, 3, (1998), pp. 217-232]


[129] - Option pricing under stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rate in the Spanish case
por Marc Sáez
(Agosto 1995) [Publicado en: Applied Financial Economics, 7, 4, (1997), pp. 379-394]


[128] - Bands width, credibility and exchange risk: Lessons from the EMS experience
por Marta Gómez Puig y José García Montalvo
(Diciembre 1994; Revisado: Junio 1995) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 41, 8, (1997); Con el título: A New Indicator to Assess the Credibility of the EMS]


[127] - Compact matrix expressions for generalized Wald tests of equality of moment vectors
por Albert Satorra y Heinz Neudecker
(Agosto 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 63, (1997), pp. 259-276]


[126] - Asymptotic robustness in multi-sample analysis of multivariate linear relations
por Albert Satorra
(Agosto 1995) [Publicado en: Econometric Theory, 18, pp. 297-312]


[125] - Intertemporal Cournot and Walras equilibrium: An illustration
por Tito Cordella y Manjira Datta
(Julio 1995) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, Vol. 43, pp. 137-153, 2002]


[124] - Death, tetanus, and aerobics: The evaluation of disease-specific health interventions
por William H. Dow, Jessica Holmes, Tomas Philipson y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Julio 1995) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, (1999)]


[123] - The impact of post industrial society on the accounting compromise-experience in the UK and Spain
por Oriol Amat y John Blake
(Julio 1995) [Publicado en: Boletin de estudios economicos, LI, 159, (1996), pp. 531-546]


[122] - Why is consumption so seasonal?
por Andrew Scott
(Marzo 1995)


[121] - Arbitrage, bubbles and valuation
por Jan Werner
(Abril 1995) [Publicado en: International Economic Review ,vol 38, no 2, may 1997]


[120] - Productivity and the density of economic activity
por Antonio Ciccone y Robert E. Hall
(Mayo 1995) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 86, (1996), pp. 54-70]


[119] - Solving capability of LCA
por Serguei Maliar, Igor Kozin y Vitali Perepelitsa
(Junio 1995)


[118] - LCA solvability of chain covering problem
por Serguei Maliar y Vitali Perepelitsa
(Mayo 1995)


[117] - The classical approach to convergence analysis
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Junio 1995) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 106, 437, (1996), pp. 1019-1036]


[116] - Technological diffusion, convergence and growth
por Robert J. Barro y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Mayo 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Growth, 2, 1, (1997)]


[115] - Supply side interventions and redistribution
por Teresa Garcia-Milà, Albert Marcet y Eva Ventura
(Junio 1995) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 120 (543), 2010, pág. 105-130.]


[114] - Bargaining and value
por Sergiu Hart y Andreu Mas-Colell
(Julio 1994; Revisado: Febrero 1995) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 64, 2, (1996), pp. 357-380]


[113] - Does detrending matter for the determination of the reference cycle and the selection of turning points?
por Fabio Canova
(Febrero 1994; Revisado: Marzo 1995) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 109(452), pages 126-50, January 1999]


[112] - Measuring aggregate human capital
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Octubre 1994; Revisado: Enero 1995) [Publicado en: Business and Economics, Volume 5, Number 3, pp 215-252, September 2000]


[111] - Bills of exchange as money: Sources of monetary supply during the industrialization in Catalonia (1844-74)
por Xavier Cuadras y Joan R. Roses
(Abril 1995) [Publicado en: Financial History Review, 5, (1998), pp. 27-47]


[110] - ARCH patterns in cointegrated systems
por Marc Sáez y Robert M. Kunst
(Marzo 1995)


[109] - Interactive local bandwidth choice
por J. S. Marron y Frederic Udina
(Febrero 1995) [Publicado en: Statistics and Computing, 9, (1999), pp. 101-110]


[108] - A positive theory of social security
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Febrero 1995) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Growth, 1, 2, (1996), pp. 277-304]


[107] - Human capital, heterogeneous agents and technological change
por José Mª Bailén y Luis Rivera-Bátiz
(Marzo 1995)


[106] - A labor-income-based measure of the value of human capital: An application to the States of the United States
por Casey B. Mulligan y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Marzo 1994; Revisado: Diciembre 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Japan and the World Economy, (1996)]


[105] - Credit constraints in general equilibrium: Experimental results
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Joaquim Silvestre
(Octubre 1996) [Publicado en: Economic Journal, 107, 444, (1997)]


[104] - Regional cohesion: Evidence and theories of regional growth and convergence
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Octubre 1994) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 40, (1996), pp. 1325-1352]


[103] - Cross-industry entry: The case of a small developing economy
por Walter Garcia Fontes, Ruben Tansini y Marcel Vaillant
(Diciembre 1994)


[102] - An evolutionary model of development of a credit market
por María Sáez
(Diciembre 1994)


[101] - Are large windows efficient? Evolution of learning rules in a bargaining model
por María Sáez
(Diciembre 1994)


[100] - 'Actual' versus 'virtual' employment in Europe: Why is there less employment in Spain?
por Ramon Marimon y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Diciembre 1994) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 42(1), pages 123-153, January 1998]


[99] - Price formation and order placement strategies in a dynamic order driven market
por Thierry Foucault
(Junio 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Financial Markets, 2, 99-134; May 1999]


[98] - Was Prometheus unbound by chance? Risk, diversification and growth
por Daron Acemoglu y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Noviembre 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Political Economy, 1997, vol. 105, issue 4, pages 709-751]


[97] - Regional linkages through European research funding
por Alfonso Gambardella y Walter Garcia Fontes
(Octubre 1994) [Publicado en: Economic of Innovation and New Technology, 4, (1996), pp. 123-138]


[96] - Competitive location in discrete space
por Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Noviembre 1994) [Publicado en: Zvi Drezner (ed.): Facility Location: A Survey of Applications and Methods. Springer-Verlag New York (1995), pp. 367-386]


[95] - Modelos autorregresivos para la varianza condicionada heteroscedastica (ARCH)
por Marc Sáez y Jorge V. Pérez Rodríguez
(Octubre 1994) [Publicado en: Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2, (1994), pp. 71-106]


[94] - Why do owners let their managers pay too much for their acquisitions?
por Ramon Faulí y Massimo Motta
(Octubre 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 4/4, 497-514, Winter 1996; Con el título: Managerial Incentives for Takeovers]


[93] - National enterprise. Spanish big manufacturing firms (1917-1990), between State and market
por Albert Carreras y Xavier Tafunell
(Septiembre 1994) [Publicado en: A. D. Chandler, F. Amatori & T. Hikino, eds., Big Business and the Wealth of Nations, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997, pp. 277-304; Con el título: Spain: Big Manufacturing Firms Between State and Market, 1970-1990]


[92] - The wage effect of an indexation clause: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Agosto 1993; Revisado: Septiembre 1994) [Publicado en: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 60(4), 449-484, 1998; Con el título: Indexation and Wage Change Settlements: Evidence From Spanish Manufacturing Firms]


[91] - Tracking the invisible hand: Convergence of double auctions to competitive equilibrium
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech y Shyam Sunder
(Junio 1996) [Publicado en: Computational Economics, 16, 2000, pp. 257-284]


[90] - Management's response to finance lease capitalization in Spain
por John Blake, Oriol Amat y Julia Clarke
(Septiembre 1994) [Publicado en: European Business Review, 95, 6, pp. 331-343 (1995)]


[89] - Bank financial analyst's response to lease capitalization in Spain
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Julia Clarke
(Septiembre 1994) [Publicado en: International Journal of Accounting, 95, 30, (1995), pp. 331-343]


[88] - Basic research, product innovation and growth
por Jose M. Bailén
(Septiembre 1994)


[87] - Quality of professional services under price floors
por Walter Garcia Fontes y Massimo Motta
(Junio 1994) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Economia, Numero monografico, (1995), pp. 165-189]


[86] - The dynamics of migration in the presence of chains
por Christian Helmenstein y Yury Yegorov
(Junio 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 24, Number 2, pp. 307-323(17), February 2000]


[85] - Optimal wage indexation in a reputational model of monetary policy credibility
por Francesco Drudi y Raffaela Giordano
(Febrero 1994) [Publicado en: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, No. 4, Vol. 102, pp.645-668, 2000; Con el título: Wage Indexation, Employment and Inflation]


[84] - Quality improvements in models of growth
por Robert J. Barro y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Junio 1994) [Publicado en: Economic Growth, MIT PRESS (1998), Chapter 7]


[83] - The wage setting process in Spain. Is it really only about wages?
por Sergi Jiménez-Martín
(Abril 1993; Revisado: Mayo 1994)


[82] - Capital mobility in Neoclassical models of growth
por Robert J. Barro, N. Gregory Mankiw y Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: American Economic Review, 85, 1, (1995), pp. 103-115]


[81] - Progresividad y gastos fiscales en la imposicion personal sobre la renta
por Esther Martínez
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: Public Finance, 2, (1996)]


[80] - Perishable medium of exchange (Can ice cream be money?)
por Xavier Cuadras
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 66 (2), (1997), pp.103-125]


[79] - Cross-sectional regressions and the empirics of economic growth
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, (1994)]


[78] - Lecture notes on economic growth (II): Five prototype models of endogenous growth
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: Antoni Bosch Editor, Barcelona, (1994, 2nd. Edition 2000); Con el título: Apuntes de Crecimiento Económico]


[77] - Lecture notes on economic growth (I): Introduction to the literature and Neoclassical models
por Xavier Sala-i-Martin
(Mayo 1994) [Publicado en: Antoni Bosch Editor, Barcelona, (1994, 2nd. Edition 2000); Con el título: Apuntes de Crecimiento Económico]


[76] - Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by parameterized expectations: Convergence to stationary solutions
por Albert Marcet y David A. Marshall
(Marzo 1994)


[75] - Issues in the use of the cash flow statement-experience in some other countries
por Oriol Amat, John Blake y Jack Dowds
(Marzo 1994) [Publicado en: Revista española de financiacion y contabilidad, 25, 88, (1996), pp. 609-632]


[74] - The maximum capture problem with uncertainty
por Daniel Serra, Samuel Ratick y Charles Revelle
(Marzo 1994) [Publicado en: Environment and Planning B, 23, (1996), pp. 49-59]


[73] - Aspectos macroeconomicos del gasto sanitario en el proceso de convergencia europea
por Jaume Puig
(Enero 1994)


[72] - A model of inflation and reputation with wage bargaining
por Raffaela Giordano
(Noviembre 1992; Revisado: Marzo 1994) [Publicado en: Research in Economics, No. 55, pp. 359-387, 2001]


[71] - Import pricing, domestic pricing and market structure
por Giorgia Giovannetti
(Agosto 1993; Revisado: Enero 1994)


[70] - Probabilistic maximal covering location models for congested systems
por Vladimir Marianov y Daniel Serra
(Marzo 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Regional Science, 38, 3, (1998)]


[69] - Foreign investments, enforcement constraints and human capital accumulation
por Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Febrero 1994)


[68] - How products' case volumes influence supermarket shelf space allocations and profits
por John Ireland
(Febrero 1994)


[67] - A DPP evaluation of efficiency gains from channel-manufacturer cooperation on case counts
por John Ireland
(Febrero 1994)


[66] - Sources of real exchage rate fluctuations: How important are nominal shocks?
por Jordi Galí y Richard Clarida
(Octubre 1993; Revisado: Enero 1994) [Publicado en: Carnegie-Rochester Conference in Public Policy, 41, (1994), pp. 1-56]


[65] - Endogenous growth and poverty traps in a Cournotian model
por Jordi Galí y Fabrizio Zilibotti
(Noviembre 1993) [Publicado en: Annales D'Econoimie aet de Statistique 37/38, (1995), pp. 197-213]


[64] - Adverse selection and security design
por Rohit Rahi
(Julio 1993; Revisado: Febrero 1994) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, 63, 287-300, 1996]


[63] - Patterns of exchange, fiat money and the welfare costs of inflation
por Irasema Alonso
(Noviembre 1991; Revisado: Septiembre 1993) [Publicado en: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Working Paper 510, March 1993, Minneapolis]


[62] - Optimal taxation in a stochastic growth model with public capital: Crowding-in effects and stabilization policy
por German Rojas
(Septiembre 1993)


[61] - Survey on commercial and economic collaboration between companies in the EEC and former Eastern Bloc countries
por Josep M. Argilés
(Febrero 1994) [Publicado en: Revista de Estudios Europeos, 8, (1994) pp. 21-36]


[60] - Expectations-driven spatial fluctuations
por Jordi Galí
(Enero 1994) [Publicado en: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 25, Number 1, February 1995, pp. 1-19(19)]


[59] - Innovation, "bank" monitoring and endogenous financial development
por Ángel de la Fuente y José M. Marín
(Enero 1994) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics, 38, 2, (1996), pp. 269-301]


[58] - A model of financial markets with default and the role of "ex-ante" redundant assets
por José M. Marín y Shinichi Suda
(Enero 1994)


[57] - Income distribution and growth: A re-examination
por Lisa B. Tilis
(Diciembre 1993)


[56] - More on the time inconsistency of optimal monetary policy
por Juan P. Nicolini
(Noviembre 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Monetary Economics 41, (1998), pp .333-350]


[55] - Heterogeneous beliefs, wealth accumulation and asset price dynamics
por Antonio Cabrales y Takeo Hoshi
(Febrero 1993; Revisado: Junio 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20, (1996), pp. 1073-1100]


[54] - Stochastic replicator dynamics
por Antonio Cabrales
(Diciembre 1993) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 41, (2000), pp. 451-481]


[53] - An assessment of the Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares (1985-89) as a source of information for applied reseach
por Ángel López Nicolás
(Diciembre 1993) [Publicado en: Hacienda Publica Española, 132-1, (1995), pp. 133-141]


[52] - The demand for private transport in Spain: A microeconometric approach
por Ángel López Nicolás
(Diciembre 1993) [Publicado en: Revista de Economia Aplicada, 8-3, (1995), pp. 25-39]


[51] - Economic applications of genetic algorithms as a Markov process
por Lisa Beth Tilis
(Noviembre 1993)


[50] - A bounded rationality, evolutionary model for behavior in two person reciprocity games
por Jeffrey E. Prisbrey
(Noviembre 1993)


[49] - Control of the costs of quality management: A review or current practice in Spain
por Oriol Amat y John Blake
(Noviembre 1993) [Publicado en: Forum, 47, (1994), pp. 19-34]


[48] - A regression test of semiparametric index model specification
por Thomas M. Stoker y Diego Rodríguez
(Noviembre 1993) [Publicado en: MIT CEEPR, WP-93011, 1993, Boston]


[47] - Decentralization and the management of competition
por Dimitri Vayanos y Diego Rodríguez
(Noviembre 1993)


[46] - The relationship between tax regulations and financial accounting: A comparison of Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom
por Oriol Amat
(Noviembre 1993) [Publicado en: Readings in Accounting in the European Union, edited by A. Socias, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1996]


[45] - Monopolistic competition, business cycles and the composition of aggregate demand
por Jordi Galí
(Octubre 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 63, 1, pp. 73-96, 1994]


[44] - Monopolistic competition, endogenous markups and growth
por Jordi Galí
(Septiembre 1993) [Publicado en: European Economic Review, 38, pp. 748-756, 1994]


[43] - Local externalities, convex adjustment costs and sunspot equilibria
por Jordi Galí
(Septiembre 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, 64, 1, pp. 242-252, 1994]


[42] - Accuracy in simulations
por Wouter J. den Haan y Albert Marcet
(Septiembre 1993) [Publicado en: Review of Economic Studies, (1994)]


[41] - Saving decisions and fiscal incentives: A Spanish panel based analysis
por M. Antònia Monés y Eva Ventura
(Julio 1993) [Publicado en: Applied Economics, vol. 28, (1996), pp. 1105-1117]


[40] - Commodity money in the presence of goods of heterogenous quality
por Xavier Cuadras
(Julio 1993) [Publicado en: Economic Theory 4 (1994)]


[39] - Market capture by two competitors: The pre-emptive location problem
por Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Mayo 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Regional Science, vol. 34, no. 4, (1994)]


[38] - Tax simulations for Spain with a flexible demand system
por José M. Labeaga y Ángel López Nicolás
(Mayo 1993) [Publicado en: Revista Española de Economia, vol. 13, nº 2, (1996), pp. 181-197]


[37] - Expectations and learning under alternative monetary regimes: An experimental approach
por Ramon Marimon y Shyam Sunder
(Mayo 1993) [Publicado en: Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 4(1), pages 131-62, January 1994]


[36] - The effect of public capital in state-level production functions reconsidered
por Teresa Garcia-Milà, Therese J. McGuire y Robert H. Porter
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78 (1), 1996, pp. 177-180]


[35] - On the asymptotic optimality of alternative minimum-distance estimators in linear latent-variable models
por Albert Satorra
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: Econometric Theory, 10, pp. 867-883]


[34] - Price competition in segmented industries
por Walter Garcia Fontes
(Abril 1993) [Publicado en: EconWPA, Industrial Organization, number 9308001]


[33] - The shakeout
por Hugo A. Hopenhayn
(Abril 1993)


[32] - Protecciones anti-opa y concentración de la propiedad: el poder de voto
por Rafael Crespi
(Marzo 1993)


[31] - A note on measurement error and Euler equations: An alternative to log-linear approximations
por Eva Ventura
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: Economics Letters, 45, pp. 305-308 (1994)]


[30] - Policy variability and economic growth
por Hugo A. Hopenhayn y Maria E. Muniagurría
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 63, No. 4, 611-625. Oct., 1996.]


[29] - An experimental analysis of two-person reciprocity games
por Jeffrey Prisbrey
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: Social Science Working Paper 787 (November 1992)]


[28] - Does economic integration cause foreign direct investment?
por Massimo Motta y George Norman
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: International Economic Review, 37, (1996), pp. 757-783]


[27] - Short term credit versus account receivable financing
por Xavier Freixas
(Marzo 1993)


[26] - A cross-section model with zeros: an application to the demand for tobacco
por Jaume Garcia y Jose M. Labeaga
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 58, p. 489-506, 1996; Con el título: Alternative approaches to modelling zero expenditure: An application to Spanish demand for tobacco]


[25] - Indeterminacy of equilibria in a hyperinflationary world: Experimental evidence
por Ramon Marimon y Shyam Sunder
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: Econometrica, 1993, vol. 61, issue 5, pages 1073-1107]


[24] - On adaptive learning in strategic games
por Ramon Marimon y Ellen McGrattan
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: Kirman, J., Salmon, M. (Ed), Learning and Rationality in Economics . Basil Blackwell: Oxford ; 61-101.]


[23] - Adaptive learning, evolutionary dynamics and equilibrium selection in games
por Ramon Marimon
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: European Economic Review 37 (1993)]


[22] - Growth, capital flows and enforcement constaints: The case of Africa
por Giorgia Giovannetti, Albert Marcet y Ramon Marimon
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: European Economic Review 37, pp. 418-425 (1993)]


[21] - Expectationally-driven market volatility: An experimental study
por Ramon Marimon, Stephen E. Spear y Shyam Sunder
(Marzo 1993) [Publicado en: Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (1992), Minneapolis]


[20] - The coherent covering location problem
por Daniel Serra
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: Papers in Regional Science, vol. 75, no. 1, (1996)]


[19] - Information, liquidity and asset trading in a random matching game
por Hugo A. Hopenhayn y Ingrid M. Werner
(Febrero 1993) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 68, Number 2, pp. 349-379(31), February 1996]


[18] - Consumption, real after tax interest rates and income innovations. A panel data analysis
por M. Antònia Monés, Rafael Salas y Eva Ventura
(Diciembre 1992) [Publicado en: Papeles de Trabajo editados por el Instituto de Estudios Fiscales ; 27/92, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1992]


[17] - Convergence of approximate model solutions to rational expectation equilibria using the method of parameterized expectations
por Albert Marcet y David A. Marshall
(Octubre 1992)


[16] - Multi-sample analysis of moment-structures: Asymptotic validity of inferences based on second-order moments
por Albert Satorra
(Junio 1992) [Publicado en: Statistical Modelling and Latent Variables Elsevier, North Holland. K. Haagen, D. J.Bartholomew and M. Deistler (eds.), pp. 283-298.] Special issue Vernon L. Smith Experimental Methods in Economics. (June 1992)]


[15] - Speed of convergence of recursive least squares learning with ARMA perceptions
por Albert Marcet y Thomas J. Sargent
(Mayo 1992) [Publicado en: Learning and Rationality in Economics, 1995, ed. A. Kirman]


[14] - Ruling out speculative hyperinflations: A game theoretic approach
por Juan P. Nicolini
(Abril 1992) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 20, Issue 5, Pages 791-809, May 1996.; Con el título: Ruling out speculative hyperinflations The role of the government]


[13] - The PQ-Median problem: Location and districting of hierarchical facilities. Part II: Heuristic solution methods
por Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Abril 1992) [Publicado en: Location Science, vol. 2, no. 2, (1994), pp. 63-82]


[12] - The PQ-Median problem: Location and districting of hierarchical facilities. Part I
por Daniel Serra y Charles Revelle
(Abril 1992) [Publicado en: Location Science, vol. 1, no. 4, (1993), pp. 299-312]


[11] - Indicadores de eficiencia en el sector hospitalario
por Guillem López y Adam R. Wagstaff
(Marzo 1992) [Publicado en: Moneda y Credito, vol. 196]


[10] - Entry restrictions and the determination of quality
por Walter Garcia Fontes y Hugo Hopenhayn
(Febrero 1992) [Publicado en: Spanish Economic Review, vol. 2, no. 2, (2000), pp. 105-127]


[9] - Industrial mix as a factor in the growth and variability of States' economies
por Teresa Garcia-Milà y Therese J. McGuire
(Enero 1992) [Publicado en: Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23 (6), 1993, pp. 731-748]


[8] - The variance matrix of sample second-order moments in multivariate linear relations
por Albert Satorra
(Enero 1992) [Publicado en: Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 15, no. 1, (1992), pp. 63-69]


[7] - A unique informationally efficient and decentralized mechanism with fair outcomes
por Xavier Calsamiglia y Alan Kirman
(Noviembre 1991) [Publicado en: Econometrica, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1147-1172 (1993)]


[6] - Simulation analysis of dynamic stochastic models: Applications to theory and estimation
por Albert Marcet
(Noviembre 1991) [Publicado en: Advances in Econometrics, Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society (Eds. JJ. Laffont i C.A. Sims). Cambridge University Press, pp 81-118 (1994)]


[5] - Solving non-linear stochastic models by parameterizing expectations: An application to asset pricing with production
por Albert Marcet
(Julio 1991)


[4] - Wage determination in the Spanish industry
por Javier Andrés y Jaume Garcia
(Junio 1991) [Publicado en: J.J. Dolado et al. (eds.) La industria y el comportamiento de las empresas españolas (Ensayos en homenaje a Gonzalo Mato), Chapter 6, pp. 171-196, Alianza Economia; Con el título: Factores determinantes de los salarios: evidencia para la industria española]


[3] - Asymptotic robust inferences in the analysis of mean and covariance structures
por Albert Satorra
(Junio 1991) [Publicado en: Sociological Methodology (1992) Vol. 22, pp. 249-278, P.V. Marsden Edt. Basil Blackwell: Oxford & Cambridge, MA]


[2] - Economies of scale, location, age and sex discrimination in household demand
por Antoni Bosch-Domènech
(Junio 1991) [Publicado en: European Economic Review 35, (1991) 1589-1595]


[1] - Communication, commitment and growth
por Albert Marcet y Ramon Marimon
(Junio 1991) [Publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 58, no. 2, pp 219-249, December 1992]