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Paper #486

Managing by values in the next milenium: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change
Shimon L. Dolan y Salvador GarcĂ­a
Junio 2000
The system of beliefs and values, that shaped the model for management and organizations during the 20th century, is just not good enough today. In order to keep a business functioning well and competing successfully in markets that are increasingly more global, complex, professionally demanding, constantly changing and oriented towards quality and customer satisfaction a new model is needed. In this paper, we will propose that both Management by Instructions (MBI) and Management by Objectives (MBO) today give notoriously inadequate results. By contrast, description of a new approach labeled: Management by Values (MBV), seem to be emerging as a strategic leadership tool. The paper outlines this approach and discusses the implementation of MBV as a tool to redesign culture in organizations and prepare them for the next millenium.
Palabras clave:
Managing by values, management in new milenium, strategic leadership
Códigos JEL:
D23, M14, O33
Área de investigación:
Economía de la Empresa y Organización Industrial
Publicado en:
Journal of Management Development, Vol 21 (2), 101-117, 2002
Con el título:
Managing by Values: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change at the dawn of the 21st century

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