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Paper #1541

A generalized model of sales
Sandro Shelegia y Chris M. Wilson
Octubre 2016
To provide a more exible workhorse model of temporary price reductions or "sales", this paper presents a substantially generalized "clearinghouse" sales framework. Our framework permits multiple dimensions of firm heterogeneity, and views firms as competing directly in utility rather than prices. The paper i) reproduces and extends many equilibria from the existing literature, ii) offers a range of new results on how firm heterogeneity affects market outcomes, iii) provides original insights into the number and type of firms that use sales, and iv) extends a "cleaning" procedure that is commonly used in empirical studies of sales and price dispersion.
Palabras clave:
Sales; Price Dispersion; Advertising; Clearinghouse; Heterogeneity.
Códigos JEL:
L13; D43; M3
Área de investigación:
Economía de la Empresa y Organización Industrial

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