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Paper #1405

The changing relationship between commodity prices and equity prices in commodity exporting
Barbara Rossi
Octubre 2012
We explore the linkage between equity and commodity markets, focusing in particular on its evolution over time. We document that a country's equity market value has significant out-of-sample predictive ability for the future global commodity price index for several primary commodity-exporting countries. The out-of-sample predictive ability of the equity market appears around 2000s. The results are robust to using several control variables as well as firm-level equity data. Finally, our results indicate that exchange rates are a better predictor of commodity prices than equity markets, especially at very short horizons.
Palabras clave:
Commodity prices, equity prices, exchange rates, forecasting.
Códigos JEL:
C22, C52, C53
Área de investigación:
Macroeconomía y Economía Internacional / Estadística, Econometría y Métodos Cuantitativos
Publicado en:
IMF Economic Review, 60 (49), 533-539, 2012

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