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Paper #1561

Monetary policy and bubbles in a new Keynesian model with overlapping generations
Jordi Galí
Diciembre 2016
I analyze an extension of the New Keynesian model that features overlapping generations of �nitely-lived agents. In contrast with the standard model, the proposed framework allows for the existence of rational expectations equilibria with asset price bubbles. I examine the conditions under which bubbly equilibria may emerge and some of the implications for monetary policy. Monetary policies that lean against the bubble are shown to be potentially destabilizing, and likely to be dominated by in�ation targeting policies
Palabras clave:
Monetary policy rules, stabilization policies, asset price volatility
Códigos JEL:
E44, E52
Área de investigación:
Macroeconomía y Economía Internacional
Publicado en:
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13(2), 2021, 121-167

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