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Paper #1288

Let's (not) talk about sex: The effect of information provision on gender differences in performance under competition
Nagore Iriberri y Pedro Rey-Biel
Septiembre 2011
We study how gender differences in performance under competition are affected by the provision of information regarding rival�s gender and/or differences in relative ability. In a laboratory experiment, we use two tasks that differ regarding perceptions about which gender outperforms the other. We observe women�s underperformance only under two conditions: 1) tasks are perceived as favoring men and 2) rivals� gender is explicitly mentioned. This result can be explained by stereotype-threat being reinforced when explicitly mentioning gender in tasks in which women already consider they are inferior. Omitting information about gender is a safe alternative to avoid women�s underperformance in competition.
Palabras clave:
gender differences, competition, feedback information, gender perception, stereotype-threat
Códigos JEL:
C72; C91; D81
Área de investigación:
Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento / Microeconomía

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