1899 | 2025 | [1899] - Markets for public services: Less might be more by Benito Arruñada (January 2025)
| 1898 | 2024 | [1898] - Lumpy forecasts by Isaac Baley and Javier Turen (December 2024)
1897 | 2024 | [1897] - The macroeconomics of irreversibility by Isaac Baley and Andres Blanco (December 2024)
1896 | 2024 | [1896] - Why has construction productivity stagnated? The role of land-use regulation by Leonardo D'Amico, Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, William Kerr and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (November 2024)
1895 | 2024 | [1895] - Supply chain disruption and precautionary industrial policy by Massimo Motta and Michele Polo (October 2024)
1894 | 2024 | [1894] - Backward induction reasoning beyond backward induction by Emiliano Cantonini and Antonio Penta (September 2024)
1893 | 2024 | [1893] - Strategically robust implementation by Ritesh Jain, Michele Lombardi and Antonio Penta (September 2024)
1892 | 2024 | [1892] - Paternity leave and child development by Lidia Farr, Libertad González Luna, Claudia Hupkau and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela (July 2024)
1891 | 2024 | [1891] - An international perspective on inflation during the Covid-19 recovery by Luca Fornaro and Federica Romei (June 2024)
1890 | 2024 | [1890] - AI and digital technology: gender gaps in higher education by José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Juan José Ganuza, Manu García and Carlos Victoria (May 2024)
1889 | 2024 | [1889] - The impact of COVID-19 on abortions in Spain by Sofia Trommlerová and Libertad González Luna (May 2024)
1888 | 2023 | [1888] - Industrialization without innovation by Paula Bustos, Juanma Castro-Vincenzi, Joan Monràs and Jacopo Ponticelli (September 2023)
1887 | 2024 | [1887] - The effects of climate change on labor and capital reallocation by Christoph Albert, Paula Bustos and Jacopo Ponticelli (May 2024)
1886 | 2024 | [1886] - Geographic shareholder dispersion and mutual fund flow risk by Javier Gil-Bazo and Raffaele Santioni (April 2024)
1885 | 2024 | [1885] - The medieval church and the foundations of impersonal exchange by Benito Arruñada and Lucas López-Manuel (April 2024; Revised: August 2024)
1884 | 2024 | [1884] - Sectoral dynamics of safe assets in advanced economies by Madalen Castells Jauregui, Dmitry Kuvshinov, Bjoern Richter and Victoria Vanasco (April 2024)
1883 | 2024 | [1883] - Fragmented monetary unions by Luca Fornaro and Christoph Grosse-Steffen (April 2024; Revised: January 2025)
1882 | 2024 | [1882] - Heterogeneity and aggregate fluctuations: insights from TANK models by Davide Debortoli and Jordi Galí (March 2024)
1881 | 2024 | [1881] - The short- and long-term effects of family-friendly policies on women's employment by Alicia De Quinto and Libertad González Luna (March 2024)
1880 | 2023 | [1880] - Climate change and migration: the case of Africa by Bruno Conte (October 2023)
1879 | 2024 | [1879] - Can Public Policies Break the Gender Mold? Evidence from Paternity Leave Reforms in Six Countries by Sébastien Fontenay and Libertad González Luna (January 2024)
1878 | 2024 | [1878] - The dawn of civilization. Metal trade and the rise of hierarchy by Matthias Flückiger, Mario Larch, Markus Ludwig and Luigi Pascali (January 2024)
1877 | 2024 | [1877] - Centralized vs decentralized markets: The role of connectivity by Simone Alfarano, Albert Banal-Estañol, Eva Camacho, Giulia Iori, Burcu Kapar and Rohit Rahi (January 2024)
1876 | 2023 | [1876] - The impact of preference programs in public procurement: Evidence from
veteran set-asides by Rodrigo Carril and Audrey Guo (December 2023)
1875 | 2023 | [1875] - Human capital, institutions, and ambitious entrepreneurship during good times and two crises by Mircea Epure, Victor Martin-Sanchez, Sebastian Aparicio and David Urbano (October 2023)
1874 | 2023 | [1874] - Drivers of public procurement prices: Evidence from pharmaceutical markets by Claudia Allende, Juan Pablo Atal, Rodrigo Carril, Jose Ignacio Cuesta and Andrés González Lira (November 2023)
1873 | 2023 | [1873] - Evaluating policy institutions -150 years of US monetary policy- by Régis Barnichon and Geert Mesters (October 2023)
1872 | 2023 | [1872] - Firm balance sheet liquidity, monetary policy shocks, and investment dynamics by Priit Jeenas (October 2023)
1871 | 2023 | [1871] - Consumption segregation by Corina Boar and Elisa Giannone (July 2023)
1870 | 2023 | [1870] - Organizational identity and performance: An inquiry into nonconforming company names by Mario Daniele Amore, Mircea Epure and Orsola Garofalo (September 2023)
1869 | 2023 | [1869] - The Roman Familia: A view from the economics of property by Benito Arruñada (October 2023)
1868 | 2023 | [1868] - Platform liability with reputational sanctions by Alessandro De Chiara, Juan José Ganuza, Fernando Gómez, Ester Manna and Adrián Segura (September 2023)
1867 | 2023 | [1867] - The death and life of great British cities by Stephan Heblich, David Krisztián Nagy, Alex Trew and Yanos Zylberberg (July 2023)
1866 | 2023 | [1866] - Political preferences and the spatial distribution of infrastructure:evidence from California’s high-speed rail by Pablo Fajgelbaum, Cecile Gaubert, Nicole Gorton, Eduardo Morales Morales and Edouard Schaal (June 2023)
1865 | 2023 | [1865] - Fascist ideology and migrant labor exploitation by Mario Carillo, Gemma Dipoppa and Shanker Satyanath (June 2023)
1864 | 2023 | [1864] - Uncovering the semantics of concepts using GPT-4 and Other recent large language models by Gaël Le Mens, Balász Kovács, Michael T. Hannan and Guillem Pros (June 2023) [Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120 (49) e2309350120, pp. 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2309350120]
1863 | 2023 | [1863] - The rationalizability of survey responses by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (June 2023)
1862 | 2023 | [1862] - Banks vs. firms: who benefits from credit guarantees? by Alberto Martin, Sergio Mayordomo and Victoria Vanasco (April 2023; Revised: January 2025)
1861 | 2023 | [1861] - Do incompetent politicians breed populist voters? Evidence from Italian municipalities by Federico Boffa, Vincenzo Mollisi and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (March 2023)
1860 | 2022 | [1860] - Exploring European regional trade by Marta Santamaría, Jaume Ventura and Uğur Yeşilbayraktar (December 2022) [Published in: Journal of International Economics 146 (2023) 103747]
1859 | 2023 | [1859] - Partisan Abortions by Libertad González Luna, Luis Guirola and Blanca Zapater (March 2023)
1858 | 2020 | [1858] - Trade and urbanization: Evidence from Hungary by David Krisztián Nagy (December 2020) [Published in: American Economic Journal, 14 (3), 2022, 733-790]
1857 | 2023 | [1857] - The chi-square standardization, combined with Box-Cox transformation, is a valid alternative to transforming to logratios in compositional data analysis by Michael Greenacre (January 2023)
1856 | 2023 | [1856] - Principal component analysis by Michael Greenacre, Patrick J. F Groenen, Trevor Hastie, Alfonso Iodice d’Enza, Angelos Markos and Elena Tuzhilina (January 2023)
1855 | 2023 | [1855] - Continuing patent applications at the USPTO by Cesare Righi, Davide Cannito and Theodor Vladasel (January 2023)
1854 | 2022 | [1854] - Monetary policy, inflation, and crises: New evidence from history and administrative data by Gabriel Jiménez, Dmitry Kuvshinov, José-Luis Peydró and Bjoern Richter (December 2022; Revised: May 2023)
1853 | 2022 | [1853] - Firing costs and productivity: Evidence from a natural experiment by Andrea Caggese, Ozan Guler, Mike Mariathasan and Klaas Mulier (November 2022)
1852 | 2022 | [1852] - Income inequality and entrepreneurship: Lessons from the 2020 COVID-19 recession by Christoph Albert, Andrea Caggese, Beatriz González and Victor Martin-Sanchez (October 2022)
1851 | 2022 | [1851] - Self-preferencing and foreclosure in digital markets: Theories of harm for abuse cases by Massimo Motta (December 2022)
1850 | 2022 | [1850] - A measure of behavioral heterogeneity by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester (November 2022)
1849 | 2022 | [1849] - Coordination and sophistication by Larbi Alaoui, Katharina A. Janezic and Antonio Penta (November 2022)
1848 | 2022 | [1848] - Ownership diversification and product market pricing Incentives by Albert Banal-Estañol, Jo Seldeslachts and Xavier Vives (November 2022)
1847 | 2022 | [1847] - Robust inference for non-Gaussian SVAR models by Lukas Hoesch, Adam Lee and Geert Mesters (October 2022)
1846 | 2022 | [1846] - Tweeting for money: Social media and mutual fund flows by Javier Gil-Bazo and Juan F. Imbet (October 2022)
1845 | 2022 | [1845] - Non-independent components analysis by Geert Mesters and Piotr Zwiernik (August 2022)
1844 | 2022 | [1844] - Market effects of sponsored search auctions by Massimo Motta and Antonio Penta (June 2022)
1843 | 2022 | [1843] - Policy-making, trust and the demand for public services: Evidence from a nationwide family planning program by Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Dijana Zejcirovic and Fernando Fernandez (June 2022)
1842 | 2022 | [1842] - Population pressure and implications for the world economy: An analysis of the recent past by Enriqueta Camps (June 2022; Revised: January 2024)
1841 | 2022 | [1841] - Are entrepreneurs more upwardly mobile? by Matthew J. Lindquist and Theodor Vladasel (June 2022)
1840 | 2022 | [1840] - Immigration, labor markets and discrimination: Evidence from the venezuelan exodus in Perú by Andre Groeger, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta and Steven Stillman (May 2022)
1839 | 2022 | [1839] - Q-Monetary Transmission by Priit Jeenas and Ricardo Lagos (May 2022)
1838 | 2022 | [1838] - The allocation of incentives in multi-layered organizations by Erika Deserranno, Stefano Caria, Philipp Kastrau and Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (April 2022)
1837 | 2022 | [1837] - Uniform and distribution-free inference with general autoregressive processes by Tassos Magdalinos and Katerina Petrova (April 2022)
1836 | 2021 | [1836] - The effect of second generation rent controls: New evidence from Catalonia by Joan Monràs and José Garcia Montalvo (December 2021; Revised: April 2022)
1835 | 2022 | [1835] - Entropy, directionality theory and the evolution of income inequality by Fabrizio Germano (April 2022)
1834 | 2022 | [1834] - Are managers paid for market power? by Renjie Bao, Jan de Loecker and Jan Eeckhout (April 2022)
1833 | 2021 | [1833] - Capital controls, corporate debt and real effects by Andrea Fabiani, Martha López Piñeros, José-Luis Peydró and Paul E. Soto (September 2021)
1832 | 2021 | [1832] - Monetary policy, labor income redistribution and the credit channel: Evidence from matched employer-employee and credit registers by Martina Jasova, Caterina Mendicino, Ettore Panetti, José-Luis Peydró and Dominik Supera (September 2021; Revised: March 2023)
1831 | 2022 | [1831] - Attitudes towards success and failure by Larbi Alaoui and Antonio Penta (March 2022)
1830 | 2022 | [1830] - Optimal Monetary Policy with r* < 0 by Roberto M. Billi, Jordi Galí and Anton Nakov (March 2022) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics 142 (2024) 103518]
1829 | 2022 | [1829] - Making sovereign debt safe with a financial stability fund by Yan Liu, Ramon Marimon and Adrien Wicht (March 2022)
1828 | 2022 | [1828] - Introducing an Austrian Backpack in Spain by João Brogueira de Sousa, Julián Díaz-Saavedra and Ramon Marimon (March 2022)
1827 | 2022 | [1827] - On the optimal design of a financial stability fund by Árpád Ábrahám, Eva Cárceles-Poveda, Yan Liu and Ramon Marimon (March 2022)
1826 | 2022 | [1826] - On the design of a european unemployment insurance system by Árpád Ábrahám, João Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon and Lukas Mayr (March 2022)
1825 | 2022 | [1825] - Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labor Taxes by Katharina Greulich, Sarolta Laczó and Albert Marcet (January 2022; Revised: August 2022) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 131 (7), 2023, 1904-1946]
1824 | 2022 | [1824] - Competition under incomplete contracts and the design of procurement policies by Rodrigo Carril, Andres Gonzalez-Lira and Michael S. Walker (March 2022)
1823 | 2022 | [1823] - Solving the longitude puzzle: A story of clocks, ships and cities by Martina Miotto and Luigi Pascali (February 2022)
1822 | 2022 | [1822] - Choice-based foundations of ordered logit by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (February 2022)
1821 | 2022 | [1821] - Government procurement and access to credit: firm dynamics and aggregate implications by Julian di Giovanni, Manuel García-Santana, Priit Jeenas, Enrique Moral-Benito and Josep Pijoan-Mas (February 2022)
1820 | 2022 | [1820] - Patenting inventions or inventing patents? Continuation practice at the USPTO by Cesare Righi and Timothy Simcoe (February 2022)
1819 | 2022 | [1819] - Sequential choice and selfreinforcing rankings by Pantelis P. Analytis, Francesco Cerigioni, Alexandros Gelastopoulos and Hrvoje Stojic (February 2022)
1818 | 2016 | [1818] - Designing securities for scrutiny by Brendan Daley, Brett Green and Victoria Vanasco (September 2016; Revised: November 2021) [Published in: R&R at the Review of Financial Studies]
1817 | 2021 | [1817] - Media capture by banks by Ruben Durante, Andrea Fabiani, Luc Laeven and José-Luis Peydró (December 2021; Revised: March 2022)
1816 | 2021 | [1816] - Capital controls, domestic macroprudential policy and the bank lending channel of monetary policy by Andrea Fabiani, Martha López Piñeros, José-Luis Peydró and Paul E. Soto (August 2021) [Published in: Journal of International Economics 139, November 2022, 103677. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinteco.2022.103677]
1815 | 2022 | [1815] - Backward induction reasoning beyond backward induction by Emiliano Cantonini and Antonio Penta (February 2022)
1814 | 2022 | [1814] - Monetary cooperation during global inflation surges by Luca Fornaro and Federica Romei (January 2022; Revised: December 2024)
1813 | 2022 | [1813] - The long-run effects of corporate tax reforms by Isaac Baley and Andrés Blanco (January 2022)
1812 | 2022 | [1812] - Changing gender norms across generations: Evidence from a paternity leave reform by Lidia Farré, Cristina Felfe, Libertad González Luna and Patrick Schneider (January 2022)
1811 | 2021 | [1811] - Hiring entrepreneurs for innovation by Louise Lindbjerg and Theodor Vladasel (December 2021)
1810 | 2021 | [1810] - Monetary policy and endogenous financial crises by F. Boissay, F. Collard, Jordi Galí and C. Manea (December 2021; Revised: July 2024)
1809 | 2021 | [1809] - Borrower versus bank channels in lending: Experimental- and administrative-based evidence by Valentina Michelangeli, José-Luis Peydró and Enrico Sette (December 2021)
1808 | 2021 | [1808] - A game-theoretic analysis of childhood vaccination behavior: Nash versus Kant by Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, Stefan Penczynski, John E. Roemer and Roberto Vélez (December 2021)
1807 | 2021 | [1807] - Non-standard errors by Albert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Juergen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Sebastian Neussüs, Michael Razen, Utz Weitzel, Christian T. Brownlees, Javier Gil-Bazo and et al. (December 2021)
1806 | 2021 | [1806] - Does paternity leave promote gender equality within households? by Libertad González Luna and Hosny Zoabi (November 2021)
1805 | 2021 | [1805] - Compositional data analysis — linear algebra, visualization and interpretation by Michael Greenacre (November 2021)
1804 | 2021 | [1804] - The relevance of the specification assumptions when modelling the correlates of physical activity: an analysis across dimensions by Jaume Garcia Villar and María José Suárez (November 2021)
1803 | 2019 | [1803] - The global financial resource curse by Gianluca Benigno, Luca Fornaro and Martin Wolf (December 2019; Revised: August 2024) [Published in: American Economic Review, 115 (1): 220–62.]
1802 | 2021 | [1802] - Banks’ equity stakes in firms: A blessing or curse in credit markets? by Falko Fecht, José-Luis Peydró, Günseli Tümer-Alkan and Yuejuan Yu (September 2021)
1801 | 2021 | [1801] - Similar-to-me effects in the grant application process: Applicants, panelists, and the likelihood of obtaining funds by Albert Banal-Estañol, Qianshuo Liu, Inés Macho-Stadler and Pérez-Castrillo (September 2021)
1800 | 2021 | [1800] - Evaluating forecast performance with state dependence by Florens Odendahl, Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (July 2021)
1799 | 2021 | [1799] - Labor market competition and the assimilation of immigrants by Christoph Albert, Albrecht Glitz and Joan Llull (August 2021; Revised: June 2022)
1798 | 2021 | [1798] - Returns to labor mobility. Layoff costs and quit turbulence by Isaac Baley, Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent (July 2021; Revised: August 2023)
1797 | 2021 | [1797] - Bayesian learning by Isaac Baley and Laura Veldkamp (July 2021)
1796 | 2021 | [1796] - Idiosyncratic income risk and aggregate fluctuations by Davide Debortoli and Jordi Galí (July 2021; Revised: June 2023) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2024, 16(4): 279–310]
1795 | 2012 | [1795] - Reserve accumulation, growth and financial crises by Gianluca Benigno, Luca Fornaro and Martin Wolf (April 2012; Revised: March 2022) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 139, article 103660, 2022]
1794 | 2021 | [1794] - Monetary policy in the age of automation by Luca Fornaro and Martin Wolf (July 2021; Revised: September 2022)
1793 | 2021 | [1793] - Fiscal targeting by Régis Barnichon and Geert Mesters (July 2021)
1792 | 2021 | [1792] - Robust non-Gaussian inference for linear simultaneous equations models by Adam Lee and Geert Mesters (July 2021)
1791 | 2021 | [1791] - Maternal age and infant health by Cristina Borra, Libertad González Luna and David Patiño (July 2021)
1790 | 2021 | [1790] - Renegotiation and discrimination in symmetric procurement auctions by Leandro Arozamena, Juan José Ganuza and Federico Weinschelbaum (July 2021)
1789 | 2021 | [1789] - The causal effect of an income shock on children’s human capital by Cristina Borra, Ana Costa-Ramón, Libertad González Luna and Almudena Sevilla (July 2021)
1788 | 2021 | [1788] - Teacher compensation and structural inequality: Evidence from centralized teacher school choice in Perú by Matteo Bobba, Tim Ederer, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Christopher A. Neilson and Marco Nieddu (July 2021)
1787 | 2021 | [1787] - Land titling and litigation by Benito Arruñada, Marco Fabbri and Michael Faure (July 2021)
1785 | 2021 | [1785] - Cost-benefit analysis in reasoning: The value-of-information case with forward-looking agent by Larbi Alaoui and Antonio Penta (July 2021)
1784 | 2021 | [1784] - Falling interest rates and credit reallocation: Lessons from general equilibrium by Vladimir Asriyan, Luc Laeven, Alberto Martin, Alejandro Van der Ghote and Victoria Vanasco (May 2021; Revised: June 2022) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies (2024) 00, 1–31]
1783 | 2021 | [1783] - Prenatal transfers and infant health: Evidence from Spain by Libertad González Luna and Sofia Trommlerová (May 2021)
1782 | 2021 | [1782] - Bid coordination in sponsored search auctions: Detection methodology and empirical analysis by Francesco Decarolis, Maris Goldmanis, Antonio Penta and Ksenia Shakhgildyan (May 2021)
1781 | 2021 | [1781] - The commitment benefit of consols in government debt management by Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes and Pierre Yared (May 2021; Revised: October 2021) [Published in: American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming]
1780 | 2021 | [1780] - The “kill zone”: copying, acquisition and start-ups’ direction of innovation by Massimo Motta and Sandro Shelegia (May 2021)
1779 | 2017 | [1779] - Measuring inequality from above by José Garcia Montalvo, Marta Reynal-Querol and Juan Carlos Muñoz Mora (January 2017; Revised: May 2021)
1778 | 2021 | [1778] - Quantifying market power and business dynamism in the macroeconomy by Jan de Loecker, Jan Eeckhout and Simon Mongey (April 2021)
1777 | 2021 | [1777] - Optimal taxation and market power by Jan Eeckhout, Chunyang Fu, Wenjian Li and Xi Weng (April 2021)
1776 | 2021 | [1776] - A network solution to robust implementation: The case of identical but unknown distributions by Mariann Ollar and Antonio Penta (April 2021)
1775 | 2021 | [1775] - Listing specs: The effect of framing attributes on choice by Francesco Cerigioni and Simone Galperti (April 2021)
1774 | 2020 | [1774] - Quantitative economic geography meets history: Questions, answers and challenges by David Krisztián Nagy (November 2020; Revised: March 2021) [Published in: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2021.103675]
1773 | 2021 | [1773] - Monetary and macroprudential policy complementarities: Evidence from European credit registers by Carlo Altavilla, Luc Laeven and José-Luis Peydró (March 2021)
1772 | 2021 | [1772] - Can machine learning help to select portfolios of mutual funds? by Victor DeMiguel, Javier Gil-Bazo, Francisco J. Nogales and André A. P. Santos (March 2021)
1771 | 2021 | [1771] - Gender distribution across topics in Top 5 economics journals: A machine learning approach by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Juan José Ganuza, Manu Garcia and Luis A. Puch (February 2021)
1770 | 2021 | [1770] - Promotions and productivity: The role of meritocracy and pay progression in the public sector by Erika Deserranno, Philipp Kastrau and Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (February 2021)
1769 | 2021 | [1769] - Politician-citizen interactions and dynamic representation: Evidence from Twitter by Aina Gallego, Nikolas Schöll and Gaël Le Mens (January 2021) [Published in: American Journal of Political Science, 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12772; With the title: How Politicians Learn from Citizens’ Feedback: The Case of Gender on Twitter]
1768 | 2021 | [1768] - Talent poaching and job rotation by Diego Battiston, Miguel Espinosa and Shuo Liu (January 2021)
1767 | 2021 | [1767] - Should the ECB adjust its strategy in the face of a lower r*? by Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan and Julien Matheron (January 2021; Revised: April 2021) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 132, 2021, 1-23]
1766 | 2021 | [1766] - When transparency fails: Financial incentives for local banking agents in Indonesia by Erika Deserranno, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta and Firman Witoelar (January 2021)
1765 | 2021 | [1765] - Rules versus discretion in public procurement by Rodrigo Carril (January 2021)
1764 | 2020 | [1764] - Trade-induced local labor market shocks and asymmetrical labor income risk by Ursula Mello and Tomas Rodriguez Martinez (December 2020)
1763 | 2020 | [1763] - Borders within Europe by Marta Santamaría, Jaume Ventura and Uğur Yeşilbayraktar (December 2020; Revised: February 2024)
1762 | 2020 | [1762] - Understanding the effects of granting work permits to undocumented immigrants by Joan Monràs, Javier Vázquez-Grenno and Ferran Elias (December 2020)
1761 | 2020 | [1761] - Monetary policy and inequality by Asger Lau Andersen, Niels Johannesen, Mia Jørgensen and José-Luis Peydró (December 2020; Revised: March 2021) [Published in: Journal of Finance, forthcoming]
1760 | 2020 | [1760] - Bilateral international investments: The big sur? by Fernando Broner, Tatiana Didier, Sergio L. Schmukler and Goetz von Peter (December 2020; Revised: June 2023) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 145, article 103795, 2023.]
1759 | 2020 | [1759] - Toxic types and infectious communication breakdown by Kfir Eliaz and Alexander Frug (December 2020)
1758 | 2019 | [1758] - The regional impact of economic shocks:
Why immigration is different from import competition by Christoph Albert and Joan Monràs (November 2019; Revised: December 2020)
1757 | 2020 | [1757] - Separating predicted randomness from residual behavior by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester (February 2020) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.]
1756 | 2020 | [1756] - Who truly bears (bank) taxes? Evidence from only shifting statutory incidence by Gabriel Jiménez, David Martinez-Miera and José-Luis Peydró (December 2020)
1755 | 2020 | [1755] - Social adaptation to diseases and inequality: Historical evidence from malaria in Italy by Paolo Buonanno, Elena Esposito and Giorgio Gulino (November 2020)
1754 | 2020 | [1754] - Local sectoral specialization in a warming world by Bruno Conte, Klaus Desmet, David Krisztián Nagy and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (November 2020)
1753 | 2020 | [1753] - Risk mitigating versus risk shifting: evidence from banks security trading in crises by José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo, Enrico Sette and Victoria Vanasco (November 2020; Revised: February 2023)
1752 | 2020 | [1752] - Common ownership in the US pharmaceutical industry: A network analysis by Albert Banal-Estañol, Melissa Newham and Jo Seldeslachts (October 2020)
1751 | 2020 | [1751] - Foreign shocks as granular fluctuations by Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko and Isabelle Mejean (November 2020)
1750 | 2020 | [1750] - Gender stereotype and the scientific career of women: Evidence from biomedical research genters by José Garcia Montalvo, Daniele Alimonti, Sonja Reiland and Isabelle Vernos (October 2020)
1749 | 2020 | [1749] - Screening and loan origination time: lending standards, loan defaults and bank failures by Mikel Bedayo, Gabriel Jiménez, José-Luis Peydró and Raquel Vegas (October 2020; Revised: August 2022)
1748 | 2020 | [1748] - The scars of supply shocks: Implications for monetary policy by Luca Fornaro and Martin Wolf (October 2020; Revised: March 2023) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 140, 2023, 18-36]
1747 | 2020 | [1747] - Stock market spillovers via the global production network: Transmission of U.S. monetary policy by Julian di Giovanni and Galina Hale (October 2020)
1746 | 2020 | [1746] - Do more tourists promote local employment? by Libertad González Luna and Tetyana Surovtseva (October 2020)
1745 | 2019 | [1745] - Immigration and wage dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso crisis by Joan Monràs (August 2019) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy vol. 128 (8), August 2020]
1744 | 2020 | [1744] - Preventing child maltreatment: Beneficial side effects of public childcare provision by Malte Sandner, Stephan L. Thomsen and Libertad González Luna (October 2020)
1743 | 2020 | [1743] - Unwilling to train? Firm responses to the Colombian apprenticeship regulation by Santiago Caicedo, Miguel Espinosa and Arthur Seibold (August 2020)
1742 | 2020 | [1742] - Asymmetric monetary policy tradeoffs by Davide Debortoli, Mario Forni, Luca Gambetti and Luca Sala (June 2020; Revised: September 2023)
1741 | 2020 | [1741] - Real-Time inequality and the welfare state in motion: Evidence from COVID-19 in Spain by Oriol Aspachs, Ruben Durante, Alberto Graziano, Josep Mestres, José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (September 2020)
1740 | 2020 | [1740] - Distributional effects of COVID-19 on spending: A first look at the evidence from Spain by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (September 2020)
1739 | 2020 | [1739] - The short- and long-run employment impact of Covid-19 through the effects of real and financial shocks on new firms by Christoph Albert, Andrea Caggese and Beatriz González (August 2020)
1738 | 2020 | [1738] - Detecting accounting fraud using quantitative techniques by Nirali Singh and Oriol Amat (August 2020)
1737 | 2020 | [1737] - Forward looking loan provisions: Credit supply and risk-taking by Bernardo Morais, Gaizka Ormazabal, José-Luis Peydró, Mónica Roa and Miguel Sarmiento (August 2020)
1736 | 2020 | [1736] - Big tech mergers by Massimo Motta and Martin Peitz (July 2020)
1735 | 2020 | [1735] - Shelving or developing? The acquisition of potential competitors under financial constraints by Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta and Emanuele Tarantino (July 2020)
1733 | 2020 | [1733] - Riding out of a financial crisis: The joint effect of trust and corporate ownership by Mario Daniele Amore and Mircea Epure (July 2020)
1732 | 2020 | [1732] - Public health interventions in the face of pandemics: network structure, social distancing, and heterogeneity by Mohammad Ghaderi (June 2020)
1730 | 2020 | [1730] - Production and financial networks in interplay: Crisis evidence from supplier-customer and credit registers by Kenan Huremovic, Jiménez Gabriel, Enrique Moral-Benito, José-Luis Peydró and Fernando Vega-Redondo (July 2020)
1729 | 2020 | [1729] - Colonization, early settlers and development: The case of Latin America by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (July 2020)
1728 | 2020 | [1728] - How the covid-19 lockdown affected gender Inequality in paid and unpaid work in Spain by Lidia Farré, Yarine Fawaz, Libertad González Luna and Jennifer Graves (July 2020)
1727 | 2020 | [1727] - Optimal lockdown in a commuting network by Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Amit Khandelwal, Wookun Kim, Cristiano Mantovani and Edouard Schaal (June 2020)
1726 | 2020 | [1726] - Monetary policy and asset price bubbles: a laboratory experiment by Jordi Galí, Giovanni Giusti and Charles N. Noussair (May 2020) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 130, 2021, 1-15.]
1725 | 2020 | [1725] - Macroprudential policy, mortgage cycles and distributional effects: Evidence from the UK by José-Luis Peydró, Francesc R. Tous, Jagdish Tripathy and Arzu Uluc (June 2020) [Published in: Review of Financial Studies, accepted.]
1724 | 2013 | [1724] - Trusting the bankers: A new look at the credit channel of monetary policy by Matteo Ciccarelli, Angela Maddaloni and José-Luis Peydró (July 2013) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, October 2015, 18(4): 979-1002]
1723 | 2020 | [1723] - Asocial capital: Civic culture and social distancing during COVID-19 by Ruben Durante, Luigi Guiso and Giorgio Gulino (May 2020)
1722 | 2020 | [1722] - Quantitative easing, investment, and safe assets: the corporate-bond lending channel by Erasmo Giambona, Rafael Matta, José-Luis Peydró and Ye Wang (May 2020; Revised: October 2020)
1721 | 2020 | [1721] - Stressed banks? Evidence from the largest-ever supervisory review by Puriya Abbassi, Rajkamal Iyer, José-Luis Peydró and Paul E. Soto (February 2020)
1720 | 2020 | [1720] - Media persuasion through slanted language: Evidence from the coverage of immigration by Milena Djourelova (May 2020)
1719 | 2020 | [1719] - Random utility models with ordered types and domains by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester (April 2020)
1718 | 2019 | [1718] - Comments on: "What drives aggregate investment? Evidence from German
survey data." by Andrea Caggese (November 2019)
1717 | 2020 | [1717] - Hinterlands, city formation and growth: evidence from the U.S. westward expansion by David Krisztián Nagy (February 2020) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies (2023) 90, 3238–3281]
1716 | 2020 | [1716] - Optimal policy perturbations by Régis Barnichon and Geert Mesters (April 2020)
1715 | 2020 | [1715] - On Public Spending and Unions by Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (February 2020; Revised: November 2020) [Published in: IMF Economic Review, 69(1), 2021, 122-154]
1714 | 2020 | [1714] - Herding cycles by Edouard Schaal and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel (January 2020; Revised: May 2023) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory 210 (2023) 105669; With the title: Herding through booms and busts]
1713 | 2020 | [1713] - Covid-19 coronavirus and macroeconomic policy by Luca Fornaro and Martin Wolf (March 2020)
1712 | 2019 | [1712] - Security design in non-exclusive markets with asymmetric information by Vladimir Asriyan and Victoria Vanasco (November 2019; Revised: June 2021) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies (2024) 91, 690–719]
1711 | 2019 | [1711] - Forecasting in the presence of instabilities: How do we know whether models predict well and how to improve them by Barbara Rossi (November 2019; Revised: July 2021)
1710 | 2019 | [1710] - Investor experiences and international capital flows by Ulrike Malmendier, Demian Pouzo and Victoria Vanasco (December 2019)
1709 | 2019 | [1709] - Evaluating the economic cost of coastal flooding by Klaus Desmet, Robert E. Kopp, Scott A. Kulp, David Krisztián Nagy, Michael Oppenheimer, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg and Benjamin H. Strauss (September 2019) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 13(2), 2021, 444-486]
1708 | 2019 | [1708] - All aboard: The aggregate effects of port development by César Ducruet, Réka Juhász, David Krisztián Nagy and Claudia Steinwender (July 2019; Revised: January 2022) [Published in: Journal of International Economics 151 (2024) 103963]
1706 | 2010 | [1706] - Credit supply and monetary policy: Identifying the bank balance-sheet channel with loan applications by Gabriel Jimenez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina (September 2010; Revised: September 2011) [Published in: American Economic Review, 102 (5), 2012, 2301-2326]
1705 | 2013 | [1705] - Hazardous times for monetary policy: what do twenty-three million bank loans say about the effects on credit risk-taking? by Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina (May 2013) [Published in: Econometrica, 82 (2), 2014, 463-505]
1704 | 2007 | [1704] - Monetary policy, risk-taking and pricing: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment by Vasso Ioannidou, Steven Ongena and José-Luis Peydró (September 2007; Revised: October 2008) [Published in: Review of Finance, 19(1), 2015, 95-144]
1703 | 2018 | [1703] - Monetary policy and bank lending in developing countries: loan applications, rates, and real effects by Charles Abuka, Ronnie K. Alinda, Camelia Minoiu, José-Luis Peydró and Andrea F. Presbitero (November 2018) [Published in: Journal of Development Economics, 139, 185-202, june 2019]
1702 | 2014 | [1702] - Shocks abroad, pain at home? Bank-firm level evidence on the international transmission of financial shocks by Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró and Neeltje van Horen (May 2014) [Published in: MF Economic Review, 63 (4), 698-750 (Nov. 2015)]
1701 | 2020 | [1701] - Has the information channel of monetary policy disappeared? Revisiting the empirical evidence by Lukas Hoesch, Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (February 2020; Revised: July 2021)
1698 | 2020 | [1698] - Countercyclical liquidity policy and credit cycles: Evidence from macroprudential and monetary policy in Brazil by João Barata R. Blanco Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, José-Luis Peydró and Bernardus F. Nazar Van Doornik (February 2020)
1697 | 2020 | [1697] - Cash transfers and fertility: How the introduction and cancellation of a child benefit affected births and abortions by Libertad González Luna and Sofia Trommlerová (February 2020) [Published in: Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin]
1696 | 2020 | [1696] - Prospects of blockchain in contract and property by Benito Arruñada (January 2020)
1695 | 2020 | [1695] - The organization of public registries: A comparative analysis by Benito Arruñada (February 2020; Revised: September 2021)
1694 | 2020 | [1694] - Mismatch cycles by Isaac Baley, Ana Figueiredo and Robert Ulbricht (January 2020; Revised: August 2021) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]
1693 | 2019 | [1693] - Winners and losers from Sovereign debt inflows: evidence from the stock market by Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin, Lorenzo Pandolfi and Tomas Williams (December 2019)
1692 | 2020 | [1692] - Financial disclosure environment and the cash policy of private firms by Marcelo Ortiz (January 2020)
1691 | 2019 | [1691] - On strategic transmission of gradually arriving information by Alexander Frug (December 2019)
1690 | 2020 | [1690] - Optimal contracts with randomly arriving tasks by Daniel Bird and Alexander Frug (January 2020)
1689 | 2019 | [1689] - From fixed-event to fixed-horizon density forecasts: Obtaining measures of multi-horizon uncertainty from survey density forecasts by Gergely Ganics, Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (December 2019)
1688 | 2019 | [1688] - Understanding the size of the government spending multiplier: It’s in the sign by Régis Barnichon, Davide Debortoli and Christian Matthes (February 2019; Revised: September 2020)
1687 | 2019 | [1687] - Optimal fiscal policy without commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey by Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes and Pierre Yared (February 2019; Revised: September 2020)
1685 | 2014 | [1685] - Technological change and the decline of public investment by Davide Debortoli and Pedro Gomes (June 2014)
1684 | 2019 | [1684] - Banking supervision, monetary policy and risk-taking: Big data evidence from 15 credit registers by Carlos Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, José-Luis Peydró and Frank Smets (December 2019; Revised: December 2020)
1683 | 2019 | [1683] - The impact of experience on how we perceive the rule of law by Benito Arruñada (November 2019; Revised: February 2020)
1682 | 2019 | [1682] - Take It to the limit? The effects of household leverage caps by Sjoerd Van Bekkum, Marc Gabarro, Rustom M. Irani and José-Luis Peydró (November 2019; Revised: February 2022)
1681 | 2019 | [1681] - The simple economics of white elephants by Juan José Ganuza and Gerard Llobet (November 2019)
1680 | 2019 | [1680] - Global liquidity and impairment of local monetary policy by Salih Fendoğlu, Eda Gülşen and José-Luis Peydró (November 2019)
1679 | 2019 | [1679] - Nonbanks, banks, and monetary policy: U.S. loan-level evidence since the 1990s by David Elliott, Ralf R. Meisenzahl, José-Luis Peydró and B.C. Turner (March 2019; Revised: June 2022)
1678 | 2019 | [1678] - Negative monetary policy rates and systemic banks’ risk-taking: Evidence from the Euro area securities register by Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni and José-Luis Peydró (March 2019; Revised: March 2020) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2020, 52(S1): 197-231]
1677 | 2019 | [1677] - A Theory of monetary union and financial integration by Luca Fornaro (December 2019; Revised: April 2021) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (4), 2022, 1911-1947]
1676 | 2019 | [1676] - Implementation via transfers with identical but unknown distributions by Mariann Ollár and Antonio Penta (November 2019)
1675 | 2019 | [1675] - Media attention and strategic timing in politics: Evidence from U.S. presidential executive orders by Milena Djourelova and Ruben Durante (October 2019)
1674 | 2019 | [1674] - Underpromise and overdeliver? – Online product reviews and firm pricing by Simon Martin and Sandro Shelegia (October 2019)
1673 | 2019 | [1673] - Dual decision processes: retrieving preferences when some choices are automatic by Francesco Cerigioni (October 2019)
1672 | 2019 | [1672] - Higher orders of rationality and the structure of games by Francesco Cerigioni, Fabrizio Germano, Pedro Rey-Biel and Peio Zuazo-Garin (August 2019)
1671 | 2019 | [1671] - Random models for the joint treatment of risk and time preferences by Jose Apesteguia, Miguel Ángel Ballester and Angelo Gutierrez (September 2019)
1670 | 2019 | [1670] - Aggregate dynamics in lumpy economies by Isaac Baley and Andrés Blanco (May 2019) [Published in: Econometrica (Vol. 89, No. 3, May 2021)]
1669 | 2019 | [1669] - The identification problem for linear rational expectations models by Majid Al-Sadoon and Piotr Zwiernik (September 2019)
1668 | 2019 | [1668] - Investment demand and structural change by Manuel García-Santana, Josep Pijoan-Mas and Lucciano Villacorta (August 2019) [Published in: Econometrica, 2021, 89(6), 2751-2785.]
1667 | 2018 | [1667] - How effective are monetary incentives to vote? Evidence from a nationwide policy by Gonzales Mariella, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta and Luis R. Martinez (December 2018; Revised: July 2019)
1666 | 2018 | [1666] - Accountability, political capture and selection into politics: evidence from Peruvian municipalities by Miriam Artiles, Lukas Kleine-Rueschkamp and Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (April 2018; Revised: August 2019)
1665 | 2019 | [1665] - A theory of economic unions by Gino Gancia, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Jaume Ventura (August 2019) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 109, 2020, 107-127.]
1664 | 2019 | [1664] - Sharing a government by Jaume Ventura (July 2019) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (6), 2019, 1723-1752]
1662 | 2019 | [1662] - Rationalizability, observability and common knowledge by Antonio Penta and Peio Zuazo-Garin (July 2019)
1661 | 2019 | [1661] - Who Is afraid of machines? by Satiris Blanas, Gino Gancia and Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee (June 2019)
1660 | 2019 | [1660] - Education and gender differences in mortality rates by Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Judit Vall Castello (June 2019)
1659 | 2019 | [1659] - Identifying modern macro equations with old shocks by Régis Barnichon and Geert Mesters (May 2019)
1658 | 2019 | [1658] - Funding academic research: grant application, partnership, award, and output by Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler and David Pérez-Castillo (May 2019)
1657 | 2019 | [1657] - Marketing agencies and collusive bidding in online ad auctions by Francesco Decarolis, Maris Goldmanis and Antonio Penta (April 2019)
1656 | 2015 | [1656] - The international bank lending channel of monetary policy rates and QE: Credit supply, reach-for-yield, and real effects by Bernardo Morais, José-Luis Peydró, Jessica Roldán-Peña and Claudia Ruiz-Ortega (March 2015) [Published in: Journal of Finance, 74(1), February 2019, 55-90]
1655 | 2017 | [1655] - Monetary policy and bank profitability in a low interest rate environment by Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha and José-Luis Peydró (October 2017; Revised: March 2018) [Published in: Economic Policy, 33(96), October 2018, 531-586.]
1654 | 2015 | [1654] - Securities trading by banks and credit supply: Micro-evidence from the crisis by Puriya Abbassi, Rajkamal Iyer, José-Luis Peydró and Francesc R. Tous (September 2015; Revised: June 2016) [Published in: Journal of Financial Economics, 121:3, 569-94.]
1653 | 2014 | [1653] - The real effects of the bank lending channel by Jiménez Gabriel, Atif Mian, José-Luis Peydró and Jesus Saurina (November 2014; Revised: March 2019) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics 115, 2020, pp.162-179]
1652 | 2018 | [1652] - The rise of shadow banking: evidence from capital regulation by Rustom M. Irani, Rajkamal Iyer, Ralf R. Meisenzahl and José-Luis Peydró (April 2018; Revised: July 2020) [Published in: Review of Financial Studies 34(5), May 2021, 2181-2235. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhaa106]
1651 | 2018 | [1651] - From finance to fascism by Sebastian Doerr, Stefan Gissler, José-Luis Peydró and Hans-Joachim Voth (March 2018; Revised: November 2020) [Published in: Journal of Finance, 77(6), December 2022, 2993-3425. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.13166; With the title: ‘Financial Crises and Political Radicalization: How Failing Banks Paved Hitler's Path to Power’]
1650 | 2019 | [1650] - Macroprudential and monetary policy: Loan-level evidence from reserve requirements by Cecilia Dassatti Camors, José-Luis Peydró, Francesc Rodriguez-Tous and Sergio Vicente (March 2019; Revised: November 2019)
1649 | 2019 | [1649] - Expansionary yet different: credit supply and real effects of negative interest rate policy by Margherita Bottero, Camelia Minoiu, José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo, Andrea F. Presbitero and Enrico Sette (February 2019; Revised: September 2020) [Published in: Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (2), Nov. 2022, pp. 754-778, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.11.004]
1648 | 2018 | [1648] - Hedger of last resort: Evidence from Brazilian FX interventions, local credit, and global financial cycles by Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, Dmitry Khametshin, José-Luis Peydró and Andrea Polo (October 2018; Revised: November 2022)
1647 | 2019 | [1647] - Monotone contracts by Daniel Bird and Alexander Frug (April 2019)
1646 | 2019 | [1646] - Global unanimity agreement on the carbon budget by Humberto Llavador and John E. Roemer (April 2019)
1645 | 2019 | [1645] - Transaction-tax evasion in the housing market by José Garcia Montalvo, Amedeo Piolatto and Josep M. Raya (March 2019)
1644 | 2019 | [1644] - Gender and credit risk: a view from the loan officer's desk by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (March 2019)
1643 | 2019 | [1643] - The good, the bad and the complex: Product design with imperfect information by Vladimir Asriyan, Dana Foarta and Victoria Vanasco (March 2019; Revised: September 2021) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2023, 15(2): 187–226]
1642 | 2019 | [1642] - VAR-based Granger-causality test in the presence of instabilities by Yiru Wang and Barbara Rossi (January 2019)
1641 | 2018 | [1641] - Identifying and estimating the effects of unconventional monetary policy in the data: How to do It and what have we learned? by Barbara Rossi (January 2018; Revised: July 2020)
1640 | 2018 | [1640] - Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in IV and local projections–IV models by Gergely Ganics, Atsushi Inoue and Barbara Rossi (September 2018)
1639 | 2018 | [1639] - The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy on exchange rates by Atsushi Inoue and Barbara Rossi (December 2018) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 118, 2019, 419-447]
1638 | 2018 | [1638] - A new approach to measuring economic policy shocks, with an application to conventional and unconventional monetary policy by Atsushi Inoue and Barbara Rossi (October 2018; Revised: April 2021); With the title: Before "The effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy: A new approach"
1637 | 2018 | [1637] - Capital misallocation and secular stagnation by Andrea Caggese and Ander Pérez-Orive (July 2018; Revised: February 2019)
1636 | 2019 | [1636] - The few-get-richer: a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings by Fabrizio Germano, Vicenç Gómez and Gaël Le Mens (February 2019)
1635 | 2019 | [1635] - Concentration in international markets: evidence from US Imports by Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia (February 2019)
1634 | 2019 | [1634] - Accounting for structural patterns in construction of value functions: a convex optimization approach by Mohammad Ghaderi and Milosz Kadzinsky (January 2019)
1633 | 2019 | [1633] - Evolution of financial information and management control over the last 150 years. The case of Bodegas Torres by Oriol Amat and Natàlia Amat (February 2019)
1632 | 2019 | [1632] - The Phillips multiplier by Régis Barnichon and Geert Mesters (January 2019)
1631 | 2019 | [1631] - Simple methods for consistent estimation of dynamic panel data sample selection models by Majid M. Al-Sadoon, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Jose M. Labeaga (January 2019)
1630 | 2019 | [1630] - Strategic cautiousness as an expression of robustness to ambiguity by Gabriel Ziegler and Peio Zuazo-Garin (January 2019)
1629 | 2019 | [1629] - Mothers’ care: reversing early childhood health shocks through parental investments by Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Antonio Cabrales, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Judit Vall Castello (January 2019)
1628 | 2018 | [1628] - Cyclical fluctuations, financial shocks, and the entry of fast-growing entrepreneurial startups by Christoph Albert and Andrea Caggese (December 2018; Revised: June 2019)
1627 | 2019 | [1627] - The isometric logratio transformation in compositional data analysis: a practical evaluation by Michael Greenacre and Eric Grunsky (January 2019)
1626 | 2019 | [1626] - Use of Correspondence Analysis in Clustering a Mixed-Scale Data Set with Missing Data by Michael Greenacre (January 2019)
1625 | 2018 | [1625] - Gains from wage flexibility and the zero lower bound by Roberto M. Billi and Jordi Galí (December 2018; Revised: February 2019)
1624 | 2018 | [1624] - Bayesian forecasting of electoral outcomes with new parties' competition by José Garcia Montalvo, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos and Timothée Stumpf-Fétizon (December 2018)
1623 | 2018 | [1623] - Not so disruptive after all: How workplace digitalization affects political preferences by Aina Gallego, Thomas Kurer and Nikolas Schöll (November 2018)
1622 | 2020 | [1622] - Collateral booms and information depletion by Vladimir Asriyan, Luc Laeven and Alberto Martin (December 2020; Revised: January 2019) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 89 (2), 2022, 517–555.]
1621 | 2018 | [1621] - Cost-benefit analysis in reasoning by Larbi Alaoui and Antonio Penta (October 2018) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, Volume 130, Number 4 April 2022]
1620 | 2018 | [1620] - Gender norms and intimate partner violence by Libertad González Luna and Núria Rodríguez-Planas (October 2018)
1619 | 2018 | [1619] - Religion, division of labor and conflict: Anti-semitism in Germany over 600 years by Sascha O. Becker and Luigi Pascali (October 2018)
1618 | 2017 | [1618] - Firing the wrong workers: Financing constraints and labor misallocation by Andrea Caggese, Vicente Cuñat and Daniel Metzger (October 2017)
1617 | 2018 | [1617] - eSports: profile of participants, complementarity with sports and its perception as sport. Evidence from sports video games by Jaume Garcia Villar and Carles Murillo (October 2018)
1616 | 2018 | [1616] - Changes in inequality in mortality: New evidence for Spain by Libertad González Luna and Ana Rodríguez-González (August 2018)
1615 | 2018 | [1615] - Copy trading by Jose Apesteguia, Jörg Oechssler and Simon Weidenholzer (July 2018; Revised: September 2019) [Published in: Management Science, forthcoming]
1614 | 2018 | [1614] - Credit scoring for the supermarket and retailing industry: analysis and application proposal by Raffaele Manini and Oriol Amat (January 2018)
1613 | 2018 | [1613] - The financial transmission of housing booms: evidence from Spain by Alberto Martin, Enrique Moral-Benito and Tom Schmitz (June 2018; Revised: September 2020) [Published in: American Economic Review, 111(3), 2021, 1013-1053]
1612 | 2018 | [1612] - Common ownership and market entry: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry by Melisa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts and Albert Banal-Estañol (May 2018)
1611 | 2018 | [1611] - Evolving practice in land demarcation by Benito Arruñada (May 2018)
1610 | 2017 | [1610] - Fiscal multipliers and foreign holdings of public debt by Fernando Broner, Daragh Clancy, Alberto Martin and Aitor Erce (December 2017; Revised: April 2021) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 89(3), 2022, 1155–1204.]
1609 | 2016 | [1609] - The paradox of global thrift by Luca Fornaro and Federica Romei (December 2016; Revised: April 2019) [Published in: American Economic Review, 109 (11), 2019, 3745-3779]
1608 | 2018 | [1608] - Blockchain: The birth of decentralized governance by Benito Arruñada and Luis Garicano (April 2018)
1607 | 2018 | [1607] - The effect of abortion legalization on fertility, marriage and long-term outcomes for women by Libertad González Luna, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Natalia Nollenberger and Judit Vall Castello (April 2018)
1606 | 2018 | [1606] - Bargaining at Retail Stores: Evidence from Vienna by Sandro Shelegia and Joshua Sherman (January 2018)
1605 | 2018 | [1605] - Beliefs and consumer search in a vertical industry by Maarten Janssen and Sandro Shelegia (March 2018)
1604 | 2018 | [1604] - Firms and economic performance: A view from trade by Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia (March 2018; Revised: July 2019)
1603 | 2018 | [1603] - Collateral damages of the great crisis in Spain. A longitudinal health study by M. Sáez, J. Vidiella-Martin and Guillem López i Casasnovas (March 2018)
1602 | 2018 | [1602] - Democratic Tipping Points by Antonio Ciccone (March 2018)
1601 | 2018 | [1601] - Religion and the European Union by Benito Arruñada and Matthias Krapf (March 2018; Revised: June 2018)
1600 | 2017 | [1600] - Uncovered interest parity, forward guidance and the exchange rate by Jordi Galí (May 2017; Revised: February 2020) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52(S2), 465-496.]
1599 | 2018 | [1599] - Earthquakes and terrorism: the long lasting effect of seismic shocks by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (February 2018)
1598 | 2018 | [1598] - Turbulence and unemployment in matching models by Isaac Baley, Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent (January 2018; Revised: July 2020)
1597 | 2018 | [1597] - The impact of progressive tuition fees on dropping out of higher education: a regression discontinuity design by José Garcia Montalvo (January 2018)
1596 | 2018 | [1596] - International commodity prices and civil war outbreak: new evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond by Antonio Ciccone (January 2018)
1595 | 2018 | [1595] - Elasticity determinants of inequality reducing income taxation by Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau and Humberto Llavador (January 2018)
1594 | 2018 | [1594] - On the empirical (ir)relevance of the zero lower bound constraint by Davide Debortoli, Jordi Galí and Luca Gambetti (January 2018; Revised: June 2019) [Published in: NBER Macroeconomics Annual, volume 34, 2019]
1593 | 2017 | [1593] - Experiment-inspired comments on John Roemer's theory of cooperation by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquin Silvestre (December 2017)
1592 | 2017 | [1592] - Constraints on LTV as a macroprudential tool: a precautionary tale by José Garcia Montalvo and Josep M. Raya (December 2017)
1591 | 2017 | [1591] - The optimal inflation target and the natural rate of interest by Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan and Julien Matheron (December 2017; Revised: February 2019)
1590 | 2017 | [1590] - Global financial cycle, household credit, and macroprudential policies by Mircea Epure, Irina Mihai, Camelia Minoiu and José-Luis Peydró (November 2017; Revised: March 2023)
1589 | 2017 | [1589] - Urbanization patterns, social interactions
and female voting in rural Paraguay by Alberto Chong, Gianmarco León, Vivian Roza, Martin Valdivia and Gabriela Vega (November 2017)
1588 | 2017 | [1588] - Property rights in sequential exchange by Benito Arruñada, Giorgio Zanarone and Nuno Garoupa (November 2017)
1587 | 2017 | [1587] - Reasoning about others’ reasoning by Larbi Alaoui, Katharina A. Janezic and Antonio Penta (November 2017)
1586 | 2017 | [1586] - Strength in diversity? Fiscal federalism among the fifty U.S. states by Teresa Garcia-Milà, Therese J. McGuire and Wallace E. Oates (October 2017) [Published in: International Tax and Public Finance, 25 (4), 2018, 1071-1091]
1585 | 2017 | [1585] - Ethnic diversity and growth: revisiting the evidence by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (October 2017)
1584 | 2017 | [1584] - Teaching microeconomic principles with smartphones – lessons from classroom experiments with classEx by Humberto Llavador and Marcus Giamattei (October 2017)
1583 | 2017 | [1583] - Liquidity sentiments by Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs and Brett Green (October 2017; Revised: June 2018)
1582 | 2017 | [1582] - The effect of changing the number of elective hospital admissions on the levels of emergency provision by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Catia Nicodemo and Stuart Redding (September 2017)
1581 | 2017 | [1581] - The macroeconomics of rational bubbles: a user's guide by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (September 2017; Revised: February 2018) [Published in: Annual Review of Economics, 10 (1), 2018, 505-539]
1580 | 2017 | [1580] - Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity:
Identifying knowledge spillovers and competition effects by Christian Fons-Rosen, Sebnem Kalemli- Özcan, Bent E. Sørensen, Carolina Villegas-Sanchez and Vadym Volosovych (July 2017)
1579 | 2017 | [1579] - The effect of horizontal mergers, when firms compete in prices and investments by Massimo Motta and Emanuele Tarantino (August 2017)
1578 | 2017 | [1578] - Fundamental errors in the voting booth by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Edward L. Glaeser (August 2017)
1577 | 2017 | [1577] - Burning money? Government lending in a credit crunch by José-Luis Peydró, Gabriel Jiménez, Rafael Repullo and Jesús Saurina (August 2017; Revised: March 2019)
1576 | 2017 | [1576] - Industrial espionage and productivity by Albrecht Glitz and Eric Meyersson (August 2017)
1575 | 2017 | [1575] - How to make land titling more rational by Benito Arruñada (July 2017; Revised: January 2018) [Published in: Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal, 6(1), 73-112.]
1574 | 2017 | [1574] - The micro origins of international business cycle comovement by Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko and Isabelle Mejean (February 2017) [Published in: American Economic Review; With the title: The Micro Origins of International Business-Cycle Comovement]
1573 | 2017 | [1573] - Aggregation and design of information in asset markets with adverse selection by Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs and Brett Green (July 2017; Revised: February 2019) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory 191 (2021) 105124]
1572 | 2017 | [1572] - The effects of paternity leave on fertility and labor market outcomes by Libertad González Luna and Lidia Farré (June 2017)
1571 | 2017 | [1571] - Consumers’ costly responses to product-harm crises by Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela and Helena Perrone (June 2017) [Published in: Management Science, forthcoming.]
1570 | 2017 | [1570] - How should we model property? Thinking with my critics by Benito Arruñada (May 2017)
1569 | 2017 | [1569] - The dog that didn’t bark: on the effect of the Great Recession on the surge of secessionism by Xavier Cuadras Morató and Toni Rodon (May 2017)
1568 | 2017 | [1568] - The implied volatility of forward starting options: ATM short-time level, skew and curvature by Elisa Alòs, Antoine Jacquier and Jorge A. León (May 2017)
1567 | 2017 | [1567] - Do demand or supply factors drive bank credit,in good and crisis times? by Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina (April 2017)
1566 | 2017 | [1566] - International financial integration, crises and monetary policy: evidence from the Euro area interbank crises by Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning, Falko Fecht and José-Luis Peydró (April 2017) [Published in: Published as ‘Cross-border interbank liquidity, crises, and monetary policy’ in Journal of International Economics, 139, November 2022, 103657. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinteco.2022.103657]
1565 | 2017 | [1565] - Monetary policy at work: Security and credit application registers evidence by José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo and Sette Enrico (April 2017; Revised: April 2018) [Published in: Review of Financial Economics, 140(3), June 2021, pp. 789-814, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.01.008]
1564 | 2017 | [1564] - Unemployment and intimate-partner violence: A gender-identity approach by Ana Tur-Prats (April 2017)
1563 | 2017 | [1563] - Hiring subsidies for people with disabilities: Do they work? by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Arnau Juanmarti Mestres and Judit Vall Castelló (April 2017)
1562 | 2017 | [1562] - Vertical integration, supplier behavior, and quality upgrading among exporters by Gianmarco León, Christopher Hansman, Jonas Hjort and Matthieu Teachout (March 2017)
1561 | 2016 | [1561] - Monetary policy and bubbles in a new Keynesian model with overlapping generations by Jordi Galí (December 2016; Revised: January 2020) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13(2), 2021, 121-167]
1560 | 2017 | [1560] - Designing a simple loss function for central banks: Does a dual mandate make sense? by Davide Debortoli, Jinill Kim, Jesper Lindé and Ricardo Nunes (March 2017) [Published in: The Economic Journal, Vol.129, No 621, 2010-2038, July 2019, 10.1111/ecoj.12630]
1559 | 2017 | [1559] - International spillovers and local credit cycles by Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan and Mehmet Fatih Ulu (February 2017; Revised: September 2020) [Published in: forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies]
1558 | 2017 | [1558] - Data reporting and visualization in ecology by Michael Greenacre (February 2017)
1557 | 2017 | [1557] - Capital flows and the international credit channel by Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, José-Luis Peydró and Mehmet Fatih Ulu (January 2017) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 108 (Supplement 1), 2017, S15-S22]
1556 | 2017 | [1556] - The political economy of transportation investment by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Edward L. Glaeser (January 2017; Revised: August 2017) [Published in: Economics of Transportation, 13, 2018, 4-26; With the title: The Political Economy of Transportation Investment]
1555 | 2016 | [1555] - Understanding the size of the government spending multiplier: It's in the sign by Régis Barnichon and Christian Matthes (May 2016)
1554 | 2017 | [1554] - Towards a pragmatic approach to compositional data analysis by Michael Greenacre (January 2017)
1553 | 2016 | [1553] - Dual decision processes and noise trading by Francesco Cerigioni (September 2016)
1552 | 2016 | [1552] - Opinion dynamics via search engines (and other algorithmic gatekeepers) by Fabrizio Germano and Francesco Sobbrio (December 2016; Revised: March 2018)
1551 | 2016 | [1551] - Selection and statistical analysis of compositional ratios by Michael Greenacre (August 2016)
1550 | 2016 | [1550] - Dual decision processes: Retrieving preferences when some choices are intuitive by Francesco Cerigioni (September 2016)
1549 | 2017 | [1549] - Blockchain's struggle to deliver impersonal exchange by Benito Arruñada (January 2017; Revised: January 2017) [Published in: Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 19, 55-105.]
1548 | 2016 | [1548] - Uncertain Rationality, Depth of Reasoning and Robustness in Games with Incomplete Information by Fabrizio Germano, Jonathan Weinstein and Peio Zuazo-Garin (December 2016)
1547 | 2017 | [1547] - Property as sequential exchange: The forgotten limits of private contract by Benito Arruñada (January 2017)
1546 | 2015 | [1546] - Debt signaling and outside investors in early stage firms by Mircea Epure and Martí Guasch (November 2015; Revised: February 2019)
1545 | 2016 | [1545] - Dynamic nonmonetary incentives by Daniel Bird and Alexander Frug (October 2016)
1544 | 2016 | [1544] - Strategic gradual learning and information transmission by Alexander Frug (September 2016)
1543 | 2016 | [1543] - Bilateral trade with strategic gradual learning by Kfir Eliaz and Alexander Frug (July 2016; Revised: September 2017)
1542 | 2016 | [1542] - Political connections and informed trading: Evidence from TARP by Ozlem Akin, Nicholas S. Coleman, Christian Fons-Rosen and José-Luis Peydró (October 2016; Revised: March 2021) [Published in: Financial Management, 50(3), 2021, pp. 619-644]
1541 | 2016 | [1541] - A generalized model of sales by Sandro Shelegia and Chris M. Wilson (October 2016)
1540 | 2016 | [1540] - Collective commitment by Christian Roessler, Sandro Shelegia and Bruno Strulovici (July 2016) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]
1539 | 2016 | [1539] - Inspired and inspiring: Hervé Moulin and the discovery of the beauty contest game by Rosemarie Nagel, Christoph Bühren and Björn Frank (October 2016; Revised: November 2016) [Published in: Mathematical Social Sciences, forthcoming]
1538 | 2019 | [1538] - Securing property rights by A. Patrick Behrer, Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Andrei Shleifer (September 2019; Revised: May 2020) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 129 (4), 2021, 1157-1192]
1537 | 2016 | [1537] - Thinking of incentivizing care? The effect of demand subsidies on informal caregiving and intergenerational transfers by Joan Costa-Font, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto (September 2016; Revised: May 2017)
1536 | 2016 | [1536] - Stochastic representatitve agent by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (September 2016)
1535 | 2016 | [1535] - Does long-term care subsidisation reduce unnecessary hospitalisations? by Joan Costa-Font, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Cristina Vilaplana (September 2016)
1534 | 2016 | [1534] - Income-Induced expenditure switching by Rudolfs Bems and Julian di Giovanni (August 2016) [Published in: American Economic Review, Vol. 106, No. 12, December 2016 (pp. 3898-3931)]
1533 | 2016 | [1533] - Monetary policy for a bubbly world by Vladimir Asriyan, Luca Fornaro, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (July 2016; Revised: February 2020) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, 88 (3), 2021, 1418–1456.]
1532 | 2016 | [1532] - Menu costs, uncertainty cycles, and the propagation of nominal shocks by Isaac Baley and J. Andrés Blanco (July 2016) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2019, 11(1): 276–337; With the title: Firm Uncertainty Cycles and the Propagation of Nominal Shocks]
1531 | 2016 | [1531] - Understanding the sources of macroeconomic uncertainty by Barbara Rossi, Tatevik Sekhposyan and Matthieu Soupre (May 2016; Revised: December 2018)
1530 | 2016 | [1530] - In-sample inference and forecasting in misspecified factor models by Marine Carrasco and Barbara Rossi (April 2016) [Published in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 34(3): 313-338, 2016]
1529 | 2016 | [1529] - Information globalization by Isaac Baley, Laura Veldkamp and Michael Waugh (March 2016; Revised: February 2019) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, Vol.126, September 2020; With the title: Can Global Uncertainty Promote International Trade?]
1528 | 2016 | [1528] - The economic geography of human capital in Twentieth-century Latin America in an international comparative perspective by Enriqueta Camps and Stanley Engerman (June 2016)
1527 | 2016 | [1527] - Information sources used by European tourists: A cross-cultural study by Tor Korneliussen and Michael Greenacre (June 2016) [Published in: Journal of Tourism Research, Forthcoming]
1526 | 2016 | [1526] - Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure: Evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India by Jose Asturias, Manuel García-Santana and Roberto Ramos (May 2016)
1525 | 2016 | [1525] - The microeconomics of corruption. A review of thirty years of research by Roberto Burguet, Juan José Ganuza and José Garcia Montalvo (May 2016)
1524 | 2016 | [1524] - Anticipating the financial crisis: Evidence from insider trading in banks by Ozlem Akin, José M. Marín and José-Luis Peydró (May 2016) [Published in: Economic Policy, 35 (102), June 2020, pp. 213-267]
1523 | 2015 | [1523] - Tests for the validity of portfolio or group choice in financial and panel regressions by Atsushi Inoue and Barbara Rossi (March 2015)
1522 | 2016 | [1522] - Reverse speculative attacks: A comment by Alberto Martin (April 2016) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Forthcoming]
1521 | 2016 | [1521] - Know when to fold 'em: The grit factor by Larbi Alaoui and Christian Fons-Rosen (April 2016; Revised: April 2021) [Published in: European Economic Review, 2021,103736, ISSN 0014-2921]
1520 | 2016 | [1520] - Did cheaper flights change the direction of science? by Christian Catalini, Christian Fons-Rosen and Patrick Gaulé (April 2016)
1519 | 2016 | [1519] - Great Recession and disability insurance in Spain by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Arnau Juanmarti Mestres and Judit Vall Castelló (October 2016; Revised: April 2017)
1518 | 2016 | [1518] - Key success drivers in public research grants: Funding the seeds of radical innovation in academia? by Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler and David Pérez-Castrillo (March 2016)
1517 | 2016 | [1517] - Growing like Spain: 1995-2007 by Manuel García-Santana, Enrique Moral-Benito, Josep Pijoan-Mas and Roberto Ramos (February 2016)
1516 | 2016 | [1516] - Sex selection and health at birth among Indian immigrants by Libertad González Luna (March 2016)
1515 | 2016 | [1515] - Single-crossing random utility models by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (March 2016)
1514 | 2016 | [1514] - The impact of investment in human capital on economic development: An empirical exercise based on height and years of schooling in Spain (1881-1998) by Enriqueta Camps (February 2016)
1513 | 2016 | [1513] - Globalization and political structure by Gino Gancia, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Jaume Ventura (August 2016; Revised: October 2021) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 20 (3), 2022, 1276-1310]
1512 | 2016 | [1512] - Is there a difference in financing efficiency? Conventional banks versus ethical banks by Juan José Durán Herrera, María José García López, Carmen Avilés Palacios and Oriol Amat (February 2016)
1511 | 2016 | [1511] - The linear systems approach to linear rational expectations models by Majid M. Al-Sadoon (January 2016)
1510 | 2016 | [1510] - Public development banks and credit market imperfections by Marcela Eslava and Xavier Freixas (January 2016)
1509 | 2016 | [1509] - How Rome enabled impersonal markets by Benito Arruñada (March 2016) [Published in: Explorations in Economic History, 61, 68-84, 2016.]
1508 | 2016 | [1508] - Health capacity to work at older ages: Evidence from Spain by Pilar García-Gómez, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Judit Vall Castello (February 2016)
1507 | 2016 | [1507] - Coase and the departure from property by Benito Arruñada (January 2016) [Published in: Claude Ménard and Elodie Bertrand (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham UK, 305-19, 2016.]
1506 | 2015 | [1506] - Insider-outsider labor markets, hysteresis and monetary policy by Jordi Galí (September 2015; Revised: June 2020) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 54(S1), 53-88, 2022.]
1505 | 2016 | [1505] - Infrastructure, incentives and institutions by Nava Ashraf, Edward L. Glaeser and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (January 2016)
1504 | 2016 | [1504] - Optimal time-consistent government debt maturity by Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes and Pierre Yared (January 2016; Revised: May 2016) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming]
1503 | 2015 | [1503] - Global imbalances revisited: The transfer problem and transport costs in monopolistic competition by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (December 2015; Revised: February 2017)
1502 | 2015 | [1502] - Trade, finance and endogenous firm heterogeneity by Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia (December 2015; Revised: July 2017) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (1), 2019, 79-130]
1501 | 2015 | [1501] - The role of frames, numbers and risk in the frequency of cooperation by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (December 2015) [Published in: International Review of Economics, February 2017, p. 1-23]
1500 | 2015 | [1500] - Minimizing errors, maximizing incentives: Optimal court decisions and the quality of evidence by Juan José Ganuza, Fernando Gomez and Jose Penalva (March 2015)
1499 | 2015 | [1499] - Monotone stochastic choice models: The case of risk and time preferences by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (November 2015)
1498 | 2015 | [1498] - Does science advance one funeral at a time? by Pierre Azoulay, Christian Fons-Rosen and Joshua S. Graff Zivin (December 2015)
1497 | 2015 | [1497] - Double bank runs and liquidity risk management by Filippo Ippolito, José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo and Enrico Sette (November 2015; Revised: June 2016) [Published in: Journal of Financial Economics, 122(1): 135-154, October 2016]
1496 | 2015 | [1496] - The effect of lawyers' career concerns on litigation by Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela (September 2015; Revised: October 2016)
1495 | 2015 | [1495] - Testing subspace Granger causality by Majid M. Al-Sadoon (November 2015)
1494 | 2015 | [1494] - Economic uncertainty and structural reforms by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia (October 2015; Revised: July 2018)
1493 | 2015 | [1493] - The tradeoff between ex ante and ex post transaction costs: Evidence from legal opinions by Benito Arruñada and Carlos A. Manzanares (November 2015) [Published in: Berkeley Business Law Journal, 13(1), 217-55, 2016.]
1492 | 2015 | [1492] - Inequality reducing properties of progressive income tax schedules: The case of endogenous income by Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau and Humberto Llavador (October 2015; Revised: April 2017) [Published in: Theoretical economics, Vol. 13(1), pag:39-60, 2018]
1491 | 2015 | [1491] - The role of public information in corporate social responsibility by Aleix Calveras and Juan José Ganuza (February 2015)
1490 | 2015 | [1490] - Offshoring and skill-upgrading in French manufacturing: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Melitz view by Juan Carluccio, Alejandro Cuñat, Harald Fadinger and Christian Fons-Rosen (September 2015)
1489 | 2015 | [1489] - Urban networks: Connecting markets, people and ideas by Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Yimei Zou (September 2015; Revised: December 2015) [Published in: Papers in Regional Science, 95 (1), 17-59, 2016]
1488 | 2015 | [1488] - Hysteresis and the European unemployment problem revisited by Jordi Galí (June 2015)
1487 | 2015 | [1487] - Stagnation traps by Gianluca Benigno and Luca Fornaro (January 2015; Revised: March 2017) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 85 (3), 2018, 1425-1470]
1486 | 2015 | [1486] - Family types and intimate-partner violence: A historical perspective by Ana Tur-Prats (June 2015)
1485 | 2015 | [1485] - The effect of changes in the statutory minimum working age on educational, labor and health outcomes by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Judit Vall Castello and Elena del Rey (May 2015)
1484 | 2015 | [1484] - The unintended effects of increasing the legal working age on family behaviour by Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Judit Vall-Castello (May 2015)
1483 | 2015 | [1483] - Debt into growth: How sovereign debt accelerated the first Industrial Revolution by Jaume Ventura and Hans-Joachim Voth (May 2015)
1482 | 2015 | [1482] - Information spillovers in asset markets with correlated values by Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs and Brett Green (April 2015; Revised: July 2016) [Published in: Forthcoming in American Economic Review]
1481 | 2015 | [1481] - Large firm dynamics and the business cycle by Vasco Carvalho and Basile Grassi (April 2015)
1480 | 2015 | [1480] - On the failures of the null-hypothesis test by Nicholas Longford (April 2015)
1479 | 2015 | [1479] - Identifying the sources of model misspecification by Atsushi Inoue, Chun-Hung Kuo and Barbara Rossi (February 2015; Revised: June 2018)
1478 | 2011 | [1478] - Heterogeneous consumers and fiscal policy shocks by Emily Anderson, Atsushi Inoue and Barbara Rossi (February 2011; Revised: December 2015) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48 (8), 2016, 1877-1888]
1477 | 2015 | [1477] - Macroeconomic uncertainty indices based on nowcast and forecast error distributions by Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (January 2015) [Published in: American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 105 (5), 650-55, May 2015]
1476 | 2014 | [1476] - Forecasting in nonstationary environments: What works and what doesn't in reduced-form and structural models by Raffaella Giacomini and Barbara Rossi (December 2014) [Published in: Annual Review of Economics, 7, 207-229, 2015]
1475 | 2015 | [1475] - Pricing and hedging Margrabe options with stochastic volatilities by Elisa Alòs and Thorsten Rheinländer (March 2015; Revised: February 2017)
1474 | 2015 | [1474] - Familiarity and competition: the case of mutual funds by Ariadna Dumitrescu and Javier Gil-Bazo (March 2015)
1473 | 2012 | [1473] - Market frictions, investor heterogeneity and persistence in mutual fund performance by Ariadna Dumitrescu and Javier Gil-Bazo (April 2012; Revised: March 2015)
1472 | 2015 | [1472] - Non-residential capital stock in Latin America. 1875-2008 by Xavier Tafunell and Cristián Ducoing (March 2015) [Published in: Australian Economic History Review, forthcoming]
1471 | 2015 | [1471] - The institutions of Roman markets by Benito Arruñada (March 2015; Revised: November 2019) [Published in: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, ed., Roman Law and Economics, vol. 2, Ch. 17. Oxford Studies in Roman Society and Law (Tom McGinn and Paul Du Plessis, eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.]
1470 | 2015 | [1470] - Uncertain rationality and robustness in games with incomplete information by Fabrizio Germano and Peio Zuazo-Garin (February 2015)
1469 | 2015 | [1469] - Firm's response and unintended health consequences of industrial regulations by Christopher Hansman, Jonas Hjort and Gianmarco León (February 2015)
1468 | 2015 | [1468] - Bounded rationality and correlated equilibria by Fabrizio Germano and Peio Zuazo-Garin (February 2015) [Published in: International Journal of Game Theory, Forthcoming]
1467 | 2015 | [1467] - Self-perception of ethical behaviour. The case of listed Spanish companies by María José García López and Oriol Amat (February 2015) [Published in: Intangible Capital, Vol. 12, n.1, 2016]
1466 | 2014 | [1466] - Asset bubbles and sudden stops in a small open economy by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (September 2014) [Published in: Radatz, C., Saravia, D. and Ventura, J. (Eds.), Global Liquidity, Spillovers to Emerging Markets, and Policy Responses, Central Bank of Chile, 315-341, 2014]
1465 | 2015 | [1465] - The international transmission of credit bubbles: theory and policy by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (January 2015; Revised: September 2015) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics , 76, S37-S56, 2015]
1464 | 2015 | [1464] - Cognitive bubbles by Ciril Bosch-Rosa, Thomas Meissner and Antoni Bosch-Domènech (January 2015) [Published in: Experimental Economics, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-017-9529-0]
1463 | 2014 | [1463] - Balance sheet recessions with informational and trading frictions by Vladimir Asriyan (October 2014; Revised: October 2018) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies 88, 2021 (44-90); With the title: Balance Sheet Channel with Information-Trading Frictions in Secondary Markets]
1462 | 2015 | [1462] - On the external validity of social-preference games: A systematic lab-field study by Matteo M. Galizzi and Daniel Navarro Martinez (January 2015)
1461 | 2011 | [1461] - Can oil prices forecast exchange rates? by Domenico Ferraro, Ken Rogoff and Barbara Rossi (May 2011; Revised: January 2015) [Published in: Journal of International Money, vol. 54 (1), pp. 116-141, 2015]
1460 | 2014 | [1460] - Betting on exports: Trade and endogenous heterogeneity by Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia (December 2014; Revised: April 2016) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 128 (609), 2018, 612-651.]
1459 | 2014 | [1459] - The long and the short of it: Sovereign debt crises and debt maturity by Raquel Fernández and Alberto Martin (December 2014; Revised: September 2015)
1458 | 2014 | [1458] - On the second derivative of the at-the-money implied volatility in stochastic volatility models by Elisa Alòs and Jorge A. León (November 2014; Revised: July 2016)
1457 | 2014 | [1457] - Large capital inflows, sectoral allocation, and economic performance by Gianluca Benigno, Nathan Converse and Luca Fornaro (November 2014) [Published in: Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 55, pp. 60-87, 2015]
1456 | 2014 | [1456] - Registries by Benito Arruñada (August 2014) [Published in: Man and the Economy, 1(2), 209-30, 2014.]
1455 | 2014 | [1455] - Reforming the U.S. Social Security system accounting for employment uncertainty by Hugo Benítez-Silva, José Ignacio García-Pérez and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (November 2014)
1454 | 2014 | [1454] - Love in the time of the depression: The effect of economic conditions on marriage in the Great Depression by Matthew J. Hill (September 2014) [Published in: Journal of Economic History, Forthcoming]
1453 | 2014 | [1453] - Easterlin revisted: Relative income and the baby boom by Matthew J. Hill (September 2014) [Published in: Explorations in Economic History, Forthcoming]
1452 | 2014 | [1452] - Homes and husbands for all: Marriage, housing and the baby boom by Matthew J. Hill (March 2014) [Published in: Journal of Urban Economics. Revise and resubmit, September 2014]
1451 | 2014 | [1451] - Source of health insurance coverage and employment survival among newly disabled workers: Evidence from the health and retirement study by Matthew J. Hill, Nicole Maestas and Kathleen J. Mullen (September 2014)
1450 | 2014 | [1450] - Employer accommodation and labor supply of disabled workers by Matthew J. Hill, Nicole Maestas and Kathleen J. Mullen (October 2014)
1449 | 2014 | [1449] - From micro to macro via production networks by Vasco Carvalho (October 2014) [Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28 (4), 23-48, 2014]
1448 | 2014 | [1448] - Patent collateral investor commitment and the market for venture lending by Yael V. Hochberg, Carlos J. Serrano and Rosemarie H. Ziedonis (October 2014)
1447 | 2014 | [1447] - Incompatibility of estimation and policy objectives. An example from small-area estimation by Nicholas Longford (October 2014)
1446 | 2014 | [1446] - A closed-form option pricing approximation formula for a fractional Heston model by Elisa Alòs and Yan Yang (October 2014)
1445 | 2014 | [1445] - Organizing public good provision: Lessons from managerial accounting by Benito Arruñada and Stephen Eliot Hansen (September 2014; Revised: October 2014) [Published in: International Review of Law and Economics, 42, 185-91, 2015.]
1444 | 2014 | [1444] - Size and shape in the measurement of multivariate proximity by Michael Greenacre (September 2014)
1443 | 2014 | [1443] - Discrete choice estimation of risk aversion by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (September 2014) [Published in: Mathematics and Archaeology, (eds) Barcelo, J.A.and Bogdanovic, I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, USA, 491–499]
1442 | 2014 | [1442] - Discrete choice estimation of time preferences by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (August 2014)
1441 | 2014 | [1441] - The effects of a money-financed fiscal stimulus by Jordi Galí (September 2014; Revised: July 2019)
1440 | 2014 | [1440] - Banking competition and stability: The role of leverage by Xavier Freixas and Kebin Ma (August 2014)
1439 | 2014 | [1439] - A residual-based ADF test for stationary cointegration in I (2) settings by Javier Gómez Biscarri and Javier Hualde (September 2014)
1438 | 2014 | [1438] - Boycott or buycott?: Internal politics and consumer choices by Xavier Cuadras Morató and Josep M. Raya (July 2014)
1437 | 2014 | [1437] - Model comparisons in unstable environments by Raffaella Giacomini and Barbara Rossi (August 2014; Revised: January 2015) [Published in: International Economic Review, 57(2), 335-756, May 2016]
1436 | 2014 | [1436] - The impact of race and inequality on human capital formation in Latin America during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Enriqueta Camps and Stanley Engerman (September 2014; Revised: March 2016)
1435 | 2014 | [1435] - Rolling window selection for out-of-sample forecasting with time-varying parameters by Atsushi Inoue, Lu Jin and Barbara Rossi (June 2014; Revised: April 2016) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 196 (1), 2017, 55-67]
1434 | 2014 | [1434] - Truthfulness in accounting: How to discriminate accounting manipulators from non-manipulators by Alina Beattrice Vladu, Oriol Amat and Dan Dacian Cuzdriorean (August 2014) [Published in: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming]
1433 | 2014 | [1433] - "Mathematics and Archaeology" rediscovered by Michael Greenacre (July 2014) [Published in: : Mathematics and Archaeology, (eds) Barcelo, J.A.and Bogdanovic, I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, USA, 491–499]
1432 | 2014 | [1432] - Agricultural risk and the spread of religious communities by Philipp Ager and Antonio Ciccone (July 2014; Revised: October 2016)
1431 | 2014 | [1431] - Financial crises and exchange rate policy by Luca Fornaro (July 2014; Revised: November 2014) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 95 (2), pp. 202-215, 2015]
1430 | 2014 | [1430] - The real estate and credit bubble: Evidence from Spain by Ozlem Akin, José Garcia Montalvo, Jaume Garcia Villar, José-Luis Peydró and Josep M. Raya (July 2014) [Published in: SERIEs, vol. 5, pp. 223-243, 2014]
1429 | 2014 | [1429] - The titling role of possession by Benito Arruñada (June 2014) [Published in: Yun-chien Chang, ed., The Law and Economics of Possession, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 207-33. 2015.]
1428 | 2014 | [1428] - The wind of change: Maritime technology, trade and economic development by Luigi Pascali (June 2014)
1427 | 2014 | [1427] - Policy-related small-area estimation by Nicholas Longford (June 2014)
1426 | 2014 | [1426] - Forecast rationality tests in the presence of instabilities, with applications to Federal Reserve and survey forecasts by Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (June 2014; Revised: November 2014) [Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31(3), 457-610, April-May 2016]
1425 | 2014 | [1425] - Transparency and deliberation within the FOMC: A computational linguistics approach by Stephen Eliot Hansen, Michael McMahon and Andrea Prat (May 2014)
1424 | 2014 | [1424] - Gender peer effects in school, a birth cohort approach by Antonio Ciccone and Walter Garcia-Fontes (June 2014)
1423 | 2014 | [1423] - Identifying inliers by Michael Greenacre and H. Öztas Ayhan (June 2014)
1422 | 2014 | [1422] - Delaying the normal and early retirement ages in Spain: behavioural and welfare consequences for employed and unemployed workers by Alfonso R. Sánchez, J. Ignacio García-Pérez and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (May 2014)
1421 | 2014 | [1421] - Building a reputation as a socially responsible firm by Aleix Calveras and Juan José Ganuza (May 2014)
1420 | 2014 | [1420] - Missing girls in Spain by Libertad González Luna (May 2014)
1419 | 2014 | [1419] - A multiple indicator model for panel data: an application to ICT area-level variation by Eva Ventura and Albert Satorra (May 2014)
1418 | 2014 | [1418] - Input diffusion and the evolution of production networks by Vasco Carvalho and Nico Voigtländer (March 2014; Revised: February 2015)
1417 | 2014 | [1417] - Univariate versus multivariate modeling of panel data by Juan Carlos Bou and Albert Satorra (February 2014)
1416 | 2014 | [1416] - Alternative tests for correct specification of conditional predictive densities by Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (January 2014; Revised: July 2017)
1415 | 2014 | [1415] - On the inefficiency of the restricted maximum likelihood by Nicholas Longford (March 2014)
1414 | 2014 | [1414] - A global view of cross-border migration by Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko and Francesc Ortega (March 2014) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 13 (1), 168-202, 2015]
1413 | 2014 | [1413] - Who is afraid of the big bad ban? An evaluation of the effects of the Spanish clean air law on expenditure at hospitality venues by Jaume Garcia Villar and Ángel López-Nicolás (February 2014; Revised: July 2014) [Published in: Forthcoming in European Journal of Health Economics]
1412 | 2013 | [1412] - A new approach to measure the impact of highways on business location with an application to Spain by Teresa Garcia-Milà and José Garcia Montalvo (June 2013)
1411 | 2014 | [1411] - A general theory of rank testing by Majid M. Al-Sadoon (February 2014; Revised: February 2015)
1410 | 2015 | [1410] - Optimally vague contracts and the law by Nicola Gennaioli and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (June 2015; Revised: January 2017)
1409 | 2014 | [1409] - On the tractability of the piecewise-linear approximation for general discrete-choice network revenue management by Sumit Kunnumkal and Kalyan Talluri (January 2014)
1408 | 2013 | [1408] - Understanding the gains from wage flexibility: The exchange rate connection by Jordi Galí and Tommaso Monacelli (December 2013; Revised: June 2016) [Published in: American Economic Review, 106 (12): 3829–3868, 2016]
1407 | 2013 | [1407] - On the impact of microcredit: Evidence from a randomized intervention in rural Ethiopia by Alessandro Tarozzi, Jaikishan Desai and Kristin Johnson (October 2013)
1406 | 2013 | [1406] - The effect of tax enforcement on tax elasticities: Evidence from charitable contributions in France by Gabrielle Fack and Camille Landais (November 2013)
1405 | 2012 | [1405] - The changing relationship between commodity prices and equity prices in commodity exporting by Barbara Rossi (October 2012) [Published in: IMF Economic Review, 60 (49), 533-539, 2012]
1404 | 2012 | [1404] - Out-of-sample forecast tests robust to the choice of window size by Barbara Rossi and Atsushi Inoue (April 2012) [Published in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30 (3), 432-453, 2012]
1403 | 2012 | [1403] - Agricultural productivity and structural transformation. Evidence from Brazil by Paula Bustos, Bruno Caprettini and Jacopo Ponticelli (July 2012; Revised: June 2015)
1402 | 2013 | [1402] - Heterogeneity, selection and labor market disparities by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia (October 2013; Revised: February 2018) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, 31, 2019, 305-325]
1401 | 2012 | [1401] - International debt deleveraging by Luca Fornaro (November 2012; Revised: September 2016) [Published in: International Debt Deleveraging, Journal of the European Economic Association, 16 (5), 2018, 1394-1432]
1400 | 2013 | [1400] - Coworker networks in the labour market by Albrecht Glitz (May 2013)
1399 | 2012 | [1399] - Benchmarking for routines and organizational knowledge: A managerial accounting approach with performance feedback by Mircea Epure (October 2012; Revised: February 2016)
1398 | 2013 | [1398] - Corporate governance and corporate social performance: The influence of ownership, boards and institutions by Kurt A. Desender and Mircea Epure (October 2013; Revised: October 2015)
1397 | 2013 | [1397] - Declining labor force attachment and downward trends in unemployment and participation by Régis Barnichon and Andrew Figura (October 2013)
1396 | 2013 | [1396] - A study of the labour market trajectories in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by Nicholas Longford and Ioana C. Salagean (October 2013)
1395 | 2010 | [1395] - Labor market heterogeneity and the aggregate matching function by Régis Barnichon and Andrew Figura (October 2010; Revised: September 2013)
1394 | 2012 | [1394] - Reprisals remembered: German-Greek conflict and car sales during the Euro crisis by Vasiliki Fouka and Joachim Voth (December 2012; Revised: October 2013)
1393 | 2013 | [1393] - Improving college access and success for low-income students: Evidence from a large need-based grant program by Gabrielle Fack and Julien Grenet (September 2013)
1392 | 2013 | [1392] - The effects of monetary policy on stock market bubbles: Some evidence by Jordi Galí and Luca Gambetti (October 2013; Revised: December 2013)
1391 | 2013 | [1391] - Nets: Network estimation for time series by Matteo Barigozzi and Christian T. Brownlees (October 2013)
1390 | 2013 | [1390] - The long-run and intergenerational education impacts of intergovernmental transfers by Irineu de Carvalho Filho and Stephan Litschig (September 2013)
1389 | 2013 | [1389] - Transportation choices and the value of statistical life by Gianmarco León and Edward Miguel (September 2013)
1388 | 2013 | [1388] - The global welfare impact of China: Trade integration and technological change by Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko and Jing Zhang (October 2013) [Published in: American Journal of Economics: Macroeconomics, 6:3, 153-183, July 2014]
1387 | 2013 | [1387] - Firms, destinations, and aggregate fluctuations by Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko and Isabelle Méjean (October 2013; Revised: April 2014) [Published in: Econometrica, 82:4 , 1303-1340, July 2014]
1386 | 2013 | [1386] - Patterns of convergence and divergence in the euro area by Ángel Estrada, Jordi Galí and David López-Salido (October 2013)
1385 | 2013 | [1385] - Relationship and transaction lending in a crisis by Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas, Leonardo Gambacorta and Paolo Emilio Mistrulli (September 2013)
1384 | 2013 | [1384] - Is bank debt special for the transmission of monetary policy? Evidence from the stock market by Filippo Ippolito, Ali K. Ozdagli and Ander Pérez Orive (September 2013)
1383 | 2013 | [1383] - Gifts of Mars: Warfare and Europe's early rise to riches by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (September 2013) [Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27 (4), 165-186, 2013]
1382 | 2013 | [1382] - The impact of eliminating a child benefit on birth timing and infant health by Cristina Borra, Libertad González Luna and Almudena Sevilla-Sanz (July 2013)
1381 | 2013 | [1381] - Recreating the South Sea bubble: Lessons from an experiment in financial history by Giovanni Giusti, Charles Noussair and Joachim Voth (September 2013)
1380 | 2013 | [1380] - Weighted Euclidean biplots by Michael Greenacre and Patrick J. F. Groenen (July 2013) [Published in: Journal of Classification, 2016, 33, 442-459]
1379 | 2013 | [1379] - Endogeneous matching in university-industry collaboration: Theory and empirical evidence from the UK by Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler and David Pérez-Castrillo (July 2013)
1378 | 2013 | [1378] - Banks, government bonds, and default: what do the data say? by Nicola Gennaioli, Alberto Martin and Stefano Rossi (July 2013; Revised: July 2017) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 98, 2018, 98-113]
1377 | 2013 | [1377] - Factors that determine the evolution of high-growth businesses by Oriol Amat, Marcos Antón Renart and María José García (July 2013) [Published in: Intangible Capital, vol. 9, núm. 2, 2013]
1376 | 2013 | [1376] - Impact of quality and environmental investment on business competitiveness and profitability: The case of travel agencies by Llorenç Bagur, Jordi Perramon and Oriol Amat (July 2013) [Published in: Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2014 (DOI:10.1080/14783363.2014.895523)]
1375 | 2013 | [1375] - Bowling for fascism: Social capital and the rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany, 1919-33 by Shanker Satyanath, Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (June 2013)
1374 | 2013 | [1374] - Newborn health and the business cycle: Is it good to be born in bad times? by Ainhoa Aparicio and Libertad González Luna (June 2013; Revised: March 2014)
1373 | 2013 | [1373] - The impact of investment in education on economic development: Spain in comparative perspective (1860-2000) by Enriqueta Camps (June 2013)
1372 | 2013 | [1372] - Sovereign debt markets in turbulent times: Creditor discrimination and crowding-out effects by Fernando Broner, Aitor Erce, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (June 2013; Revised: November 2013) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 61, 114-142, 2014]
1371 | 2013 | [1371] - Fetal testosterone (2D:4D) as predictor of cognitive reflection by Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Pablo Brañas-Garza and Antonio M. Espín (May 2013) [Published in: Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 43, 1-10, May 2014; With the title: Can exposure to prenatal sex hormones (2D:4D) predict cognitive reflection?]
1370 | 2013 | [1370] - Evaluating predictive densities of U.S. output growth and inflation in a large macroeconomic data set by Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (February 2013) [Published in: International Journal of Forecasting, 30 (3), 662-682, July-September 2014]
1369 | 2013 | [1369] - Exchange rate predictability by Barbara Rossi (February 2013) [Published in: Journal of Economic Literature, 51 (4), 1063-1119, December 2013]
1368 | 2013 | [1368] - Conditional predictive density evaluation in the presence of instabilities by Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan (February 2013) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 177 (2), 199-212, 2013]
1367 | 2012 | [1367] - Managing credit bubbles by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (October 2012; Revised: March 2015) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 14 (3), 753-789, 2016]
1366 | 2013 | [1366] - Do Spanish informal caregivers come to the rescue of dependent people with formal care unmet needs? by Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Cristina Vilaplana Prieto (May 2013; Revised: July 2014)
1364 | 2013 | [1364] - Turnout, political preferences and information: Experimental evidence from Perú by Gianmarco León (March 2013)
1363 | 2012 | [1363] - Globalization, technology and inequality by Gino Gancia (February 2012; Revised: November 2012)
1362 | 2012 | [1362] - Offshoring and directed technical change by Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia and Fabrizio Zilibotti (November 2012; Revised: June 2014) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Forthcoming]
1361 | 2009 | [1361] - Stare decisis: Rhetoric and substance by Patricio A. Fernández and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (March 2009; Revised: April 2010) [Published in: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 28 (2), 313-336, 2012]
1360 | 2012 | [1360] - Uncertainty, electoral incentives and political myopia by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia (October 2012) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 123, 373-400, 2013]
1359 | 2009 | [1359] - Clusters of entrepreneurship by Edward L. Glaeser, William R. Kerr and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (September 2009) [Published in: Journal of Urban Economics, 67 (1), 150-168, January , 2010]
1358 | 2010 | [1358] - Competing engines of growth: Innovation and standardization by Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia and Fabrizio Zilibotti (April 2010; Revised: August 2010) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2), 570-601, 2012]
1357 | 2013 | [1357] - Estimating Bayesian decision problems with heterogeneous priors by Stephen Eliot Hansen and Michael McMahon (March 2013)
1356 | 2013 | [1356] - Geometric and long run aspects of Granger causality by Majid M. Al-Sadoon (January 2013)
1355 | 2012 | [1355] - Money doctors by Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny (June 2012)
1354 | 2012 | [1354] - Married to intolerance: Attitudes towards intermarriage in Germany, 1900-2006 by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (December 2012) [Published in: American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, 103 (3), 79-85, 2013]
1353 | 2008 | [1353] - Entry regulation and intersectoral reallocation by Antonio Ciccone and Elias Papaioannou (June 2008)
1352 | 2011 | [1352] - Spinning welfare: The gains from process innovation in cotton and car production by Tim Leunig and Joachim Voth (May 2011)
1351 | 2011 | [1351] - Oil price shocks, income and democracy by Marcus Brückner, Antonio Ciccone and Andrea Tesei (February 2011) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 94 (2), 389-399, 2012]
1350 | 2013 | [1350] - Predestination and the Protestant ethic by Larbi Alaoui and Alvaro Sandroni (January 2013) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, Forthcoming]
1349 | 2012 | [1349] - A new compact linear programming formulation for choice network revenue management by Sumit Kunnumkal and Kalyan Talluri (December 2012)
1348 | 2012 | [1348] - Time scarcity and the market for news by Larbi Alaoui and Fabrizio Germano (December 2012; Revised: April 2019)
1347 | 2013 | [1347] - On the closed-form approximation of short-time random strike options by Elisa Alòs and Jorge A. León (May 2013)
1346 | 2012 | [1346] - Calibration of stochastic volatility models via second order approximation: the Heston model case by Elisa Alòs, Rafael De Santiago and Josep Vives (October 2012)
1345 | 2009 | [1345] - Growth, selection and appropriate contracts by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia (July 2009; Revised: July 2012) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, 17 (1), 21-38, 2014]
1344 | 2012 | [1344] - (Re-) Shaping hatred: Anti-Semitic attitudes in Germany, 1890-2006 by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (March 2012)
1343 | 2013 | [1343] - Leverage and beliefs: Personal experience and risk taking in margin lending by Peter Koudijs and Joachim Voth (November 2013)
1342 | 2011 | [1342] - Austerity and anarchy: Budget cuts and social unrest in Europe, 1919-2008 by Jacopo Ponticelli and Joachim Voth (July 2011; Revised: October 2012)
1341 | 2011 | [1341] - Man-bites-dog business cycles by Kristoffer Nimark (December 2011; Revised: December 2013) [Published in: American Economic Review, forthcoming]
1340 | 2012 | [1340] - Financial reforms and capital flows: Insights from general equilibrium by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (September 2012) [Published in: Caballero, R. and Hebel, K. (Eds.), Economc Policy in Emerging Economies, Central Bank of Chile, Forthcoming]
1339 | 2012 | [1339] - Notes for a new guide to Keynes (I): Wages, aggregate demand, and employment by Jordi Galí (September 2012; Revised: December 2012)
1338 | 2012 | [1338] - Two-sided learning in New Keynesian models: Dynamics, (lack of) convergence and the value of information by Christian Matthes and Francesca Rondina (September 2012)
1337 | 2012 | [1337] - Speculation, risk premia and expectations in the yield curve by Francisco Barillas and Kristoffer Nimark (August 2012; Revised: November 2013)
1336 | 2012 | [1336] - Shrouded costs of government: The political economy of state and local public pensions by Edward L. Glaeser and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (August 2012; Revised: June 2013) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, (NBER Pensions), 116 (1), 86-105, August 2014]
1335 | 2011 | [1335] - Political centralization and government accountability by Federico Boffa, Amedeo Piolatto and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (October 2011; Revised: July 2015) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (1), 381-422, 2016]
1334 | 2012 | [1334] - How accurate are surveyed preferences for public policies? Evidence from a unique institutional setup by Patricia Funk (September 2012; Revised: November 2013)
1333 | 2012 | [1333] - Civil conflict and human capital accumulation: The long-term effects of political violence in Perú by Gianmarco León (March 2012) [Published in: Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 47(4): 991-1023. Forthcoming (fall 2012)]
1332 | 2012 | [1332] - Endogenous depth of reasoning by Larbi Alaoui and Antonio Penta (July 2012; Revised: March 2014) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, Forthcoming]
1331 | 2011 | [1331] - Sources of comparative advantage in polluting industries by Fernando Broner, Paula Bustos and Vasco Carvalho (June 2011; Revised: December 2019)
1330 | 2011 | [1330] - Assessing technology-based spin-offs from university support units by Mircea Epure, Diego Prior and Christian Serarols (November 2011; Revised: April 2014) [Published in: Regional Studies, forthcoming]
1329 | 2009 | [1329] - Standardized enforcement: Access to justice vs contractual innovation by Nicola Gennaioli and Enrico Perotti (April 2009; Revised: June 2012)
1328 | 2012 | [1328] - Taming SIFIs by Xavier Freixas and Jean-Charles Rochet (June 2012)
1327 | 2012 | [1327] - Transition probabilities and duration analysis among disability states: Some evidence from Spanish data by Guillem López i Casasnovas and Catia Nicodemo (June 2012)
1326 | 2012 | [1326] - Approximate knowledge of rationality and correlated equilibria by Fabrizio Germano and Peio Zuazo-Garin (June 2012; Revised: October 2012)
1325 | 2012 | [1325] - Fuzzy coding in constrained ordinations by Michael Greenacre (June 2012) [Published in: Ecology, 2013, 94(2), 280-286]
1324 | 2012 | [1324] - The role of awareness, information gathering and processing in school choice by Ghazala Azmat and José Garcia Montalvo (May 2012)
1323 | 2012 | [1323] - The impact of "early" nineteenth-century globalization on foreign trade in the Southern Cone: A study of British trade statistics by Manuel Llorca-Jaña (May 2012; Revised: June 2012)
1322 | 2012 | [1322] - Launching prices for new pharmaceuticals in heavily regulated and subsidized markets by Jaume Puig and Beatriz González López-Valcárcel (May 2012)
1321 | 2012 | [1321] - Estimating overidentified, nonrecursive, time-varying coefficients structural VARs by Fabio Canova and Fernando J. Pérez Forero (May 2012)
1320 | 2008 | [1320] - Bridging DSGE models and the raw data by Fabio Canova (November 2008; Revised: May 2012)
1318 | 2012 | [1318] - Measuring risk aversion with lists: A new bias by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (March 2012) [Published in: Theory and Decisions, October 2012.]
1317 | 2012 | [1317] - Slow recoveries: A structural interpretation by Jordi Galí, Frank Smets and Rafael Wouters (May 2012)
1316 | 2006 | [1316] - Contractual resolutions of financial distress by Nicola Gennaioli and Stefano Rossi (November 2006; Revised: May 2012) [Published in: The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming]
1315 | 2012 | [1315] - Macroprudential policy, countercyclical bank capital buffers and credit supply: Evidence from the Spanish dynamic provisioning experiments by Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina (June 2012; Revised: August 2015) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy 2017, 125:6 , 2126-77]
1314 | 2012 | [1314] - Do institutions and culture matter for business cycles? by Sumru Altug and Fabio Canova (April 2012)
1313 | 2012 | [1313] - The value of useless information by Larbi Alaoui (April 2012)
1312 | 2012 | [1312] - Productivity and the welfare of nations by Susanto Basu, Luigi Pascali, Fabio Schiantarelli and Luis Serven (March 2012)
1311 | 2012 | [1311] - Credit lines: The other side of corporate liquidity by Filippo Ippolito and Ander Pérez Orive (March 2012)
1310 | 2012 | [1310] - Monitoring bank performance in the presence of risk by Mircea Epure and Esteban Lafuente (March 2012; Revised: July 2014) [Published in: Forthcoming in Journal of Productivity Analysis]
1309 | 2012 | [1309] - Choice by sequential procedures by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (February 2012) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 77: 90-99, January 2013]
1308 | 2012 | [1308] - Property as an economic concept: Reconciling legal and economic conceptions of property rights in a Coasean framework by Benito Arruñada (March 2012) [Published in: International Review of Economics, Vol. 59(2), 121-144, 2012]
1307 | 2012 | [1307] - Social capital, government expenditures, and growth by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Ugo Troiano (February 2012; Revised: January 2024)
1306 | 2012 | [1306] - Are self-regarding subjects more rational? by Benito Arruñada, Marco Casari and Francesca Pancotto (January 2012) [Published in: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 140, 2015.; With the title: Pro-sociality and Strategic Reasoning in Economic Decisions.]
1305 | 2011 | [1305] - Equivalence of piecewise-linear approximation and Lagrangian relaxation for network revenue management by Sumit Kunnumkal and Kalyan Talluri (December 2011; Revised: November 2012)
1304 | 2012 | [1304] - Saving lives: Evidence from a conditional food supplementation program by Stephan Litschig and Marian Meller (August 2012; Revised: November 2013)
1303 | 2012 | [1303] - A tractable consideration set structure for network revenue management by Arne Strauss and Kalyan Talluri (February 2012; Revised: October 2012)
1302 | 2012 | [1302] - A foundation for strategic agenda voting by Jose Apesteguia, Miguel Ballester and Yusufcan Masatlioglu (February 2012) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 87: 91-99, September 2014]
1301 | 2012 | [1301] - Understanding bubbly episodes by Vasco Carvalho, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (January 2012) [Published in: American Economic Review, Papers and Proceeedings, 102 (3), 95-100, 2012]
1300 | 2012 | [1300] - Gender gaps in performance: Evidence from young lawyers by Ghazala Azmat and Rosa Ferrer Zarzuela (January 2012; Revised: October 2015) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]
1299 | 2012 | [1299] - Rules or consequences? The role of ethical mindsets in moral dynamics by Michael Bashshur, Gert Cornelissen, Marc Le Menestrel and Julian Rode (January 2012) [Published in: Psychological Science, Forthcoming]
1298 | 2012 | [1298] - The distribution of talent across contests by Ghazala Azmat and Marc Möller (January 2012; Revised: May 2013)
1297 | 2011 | [1297] - The contribution of schooling in development accounting: Results from a nonparametric upper bound by Francesco Caselli and Antonio Ciccone (November 2011; Revised: September 2012) [Published in: Journal of Development Economics, 104, 199-211, 2013]
1296 | 2008 | [1296] - The Dracula effect: voter information and trade policy by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto, Maria Petrova and Ruben Enikolopov (November 2008; Revised: October 2020)
1295 | 2011 | [1295] - Schooling supply and the structure of production: Evidence from US States 1950-1990 by Antonio Ciccone and Giovanni Peri (November 2011)
1294 | 2011 | [1294] - State capacity and military conflict by Nicola Gennaioli and Joachim Voth (November 2011; Revised: October 2013)
1293 | 2011 | [1293] - Monetary policy and rational asset price bubbles by Jordi Galí (April 2011; Revised: August 2013) [Published in: American Economic Review, forthcoming]
1292 | 2011 | [1292] - One person in the battlefield is not a warrior: Self-construal, perceived ability to make a difference, and socially responsible behavior by Irina Cojuharenco, Gert Cornelissen and Natalia Karelaia (October 2011)
1291 | 2011 | [1291] - The network origins of aggregate fluctuations by Daron Acemoglu, Vasco Carvalho, Asuman Ozdaglar and Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi (October 2011) [Published in: Econometrica, 80 (5), 1977-2016, 2012]
1290 | 2011 | [1290] - The implicit theory of historical change in the work of Alan S. Milward by Fernando Guirao and Frances M. B. Lynch (October 2011)
1289 | 2011 | [1289] - High-growth cooperatives: Financial profile and key factors for competitiveness by Oriol Amat and Jordi Perramon (October 2011) [Published in: CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, ISSN: 0213-8093, 2011, Núm. 73, Special Issue, pp. 81-98.]
1288 | 2011 | [1288] - Let's (not) talk about sex: The effect of information provision on gender differences in performance under competition by Nagore Iriberri and Pedro Rey-Biel (September 2011)
1287 | 2011 | [1287] - Quotient spaces of boundedly rational types by Davide Cianciaruso and Fabrizio Germano (September 2011)
1286 | 2011 | [1286] - Human capital and regional development by Nicola Gennaioli, Rafael Laporta, Florencio López-de-Silanes and Andrei Schleifer (September 2011; Revised: July 2012) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming]
1285 | 2011 | [1285] - How important is the intensive margin of labor adjustment? by Thijs van Rens (June 2011; Revised: October 2011) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 59 (1), 59 (1). January 2012]
1284 | 2011 | [1284] - Risk sharing with the monarch: Excusable defaults and contingent debt in the age of Philip II, 1556-1598 by Maurizio Drelichman and Joachim Voth (June 2011; Revised: October 2013) [Published in: Cliometrica, forthcoming]
1283 | 2011 | [1283] - A model of shadow banking by Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny (May 2011; Revised: May 2012) [Published in: Journal of Finance, Forthcoming]
1282 | 2011 | [1282] - Capital formation in machinery and industrialization. Chile 1844-1938 by Cristián Ducoing (September 2011)
1281 | 2011 | [1281] - The effects of a universal child benefit by Libertad González Luna (September 2011)
1280 | 2011 | [1280] - Welfare of naive and sophisticated players in school choice by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (September 2011) [Published in: Economics Letters, 115(2): 172-174, May 2012]
1279 | 2011 | [1279] - First impressions matter: Signalling as a source of policy dynamics by Stephen Eliot Hansen and Michael McMahon (August 2011)
1278 | 2011 | [1278] - The contributions of rare objects in correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre (September 2011) [Published in: Ecology, 2013, 94(1), 241-249]
1277 | 2011 | [1277] - Selective hiring and welfare analysis in labor market models by Christian Merkl and Thijs van Rens (September 2011; Revised: January 2012)
1276 | 2011 | [1276] - Structural unemployment by Benedikt Herz and Thijs van Rens (July 2011)
1275 | 2011 | [1275] - The effects of employment uncertainty and wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming behavior of older American workers by Hugo Benítez-Silva, J. Ignacio García-Pérez and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (June 2011)
1274 | 2011 | [1274] - Banks and development: Jewish communities in the Italian Renaissance and current economic performance by Luigi Pascali (April 2011; Revised: March 2012)
1273 | 2011 | [1273] - The economic effects of a Spanish trade boycott against Catalan products by Xavier Cuadras Morató and Modest Guinjoan (May 2011)
1272 | 2011 | [1272] - When to carry eccentric products? Optimal retail assortment under consumer returns by Aydm Alptekinoglu and Alex Grasas León (April 2011; Revised: November 2012)
1271 | 2011 | [1271] - A simple permutation test for clusteredness by Michael Greenacre (April 2011)
1270 | 2011 | [1270] - Audit risk and rent extraction: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in Brazil by Stephan Litschig and Yves Zamboni (April 2011; Revised: June 2013)
1269 | 2011 | [1269] - Persecution perpetuated: The medieval origins of anti-semitic violence in Nazi Germany by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (April 2011) [Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2012, 127 (3), pp. 1339-1392]
1268 | 2011 | [1268] - Fiscal policy, pricing frictions and monetary accommodation by Fabio Canova and Evi Pappa (March 2011) [Published in: Economic Policy, 68, 555-598, 2011]
[1267] - Has the Euro-Mediterranean partnership affected Mediterranean business cycles? by Fabio Canova and Alain Schlaepfer (February 2011; Revised: May 2012)
1266 | 2011 | [1266] - Unemployment in an estimated new Keynesian model by Jordi Galí, Frank Smets and Rafael Wouters (March 2011; Revised: June 2011)
1265 | 2011 | [1265] - Adopting a new religion: The case of Protestantism in 16th Century Germany by Davide Cantoni (March 2011)
1264 | 2008 | [1264] - How the West "invented" fertility restriction by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (December 2008; Revised: December 2012) [Published in: American Economic Review, 103 (6), 2227-2264 , 2013]
1263 | 2006 | [1263] - Banking as an emerging technology: Hoare's Bank, 1702-1742 by Peter Temin and Joachim Voth (October 2006) [Published in: Financial History Review, October 2006, 13 (2), pp. 149-178.]
1262 | 2011 | [1262] - Serial defaults, serial profits: Returns to sovereign lending in Habsburg Spain, 1566-1600 by Mauricio Drelichman and Joachim Voth (January 2011) [Published in: Explorations in Economic History, January 2011, 48 (1), pp. 1-19. Explorations Prize for best article published in "Economic History" in 2010/11]
1261 | 2011 | [1261] - Design effect and interviewer effects: Evidence from the Spanish ESS3-2006 Data by Anna Cuxart (January 2011)
1260 | 2010 | [1260] - The economic effects of the Protestant Reformation: Testing the Weber hypothesis in the German Lands by Davide Cantoni (December 2010)
1259 | 2011 | [1259] - An enhanced concave program relaxation for choice network revenue management by Joern Meissner, Arne Strauss and Kalyan Talluri (January 2011; Revised: August 2011)
1258 | 2011 | [1258] - ClubMed? Cyclical fluctuations in the Mediterranean basin by Fabio Canova and Matteo Ciccarelli (January 2011; Revised: March 2012) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 88, 162-175, 2012]
1257 | 2010 | [1257] - Adverse selection, credit and efficiency: The case of the missing market by Alberto Martin (December 2010)
1256 | 2010 | [1256] - Concentration and self-censorship in commercial media by Fabrizio Germano and Martin Meier (December 2010) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 97, pp. 117-130, 2013]
1255 | 2010 | [1255] - Cities, skills, and regional change by Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Kristina Tobio (June 2010; Revised: March 2011) [Published in: Regional Studies, 48 (1), 7-43, January 2014.]
1254 | 2008 | [1254] - Intellectual property rights and efficient firm organization by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto (December 2008; Revised: May 2014)
1252 | 2010 | [1252] - Salience and consumer choice by Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer (April 2010; Revised: May 2012)
1251 | 2010 | [1251] - Neglected risks, financial innovation and financial fragility by Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny (April 2010; Revised: September 2010)
1250 | 2010 | [1250] - The political cost of reforms (preliminar version of working paper number 1360: Uncertainty, electoral incentives and political myopia) by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia (January 2010; Revised: June 2011)
1249 | 2010 | [1249] - Structural development accounting by Gino Gancia, Andreas Müller and Fabrizio Zilibotti (July 2010; Revised: February 2011) [Published in: Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano and E. Dekel (eds.),Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society (Econometric Society Monographs), vol. II, 2013.]
1248 | 2010 | [1248] - Computing congruences of modular forms and Galois representations modulo prime powers by Xavier Taixés and Gabor Wiese (January 2010)
1247 | 2008 | [1247] - Congruences between modular forms and lowering the level mod l^n by Luis Dieulefait and Xavier Taixés (April 2008) [Published in: Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 21, 1, p. 109-118, 2009]
1246 | 2010 | [1246] - The size and distribution of donations: Effects of numbers of potential recipients by Robin Hogarth and Emre Soyer (November 2010)
1245 | 2010 | [1245] - International capital flows and credit market imperfections: A tale of two frictions by Alberto Martin and Filippo Taddei (November 2010; Revised: February 2012) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 89(2), 441-452, 2013]
1244 | 2010 | [1244] - Gazelle companies: Growth drivers and an evolution analysis by Oriol Amat and Jordi Perramon (November 2010) [Published in: Revista Internacional Legis de Contabilidad & Auditoría, ISSN: 1692-2913, 2011, july-september, 47, pp.137-160.]
1243 | 2010 | [1243] - Network revenue management with product-specific no-shows by Sumit Kunnumkal, Kalyan Talluri and Huseyin Topaloglu (October 2010; Revised: May 2011)
1242 | 2009 | [1242] - Does money matter in shaping domestic business cycles? An international investigation (with appendices) by Fabio Canova and Tobias Menz (July 2009; Revised: November 2010) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 43(4), 577-609, 2011]
1241 | 2010 | [1241] - The dynamics of US inflation: Can monetary policy explain the changes? by Fabio Canova and Filippo Ferroni (June 2010) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 167 (1), 47-60, 2011]
1240 | 2009 | [1240] - Japan's lost decade: Does money have a role? by Fabio Canova and Tobias Menz (November 2009) [Published in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 24(2), 178-195, 2010]
1239 | 2010 | [1239] - Retirement incentives, individual heterogeneity and labour transitions of employed and unemployed workers by J. Ignacio García-Pérez, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Alfonso R. Sánchez-Martín (October 2010)
1238 | 2010 | [1238] - What do outside experts bring to a committee? Evidence from the Bank of England by Stephen Eliot Hansen and Michael McMahon (October 2010)
1237 | 2010 | [1237] - Credit constraints, firms' precautionary investment and the business cycle by Ander Pérez Orive (September 2010; Revised: November 2012)
1236 | 2010 | [1236] - The electric revolution in Latin America by Xavier Tafunell (September 2010)
1235 | 2010 | [1235] - Estimating cross-industry cross-country models using benchmark industry characteristics by Antonio Ciccone and Elias Papaioannou (September 2010; Revised: June 2016)
1234 | 2010 | [1234] - North-South convergence and the allocation of CO2 emissions by Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre (August 2010)
1233 | 2010 | [1233] - Government spending and re-election: Quasi-experimental evidence from Brazilian municipalities by Stephan Litschig and Kevin Morrison (June 2010; Revised: June 2012)
1232 | 2010 | [1232] - The benefits of limited feedback in organizations by Stephen Eliot Hansen (July 2010)
1231 | 2010 | [1231] - Promoting rule compliance in daily-life: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in the public libraries of Barcelona by Jose Apesteguia, Patricia Funk and Nagore Iriberri (August 2010; Revised: February 2011) [Published in: European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 266-284, 2013.]
1230 | 2008 | [1230] - The vanishing procyclicality of labor productivity by Jordi Galí and Thijs van Rens (August 2008; Revised: July 2010) [Published in: The Economic Journal 131(1), 302-326]
1229 | 2010 | [1229] - A unifying approach to the empirical evaluation of asset pricing models by Francisco Peñaranda and Enrique Sentana (July 2010)
1228 | 2010 | [1228] - The role of incidental variables of time in mood assessment by Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell and Anna Cuxart (July 2010)
1227 | 2010 | [1227] - Gross capital flows: Dynamics and crises by Fernando Broner, Tatiana Didier, Aitor Erce and Sergio L. Schmukler (June 2010; Revised: December 2012) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, Forthcoming]
1226 | 2010 | [1226] - Tobin meets Oates: Solidarity and the optimal fiscal federal structure by Xavier Calsamiglia, Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (July 2010) [Published in: International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 450-473]
1225 | 2010 | [1225] - The impact of gender composition on team performance and decision-making: Evidence from the field by Jose Apesteguia, Ghazala Azmat and Nagore Iriberri (July 2010) [Published in: Management Science, Vol. 58, Nº 1, pp. 78-93, January 2012]
1224 | 2010 | [1224] - Experiencing simulated outcomes by Robin Hogarth and Emre Soyer (June 2010)
1223 | 2010 | [1223] - The monetary pillar and the great financial crisis by Jordi Galí (June 2010)
1222 | 2010 | [1222] - Theoretical notes on bubbles and the current crisis by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (May 2010; Revised: February 2011) [Published in: IMF Economic Review, 59 (1), 6-40, 2011]
1221 | 2010 | [1221] - The credit ratings game by Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas and Joel Shapiro (May 2010)
1220 | 2010 | [1220] - A measure of rationality and welfare by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Angel Ballester (May 2010; Revised: October 2014) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, Forthcoming]
1219 | 2010 | [1219] - Putting health in all policies: The National Institute for Welfare Enhancement by Vicente Ortún and Beatriz González López-Valcárcel (May 2010) [Published in: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010; 64: 497-499.]
1218 | 2010 | [1218] - Killing by lung cancer or by diabetes? The trade-off between smoking and obesity by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Federico A. Todeschini and José María Labeaga (May 2010)
1217 | 2010 | [1217] - Prime property institutions for a subprime era: Toward innovative models of homeownership by Benito Arruñada and Amnon Lehavi (May 2010) [Published in: Berkeley Business Law Journal, 8(1), 2011.]
1216 | 2010 | [1216] - The provision of relative performance feedback information: An experimental analysis of performance and happiness by Ghazala Azmat and Nagore Iriberri (April 2010)
1215 | 2010 | [1215] - A randomized concave programming method for choice network revenue management by Kalyan Talluri (April 2010; Revised: October 2011)
1214 | 2010 | [1214] - Are agent-based simulations robust? The wholesale electricity trading case by Albert Banal-Estañol and Augusto Rupérez-Micola (March 2010)
1213 | 2009 | [1213] - The ins and outs of unemployment: An analysis conditional on technology shocks by Fabio Canova, David Lopez-Salido and Claudio Michelacci (October 2009; Revised: January 2012) [Published in: Economic Journal, Forthcoming 2012]
1212 | 2010 | [1212] - Finite sample nonparametric tests for linear regressions by Karl Schlag and Olivier Gossner (March 2010)
1211 | 2009 | [1211] - A structural model of Australia as a small open economy by Kristoffer Nimark (March 2009) [Published in: Australian Economic Review, 42 (1), pp. 24-41.]
1210 | 2008 | [1210] - A medium-scale open economy model of Australia by Kristoffer Nimark and Jarkko Jääskelä (December 2008) [Published in: Economic Record, vol. 87 (276), 11-36, March 2011; With the title: A medium-scale new Keynesian open economy model of Australia]
1209 | 2010 | [1209] - Generating global brand equity through corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders by Anna Torres, Tammo H. A. Bijmolt, Josep A. Tribó and Peter Verhoef (February 2010; Revised: October 2011) [Published in: International Journal of Research in Marketing (special issue on Global Brand Management), Vol. 29(1), March 2012, pp. 13-24]
1208 | 2010 | [1208] - The great diversification and its undoing by Vasco Carvalho and Xavier Gabaix (January 2010; Revised: October 2010) [Published in: American Economic Review, 103 (5), 1697-1727, 2013]
1207 | 2009 | [1207] - Structure and change in US input-output networks (in progress) by Vasco Carvalho (June 2009)
1206 | 2007 | [1206] - Aggregate fluctuations and the network structure of intersectoral trade by Vasco Carvalho (November 2007; Revised: October 2010)
1205 | 2010 | [1205] - Dynamic price competition with fixed capacities by Kalyan Talluri and Víctor Martínez de Albéniz (February 2010)
1204 | 2010 | [1204] - Econometrics and decision making: Effects of presentation mode by Robin Hogarth and Emre Soyer (February 2010)
1203 | 2007 | [1203] - Business cycle measurement with some theory by Fabio Canova and Matthias Paustian (November 2007; Revised: July 2011) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 58 (4), 345-361, 2011]
1202 | 2010 | [1202] - Bank liquidity, interbank markets and monetary policy by Xavier Freixas, Antoine Martin and David Skeie (February 2010)
1201 | 2009 | [1201] - Post crisis challenges to bank regulation by Xavier Freixas (December 2009)
1200 | 2009 | [1200] - Monetary policy in a systemic crisis by Xavier Freixas (November 2009)
1199 | 2009 | [1199] - The return of the wage Phillips curve by Jordi Galí (May 2009; Revised: June 2010)
1198 | 2009 | [1198] - Monetary policy and unemployment by Jordi Galí (October 2009; Revised: February 2010)
1197 | 2010 | [1197] - Implementing TURF analysis through binary linear programming by Daniel Serra (February 2010; Revised: November 2012) [Published in: Food Quality and Preferences, Forthcoming]
1196 | 2009 | [1196] - Proving the performance of a new revenue management system by Kalyan Talluri, Fernando Castejon, Begoña Codina and Juan Magaz (November 2009; Revised: January 2010)
1195 | 2010 | [1195] - Institutional support of the firm: A theory of business registries by Benito Arruñada (January 2010; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: The Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 2 (2), pp 525-576, Fall 2010.]
1194 | 2009 | [1194] - Speculative dynamics in the term structure of interest rates by Kristoffer Nimark (December 2009; Revised: September 2012)
1193 | 2009 | [1193] - Electronic titling: Potential and risks by Benito Arruñada (December 2009; Revised: April 2010) [Published in: New Zealand Law Journal, 2010, April, 115-120; With the title: "Leaky Title Syndrome?"]
1192 | 2009 | [1192] - Merger failures by Albert Banal-Estañol and Jo Seldeslachts (June 2009)
1191 | 2009 | [1191] - Conglomeration with bankruptcy costs: Separate or joint financing? by Albert Banal-Estañol and Marco Ottaviani (February 2009; Revised: July 2010)
1190 | 2008 | [1190] - Theimpact of industry collaboration on research: Evidence from engineering academics in the UK by Albert Banal-Estañol, Mireia Jofre-Bonet and Cornelia Meissner (September 2008; Revised: August 2010)
1189 | 2005 | [1189] - The impact of trade liberalization on skill upgrading. Evidence from Argentina by Paula Bustos (November 2005; Revised: July 2011)
1188 | 2009 | [1188] - A decomposition formula for option prices in the Heston model and applications to option pricing approximation by Elisa Alòs (December 2009)
1187 | 2009 | [1187] - The law of impersonal transactions by Benito Arruñada (November 2009; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: "The Law of Impersonal Transactions" in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant, eds., The Manufacturing of Markets: Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 58-77, 2014.]
1186 | 2009 | [1186] - What comes to mind by Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer (February 2009; Revised: November 2009) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125 (4), 1399-1433, 2010]
1185 | 2009 | [1185] - Malthusian dynamism and the rise of Europe: Make war, not love by Joachim Voth and Nico Voigtländer (May 2009) [Published in: American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, May 2009, 99 (2), pp. 248-254.]
1184 | 2008 | [1184] - Debt sustainability in historical perspective: The role of fiscal repression by Joachim Voth and Mauricio Drelichman (May 2008) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 2008, 6 (2-3), pp. 657-667]
1183 | 2008 | [1183] - Betting on Hitler: The value of political connections in Nazi Germany by Joachim Voth and Thomas Ferguson (February 2008) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2008, 123 (1), pp. 101-137]
1182 | 2009 | [1182] - A low dimensional Kalman filter for systems with lagged observables by Kristoffer Nimark (November 2009)
1181 | 2008 | [1181] - Monetary policy with signal extraction from the bond market by Kristoffer Nimark (November 2008) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (8), pp. 1389-1400, 2008]
1180 | 2009 | [1180] - Modelling state dependence and feedback effects between poverty, employment and parental home emancipation among European youth by Sara Ayllón Gatnau (October 2009) [Published in: VATT]
1179 | 2009 | [1179] - Growing at the production frontier. European aggregate growth, 1870-1914 by Albert Carreras and Camilla Josephson (October 2009)
1178 | 2009 | [1178] - Intergenerational justice when future worlds are uncertain by Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre (October 2009; Revised: June 2010) [Published in: Forthcoming in Journal of Mathematical Economics.]
1177 | 2009 | [1177] - Property titling and conveyancing by Benito Arruñada (October 2009) [Published in: Kenneth Ayotte and Henry E. Smith, eds., Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, Research Handbooks in Law and Economics Series, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 2011, 237-56.]
1176 | 2009 | [1176] - Efficient interval scoring rules by Karl Schlag and Joël van der Weele (October 2009)
1175 | 2009 | [1175] - A house price index defined in the potential outcomes framework by Nicholas Longford (October 2009)
1174 | 2009 | [1174] - On the drivers of commodity co-movement: Evidence from biofuels by Francisco Peñaranda and Augusto Rupérez-Micola (October 2009; Revised: October 2011)
1173 | 2009 | [1173] - Trade liberalization, exports and technology upgrading: Evidence on the impact of MERCOSUR on Argentinean firms by Paula Bustos (August 2009) [Published in: American Economic Review, 101 (1), 304-340, 2011.]
1172 | 2009 | [1172] - Beyond the glass ceiling: Does gender matter? by Renée Adams and Patricia Funk (September 2009) [Published in: Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 58(2), pages 219-235, February 2012.]
1171 | 2009 | [1171] - Disability, capacity for work and the business cycle: An international perspective by Hugo Benítez Silva, Richard Disney and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (September 2009) [Published in: Economic Policy, July 2010.]
1170 | 2009 | [1170] - Sovereign default, domestic banks and financial institutions by Nicola Gennaioli, Alberto Martin and Stefano Rossi (August 2009; Revised: February 2012) [Published in: The Journal of Finance, 69 (2), 819-866, 2014.]
1169 | 2009 | [1169] - Immigration policy with partisan parties by Humberto Llavador and Angel Solano-García (August 2009; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, 95(1-2), 134-142, 2011]
1168 | 2009 | [1168] - Bundling and competition for slots: Sequential pricing by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (August 2009)
1167 | 2009 | [1167] - Immigration and housing booms: Evidence from Spain by Libertad González Luna and Francesc Ortega (July 2009)
1166 | 2009 | [1166] - Mobile termination and mobile penetration by Sjaak Hurkens and Doh-Shin Jeon (July 2009)
1165 | 2009 | [1165] - Under-achievement and the glass ceiling: Evidence from a TV game show by Robin Hogarth, Natalia Karelaia and Carlos Andrés Trujillo (May 2009)
1164 | 2007 | [1164] - Lending to the borrower from hell: Debt and default in the age of Philip II, 1556-1598 by Mauricio Drelichman and Joachim Voth (December 2007; Revised: November 2009) [Published in: The Economic Journal, December 2011, 121, pp. 1205-1227]
1163 | 2009 | [1163] - Sweet diversity: Colonial goods and the rise of European living standards after 1492 by Jonathan Hersh and Joachim Voth (July 2009; Revised: January 2011)
1162 | 2009 | [1162] - Contribution biplots by Michael Greenacre (July 2009; Revised: January 2011) [Published in: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2013, 22(1), 107–122]
1161 | 2009 | [1161] - Immigration, family responsibilities and the labor supply of skilled native women by Lídia Farré, Libertad González Luna and Francesc Ortega (June 2009)
1160 | 2009 | [1160] - Decision making in uncertain and changing environments by Karl Schlag and Andriy Zapechelnyuk (June 2009)
1159 | 2009 | [1159] - Comment to "Weak instruments robust tests in GMM and the New Keynesian Phillips curve" by Frank Kleibergen and Sophocles Mavroeidis by Fabio Canova (January 2009) [Published in: Journal of business and economic statistics, forthcoming]
1158 | 2009 | [1158] - Do institutional changes affect business cycles? Evidence from Europe by Fabio Canova, Matteo Ciccarelli and Eva Ortega (March 2009; Revised: April 2012) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36, 1520-1533, 2012]
1157 | 2009 | [1157] - Behavioral assumptions and management ability by Benito Arruñada and Xosé H. Vázquez (June 2009; Revised: April 2010) [Published in: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 9(2), 209-232, 2013; With the title: "The Impact of Behavioral Assumptions on Management Ability: A Test Based on the Earnings of MBA Graduates"]
1156 | 2009 | [1156] - TV or not TV? Subtitling and English skills by Augusto Rupérez-Micola, Arturo Bris and Albert Banal-Estañol (March 2009)
1155 | 2009 | [1155] - Costly search and design by Heski Bar-Isaac, Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat (April 2009)
1154 | 2009 | [1154] - Canonical correspondence analysis in social science research by Michael Greenacre (April 2009) [Published in: Classification as a Tool for Research, (eds) H. Locarek-Junge and C. Weihs, Springer-Verlag, pp. 279-286]
1153 | 2009 | [1153] - Dynamic perceptual mapping by Michael Greenacre (April 2009)
1152 | 2009 | [1152] - Bundling and competition for slots: On the portfolio effects of bundling by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (February 2009; Revised: July 2009)
1151 | 2009 | [1151] - Median problems in networks by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (March 2009)
1150 | 2009 | [1150] - Can sanctions induce pessimism? An experiment by Roberto Galbiati, Karl Schlag and Joël van der Weele (March 2009)
1149 | 2009 | [1149] - The credit ratings game by Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas and Joel Shapiro (January 2009)
1148 | 2009 | [1148] - The importance of relative performance feedback information: Evidence from a natural experiment using high school students by Ghazala Azmat and Nagore Iriberri (January 2009; Revised: March 2010)
1147 | 2008 | [1147] - The role of role uncertainty in modified dictator games by Nagore Iriberri and Pedro Rey-Biel (May 2008; Revised: April 2010)
1146 | 2009 | [1146] - Understanding portfolio efficiency with conditioning information by Francisco Peñaranda (January 2009; Revised: October 2011)
1145 | 2009 | [1145] - Globalization and culture shaping the gender gap: A comparative analysis of urban Latin America and East Asia (1970 - 2000) by Enriqueta Camps (February 2009)
1144 | 2008 | [1144] - Are rules-based government programs shielded from special-interest politics? Evidence from revenue-sharing transfers in Brazil by Stephan Litschig (August 2008; Revised: May 2012)
1143 | 2008 | [1143] - Judicial presence and rent extraction by Stephan Litschig and Yves Zamboni (May 2008; Revised: December 2012)
1142 | 2008 | [1142] - Financing local development: Quasi-experimental evidence from municipalities in Brazil, 1980-1991 by Stephan Litschig (August 2008; Revised: June 2012)
1141 | 2009 | [1141] - A finite-population revenue management model and a risk-ratio procedure for the joint estimation of population size and parameters by Kalyan Talluri (February 2009)
1140 | 2008 | [1140] - The customer valuations game as a basis for revenue management by Kalyan Talluri (December 2008)
1139 | 2009 | [1139] - Hybrid risk adjustment for pharmaceutical benefits by Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern and José María Inoriza (January 2009)
1138 | 2009 | [1138] - Estimates of patient costs related with population morbidity: Can indirect costs affect the results? by M. Carreras, Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern, J. Coderch, L. Vall-Llosera and José María Inoriza (January 2009)
1137 | 2008 | [1137] - Elicited beliefs and social information in modified dictator games: What do dictators believe other dictators do? by Nagore Iriberri and Pedro Rey-Biel (April 2008; Revised: January 2009)
1136 | 2009 | [1136] - A model of collateral, investment and adverse selection by Alberto Martin (January 2009) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 144 (4), 2009, 1572-1588.]
1135 | 2009 | [1135] - Multiple filtering devices for the estimation of cyclical DSGE models by Fabio Canova and Filippo Ferroni (January 2009; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2, (1), 2011, 73-98]
1134 | 2009 | [1134] - Globalization and the provision of incentives inside the firm: The effect of foreign competition by Vicente Cuñat and Maria Guadalupe (January 2009)
1133 | 2008 | [1133] - On commercial media bias by Fabrizio Germano (December 2008; Revised: April 2009)
1132 | 2008 | [1132] - Illusory correlation in the remuneration of chief executive officers: It pays to play golf, and well by Gueorgui I. Kolev and Robin Hogarth (December 2008)
1131 | 2008 | [1131] - When "hope springs eternal": The role of chance in risk taking by Natalia Karelaia and Robin Hogarth (December 2008; Revised: June 2009)
1130 | 2008 | [1130] - Entrepreneurial success and failure: Confidence and fallible judgement by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (December 2008)
1129 | 2008 | [1129] - Earnings management and audit adjustments: An empirical study of IBEX 35 constituents by Oriol Amat, Oscar Elvira and Petya Platikanova (December 2008) [Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations, ISSN: ISSN 1810-4967, 2010, Vol.7, 1, pp.50-61.]
1128 | 2010 | [1128] - Rethinking the effects of financial globalization by Fernando Broner and Jaume Ventura (October 2010; Revised: October 2015) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (3), 1497-1542, 2016]
1127 | 2008 | [1127] - Economic shocks and civil conflict: A comment by Antonio Ciccone (August 2008; Revised: February 2011) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3 (4), 215-227, 2011]
1126 | 2008 | [1126] - Gender gaps in policy making: Evidence from direct democracy in Switzerland by Patricia Funk and Christina Gathmann (November 2008)
1125 | 2008 | [1125] - Technological change and the wealth of nations by Gino Gancia and Fabrizio Zilibotti (October 2008) [Published in: Annual Review of Economics, 1, 93-120, 2009]
1124 | 2006 | [1124] - Motivation, test scores and economic success by Carmit Segal (November 2006; Revised: October 2008)
1123 | 2007 | [1123] - Does direct democracy reduce the size of government? New evidence from historical data, 1890-2000 by Patricia Funk and Christina Gathmann (December 2007; Revised: October 2008) [Published in: Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 121(557), pages 1252-1280, December 2011.]
1122 | 2008 | [1122] - The long term effects of legalizing divorce on children by Libertad González Luna and Tarja Viitanen (October 2008)
1121 | 2006 | [1121] - The sustainable debts of Philip II: A reconstruction of Castile's fiscal position, 1566-1596 by Mauricio Drelichman and Joachim Voth (December 2006; Revised: May 2009) [Published in: The Journal of Economic History, December 2010, 70 (4), pp. 813-842.]
1120 | 2007 | [1120] - Poor, hungry and ignorant: Numeracy and the impact of high food prices in industrializing Britain, 1780-1850 by Jörg Baten, Dorothee Crayen and Joachim Voth (October 2007; Revised: December 2011) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming]
1119 | 2006 | [1119] - A century of global equity market correlations by Dennis Quinn and Joachim Voth (November 2006; Revised: October 2008) [Published in: American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2008, 98 (2), pp. 535-540]
1118 | 2007 | [1118] - Dynamic higher order expectations by Kristoffer Nimark (October 2007; Revised: March 2011)
1117 | 2008 | [1117] - Combining multivariate density forecasts using predictive criteria by Hugo Gerard and Kristoffer Nimark (August 2008; Revised: October 2008)
1116 | 2008 | [1116] - Psychological pressure in competitive environments: Evidence from a randomized natural experiment by Jose Apesteguia and Ignacio Palacios-Huerta (October 2008) [Published in: American Economic Review, 100(5): 2548-2564, December 2010]
1115 | 2008 | [1115] - The three horsemen of riches: Plague, war and urbanization in early modern Europe by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (August 2008; Revised: June 2012) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 80 (2), 774-811, 2013]
1114 | 2008 | [1114] - Rain and the democratic window of opportunity by Markus Brückner and Antonio Ciccone (October 2008; Revised: October 2009) [Published in: Econometrica, 79 (3), 923-947, 2011]
1113 | 2008 | [1113] - Targeting fertility and female participation through the income tax by Ghazala Azmat and Libertad González Luna (October 2008; Revised: May 2009)
1112 | 2008 | [1112] - Correspondence analysis of raw data by Michael Greenacre (September 2008; Revised: July 2009) [Published in: Ecology, 2010, 91(4), pp. 958-963]
1111 | 2008 | [1111] - The risk of divorce and household saving behavior by Libertad González Luna and Berkay Özcan (September 2008)
1110 | 2008 | [1110] - A dynamic analysis of human welfare in a warming planet by Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre (September 2008; Revised: February 2010) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, 95(11-12), 1607-1620, 2011]
1109 | 2008 | [1109] - A new method for constructing exact tests without making any assumptions by Karl Schlag (August 2008)
1108 | 2008 | [1108] - Emotion and reason in everyday risk perception by Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell, Anna Cuxart and Gueorgui I. Kolev (September 2008; Revised: July 2009) [Published in: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 24 (2), 202-222, March 2011]
1107 | 2008 | [1107] - World population growth and fertility patterns, 1960-2000. A simple model explaining the evolution of world's fertility during the second half of the 20th Century by Enriqueta Camps and Stanley Engerman (August 2008; Revised: June 2013)
1106 | 2008 | [1106] - Measuring subcompositional incoherence by Michael Greenacre (August 2008; Revised: January 2011) [Published in: Mathematical Geosciences, 2011, 43, 681–693]
1105 | 2008 | [1105] - Small-area estimation with spatial similarity by Nicholas Longford (July 2008; Revised: September 2009) [Published in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 10.1016/j.csda.2009.09.005]
1104 | 2008 | [1104] - Inference with the lognormal distribution by Nicholas Longford (July 2008) [Published in: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,; With the title: Vol. 139, pages 2329-2340, 2009]
1103 | 2008 | [1103] - Generic finiteness of equilibrium payoffs for bimatrix games by Andreu Mas-Colell (July 2008)
1102 | 2008 | [1102] - English Auctions with toeholds: An experimental study by Sotiris Georganas and Rosemarie Nagel (July 2008)
1101 | 2008 | [1101] - Spanning tests in return and stochastic discount factor mean-variance frontiers: A unifying approach by Francisco Peñaranda and Enrique Sentana (June 2008; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming]
1100 | 2008 | [1100] - Optimised search heuristic combining valid inequalities and tabu search by Susana Fernandes and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (July 2008) [Published in: Hybrid Metaheuristics, M.J. Blesa, C. Blum, C. Cotta, A.J. Fernández, J.E. Gallardo, A. Roli, M.Sampels (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5296: 87-101. ISBN: 978-3-540-88438-5]
1099 | 2008 | [1099] - Bringing game theory to hypothesis testing: Establishing finite sample bounds on inference by Karl Schlag (June 2008)
1098 | 2008 | [1098] - Common law and civil law as pro-market adaptations by Benito Arruñada and Veneta Andonova (June 2008) [Published in: Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 26, pp. 81-130, 2008.]
1097 | 2008 | [1097] - Exact tests for correlation and for the slope in simple linear regressions without making assumptions by Karl Schlag (June 2008)
1096 | 2008 | [1096] - Trade-off between formal and informal care in Spain by Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Cristina Vilaplana Prieto (June 2008)
1095 | 2008 | [1095] - Capital formation in machinery in Latin America, 1890-1930 by Xavier Tafunell (June 2008)
1094 | 2008 | [1094] - Cooperative games in strategic form by Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (May 2008)
1093 | 2008 | [1093] - Interviews and adverse selection by Jens Josephson and Joel Shapiro (May 2008)
1092 | 2008 | [1092] - Locating emergency services with different priorities: The priority queuing covering location problem by Francisco Silva and Daniel Serra (May 2008) [Published in: Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, pp. 1229-1238, 2008]
1091 | 2008 | [1091] - Incorporating waiting time in competitive location models: Formulations and heuristics by Francisco Silva and Daniel Serra (May 2008) [Published in: Network and Spatial Economics, 2, 1, 2007]
1090 | 2008 | [1090] - Mandatory accounting disclosure by small private companies by Benito Arruñada (May 2008) [Published in: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 32(3), 377-413, 2011]
1089 | 2008 | [1089] - A characterization of sequential rationalizability by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (May 2008)
1088 | 2008 | [1088] - How "Doing Business" jeopardizes institutional reform by Benito Arruñada (May 2008) [Published in: European Business Organization Law Review, 2009, 10(4), 555-574.]
1087 | 2008 | [1087] - Minimax regret and strategic uncertainty by Ludovic Renou and Karl Schlag (April 2008)
1086 | 2008 | [1086] - Separated by a common currency? Evidence from the Euro changeover by Arturo Bris and Augusto Rupérez-Micola (March 2008)
1085 | 2008 | [1085] - Adverse selection, credit and efficiency: The case of the missing market by Alberto Martin (April 2008; Revised: September 2009)
1084 | 2007 | [1084] - Do expectations matter? The Great Moderation revisited by Fabio Canova and Luca Gambetti (November 2007; Revised: January 2009)
1083 | 2007 | [1083] - Composition of electricity generation portfolios, pivotal dynamics and market prices by Augusto Rupérez-Micola and Albert Banal-Estañol (November 2007)
1082 | 2008 | [1082] - Dynamic graphics of parametrically linked multivariate methods used in compositional data analysis by Michael Greenacre (April 2008)
1081 | 2008 | [1081] - A Hull and White formula for a general stochastic volatility jump-diffusion model with applications to the study of the short-time behavior of the implied volatility by Elisa Alòs, Jorge A. León, Monique Pontier and Josep Vives (April 2008)
1080 | 2008 | [1080] - Measuring intangibles' productivity. Empirical evidence from Spanish firms by Ester Oliveras and David Castillo (March 2008)
[1079] - Skill-biased technological change and the business cycle by Almut Balleer and Thijs van Rens (March 2008; Revised: May 2012)
1078 | 2008 | [1078] - Population based resource allocation: The use of hybrid risk adjustment by Manuel García-Goñi, Pere Ibern and José María Inoriza (March 2008)
1077 | 2008 | [1077] - Biplots of fuzzy coded data by Zerrin Asan and Michael Greenacre (March 2008) [Published in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2011, 183, 57–71]
1076 | 2006 | [1076] - Labor markets and monetary policy: A new-Keynesian model with unemployement by Olivier Blanchard and Jordi Galí (March 2006; Revised: March 2008)
1075 | 2008 | [1075] - The new Keynesian approach to monetary policy analysis: Lessons and new directions by Jordi Galí (February 2008)
1074 | 2008 | [1074] - Interconnection among academic journal platforms: Multilateral versus bilateral interconnection by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (March 2008; Revised: October 2009)
1073 | 2008 | [1073] - Children's work in Spanish textiles during the 19th and 20th Centuries by Enriqueta Camps (February 2008) [Published in: Hug D. Hindman (Ed.), Child Labor World Atlas: A Reference Encyclopedia, forthcoming]
1072 | 2008 | [1072] - Competition amongst contests by Ghazala Azmat and Marc Möller (February 2008)
1071 | 2008 | [1071] - Hybrid consumption paths in the attribute space: A model and application with scanner data by Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Antonio Ladrón de Guevara (February 2008) [Published in: Investigaciones Económicas, September 2009; With the title: State dependence and optimal consumption patterns: A dynamic model with applications to scanner data.]
1070 | 2008 | [1070] - An agenda-setting model of electoral competition by Josep M. Colomer and Humberto Llavador (February 2008; Revised: September 2010)
1069 | 2008 | [1069] - On the performance of small-area estimators: Fixed vs. random area parameters by Alex Costa, Albert Satorra and Eva Ventura (February 2008)
1068 | 2007 | [1068] - Rational reasoning or adaptive behavior? Evidence from two-person beauty contest games by Brit Grosskopf and Rosemarie Nagel (June 2007)
1067 | 2008 | [1067] - Why are some Spanish regions so much more efficient than others? by Jaume Puig and Jaime Pinilla (February 2008)
1066 | 2008 | [1066] - On bounds for network revenue management by Kalyan Talluri (January 2008; Revised: May 2009)
1065 | 2008 | [1065] - How well do individuals predict the selling prices of their homes? by Hugo Benítez-Silva, Selcuk Eren, Frank Heiland and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (February 2008; Revised: April 2008)
1064 | 2008 | [1064] - On the role of non-equilibrium focal points as coordination devices by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Nicolaas J. Vriend (February 2008) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 94, Pages 52-67, October 2013.]
1063 | 2011 | [1063] - Estimating the effect of transitory economic shocks on civil conflict by Antonio Ciccone (June 2011) [Published in: Review of Economics and Institutions, 4 (2), 1-14, 2013]
1062 | 2007 | [1062] - Do agglomeration economies reduce the sensitivity of firm location to tax differentials? by Marius Brülhart, Mario Jametti and Kurt Schmidheiny (December 2007)
1061 | 2007 | [1061] - Modern energy consumption and economic modernisation in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1890 and 1925 by M. del Mar Rubio Varas, César Yáñez, Mauricio Folchi and Albert Carreras (November 2007)
1060 | 2007 | [1060] - The housing boom and forest fires by Libertad González Luna (October 2007)
1059 | 2007 | [1059] - How do very open economies adjust to large immigration flows? Recent evidence from Spanish regions by Libertad González Luna and Francesc Ortega (November 2007)
1058 | 2007 | [1058] - Duality in mean-variance frontiers with conditioning information by Francisco Peñaranda and Enrique Sentana (October 2007)
1057 | 2007 | [1057] - Constant interest rate projections without the curse of indeterminacy by Jordi Galí (August 2007; Revised: February 2008)
1056 | 2007 | [1056] - A theory of reference-dependent behavior by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (October 2007) [Published in: Economic Theory, 40: 427-455, 2009]
1055 | 2007 | [1055] - A retail benchmarking approach to efficient two-way access pricing by Doh-Shin Jeon and Sjaak Hurkens (October 2007)
1054 | 2007 | [1054] - How much structure in empirical models? by Fabio Canova (October 2007) [Published in: Palgrave Handbook of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming]
1053 | 2007 | [1053] - International commodity prices, growth and the outbreak of Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa by Markus Brückner and Antonio Ciccone (October 2007; Revised: August 2009) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 120 (544), 519-534, 2010]
1052 | 2007 | [1052] - Determinants of economic growth: Will data tell? by Antonio Ciccone and Marek Jarocinski (October 2007; Revised: September 2009) [Published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2 (4), 222-246, 2010]
1051 | 2007 | [1051] - The drift of public spending towards the elderly: A generational analysis of the trend of public policies in Spain by Guillem López and Ana Mosterin (October 2007)
1050 | 2007 | [1050] - A simple optimised search heuristic for the job-shop scheduling problem by Susana Fernandes and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (January 2007) [Published in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (eds. C. Cotta and J. van Hemert), 4446:60-71, 2007; With the title: A GRASP and Branch-and-Bound Metaheuristic for the Job-Shop Scheduling]
1049 | 2007 | [1049] - Enforcement problems and secondary markets by Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (August 2007) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 6 (2-3), 683-694, 2008]
1048 | 2007 | [1048] - On the complexity of rationalizing behavior by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester (September 2007)
1047 | 2007 | [1047] - Wage rigidity and job creation by Christian Haefke, Marcus Sonntag and Thijs van Rens (April 2007; Revised: April 2012)
1045 | 2007 | [1045] - The macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks: Why are the 2000s so different from the 1970s? by Olivier J. Blanchard and Jordi Galí (August 2007; Revised: October 2008)
1044 | 2007 | [1044] - Power transformations in correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre (August 2007; Revised: March 2008) [Published in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2009, 53, pp. 3107-3116]
1043 | 2007 | [1043] - The aftermath of Civil War by Siyan Chen, Norman V. Loayza and Marta Reynal-Querol (July 2007)
1042 | 2007 | [1042] - Intergenerational mobility and the informative content of surnames by Maia Güell, José V. Rodriguez Mora and Chris Telmer (May 2007)
1041 | 2006 | [1041] - On the sources of the Great Moderation by Jordi Galí and Luca Gambetti (September 2006; Revised: June 2007)
1040 | 2007 | [1040] - Pitfalls to avoid when measuring institutions: Is "Doing Business" damaging business? by Benito Arruñada (June 2007; Revised: April 2010) [Published in: Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(4), 729-47, 2007]
1039 | 2007 | [1039] - Macroeconomic modeling for monetary policy evaluation by Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler (June 2007; Revised: July 2007) [Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 21 (4), 2007 25-45]
1038 | 2007 | [1038] - The colonial origins of Civil War by Simeon Djankov and Marta Reynal-Querol (May 2007)
1037 | 2007 | [1037] - Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (June 2007) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 83, 1-13, 2011]
1036 | 2007 | [1036] - Improving social measurements: The experience of the ESS first rounds in Spain by Anna Cuxart and Clara Riba (May 2007) [Published in: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis), Nº 125, 2009, pp.147-168; With the title: Mejorando a partir de la experiencia: implementación de la tercera ola de la ESE en España]
1035 | 2007 | [1035] - Portfolio choice and the effects of liquidity by Ana González and Gonzalo Rubio (May 2007)
1034 | 2007 | [1034] - Market and institutional determinants in the regulation of conveyancers by Benito Arruñada (May 2007) [Published in: European Journal of Law and Economics, 23(2), 93-116, 2007]
1033 | 2007 | [1033] - Multimarket contact in pharmaceutical markets by Javier Coronado, Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Pedro L. Marín (April 2007; Revised: July 2007)
1032 | 2007 | [1032] - The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: Are U.S. prices really higher than those of Canada? by Antonio Cabrales and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (April 2007) [Published in: Health Economics, 22(11), 1377-1397, 2013; With the title: The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: Are U.S. prices really so high?]
1031 | 2007 | [1031] - Fragile markets: An experiment on judicial independence by Benito Arruñada and Marco Casari (April 2007; Revised: May 2016) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Forthcoming]
1030 | 2007 | [1030] - Book production and the onset of modern economic growth by Jörg Baten and Jan Luiten van Zanden (April 2007)
1029 | 2007 | [1029] - Measuring time-varying economic fears with consumption-based stochastic discount factors by Belén Nieto and Gonzalo Rubio (April 2007; Revised: September 2007)
1028 | 2007 | [1028] - Social value orientation as a moral intuition: Decision-making in the dictator game by Gert Cornelissen, Siegfried Dewitte and Luk Warlop (April 2007)
1027 | 2007 | [1027] - The role of interbank markets in monetary policy: A model with rationing by Xavier Freixas and José Jorge (March 2007; Revised: April 2008)
1026 | 2007 | [1026] - Portfolio choice beyond the traditional approach by Francisco Peñaranda (March 2007)
1025 | 2007 | [1025] - The pricing of academic journals: A two-sided market perspective by Doh-Shin Jeon and Jean-Charles Rochet (March 2007; Revised: April 2009)
1024 | 2007 | [1024] - Growth accounting in items of turbulence and death: efficiency, technology, capital accumulation and human capital 1929-1950 by Kerstin Enflo and Jörg Baten (March 2007)
1023 | 2007 | [1023] - Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain by David Casado, Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López (March 2007)
1022 | 2007 | [1022] - Credible redistributive policies and migration across US States by Roc Armenter and Francesc Ortega (February 2007)
1021 | 2007 | [1021] - Gender specialization in households: An empirical analysis by Francesc Ortega and Ryuichi Tanaka (January 2007)
1020 | 2007 | [1020] - Social capabilities in Alzheimer’s patients by Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Rosemarie Nagel and Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés (January 2007) [Published in: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Vol. 65B, Number 1, 119-128.]
1019 | 2007 | [1019] - A leverage theory of reputation building with co-branding: Complementarity in reputation building by Jay Pil Choi and Doh-Shin Jeon (March 2007)
1018 | 2007 | [1018] - Irreversible investment in stochastically cyclical markets by Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda and Jianjun Wu (March 2007)
1017 | 2007 | [1017] - What other sciences look like by Josep M. Colomer (March 2007) [Published in: European Political Science, 6, 2, May 2007]
1016 | 2007 | [1016] - Ownership structure, customer satisfaction and brand equity by Anna Torres and Josep A. Tribó (March 2007; Revised: June 2007)
1015 | 2007 | [1015] - The effects of uncertainty avoidance on brand performance: Marketing creativity, product innovation and the brand duration by Marco S. Giarratana and Anna Torres (February 2007)
1014 | 2007 | [1014] - Generic entry into a regulated pharmaceutical market by Iván Moreno Torres, Jaume Puig and Joan-Ramon Borrell-Arqué (February 2007)
1013 | 2006 | [1013] - On the robust effects of technology shocks on hours worked and output by Fabio Canova, David López-Salido and Claudio Michelacci (November 2006; Revised: February 2008) [Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming; With the title: The Effects of Technology Shocks on Hours and Output: A Robustness Analysis]
1012 | 2006 | [1012] - Schumpeterian technology shocks by Fabio Canova, David Lopez-Salido and Claudio Michelacci (May 2006; Revised: November 2007)
1011 | 2006 | [1011] - Entrepreneurial risk, investment and innovation by Andrea Caggese (December 2006)
1010 | 2006 | [1010] - Financing constraints and fixed-term employment contracts by Andrea Caggese and Vicente Cuñat (June 2006)
1009 | 2003 | [1009] - Testing financing constraints on firm investment using variable capital by Andrea Caggese (February 2003; Revised: August 2006) [Published in: Journal of Financial Economics, núm. 86, pp. 683-723, December 2007]
1008 | 2001 | [1008] - Financing constraints, irreversibility and investment dynamics by Andrea Caggese (June 2001; Revised: August 2006) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, núm. 54, pp. 2102-2130, October 2007]
1007 | 2007 | [1007] - Determinants of linear judgment: A meta-analysis of lens model studies by Natalia Karelaia and Robin Hogarth (February 2007) [Published in: Psychological Bulletin, 134 (3), 404-426, 2008]
1006 | 2007 | [1006] - The biased balance: Observation, formalism and interpretation of a dissymmetric measuring device by Marc Le Menestrel (January 2007)
1005 | 2007 | [1005] - What risks do people perceive in everyday life? A perspective gained from the experience sampling method (ESM) by Robin Hogarth, Mariona Portell and Anna Cuxart (January 2007) [Published in: Risk Analysis, Vol. 27, No.6, 2007 pp. 1427-1439]
1004 | 2007 | [1004] - Asessing public policies. The case of education in Europe and the interaction between personal and institutional factors by Anna Cuxart and Clara Riba (January 2007) [Published in: Torcal, Mariano (ed.). La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión pública y comportamiento políticos. 1 ed. CIS, Madrid, 2010, pp. 85-103; With the title: Las políticas y la formación de la opinión pública. La educación en Europa.]
1003 | 2007 | [1003] - On the impact of fundamentals, liquidity and coordination on market stability by Francisco Peñaranda and Jón Daníelsson (January 2007; Revised: March 2010) [Published in: International Economic Review, 52, pp. 621-638, 2011.]
1002 | 2006 | [1002] - The evolution of adult height in Europe: A brief note by Jaume Garcia Villar and Climent Quintana-Domeque (December 2006; Revised: February 2007) [Published in: Economics and Human Biology; With the title: Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 340-349]
1001 | 2006 | [1001] - Income and body mass index in Europe by Jaume Garcia Villar and Climent Quintana-Domeque (December 2006; Revised: May 2008) [Published in: Economics and Human Biology; With the title: 7, 73 - 83, 2009]
1000 | 2006 | [1000] - Voting after the bombing: Can terrorist attacks change the outcome of democratic elections? by José Garcia Montalvo (December 2006)
999 | 2006 | [999] - Firms vs. insiders as traders of last resort by José M. Marín and Antoni Sureda-Gomila (November 2006)
998 | 2006 | [998] - Sovereign risk and secondary markets by Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (December 2006; Revised: August 2009) [Published in: American Economic Review, 100 (4), 1523-1555, 2010]
997 | 2006 | [997] - Does privatising public service provision reduce accountability? by Matthew Ellman (October 2006)
996 | 2006 | [996] - Quantifying quantitative literacy: Age heaping and the history of human capital by Brian A'Hearn, Jörg Baten and Dorothee Crayen (November 2006)
995 | 2006 | [995] - An assessment of empirical Bayes and composite estimators for small areas by Nicholas Longford (November 2006)
994 | 2006 | [994] - Performance assessment and league tables. Comparing like with like by Nicholas Longford and D. B. Rubin (November 2006)
993 | 2006 | [993] - Health care management autonomy: Evidence from the Catalonian hospital sector in a decentralised Spain by Guillem López, David McDaid and Joan Costa-Font (November 2006) [Published in: Journal of Public Management, forthcoming]
992 | 2006 | [992] - Selling to consumers with endogenous types by Jan Boone and Joel Shapiro (August 2006)
991 | 2006 | [991] - Driver scheduling problem modelling by Rita Portugal, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço and José P. Paixao (November 2006) [Published in: Lourenço H.R., Paixão J.P. and Portugal R. (2009), Driver Scheduling Problem Modelling. Public Transport: Planning and Operations. 1(2):103-120.]
990 | 2006 | [990] - The use of derivatives in the Spanish mutual fund industry by José M. Marín and Thomas A. Rangel (November 2006)
989 | 2006 | [989] - For public service or money: Understanding geographical imbalances in the health workforce in Ethiopia by Pieter Serneels, Magnus Lindelow, José Garcia Montalvo and Abigail Barr (November 2006) [Published in: Health Policy and Planning, forthcoming]
988 | 2006 | [988] - Financial integration, productivity and capital accumulation by Alessandra Bonfiglioli (September 2006)
987 | 2006 | [987] - On the justice of voting systems by Jose Apesteguia, Miguel A. Ballester and Rosa Ferrer (November 2006)
986 | 2006 | [986] - The effect of divorce laws on divorce rates in Europe by Libertad González Luna and Tarja K. Viitanen (October 2006)
985 | 2006 | [985] - Red tape and delayed entry by Antonio Ciccone and Elias Papaioannou (November 2006) [Published in: Journal of European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 5 (2-3), 444-458, 2007]
984 | 2006 | [984] - Organisational innovations and health care decentralisation: A perspective from Spain by Guillem López (November 2006) [Published in: Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law, forthcoming]
983 | 2006 | [983] - Social spending and demographics: The role of public policies in the intergenerational redistribution of income. Empirical evidence from Spain and Catalonia by Guillem López and Ana Mosterin (November 2006) [Published in: Nota d'Economia n. 86, forthcoming]
982 | 2006 | [982] - Adjustment to target capital, finance and growth by Antonio Ciccone and Elias Papaioannou (November 2006)
981 | 2006 | [981] - Entrepreneurial structure of the mercantile company in pre-industrial Catalonia by Lídia Torra (November 2006)
980 | 2006 | [980] - Embodied technical change and the fluctuations of wages and unemployment by Michael Reiter (October 2006)
979 | 2006 | [979] - The impact of tax credits on labour supply by Ghazala Azmat (October 2006; Revised: July 2009)
978 | 2006 | [978] - The impact of Economics on health policy and management in Spain by Vicente Ortún and Ricard Meneu de Guillerna (October 2006) [Published in: Revista Española de Salud Pública 2006; 80(5): 479-92]
977 | 2006 | [977] - Predictability of drug expenditures: An application using morbidity data by Manuel García-Goñi and Pere Ibern (September 2006)
976 | 2006 | [976] - Management information systems: The balanced scorecard in Spanish public universities by Josep Lluís Boned and Llorenç Bagur (August 2006)
975 | 2006 | [975] - IFRS introduction and its effect on listed companies in Spain by Jordi Perramon and Oriol Amat (July 2006)
974 | 2006 | [974] - On heuristic and linear models of judgment: Mapping the demand for knowledge by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (June 2006) [Published in: Psychological Review, 114 (3), 733-758, 2007; With the title: Heuristic and linear models of judgment: Matching rules and environments]
973 | 2006 | [973] - On ignoring scientific evidence: The bumpy road to enlightenment by Robin Hogarth (May 2006) [Published in: In P. M. Todd, G. Gigerenzer, & The ABC Research Group (Eds.), Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press; With the title: When simple is hard to accept]
972 | 2006 | [972] - Solving heterogeneous-agent models by projection and perturbation by Michael Reiter (September 2006)
971 | 2006 | [971] - The structural dynamics of output growth and inflation: some international evidence by Fabio Canova, Luca Gambetti and Evi Pappa (April 2006; Revised: August 2006) [Published in: The Economic Journal; With the title: 117(519), 2007, C167-C191]
970 | 2006 | [970] - Globalization and wage inequality in South and East Asia, and Latin America: A gender approach by Enriqueta Camps, Maria Camou, Silvana Maubrigades and Natalia Mora-Sitja (July 2006)
969 | 2006 | [969] - Improving small area estimation by combining surveys: new perspectives in regional statistics by Albert Satorra, Eva Ventura and Alex Costa (June 2006) [Published in: SORT(Statistics and Operations Research Transactions) 30, 101-122, 2006]
968 | 2006 | [968] - On the short-time behavior of the implied volatility for jump-diffusion models with stochastic volatility by Elisa Alòs, Jorge A. León and Josep Vives (June 2006) [Published in: Finance Stoch (2007) 11: 571- 589]
967 | 2006 | [967] - Protectionist but globalised? Latin American custom duties and trade during the pre-1914 belle époque by M. del Mar Rubio Varas (June 2006)
966 | 2006 | [966] - Award errors and permanent disability benefits in Spain by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, José M. Labeaga and Cristina Vilaplana Prieto (May 2006)
965 | 2006 | [965] - The optimal length of contracts with application to outsourcing by Matthew Ellman (February 2006)
964 | 2006 | [964] - Cost system design and cost management in the Spanish public sector by Josep Lluís Boned, Llorenç Bagur and Mike Tayles (April 2006)
963 | 2006 | [963] - Are Americans' musical preferences more omnivores today? by Jordi López-Sintas, Anna Torres and Konstantina Zerva (April 2006)
962 | 2006 | [962] - The informational value of incumbency by Humberto Llavador and Carmen Beviá (April 2006) [Published in: Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 11 (5):775 - 798, 2009]
961 | 2006 | [961] - Which inflation to target? A small open economy with sticky wages indexed to past inflation by Alessia Campolmi (March 2006)
960 | 2006 | [960] - Spatial market expansion through mergers by Verónica Durán-Carbó, Charles ReVelle and Daniel Serra (March 2006)
959 | 2006 | [959] - Minimum distance estimation of stationary and non-stationary ARFIMA processes by Laura Mayoral (January 2006) [Published in: Econometrics Journal, vol. 10, Issue 1, pg. 124-148, February 2007]
958 | 2005 | [958] - The persistence of inflation in OECD countries: A fractionally integrated approach by Laura Mayoral (February 2005; Revised: October 2005) [Published in: International Journal of Central Banking, nº 4, 2006]
957 | 2005 | [957] - Testing I(1) against I(d) alternatives in the presence of deteministic components by Juan J. Dolado, Jesús Gonzalo and Laura Mayoral (February 2005)
956 | 2005 | [956] - Is the observed persistence spurious? A test for fractional integration versus short memory and structural breaks by Laura Mayoral (October 2005)
955 | 2005 | [955] - Further evidence on the statistical properties of real GNP by Laura Mayoral (May 2005; Revised: February 2006) [Published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2006, vol. 68, issue s1, pp. 901-920]
954 | 2005 | [954] - What is what?: A simple time-domain test of long-memory vs. structural breaks by Juan J. Dolado, Jesús Gonzalo and Laura Mayoral (September 2005)
953 | 2004 | [953] - Increasing returns, imperfect competition and factor prices by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (July 2004; Revised: October 2005) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics 88, 583-598, 2006]
952 | 2006 | [952] - Revealed preference and indifferent selection by Eric Danan (April 2006)
951 | 2006 | [951] - Perceptual mapping of practical ethics along the value chain: A multiple correspondence analysis with industry and cultural indices as supplementary variables by Antonio Ladrón de Guevara, Anna Torres and Josep A. Tribó (March 2006)
950 | 2006 | [950] - Endogenous labor market participation and the business cycle by Christian Haefke and Michael Reiter (March 2006)
949 | 2004 | [949] - On optimal monetary and fiscal policy interactions in open economies by Chiara Forlati (July 2004; Revised: March 2006)
948 | 2006 | [948] - The dog that did not bark: Insider trading and crashes by José M. Marín and Jacques Olivier (March 2006)
947 | 2005 | [947] - Equities and inequality by Alessandra Bonfiglioli (September 2005)
946 | 2004 | [946] - Financial liberalization, bank crises and growth: Assessing the links by Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Caterina Mendicino (October 2004)
945 | 2006 | [945] - Heterogeneous life-cycle profiles, income risk and consumption inequality by Giorgio E. Primiceri and Thijs van Rens (February 2006; Revised: August 2008) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 56 (1), pp. 20-39. January 2009]
944 | 2004 | [944] - Organizational capital and employment fluctuations by Thijs van Rens (November 2004)
943 | 2002 | [943] - Inequality over the business cycle: Estimating income risk using micro-data on consumption by Giorgio Primiceri and Thijs van Rens (July 2002; Revised: October 2004)
942 | 2001 | [942] - Education, growth and income inequality by Coen Teuling and Thijs van Rens (January 2001; Revised: July 2006) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 90 (1), pp. 89-104. February 2008]
941 | 2006 | [941] - Riesz-Nágy singular functions revisited by Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader and Lluís Bibiloni (February 2006) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 329, 1, pp. 592-602, August 2007]
940 | 2006 | [940] - Tying up the loose ends in simple correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre (January 2006) [Published in: A. Rizzi and M. Vichi (eds), Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 2006, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 163 - 186]
939 | 2006 | [939] - Assessing the wellbeing of the Spanish elderly by Michele Boldrin and Sergi Jiménez-Martín (February 2006)
938 | 2006 | [938] - Wage inequality and unemployment with overeducation by Xavier Cuadras Morató and Xavier Mateos-Planas (January 2006)
937 | 2006 | [937] - On information and competition in private value auctions by Juan José Ganuza and José S. Penalva (January 2006; Revised: July 2006)
936 | 2005 | [936] - R&D in the pharmaceutical industry: A world of small innovations by Beatriz Domínguez, Juan José Ganuza and Gerard Llobet (December 2005)
935 | 2005 | [935] - Regulation and opportunism: How much activism do we need? by Aleix Calveras, Juan José Ganuza and Gerard Llobet (September 2005)
934 | 2006 | [934] - Risk aversion and embedding bias by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (January 2006) [Published in: Theory and Decision, Volume 75:4, 465-496, 2013; With the title: "Measuring risk aversion with lists: A new bias"]
933 | 2005 | [933] - Competition, innovation and growth with limited commitment by Ramon Marimon and Vincenzo Quadrini (December 2005)
932 | 2006 | [932] - Averting risk in the face of large losses: Bernoulli vs. Tversky and Kahneman by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (January 2006) [Published in: Economics Letters, Vol. 107, Issue 2, 180-182, 2010.]
931 | 2006 | [931] - Interlocking directorates in Spanish banking in the twentieth century by Francisco J. Pueyo (January 2006) [Published in: Investigaciones de Historia Económica, num. 6, October 2006]
930 | 2002 | [930] - Product market deregulation and the U.S. employment miracle by Monique Ebell and Christian Haefke (December 2002; Revised: January 2006)
929 | 2004 | [929] - Allowing for heterogeneity in the decomposition of measures of inequality in health by Andrew M. Jones and Ángel López (October 2004; Revised: June 2005) [Published in: Journal of Economic Inequality, vol 4(3), pp. 347-365. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-005-9019-z, 2006]
928 | 2005 | [928] - The elusive costs and the immaterial gains of fiscal contraints by Fabio Canova and Evi Pappa (December 2005) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, 90 (8-9), pp. 1391-1414, 2006]
927 | 2005 | [927] - Back to square one: Identification issues in DSGE models by Fabio Canova and Luca Sala (May 2005; Revised: September 2006) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), 2009, 431-449]
926 | 2004 | [926] - Does it cost to be virtuous? The macroeconomic effects of fiscal constraints by Fabio Canova and Evi Pappa (March 2004; Revised: December 2004) [Published in: NBER International Macro Annual 2005; With the title: Clarida, R., Frankel, J., Giavazzi, F. and K. West (eds.) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, 11065]
925 | 2003 | [925] - The transmission of US shocks to Latin America by Fabio Canova (May 2003; Revised: June 2004) [Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20 (2): 229- 251 (2005)]
924 | 2003 | [924] - Similarities and convergence in G-7 cycles by Fabio Canova, Matteo Ciccarelli and Eva Ortega (February 2003; Revised: August 2004) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(3), 2007, 850-878]
923 | 2003 | [923] - Price differentials in monetary unions: The role of fiscal shocks by Fabio Canova and Evi Pappa (June 2003; Revised: June 2005) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 117(520), 2007, 713-737]
922 | 2005 | [922] - Monetary policy in the Euro area: Lessons from 5 years of ECB and implications for Turkey by Fabio Canova and Carlo Favero (March 2005) [Published in: Bacsi, E., Togan, S., and Von Hagen, J. (eds.) 2005, Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession]
921 | 2005 | [921] - The structural dynamics of US output and inflation: What explains the changes? by Luca Gambetti, Evi Pappa and Fabio Canova (June 2005) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40(2-3), 2008, 369-388]
920 | 2002 | [920] - Estimating multi-country VAR models by Fabio Canova and Matteo Ciccarelli (June 2002; Revised: April 2008) [Published in: International Economic Review, 50(3), 2009, 929-961]
919 | 2004 | [919] - What explains the Great Moderation in the US? A structural analysis by Fabio Canova (March 2004; Revised: December 2007) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(4), 2009, 697-721]
918 | 2003 | [918] - Structural changes in the US economy: is there a role for monetary policy? by Fabio Canova and Luca Gambetti (May 2003; Revised: April 2008) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(2), 2009, 477-490]
917 | 2003 | [917] - On Rothschild-Stiglitz as competitive pooling by Alberto Martin (August 2003; Revised: January 2006) [Published in: Economic Theory, 2007, vol. 31, issue 2, pg. 371-386]
916 | 2004 | [916] - Endogenous credit cycles by Alberto Martin (November 2004; Revised: August 2008)
915 | 2005 | [915] - Openness, government size and the terms of trade by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (November 2005; Revised: January 2008) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, 76, 629-668, 2009]
914 | 2005 | [914] - On the role of retaliation in trade agreements by Alberto Martin and Wouter Vergote (June 2005; Revised: April 2008) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 76 (1) 2008, 61-77]
913 | 2000 | [913] - Country portfolios by Aart Kraay, Norman Loayza, Luis Servén and Jaume Ventura (October 2000) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (4), 914-945, 2005]
912 | 2005 | [912] - Real wage rigidities and the new Keynesian model by Olivier Blanchard and Jordi Galí (April 2005; Revised: October 2005) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, supplement to vol. 39, nº1, 2007, 35-66]
911 | 2002 | [911] - Understanding the effects of government spending on consumption by Jordi Galí, J. David López-Salido and Javier Vallés (September 2002; Revised: August 2005)
910 | 2005 | [910] - New evidence on inflation persistence and price stickiness in the Euro area: Implications for macro modelling by Ignazio Angelloni, Luc Aucremanne, Michael Ehrmann, Jordi Galí, Andrew Levin and Frank Smets (September 2005) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 4 (2-3), 562-574, April-May 2006]
909 | 2005 | [909] - Optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a currency union by Jordi Galí and Tommaso Monacelli (October 2005; Revised: February 2008)
908 | 2005 | [908] - Distributional equivalence and subcompositional coherence in the analysis of contingency tables, ratio-scale measurements and compositional data by Michael Greenacre and Paul Lewi (December 2005; Revised: August 2007) [Published in: Journal of Classification, 2009, 26, pp. 29-54]
907 | 2005 | [907] - Existence of sparsely supported correlated equilibria by Fabrizio Germano and Gábor Lugosi (October 2005; Revised: April 2006) [Published in: Economic Theory (2007) 32: 575-578]
906 | 2005 | [906] - The impact of generic reference pricing interventions in the statin market by Jaume Puig (December 2005)
905 | 2003 | [905] - Hypothesis on immigration and welfare by Pilar García Gómez and Guillem López (September 2003; Revised: October 2005) [Published in: Moneda y Crédito, 2006]
904 | 2005 | [904] - Country portfolios and the Solow-model by Volker Reinthaler (September 2005)
903 | 2005 | [903] - Satisfaction in choice as a function of the number of alternatives: When "goods satiate" but "bads escalate" by Elena Reutskaja and Robin Hogarth (November 2005; Revised: May 2006)
902 | 2005 | [902] - Human capital, the structure of production and growth by Antonio Ciccone and Elias Papaioannou (November 2005) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 91 (1), 66-82, 2009]
901 | 2005 | [901] - Credit card debt puzzles by Michael Haliassos and Michael Reiter (November 2005)
900 | 2005 | [900] - Voting with preferences over margins of victory by Humberto Llavador (October 2005; Revised: November 2006) [Published in: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 56(3):355-365, 2008]
899 | 2005 | [899] - Price regulation of plastic money: A critical assessment of Spanish rules by Benito Arruñada (October 2005) [Published in: European Business Organization Law Review, 2005, 6(4), 625-50]
898 | 2005 | [898] - A sequential model for older workers’ labor transitions after a health shock by Sergi Jiménez-Martín, José M. Labeaga and Cristina Vilaplana Prieto (October 2005) [Published in: Health Economics. 15: 1033 - 1054 (2006)]
897 | 2005 | [897] - Body size, activity, employment and wages in Europe: A first approach by Jaume Garcia Villar and Climent Quintana (August 2005; Revised: May 2006) [Published in: Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Vol. 17, 187-217, Elsevier JAI, 2007; With the title: Obesity, employment and wages in Europe]
896 | 2002 | [896] - Endogenous constitutions by Davide Ticchi and Andrea Vindigni (February 2002; Revised: September 2005)
895 | 2005 | [895] - Cumulative dominance and heuristic performance in binary multi-attribute choice by Manel Baucells, Juan A. Carrasco and Robin Hogarth (September 2005) [Published in: Operations Research, 56 (5), 1289-1304, 2008]
894 | 2005 | [894] - Portable alphas from pension mispricing by José M. Marín and Francesco Franzoni (October 2005) [Published in: Journal of Portfolio Management, pp. 44-53, Summer 2006]
893 | 2006 | [893] - Building an honest microfinance organization: Embezzlement and the optimality of rigid repayment schedules and joint liability by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (January 2006)
892 | 2005 | [892] - The gender bias and children's work: Spain, Latin America and Developing countries in a long run comparative perspective by Enriqueta Camps (September 2005; Revised: January 2016)
891 | 2005 | [891] - The impact of women's educational and economic resources on fertility. Spanish birth cohorts 1901-1950 by Pau Baizán and Enriqueta Camps (September 2005) [Published in: Angelique Janssens (ed.) Gendering the Fertility Decline in the Western World, New York et alt., Peter Lang, 2007]
890 | 2004 | [890] - Stabilization versus insurance: Welfare effects of procyclical taxation under incomplete markets by James S. Costain and Michael Reiter (November 2004; Revised: August 2005)
889 | 2005 | [889] - Drivers and sources of supply flexibility: An exploratory study by Elcio Mendonça Tachizawa and Cristina Giménez (September 2005) [Published in: International Journal of Operations and Production Managemement (2007) Vol.27 No.10]
888 | 2005 | [888] - The role of Mexico in the first oil shortage: 1918-1922, an international perspective by M. del Mar Rubio Varas (September 2005) [Published in: Revista de Historia Económica, Madrid, Fundación Empresa Pública, vol. 24 (2006), 1, pp. 69-96]
887 | 2005 | [887] - Computation of multiple correspondence analysis, with code in R by Michael Greenacre and Oleg Nenadic (September 2005) [Published in: Journal of Statistic Software, Vol. 20, Issue 3, Feb 2007]
886 | 2005 | [886] - Notes on stochastic choice by Andreu Mas-Colell (October 2005) [Published in: Fiscal Fragmentation in Decentralized Countries. Subsidiarity, Solidarity and Asymmetry, R. Bird and R. Ebel (ed.), Edward Elgar, Northampton, 2007]
885 | 2005 | [885] - The gain-loss asymmetry and single-self preferences by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (September 2005) [Published in: Advances in Mathematical Economics, Toru Maruyama, editor, Springer Verlag, Tokyo, 2006]
884 | 2005 | [884] - Geographical deviations in foreign trade statistics: A study into European trade with Latin American Countries, 1925 by Anna Carreras-Marín and Marc Badia-Miró (July 2005)
883 | 2005 | [883] - From correspondence analysis to multiple and joint correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre (September 2005) [Published in: chapter 2 of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006]
882 | 2005 | [882] - Ambiguity seeking as a result of the status quo bias by Mercè Roca, Robin Hogarth and A. John Maule (September 2005; Revised: June 2006) [Published in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 32, Number 3, May 2006, pp. 175-194]
881 | 2005 | [881] - Multiple correspondence analysis of a subset of response categories by Michael Greenacre and Rafael Pardo (August 2005) [Published in: chapter 8 of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006]
880 | 2005 | [880] - A note on the Malliavin differentiability of the Heston volatility by Elisa Alòs and Christian-Olivier Ewald (August 2005)
879 | 2005 | [879] - On the accuracy of Latin American trade statistics: A nonparametric test for 1925 by M. del Mar Rubio Varas and Mauricio Folchi (July 2005)
878 | 2005 | [878] - The overhang hangover by Jean Imbs and Romain Rancière (June 2005)
877 | 2005 | [877] - Manipulation of earnings reports in Spain - some evidence by Oriol Amat, Catherine Gowthorpe and Jordi Perramon (July 2005) [Published in: The Journal of Applied Accounting Research, ISSN: 0967-5426, 2007, vol. 8 (iii), october, pp.93-115.]
876 | 2005 | [876] - The determinants of the prevalence of single mothers: A cross-country analysis by Libertad González Luna (July 2005)
875 | 2005 | [875] - Money and prices in models of bounded rationality in high inflation economies by Albert Marcet and Juan Pablo Nicolini (January 2005) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics 8 (2005) 452 - 479]
874 | 2005 | [874] - Why did modern trade fairs appear? by Albert Carreras and Lídia Torra (June 2005)
873 | 2005 | [873] - Capital goods imports and investments in Latin America in the mid 1920s by Xavier Tafunell and Albert Carreras (June 2005)
872 | 2003 | [872] - Business cycles, unemployment insurance and the calibration of matching models by James S. Costain and Michael Reiter (June 2003; Revised: October 2006)
871 | 2005 | [871] - Pension plan funding and stock market efficiency by Francesco Franzoni and José M. Marín (June 2005) [Published in: The Journal of Finance, Volume 61, Number 2, April 2006, pp. 921-956(36)]
870 | 2005 | [870] - The curse of aid by Simeon Djankov, José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (April 2005)
869 | 2005 | [869] - Is lumpy investment really irrelevant for the business cycle? by Tommy Sveen and Lutz Weinke (June 2005)
868 | 2005 | [868] - Energy as an indicator of modernisation in Latin America by 1925 by M. del Mar Rubio Varas and Mauricio Folchi (May 2005)
867 | 2005 | [867] - Value and depreciation of mineral resources over the very long run: An empirical contrast of different methods by M. del Mar Rubio Varas (May 2005)
866 | 2002 | [866] - Fiscal decentralization in Spain: An asymmetric transition to democracy by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (March 2002) [Published in: Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Maintaining an Effective State in Diverse Countries, Richard Bird editor, World Bank, 2005]
865 | 2004 | [865] - Why do differences in the degree of fiscal decentralization endure? by Xavier Calsamiglia, Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (August 2004)
864 | 2003 | [864] - When in peril, retrench: Testing the portfolio channel of contagion by Fernando Broner, R. Gaston Gelos and Carmen M. Reinhart (October 2003; Revised: May 2005) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 69 (1), 2006, 203-230]
863 | 2001 | [863] - Determining underlying macroeconomic fundamentals during emerging market crises: Are conditions as bad as they seem? by Mark Aguiar and Fernando Broner (August 2001; Revised: August 2004) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (4), 2006, 699-724]
862 | 2004 | [862] - Why are capital flows so much more volatile in emerging than in developed countries? by Fernando Broner and Roberto Rigobon (October 2004) [Published in: External Financial Vulnerability and Preventive Policies. R. Caballero, C. Calderón, and L. Céspedes (eds.). Eighth Annual Conference of the Central Bank of Chile, 2006]
861 | 2004 | [861] - Riding the South Sea bubble by Peter Temin and Joachim Voth (December 2004) [Published in: American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 94(5), pp. 1654-1668, December 2004]
860 | 2005 | [860] - Private borrowing during the financial revolution: Hoare’s Bank and its customers, 1702-1724 by Peter Temin and Joachim Voth (May 2005) [Published in: Economic History Review, August 2008, 61 (3), pp. 541-564.]
859 | 2004 | [859] - Credit rationing and crowding out during the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from Hoare's Bank, 1702-1862 by Peter Temin and Joachim Voth (February 2004; Revised: January 2005) [Published in: Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 42(3), pp. 325-348, July 2005]
858 | 2005 | [858] - Interest rate restrictions in a natural experiment: loan allocation and the change in the usury laws in 1714 by Joachim Voth and Peter Temin (May 2005) [Published in: Economic Journal, April 2008, 118, pp. 743-758]
857 | 2005 | [857] - Why England? Demand, growth and inequality during the Industrial Revolution by Nico Voigtländer and Joachim Voth (May 2005; Revised: December 2006) [Published in: Journal of Economic Growth, 2006: 319-361]
856 | 2002 | [856] - Credit derivatives in emerging markets by Romain Rancière (April 2002)
855 | 2004 | [855] - Financial development, financial fragility and growth by Norman Loayza and Romain Rancière (September 2004)
854 | 2002 | [854] - Systemic crises and growth by Romain Rancière, Aaron Tornell and Frank Westermann (May 2002; Revised: November 2004)
853 | 2001 | [853] - Banks, liquidity crises and economic growth by Alejandro Gaytan and Romain Rancière (August 2001; Revised: May 2003)
852 | 2002 | [852] - Crises and growth: A re-evaluation by Romain Rancière, Aaron Tornell and Frank Westermann (May 2002; Revised: September 2003)
851 | 2004 | [851] - Wealth, financial intermediation and growth by Alejandro Gaytan and Romain Rancière (January 2004; Revised: April 2004)
850 | 2005 | [850] - Productivity growth and the exchange rate regime: The role of financial development by Philippe Aghion, Philippe Bacchetta, Romain Rancière and Kenneth Rogoff (May 2005)
849 | 2005 | [849] - A global view of economic growth by Jaume Ventura (March 2005) [Published in: Handbook of Economic Growth, vol. 1B, Philippe Aghion and Steven N. Durlauf (eds.), 2005 Elsevier B. V.]
848 | 2003 | [848] - Economic growth with bubbles by Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura (November 2003; Revised: September 2011) [Published in: American Economic Review, 102 (6), 3033-3058, October 2012]
847 | 2005 | [847] - The dot-com bubble, the Bush deficits and the US current account by Jaume Ventura and Aart Kraay (June 2005; Revised: December 2005) [Published in: G7 Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment, R. Clarida (eds.), 2007, The University of Chicago Press]
846 | 2002 | [846] - Bubbles and capital flows by Jaume Ventura (October 2002; Revised: March 2010) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2), 738-758, 2012]
845 | 2001 | [845] - Comparative advantage and the cross-section of business cycles by Aart Kray and Jaume Ventura (January 2001) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 5 (6), 1300-1333, 2007]
844 | 2004 | [844] - Stable sunspot equilibria in a cash-in-advance economy by George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja and Ramon Marimon (February 2004; Revised: July 2005)
843 | 1999 | [843] - Aggregate consequences of limited contract enforceability by Thomas Cooley, Ramon Marimon and Vicenzo Quadrini (June 1999; Revised: October 2003) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 2004, v.112(4), 817 - 847]
842 | 2004 | [842] - Strategic delegation in monetary unions by V.V. Chari, Larry E. Jones and Ramon Marimon (April 2004) [Published in: The Manchester School, 2004, v.72(s1) 19-33]
841 | 2003 | [841] - Nominal debt as a burden on monetary policy by Javier Díaz-Giménez, Giorgia Giovannetti, Ramon Marimon and Pedro Teles (January 2003; Revised: January 2006)
840 | 1999 | [840] - On the timing of balance of payments crises: Disaggregated information and interest rate policy by Fernando Broner (December 1999; Revised: February 2002)
839 | 2003 | [839] - Discrete devaluations and multiple equilibria in a first generation model of currency crises by Fernando Broner (November 2003; Revised: January 2007) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (3), 2008, 592-605.]
838 | 2003 | [838] - Why do emerging economies borrow short term? by Fernando Broner, Guido Lorenzoni and Sergio L. Schmukler (August 2003; Revised: December 2011) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 11 (S1), 2013, 67-100]
837 | 2005 | [837] - Globalization and risk sharing by Fernando Broner and Jaume Ventura (October 2005; Revised: April 2009) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 49-82, 2011]
836 | 2005 | [836] - Markups, gaps and the welfare costs of business fluctuations by Jordi Galí, Mark Gertler and J. David López-Salido (May 2005) [Published in: The Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2007, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 44-59]
835 | 2004 | [835] - Monetary policy and exchange rate volatility in a small open economy by Jordi Galí and Tommaso Monacelli (July 2004) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 72, 707-734, 2005]
834 | 2003 | [834] - North-south trade and directed technical change by Gino Gancia (May 2003; Revised: May 2006) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 76, 276-296, 2008]
833 | 2004 | [833] - The skill bias of world trade by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (November 2004; Revised: March 2007) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 118, 927-960, July 2008]
832 | 2002 | [832] - Trade, migration and regional unemployment by Paolo Epifani and Gino Gancia (March 2002; Revised: November 2003) [Published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics 35, 625-644, 2005]
831 | 2005 | [831] - Horizontal innovation in the theory of growth and development by Gino Gancia and Fabrizio Zilibotti (January 2005) [Published in: Handbook of Economic Growth, Philippe Aghion and Steve Durlauf editors, 2005]
830 | 2004 | [830] - Modern perspectives on stabilization policies by Jordi Galí (October 2004; Revised: August 2005) [Published in: CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 51, 587-599, 4/2005]
829 | 2005 | [829] - Trends in hours, balanced growth and the role of technology in the business cycle by Jordi Galí (January 2005) [Published in: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 87(4), pp. 459-86, July/August 2005]
828 | 2005 | [828] - Regions of rationality: Maps for bounded agents by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (April 2005; Revised: March 2006) [Published in: Decision Analysis, 3(3), 124-144, 2006]
827 | 2005 | [827] - Managing competition in professional services and the burden of inertia by Benito Arruñada (May 2005) [Published in: Claus-Dieter Ehlermann e Isabela Atanasiu, eds., European Competition Law Annual 2004: The Relationship between Competition Law and the (Liberal) Professions, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2006, pp. 51-71]
826 | 2005 | [826] - The effect of university culture and stakeholders' perceptions on university-business linking activities by Jeannine Horowitz Gassol (May 2005)
825 | 2005 | [825] - The illusion of control, the structures of prizes and the demand for football pools in Spain by Jaume Garcia Villar and Plácido Rodríguez (April 2005) [Published in: Journal of Sports Economics, 2007, volume 8, number 4, p. 335-354; With the title: The Demand for Football Pools in Spain. The Role of Price, Prizes and the Composition of the Coupon]
824 | 2005 | [824] - Reverse logistics in the editorial sector: An exploratory study by Cristina Giménez, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço and Juan Pablo Soto (April 2005)
823 | 2005 | [823] - Medición de las preferencias de los consumidores sobre el comportamiento socialmente responsable de las empresas by Daniel Fernández-Kranz and Anna Merino (January 2005)
822 | 2005 | [822] - Human nature and institutional analysis by Benito Arruñada (March 2005; Revised: September 2008) [Published in: New Institutional Economics: A Guidebook, Cambridge University Press, E. Brousseau and J.-M. Glachant, eds., Cambridge, 2008, pp. 81-99]
821 | 2005 | [821] - Geographical effects on the accuracy of textile trade data:an international approach for 1913 by Anna Carreras (March 2005)
820 | 2005 | [820] - Regulating financial conglomerates by Xavier Freixas, Gyöngyi Lóránth and Alan D. Morrison (March 2005)
819 | 2003 | [819] - A one-shot Prisoners’ Dilemma with procedural utility by Marc Le Menestrel (June 2003)
818 | 2005 | [818] - Single mothers and incentives to work: The French experience by Libertad González Luna (March 2005) [Published in: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 22, 3, pàg. 447-468, setembre 2008; With the title: Single Mothers, Welfare, and Incentives to Work]
817 | 2005 | [817] - Policy making in divided government. A pivotal actors model with party discipline by Josep M. Colomer (March 2005) [Published in: Public Choice, 125, 3-4, pp. 247-269, 2005]
816 | 2005 | [816] - Subcontracting and vertical integration in the Spanish cotton industry by Joan Ramon Rosés (March 2005)
815 | 2004 | [815] - Immigration and the survival of the welfare state by Francesc Ortega (December 2004)
814 | 2005 | [814] - On the origins of electoral systems and political parties. The role of elections in multi-member districts by Josep M. Colomer (March 2005) [Published in: Electoral Studies, 26, 1, 2007]
813 | 2005 | [813] - The left-right dimension in Latin America by Josep M. Colomer (March 2005) [Published in: Desarrollo Económico, 44, 177, pp. 123-136, 2005; With the title: La dimensión izquierda-derecha en América Latina]
812 | 2005 | [812] - It's parties that choose electoral systems (or Duverger's Law upside down) by Josep M. Colomer (March 2005) [Published in: Political Studies, 53, 1, pp. 1-21, 2005]
811 | 2005 | [811] - Circulation of private notes during a currency shortage by Xavier Cuadras Morató (March 2005)
810 | 2005 | [810] - La evaluación del gasto sanitario en España en sus niveles y determinantes by Guillem López (February 2005) [Published in: Ed. Masson, 2005; With the title: Chapter in Mas Recursos para la Salud?]
809 | 2005 | [809] - Drug utilization studies and data registries in primary care by Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Anselmo López Cabañas, Antonio Cabeza Mora, José Antonio Díaz Berenguer, Vicente Ortún and Fayna Álamo Santana (February 2005) [Published in: Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 67, pp 161-189, 2005]
808 | 2005 | [808] - A simple access pricing rule to achieve the Ramsey outcome for interconnected networks by Doh-Shin Jeon (February 2005; Revised: September 2005)
807 | 2005 | [807] - Drug innovation, prices and health by Vicente Ortún, Jaume Puig and María Callejón (January 2005) [Published in: González B (ed): Difusión de nuevas tecnologías sanitarias y políticas públicas. Barcelona: Masson, 2005, pp. 173-193]
806 | 2005 | [806] - Teaching metaheuristics in business schools by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (January 2005) [Published in: AIRO News, IX, n.1, Spring 2004, pp. 4-7]
805 | 2005 | [805] - Money, fame and the allocation of talent: Brain drain and the institution of science by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (February 2005; Revised: August 2005)
804 | 2004 | [804] - Measuring strategic uncertainty in coordination games by Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel and Peter Ockenfels (December 2004)
803 | 2005 | [803] - Long term debt with hidden borrowing by Heski Bar-Isaac and Vicente Cuñat (January 2005)
802 | 2004 | [802] - Interbank comptetition with costly screening by Xavier Freixas, Sjaak Hurkens, Alan D. Morrison and Nir Vulkan (November 2004)
801 | 2004 | [801] - Market institutions and judicial rulemaking by Benito Arruñada and Veneta Andonova (December 2004) [Published in: Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Dordrecht, Springer, 2005, 229-250]
800 | 2004 | [800] - What do the papers sell? by Matthew Ellman and Fabrizio Germano (December 2004; Revised: February 2006) [Published in: Economic Journal, 119, 537, pp. 680-704. 2009; With the title: What do the papers sell? A model of advertising and media bias]
799 | 2004 | [799] - Specificity revisited: The role of cross-investments by Matthew Ellman (November 2004; Revised: January 2005) [Published in: Journal of Law Economics and Organization, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2006]
798 | 2005 | [798] - Resolving inconsistencies in utility measurement under risk: Tests of generalizations of expected utility by Han Bleichrodt, José María Abellán-Perpiñan, JoséLuis Pinto and Ildefonso Méndez-Martínez (January 2005)
797 | 2004 | [797] - Responsabilidad social corporativa. Una visión desde la teoría económica by Aleix Calveras and Juan José Ganuza (September 2004)
796 | 2004 | [796] - The donor problem by Klaus Abbink and Matthew Ellman (October 2004; Revised: January 2005)
795 | 2004 | [795] - Downsizing, job insecurity and firm reputation by Doh-Shin Jeon and Joel Shapiro (November 2004)
794 | 2004 | [794] - Biased representation of homothetic preferences on homogeneous sets by Marc Le Menestrel and Bertrand Lemaire (November 2004) [Published in: Theory and Decision, 60: 207-217, 2006; With the title: Ratio-scale measurement with intransitivity or incompleteness: the homogeneous case]
793 | 2004 | [793] - Homothetic interval orders by Bertrand Lemaire and Marc Le Menestrel (January 2004) [Published in: Discrete Mathematics, 306, 1669-1683, 2006]
792 | 2004 | [792] - Turbulence and unemployment in a job matching model by Wouter J. Den Haan, Christian Haefke and Garey Ramey (November 2004) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (2005), 6 (December), pp. 1360-1385]
791 | 2004 | [791] - Subset correspondence analysis: Visualizing relationships among a selected set of response categories from a questionnaire survey by Michael Greenacre and Rafael Pardo (November 2004) [Published in: Sociological Methods and Research, 2006, 35, 193-218]
790 | 2004 | [790] - The European Social Survey. Methodological aspects by Anna Cuxart and Clara Riba (October 2004) [Published in: Torcal Mariano; Pérez-Nievas, Santiago y Morales, Laura (eds.), Colección Ciencia Política, nº 18, p. 21-40, 2005, Ed. Tirant Lo Blanc, València; With the title: Aspectos metodológicos de la Encuesta Social Europea, en España: Sociedad y política en perspectiva comparada. Un análisis de la primera ola de la Encuesta Social Europea]
789 | 2004 | [789] - Biased quantitative measurement of interval ordered homothetic preferences by Marc Le Menestrel and Bertrand Lemaire (July 2004) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 570-581, 2006; With the title: Biased Extensive Measurement: The General Case]
788 | 2004 | [788] - Global Nash convergence of Foster and Young's regret testing by Fabrizio Germano and Gábor Lugosi (October 2004) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior (2007) 60: 135-154]
787 | 2001 | [787] - Moral hazard and dynamics of insider ownership stakes by Branko Urosevic (February 2001; Revised: October 2004)
786 | 2004 | [786] - Overconfidence and market efficiency with heterogeneous agents by Diego Garcia, Francesco Sangiorgi and Branko Urosevic (October 2004) [Published in: Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 30(2), pp. 313-336, February, 2007]
785 | 2004 | [785] - Noise and aggregation of information in large markets by Diego García and Branko Urosevic (October 2004)
784 | 2003 | [784] - On the valuation and incentive effects of executive cash bonus contracts by Lionel Martellini and Branko Urosevic (December 2003) [Published in: Managerial Finance, Vol. 31, No. 7. (July 2005), pp. 27-53]
783 | 2004 | [783] - Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibrium by Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (October 2004) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 57, Num. 2, p. 286-303, Nov. 2006]
782 | 2004 | [782] - The changing relationship between tax and financial reporting in Spain by Christopher Nobes, Ester Oliveras and Xavier Puig (October 2004) [Published in: Accounting in Europe, Volume 2, pp. 195-207, 2005]
781 | 2004 | [781] - Reporting intellectual capital in Spain by Ester Oliveras and Yulia Kasperskaya (October 2004)
780 | 2004 | [780] - Firm-specific investment, sticky prices and the Taylor principle by Tommy Sveen and Lutz Weinke (October 2004) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 123, No. 1, pp 21-39, July 2005]
779 | 2004 | [779] - Ethical differentiation and market behavior: An experimental approach by Julian Rode, Robin Hogarth and Marc Le Menestrel (October 2004; Revised: May 2006) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 66, 265-280, 2008]
778 | 2004 | [778] - Excess entry, ambiguity seeking and competence: An experimental investigation by Daniela Grieco and Robin Hogarth (October 2004)
777 | 2004 | [777] - Weighted metric multidimensional scaling by Michael Greenacre (September 2004)
776 | 2004 | [776] - On a series of Goldbach and Euler by Lluís Bibiloni, Pelegrí Viader and Jaume Paradís (September 2004) [Published in: American Mathematical Monthly 113 (3) pp 206-220; With the title: On a Series of Goldbach and Euler]
775 | 2004 | [775] - Fermat's treatise on quadrature: A new reading by Jaume Paradís, Josep Pla and Pelegrí Viader (September 2004) [Published in: Revue d'histoire des mathématiques 14, fascicule 1 (2008), 1-49; With the title: Fermat's method of quadrature]
774 | 2004 | [774] - Long-run selection and the work ethic by Jens Josephson and Karl Wärneryd (September 2004)
773 | 2004 | [773] - Pitfalls in the modeling of forward-looking price setting and investment decisions by Tommy Sveen and Lutz Weinke (September 2004) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics; With the title: Lumpy Investment, Sticky Prices, and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism]
772 | 2003 | [772] - Competition and cost overruns in procurement by Juan José Ganuza (October 2003)
771 | 2004 | [771] - Book vs. fair value accounting in banking and intertemporal smoothing by Xavier Freixas and Dimitrios P. Tsomocos (September 2004)
770 | 2004 | [770] - Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil wars by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (July 2004; Revised: March 2005) [Published in: American Economic Review, 95 (3), pp. 796 - 816, 2005]
769 | 2004 | [769] - E-supply chain management: Review, implications and directions for future research by Cristina Giménez and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (September 2004; Revised: May 2007) [Published in: Giménez C. and Lourenço H.R. (2008), e-SCM: Internet’s impact on Supply Chain Processes. International Journal of Logistics Management 19(3): 309-343. ISSN 0957-4093.]
768 | 2004 | [768] - Judges' cognition and market order by Benito Arruñada and Veneta Andonova (July 2004; Revised: January 2008) [Published in: Review of Law and Economics, 4(2), 2008, 665-92]
767 | 2004 | [767] - Determinants of organizational form: Transaction costs and institutions in the European trucking industry by Benito Arruñada, Manuel González and Alberto Fernández (June 2004) [Published in: Industrial and Corporate Change, 13 (6), pp. 867-882, 2004.]
766 | 2001 | [766] - Fighting against Malaria: Prevent wars while waiting for the "miraculous" vaccine by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (September 2001; Revised: January 2006)
765 | 2003 | [765] - Trade, extent of the market and economic growth 1960-1996 by Francisco Alcalá and Antonio Ciccone (February 2003; Revised: December 2003)
764 | 2004 | [764] - Long-run substitutability between more and less educated workers: Evidence from U.S. States 1950-1990 by Antonio Ciccone and Giovanni Peri (June 2004) [Published in: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 87, No. 4 , pp. 652-663, November 2005]
763 | 2004 | [763] - The effects of structural reforms on productivity and profitability enhancing reallocation: Evidence from Colombia by Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler and Maurice Kugler (May 2004) [Published in: Journal of Development Economics , 75, 2, (Dec. 2004), pp. 333-371]
762 | 2004 | [762] - Regulatory ambivalence and the limitations of pharmaceutical policy in Spain by Joan Costa and Jaume Puig (June 2004) [Published in: Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics & POlicy 2005;13(4): 33-49]
761 | 2004 | [761] - Stochastic evolution of rules for playing normal form games by Fabrizio Germano (June 2004) [Published in: Theory and Decision (2007) 62: 311-333]
760 | 2004 | [760] - Conflicts of interest, information provision and competition in banking by Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas and Joel Shapiro (June 2004) [Published in: Journal of Financial Economics, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online February 2006]
759 | 2003 | [759] - Optimal negligence rule under limited liability by Juan José Ganuza and Fernando Gómez (March 2003; Revised: May 2004)
758 | 2004 | [758] - Socio-economic inequalities in health in Catalonia by Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López (March 2004; Revised: October 2005) [Published in: Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 175-4, pp. 103-122, 2005]
757 | 2004 | [757] - Regional differences in socio-economic health inequalities in Spain by Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López (March 2004; Revised: October 2004)
756 | 2004 | [756] - The evolution of inequity in the access to health care in Spain: 1987-2001 by Pilar García Gómez and Ángel López (March 2004; Revised: October 2006) [Published in: Research in Economic Inequality Vol 15, (2007), forthcoming; With the title: Public and Private Health Insurance and the Utilisation of Health Care in Spain]
755 | 2004 | [755] - Location models in the public sector by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (May 2004) [Published in: in Z. Drezner and H. Hamacher (eds.). New York: Springer, 2002, 119-144.; With the title: Facility Location: Applications and Theory]
754 | 2004 | [754] - Patentes, regulación de precios e innovación en la industria farmacéutica by Vicente Ortún (May 2004) [Published in: Cuadernos económicos de ICE 2004, 67, pp. 191-207]
753 | 2004 | [753] - Location models for ceding market share and shrinking services by Charles ReVelle, Alan T. Murray and Daniel Serra (May 2004)
752 | 2004 | [752] - El impacto de los servicios sanitarios sobre la salud by Vicente Ortún, Ricard Meneu and Salvador Peiró (May 2004) [Published in: Junoy G., lópez G., Ortún V. ¿Más recursos para la salud? Barcelona: Masson, 2004, pp. 173-204]
751 | 2004 | [751] - The challenge of representative design in psychology and economics by Robin Hogarth (May 2004; Revised: January 2005) [Published in: Journal of Economic Methodology, 12 (2), 253-263, 2005]
750 | 2004 | [750] - Strike outcomes and wage settlements in Spain by Sergi Jiménez-Martín (April 2004) [Published in: Labour, 20 (4), 673-698 (2006)]
749 | 2004 | [749] - Creative accounting: Nature, incidence and ethical issues by Oriol Amat and Catherine Gowthorpe (April 2004)
748 | 2004 | [748] - Creative accounting: Some ethical issues of macro- and micro-manipulation by Catherine Gowthorpe and Oriol Amat (April 2004) [Published in: Journal of Business Ethics, 2005, vol. 57, núm. 1, pp. 55-64]
747 | 2004 | [747] - La gestión sanitaria: orientaciones a futuro para el cambio organizativo, del control y la financiación by Guillem López (April 2004) [Published in: Cuadernos de Informacion Economica, abril 2004]
746 | 2004 | [746] - The effects of poor financial information systems on the long term sustainability of local public services. Empirical evidence from the Catalan Municipalities by Eugeni Garcia Alegre and Guillem López (April 2004) [Published in: Jounal of Urban Economics, April 2006]
745 | 2004 | [745] - Diversity and regional inequalities: Assessing the outcomes of the Spanish 'System of Health Care Services' by Guillem López, Joan Costa-Font and Ivan Planas (April 2004) [Published in: Health Economics 14: S221 - S235, 2005]
744 | 2004 | [744] - What form of relative performance evaluation? by Marco Celentani and Rosa Loveira-Pazó (January 2004) [Published in: Review of Economyc Dynamics, Vol 9, 525-540, 2006; With the title: A Simple Explanation of the Relative Performance Evaluation Puzzle]
743 | 2004 | [743] - Protestants and Catholics: Similar work ethic, different social ethic by Benito Arruñada (March 2004; Revised: September 2010) [Published in: The Economic Journal, 2010, 120 (547), 890-918.]
742 | 2004 | [742] - Ignoring information in binary choice with continuous variables: When is less 'more'? by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (February 2004; Revised: October 2004) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49, pp. 115-124, 2005]
741 | 2004 | [741] - A test of the predictive validity of non-linear QALY models using time trade-off utilities by José Mª Abellán, José Luis Pinto, Ildefonso Méndez and Xabier Badía (February 2004)
740 | 2004 | [740] - A generalization of Hull and White formula and applications to option pricing approximation by Elisa Alòs (February 2004) [Published in: Finance and Stochastics, 10, 353-365, 2006]
739 | 2004 | [739] - Simple models for multi-attribute choice with many alternatives: When it does and does not pay to face tradeoffs with binary attributes by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (February 2004; Revised: April 2005) [Published in: Management Science, Vol. 51 (2005), No 12, pp. 1860-1872]
738 | 2004 | [738] - Compensating wage differentials and voluntary job changes: Evidence from West Germany by Ernesto Villanueva (January 2004)
737 | 2004 | [737] - Finite mixture analysis of beauty-contest data using generalised beta distributions by Antoni Bosch-Domènech, José Garcia Montalvo, Rosemarie Nagel and Albert Satorra (January 2004; Revised: May 2010) [Published in: Experimental Economics, Vol. 13(4), 461-475, 2010.]
736 | 2004 | [736] - Solving a concrete sleepers production scheduling by genetic algorithms by M. E. Pérez-Vázquez, A. M. Gento-Municio and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (January 2004) [Published in: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 179, Issue 3, 16 June 2007, Pages 605-620]
735 | 2004 | [735] - How to recognize opportunities: Heterarchical search in a Wall Street trading room by Daniel Beunza Ibáñez and David Stark (January 2004; Revised: September 2005) [Published in: K. Knorr Cetina et A. Preda (ed.), The sociology of financial markets, Oxford University Press, October 2004]
734 | 2004 | [734] - Resolving identities: Successive crises in a trading room after 9/11 by Daniel Beunza Ibáñez and David Stark (January 2004; Revised: September 2005)
733 | 2004 | [733] - Security analysts as frame-makers by Daniel Beunza Ibáñez and Raghu Garud (January 2004; Revised: September 2005)
732 | 2003 | [732] - Ethics and creative accounting: Some empirical evidence on accounting for intangibles in Spain by Ester Oliveras and Oriol Amat (December 2003)
731 | 2003 | [731] - Using composite estimators to improve both domain and total area estimation by Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra and Eva Ventura (December 2003) [Published in: SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 28, 1, (2004), pp. 69-86]
730 | 2003 | [730] - Partisan competition, growth and the franchise by Humberto Llavador and Robert Oxoby (December 2003; Revised: September 2004) [Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.120(3):1155-1189, 2005]
729 | 2003 | [729] - The persistence of abnormal returns at industry and firm levels by Juan Carlos Bou and Albert Satorra (November 2003)
728 | 2003 | [728] - Associationism and electoral participation: A multilevel study of 2000 Spanish general election by Clara Riba and Anna Cuxart (November 2003) [Published in: 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, actas, ISBN 84-8409-955-5, pags.585-604, Lleida 2003]
727 | 2003 | [727] - Exact and approximate stepdown methods for multiple hypothesis testing by Joseph Romano and Michael Wolf (December 2003) [Published in: Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, 94-108, 2005]
726 | 2002 | [726] - Product market deregulation and labor market outcomes by Monique Ebell and Christian Haefke (December 2002; Revised: December 2003)
725 | 2003 | [725] - Inventory-routing model, for a multi-period problem with stochastic and deterministic demand by Rita Ribeiro and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (November 2003) [Published in: Proceeding of the Decision Sciences Institute International Conference, IESE, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, pp. 403-414]
724 | 2003 | [724] - Multi-period vendor managed inventory systems by Rita Ribeiro and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (December 2003) [Published in: Proceedings of The Second Spanish Congress in Metaheuristics, Evolutive and Bioinspired Algorithms, Gijón, Spain, February 5-7, pp. 257-265]
723 | 2003 | [723] - Strategies for an integrated distribution problem by Rita Ribeiro and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (November 2003)
722 | 2003 | [722] - Effects of employment protection and product market regulations on the Italian labor market by Adriana Kugler and Giovanni Pica (November 2003) [Published in: Julian Messina, Claudio Michelacci, Jarkko Turunen, and Gylfi Zoega, eds. Edward Elgar, 2005; With the title: Labour Market Adjustments in Europe]
721 | 2003 | [721] - The labor market effects of payroll taxes in a middle-income country: Evidence from Colombia by Adriana Kugler and Maurice Kugler (July 2003)
720 | 2003 | [720] - Implications of dynamic trading for insurance markets by José Penalva (December 2003)
719 | 2003 | [719] - Cost efficiency in primary care contracting: A stochastic frontier cost function approach by Jaume Puig and Vicente Ortún (July 2003) [Published in: Health Economics, 2004; 13: 1149-1165]
718 | 2003 | [718] - Labour market in the Catalan cotton textile sector: Employment and fertility (1850-1913) by Enriqueta Camps (October 2003; Revised: September 2009)
717 | 2003 | [717] - A BPE model for the Burgers' equation by Arturo Kohatsu and Shigeyoshi Ogawa (October 2003) [Published in: Publications of the Research Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, 2004]
716 | 2003 | [716] - Regional industrialisation without national growth: The Catalan industrialization and the growth of Spanish economy (1830-1861) by Joan Ramon Rosés (November 2003)
715 | 2003 | [715] - An evaluation of the life-cycle effects of minimum pensions on retirement behavior by Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Alfonso R. Sánchez (October 2003; Revised: June 2006) [Published in: Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2007]
714 | 2003 | [714] - Nonparametric bounds on the returns to language skills by Libertad González (October 2003) [Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20: 771-795, 2005]
713 | 2003 | [713] - The impact of interest-rate subsidies on long-term household debt: Evidence from a large program by Nuno C. Martins and Ernesto Villanueva (October 2003) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, 90, (8-9), 1601-1623, 2006; With the title: The Impact of Mortgage Interest Rate Subsidies on Household Borrowing]
712 | 2003 | [712] - Stepwise multiple testing as formalized data snooping by Joseph P. Romano and Michael Wolf (October 2003) [Published in: Econometrica 73, 1237-1282, 2005]
711 | 2003 | [711] - Measurement and explanation of socioeconomic inequality in health with longitudinal data by Andrew M. Jones and Ángel López (September 2003) [Published in: Health Economics, Volume 13, Issue 10, Date: October 2004, pages: 1015-1030]
710 | 2003 | [710] - Logistics integration processes in the food industry by Cristina Giménez (September 2003) [Published in: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management; Vol. 36 No.3, pp. 231-249; 2006]
709 | 2003 | [709] - Take-the-best and other simple strategies: Why and when they work 'well' in binary choice by Robin Hogarth and Natalia Karelaia (October 2003) [Published in: Theory and Decision, 61, 205-249, 2006]
708 | 2003 | [708] - The lender of last resort: A 21st Century approach by Xavier Freixas, Bruno M. Parigi and Jean-Charles Rochet (September 2003) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 2(6) Dec 2004]
707 | 2003 | [707] - Are changes in education important for the wage premium and unemployment? by Xavier Cuadras Morató and Xavier Mateos Planas (March 2003) [Published in: International Economic Review, v.47 (1), pp.129-160, 2006; With the title: Skill bias and employment frictions in the US labor market 1970-90]
706 | 2003 | [706] - General preferences for consumption goods in the random matching model of commodity money by Xavier Cuadras Morató (September 2003)
705 | 2003 | [705] - Eliciting consumers preferences using stated preference discrete choice models: Contingent ranking versus choice experiment by Anna Merino (June 2003)
704 | 2003 | [704] - Demand for pharmaceutical drugs: A choice modelling experiment by Anna Merino (June 2003)
703 | 2003 | [703] - Forward induction and the excess capacity puzzle: An experimental investigation by Jordi Brandts, Antonio Cabrales and Gary Charness (July 2003) [Published in: Economic Theory, forthcoming]
702 | 2003 | [702] - Inflation and output dynamics with firm-owned capital by Lutz Weinke and Tommy Sveen (July 2003)
701 | 2003 | [701] - On equilibria in duopolies with finite strategy spaces by Kalyan Talluri (July 2003)
700 | 2003 | [700] - Wage structures and family economies in the Catalan textile industry in an age of nascent capitalism by Enriqueta Camps (June 2003) [Published in: Continuity and Change, august, 2004]
699 | 2003 | [699] - University admission marks in Catalonia: Some highlights from the empirical research by Anna Cuxart, Rosa M. Grau and Manuel Martí-Recober (June 2003)
698 | 2003 | [698] - Optimal information transmission in organizations: Search and congestion by Àlex Arenas, Antonio Cabrales, Albert Díaz-Guilera, Roger Guimerà and Fernando Vega (June 2003)
697 | 2003 | [697] - The rise and decline of children's labour participation levels during the early stages of industrialisation. Catalonia (1850-1925) by Enriqueta Camps (May 2003) [Published in: Cuadernos de Historia Contemporanea, 2002; també a: Kristpffel Lieten and Elise van Nederven Meerkerk (eds.) , Peter Lang, forthcoming; With the title: Child Labour's Global Past, 1500-2000, New York et alt.]
696 | 2003 | [696] - Generalized canonical correlation analysis of matrices with different row and column orders by Michel Van de Velden and Tammo Bijmolt (June 2003) [Published in: Psychometrika 71, 2 (June 2006), 323-331; With the title: Generalized canonical correlation analysis of matrices with missing rows: a simulation study]
695 | 2003 | [695] - Portfolio delegation under short-selling constraints by Juan-Pedro Gómez and Tridib Sharma (June 2003) [Published in: Economic Theory 28, Issue 1, 173 - 196 May 2006]
694 | 2003 | [694] - Keeping up with the Joneses: An international asset pricing model by Juan-Pedro Gómez, Richard Priestly and Fernando Zapatero (June 2003)
693 | 2001 | [693] - Asset pricing implications of benchmarking: A two-factor CAPM by Juan-Pedro Gómez and Fernando Zapatero (July 2001) [Published in: European Journal of Finance, 9, (2003), pp. 343-357]
692 | 2003 | [692] - Do the eealthy risk more money? An experimental comparison by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (June 2003; Revised: January 2005) [Published in: The Birgit Grodal Symposium, Karl Vind, editor, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2006]
691 | 2003 | [691] - Honey, I shrunk the sample covariance matrix by Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf (June 2003) [Published in: Journal of Portfolio Management 30, Volume 4, 110-119, 2004]
690 | 2003 | [690] - Oil and economy in Mexico, 1900-1930s by M. del Mar Rubio (May 2003) [Published in: Caeteris Paribus, 1, año 8, marzo 2005, pp.13-18 -Spanish version-]
689 | 2003 | [689] - The capital gains from trade are not enough: Evidence from the environmental accounts of Venezuela and Mexico by M. del Mar Rubio (May 2003) [Published in: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 48, 3, (2004), pp. 1175-1191]
688 | 2003 | [688] - Estimating the probability of leaving unemployment using uncompleted spells from repeated cross-section data by Maia Güell and Luojia Hu (May 2003) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, vol. 133 (1), pp. 307-341, 2006]
687 | 2003 | [687] - Construyendo las bases para una comparación fiable: la Encuesta Social Europea by Clara Riba and Anna Cuxart (May 2003) [Published in: Revista Española de Ciencia Política,Vol. 8, 165-185, 2003; With the title: Construyendo las bases para una comparación fiable: la Encuesta Social Europea 2002 en España]
686 | 2003 | [686] - Social security, retirement, and the single-mindedness of the electorate by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martín (May 2003)
685 | 2003 | [685] - Addressing the natural resource curse: An illustration from Nigeria by Xavier Sala-i-Martín and Arvind Subramanian (May 2003)
684 | 2003 | [684] - The economic tragedy of the XXth Century: Growth in Africa by Elsa V. Artadi and Xavier Sala-i-Martín (April 2003)
683 | 2003 | [683] - Economic growth and investment in the Arab world by Xavier Sala-i-Martín and Elsa V. Artadi (May 2003)
682 | 2003 | [682] - How binding are legal limits? Transitions from temporary to permanent work in Spain by Maia Güell and Barbara Petrongolo (May 2003; Revised: July 2005) [Published in: Labour Economics, 14 (2), 153-183, 2007]
681 | 2002 | [681] - Giffen goods and market making by Giovanni Cespa (April 2002; Revised: May 2003) [Published in: Economic Theory, 2005, vol. 25, 983-997]
680 | 2003 | [680] - Australian Asian options by Manuel Moreno and Javier F. Navas (February 2003)
679 | 2003 | [679] - Incentives and pharmaceutical reimbursement reforms in Spain by Jaume Puig (April 2003) [Published in: Health Policy, 2004, 67, pp. 149-165]
678 | 2003 | [678] - Bundling electronic journals and competition among publishers by Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (April 2003; Revised: August 2005) [Published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, vol.4 (5), 1038-83, September 2006]
677 | 2003 | [677] - Earnings management in Spain. Some evidence from companies quoted in the Spanish stock exchange by Oriol Amat, Jordi Perramon and Ester Oliveras (April 2003)
676 | 2003 | [676] - A consistency test of the time trade-off by Han Bleichrodt, José Luis Pinto and José María Abellán-Perpiñán (March 2003) [Published in: Journal of Health Economics, 2003, vol. 22, issue 6, pp. 1037-1052]
675 | 2003 | [675] - Additional utility of insiders with imperfect dynamical information by José Mª Corcuera, Peter Imkeller, Arturo Kohatsu and David Nualart (April 2003) [Published in: Finance and Stochastics, Volume 8, Number 3, August 2004, pp. 437-450]
674 | 2003 | [674] - An empirical evaluation of small area estimators by Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra and Eva Ventura (April 2003; Revised: June 2003) [Published in: SORT, 27, 1, (2003), pp. 113-135]
673 | 2003 | [673] - On moments and tail behaviors of storage processes by Arturo Kohatsu and Makoto Yamazato (April 2003) [Published in: Journal of Applied Probability, 20, (2003), pp. 1069-1086]
672 | 2003 | [672] - Malliavin calculus in finance by Arturo Kohatsu and Montero Miquel (April 2003)
671 | 2003 | [671] - Ignorance promotes competition: An auction model with endogenous private valuations by Juan José Ganuza (March 2003) [Published in: RAND Journal of Economics, 35 (2004), 3, pp. 583-598]
670 | 2003 | [670] - Combating corruption in international business transactions by Marco Celentani, Juan José Ganuza and José L. Peydró (March 2003; Revised: October 2003) [Published in: Economica, Vol. 71, No. 283, pp. 417-448, August 2004]
669 | 2003 | [669] - On some geometry and equivalence classes of normal form games by Fabrizio Germano (March 2003) [Published in: International Journal of Game Theory, 34 (2006), 4, pp. 561-581]
668 | 2003 | [668] - Supply chain management implementation in the Spanish grocery sector: An exploratory study by Cristina Giménez (March 2003; Revised: September 2003) [Published in: International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 1, 1, pp. 98-114]
667 | 2003 | [667] - The marginal propensity to spend on adult children by Joseph Altonji and Ernesto Villanueva (June 2003)
666 | 2002 | [666] - Caution, children crossing: Heterogeneity of victim's cost of care and negligence rule by Juan José Ganuza and Fernando Gómez (December 2002) [Published in: Review of Law & Economics, 1 (2006), 3, pp. 3]
665 | 2003 | [665] - A general decomposition formula for derivative prices in stochastic volatility models by Elisa Alòs (February 2003)
664 | 2003 | [664] - An overall perspective on banking regulation by Xavier Freixas (February 2003) [Published in: S. Bhattacharya, A. Boot and A. Thakor, editors, Credit, Intermediation and the Macroeconomy, Models and Perspetives Chapter Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.424-448, New York, 2004; With the title: Regulation of Financial Intermediaries, A Discussion]
663 | 2003 | [663] - Análisis empírico del comportamiento de los costes en las explotaciones agrícolas mediante datos de la red contable agraria nacional by Josep M. Argilés (February 2003)
662 | 2003 | [662] - Pharmaceutical generics, vertical product differentiation and public policy by Antonio Cabrales (January 2003)
661 | 2003 | [661] - A new chance-constrained maximum capture location problem by Rosa Colomé, Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço and Daniel Serra (January 2003) [Published in: Annals of Operations Research, 122, 1-4, (2003), pp. 121-139]
660 | 2002 | [660] - Why ethnic fractionalization? Polarization, ethnic conflict and growth by José Garcia Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol (February 2002; Revised: September 2002) [Published in: American Economic Review, 2005, 95 (3), 796-816; With the title: Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil wars]
659 | 2002 | [659] - Incomplete markets, labor supply and capital accumulation by Albert Marcet, Francesc Obiols-Homs and Philippe Weil (October 2002; Revised: October 2003) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming]
658 | 2003 | [658] - Location of multiple server common service centers or public facilities for minimizing general congestion and travel cost functions by Daniel Serra (January 2003) [Published in: Annals of Operations Research, 111, (2003), pp. 35-50]
657 | 2003 | [657] - Logistics-production, logistics-marketing and external integration: Their impact on performance by Cristina Giménez and Eva Ventura (January 2003) [Published in: International Journal of Operations and Production Management; Vol. 25 No.1, pp. 20-38; 2005]
656 | 2002 | [656] - Insurance and safety after September 11, 2001: Coming to grips with the costs and threats of terrorism by Robin Hogarth (October 2002) [Published in: Social Science Research Council. Essays...Perspectives from the Social Sciences. SSRC webpage https://www.ssrc.org/sept11/essays/hogarth.htm); With the title: Insurance and safety after September 11: Has the world become a "riskier" place?]
655 | 2003 | [655] - Is confidence in decisions related to feedback? Evidence-and lack of evidence-from random samples of real-world managerial behavior? by Robin Hogarth (January 2003; Revised: April 2004) [Published in: In K. Fiedler & P. Juslin (eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition (pp. 456-484). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006]
654 | 2002 | [654] - Deciding analytically or trusting your intuition? The advantadges and disadvantadges of analytic and intuitive thought by Robin Hogarth (October 2002) [Published in: T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (eds.), pp. 67-82, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2005 (abridged version); With the title: The routines of decision making]
653 | 2003 | [653] - Specialization and rent-seeking in moral enforcement: The case of confession by Benito Arruñada (January 2003; Revised: July 2009) [Published in: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(3), 2009, 443-61]
652 | 2002 | [652] - Evaluating Spanish pension expenditure under alternativa reform scenario by Sergi Jiménez-Martín and Michele Boldrin (November 2002) [Published in: Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Fiscal Implications, Jon Gruber and D. Wise (eds), Chicago University Press for the NBER, forthcoming in 2007]
651 | 2002 | [651] - Employment consequences of restrictive permanent contracts: Evidence from Spanish labor market reforms by Adriana Kugler, Juan F. Jimeno and Virginia Hernanz (November 2002)
650 | 2002 | [650] - Parental altruism under imperfect information: Theory and evidence by Ernesto Villanueva (September 2002)
649 | 2002 | [649] - Job search and asset accumulation under borrowing constraints by Silvio Rendon (October 2002) [Published in: International Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 233-263, February 2006]
648 | 2002 | [648] - Doctors without borders: The returns to an occupational license for Soviet immigrant physicians in Israel by Adriana Kugler and Robert Sauer (October 2002) [Published in: Journal of Labor Economics, June 2005]
647 | 2002 | [647] - Employee referrals and efficiency wages by Adriana Kugler (September 2002) [Published in: Labour Economics, 10, 5, (2003), pp. 531-556]
646 | 2002 | [646] - Price increase and stability with new entries in Cournot markets by Ramon Villanova, Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader and Joan Miralles (October 2002; Revised: January 2012) [Published in: Keio Economic Studies, 48, 69-96, 2012]
645 | 2002 | [645] - Olson vs. Coase: Coalitional worth in conflict by Joan Esteban and József Sákovics (September 2002) [Published in: Theory and Decision 55, 339-357, 2004]
644 | 2002 | [644] - Endogenous bargaining power by Joan Esteban and József Sákovics (February 2002)
643 | 2002 | [643] - Stochastic dominance and absolute risk aversion by Jordi Caballé and Joan Esteban (July 2002)
642 | 2002 | [642] - Locating emergency services with priority rules: The priority queuing covering location problem by Daniel Serra and Francisco Silva (September 2002; Revised: May 2008) [Published in: International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, N 21, 2007, pp. 5117-5134; With the title: A Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Constrained Backlogging Probabilities]
641 | 2002 | [641] - Supply chain management as a competitive advantage in the Spanish grocery sector by Eva Ventura and Cristina Giménez (September 2002) [Published in: The International Journal of Logistics Management, 14, 1, (2003), pp. 77-88]
640 | 2002 | [640] - Reflections on gains and losses: A 2x2x7 experiment by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (September 2002; Revised: February 2005) [Published in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 33, 3, 2006]
639 | 2002 | [639] - Cashing by the hour: Why large law firms prefer hourly fees over contingent fees by Nuno Garoupa and Fernando Gómez (July 2002)
638 | 2002 | [638] - Hypernormal densities by Raffaella Giacomini, Andreas Gottschling, Christian Haefke and Halbert White (September 2002)
637 | 2001 | [637] - Quality assurance mechanisms in agrifood: The case of the Spanish fresh meat sector by Manuel González-Díaz, Marta Fernández-Barcala and Benito Arruñada (September 2001; Revised: March 2002) [Published in: International Journal of Technology Management and International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology, 2(3-4), 2003, 361-382]
636 | 2002 | [636] - A recoverable production planning model by Juan P. Soto and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (July 2002)
635 | 2002 | [635] - Improved nonparametric confidence intervals in time series regressions by Joseph P. Romano and Michael Wolf (July 2002) [Published in: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Volume 18, Number 2, February 2006, pp. 199-214]
634 | 2002 | [634] - Stakeholder activism, managerial entrenchment and the congruence of interests between shareholders and stakeholders by Giovanni Cespa and Giacinta Cestone (July 2002)
633 | 2002 | [633] - What social security: Beveridgean or Bismarckian? by J. Ignacio Conde and Paola Profeta (July 2002)
632 | 2002 | [632] - Are tax subsidies for private medical insurance self-financing? Evidence from a microsimulation model for outpatient and inpatient episodes by Ángel López-Nicolás and Marcos Vera-Hernández (July 2002; Revised: October 2004)
631 | 2001 | [631] - Tax incentives and the city by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (October 2001; Revised: December 2001) [Published in: Brooking-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 2002, pp. 95-132]
630 | 2002 | [630] - Measuring asymmetries in brand associations using correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre and Anna Torres (July 2002)
629 | 2002 | [629] - Social preferences and skill segregation by Antonio Cabrales and Antoni Calvó (July 2002)
628 | 2002 | [628] - Additive utility with intransitive indifference and without independence: A homogeneous case by Marc Le Menestrel and Bertrand Lemaire (June 2002) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48, (2004), pp. 9-14; With the title: Biased Extensive Measurement: The Homogeneous Case]
627 | 2002 | [627] - An investigation of the relationship between job characteristics and the gender wage gap by Jaume Garcia Villar, Pedro J. Hernández and Ángel López-Nicolás (May 2002)
626 | 2002 | [626] - The importance of individual heterogeneity in the decomposition of measures of socioeconomic inequality in health: An approach based on quantile regression by Andrew M. Jones and Ángel López-Nicolás (June 2002)
625 | 2002 | [625] - Trade credit: Suppliers as debt collectors and insurance providers by Vicente Cuñat (June 2002; Revised: February 2004) [Published in: Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming]
624 | 2001 | [624] - Optimal second-degree price discrimination and arbitrage: On the role of asymetric information among buyers by Doh Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci (November 2001; Revised: January 2005) [Published in: Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 36 (2), 337-360, Summer 2005]
623 | 1970 | [623] - Relying on the agent in charge of production for project evaluation by Doh Shin Jeon (Revised: January 2006)
622 | 2002 | [622] - Ethics outside, within or beyond OR models by Marc Le Menestrel and Luk N. Van Wassenhove (May 2002; Revised: September 2002) [Published in: European Journal of Operational Research, 153, (2004), pp. 477-484]
621 | 2002 | [621] - Social security and democracy by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (June 2002)
620 | 2001 | [620] - 15 years of new growth economics: What have we learnt? by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (August 2001; Revised: June 2002)
619 | 2002 | [619] - Informational matching by Silvio Rendón (May 2002)
618 | 2002 | [618] - Does foreign direct investment crowd out domestic entrepreneurship? by Koen de Backer (May 2002) [Published in: Review of Industrial Organization 22, 67-84, 2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers]
617 | 2002 | [617] - Foreign ownership and productivity dynamics by Koen de Backer (May 2002) [Published in: Economics letters, Vol. 79, Issue 2, 177-183, May 2003]
616 | 2001 | [616] - The disturbing 'rise' of global income inequality by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (August 2001; Revised: April 2002)
615 | 2002 | [615] - The world distribution of income (estimated from individual country distributions) by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (January 2002; Revised: May 2002)
614 | 2002 | [614] - Wage inequality in a frictional labor market by Joel Shapiro (April 2002)
613 | 2002 | [613] - Fixed and random effects in Classical and Bayesian regression by Silvio Rendón (April 2002)
612 | 2002 | [612] - Importancia de la información contable para el análisis y predicción de la viabilidad de las explotaciones agrícolas by Josep M. Argilés (March 2002) [Published in: Revista de Economía Aplicada, nº 41 (vol. XIV), págs. 141-167, 2006; With the title: La información contable en el análisis y predicción de viabilidad de las explotaciones agrícolas]
611 | 2002 | [611] - Indentifying human capital externalities: Theory with an application to US cities by Antonio Ciccone and Giovanni Peri (March 2002; Revised: July 2005) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 381-412, April 2006]
610 | 2002 | [610] - How different are returns to education? Evidence from German school choices by Dörte Dömeland (January 2002)
609 | 2002 | [609] - La imposición de los carburantes de automoción en España: algunas observaciones teóricas y empíricas by Xavier Labandeira Villot and Ángel López Nicolás (March 2002) [Published in: Hacienda Pública Española, 160, 1, (2002), pp. 177-210]
608 | 2001 | [608] - On p-beauty contest integer games by Rafael López (December 2001)
607 | 2001 | [607] - The choice of titling system in land by Benito Arruñada and Nuno Garoupa (March 2001; Revised: December 2004) [Published in: Journal of Law and Economics, 48 (2), 2005, 709-727]
606 | 2002 | [606] - Análisis del comportamiento de los resultados en 'full' y 'direct costing' by Josep M. Argilés (March 2002)
605 | 1998 | [605] - Equilibrium unemployment insurance by John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten and Fabrizio Zilibotti (April 1998; Revised: June 1999)
604 | 2001 | [604] - A positive theory of geographic mobility and social insurance by John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten and Fabrizio Zilibotti (August 2001) [Published in: International Economic Review, 46 (2005), 1 (02), pp. 263-303]
603 | 2001 | [603] - The survival of the welfare state by John Hassler, José V. Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten and Fabrizio Zilibotti (December 2001) [Published in: American Economic Review, 93 (2003), 1, pp. 87-112]
602 | 2002 | [602] - Fixed-term contracts and the duration distribution of unemployment by Maia Güell (February 2002; Revised: May 2003)
601 | 2002 | [601] - Equilibrium selection through incomplete information in coordination games: An experimental study by Rosemarie Nagel, Antonio Cabrales and Roc Armenter (February 2002)
600 | 2002 | [600] - Subsampling the mean of heavy-tailed dependent observations by Piotr Kokoszka and Michael Wolf (February 2002) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 127, 201-224, 2005]
599 | 2001 | [599] - A subsampling approach to estimating the distribution of diversing statistics with application to assessing financial market risks by Patrice Bertail, Christian Haefke, Dimitris N. Politis and Halbert White (December 2001) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 120, (2004), pp. 295-326]
598 | 2002 | [598] - Ratio maps and correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre (January 2002)
597 | 2002 | [597] - Variance reduction methods for simulation of densities on Wiener space by Arturo Kohatsu and Roger Pettersson (January 2002) [Published in: SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 12, (2002) pp.423-476]
596 | 2002 | [596] - Long run relationships and price rigidity by Giovanni Cespa (January 2002)
595 | 2001 | [595] - Quality safeguards and regulation of online pharmacies by Benito Arruñada (December 2001; Revised: March 2003) [Published in: Health Economics, 13 (4), 2004, 329-344]
594 | 2002 | [594] - Allocating ideas: Horizontal competition in tournaments by Juan J. Ganuza and Esther Hauk (January 2002) [Published in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 2006, pp. 763-787(25)]
593 | 2002 | [593] - Endogenous policy leads to inefficient risk sharing by Marco Celentani, J. Ignacio Conde and Klaus Desmet (January 2002; Revised: March 2003) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 7(3), pp 758-787, 2004]
592 | 2001 | [592] - From severance pay to self-insurance: Effects of severance payments savings accounts in Colombia by Adriana D. Kugler (December 2001) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, 89, 2-3 (Feb. 2004), pp. 487-500]
591 | 2001 | [591] - Processes and consequences in business ethical dilemmas: The oil industry and climate changes by Marc Le Menestrel, Sybille van den Hove and Henri Claude de Bettignies (November 2001) [Published in: Climate Policy, 41, 3, (2002), pp. 251-266]
590 | 2001 | [590] - Estimadores compuestos en estadística regional: aplicación para la tasa de variación de la ocupación en la industria by Àlex Costa, Albert Satorra and Eva Ventura (December 2001) [Published in: Qüestió, 26, 1-2, (2002), pp. 213-243]
589 | 2001 | [589] - A dynamic choice model of hybrid behavior in the attribute-space by Antonio Ladrón de Guevara (November 2001)
588 | 2001 | [588] - The HP-filter in cross-country comparisons by Albert Marcet and Morten O. Ravn (November 2001; Revised: December 2003)
587 | 2001 | [587] - Protective or counter-productive? Labor market institutions and the effect of immigration on EU natives by Joshua D. Angrist and Adriana D. Kugler (November 2001) [Published in: Economic Journal, 113, (2003), pp. 302-331]
586 | 2001 | [586] - Improved estimation of the covariance matrix of stock returns with an application to portofolio selection by Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf (November 2001) [Published in: Journal of Empirical Finance 10, 603-621, 2003]
585 | 2001 | [585] - New findings regarding return autocorrelation anomalies and the importance of non-trading periods by Josep Garcia Blandón (November 2001)
584 | 2001 | [584] - Economic rationality and ethical behavior by Marc Le Menestrel (November 2001) [Published in: Business Ethics: A European Review, 11, 2, (2002), pp. 157-166]
583 | 2001 | [583] - Management control in non-profit organizations: The case of the Associations of Economists in Spain by Ester Oliveras and Pilar Soldevila (November 2001)
582 | 2001 | [582] - Exploiting fitness distance correlation of set covering problems by Markus Finger, Thomas Stützle and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (November 2001) [Published in: Applications of Evolutionary Computing, S. Cagnoni, J. Gottlieb, E. Hart, M. Middenford, and G. R. Raidl (eds.), Springer-LNCS, vol. 2279, pp. 61-71 (2002)]
581 | 2001 | [581] - Endogenous price leadership by Eric van Damme and Sjaak Hurkens (November 2001) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior 47, 404-20, 2004]
580 | 2001 | [580] - Trade and productivity by Francisco Alcalá and Antonio Ciccone (October 2001; Revised: July 2002) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CXIX (2) , 613-646, May 2004]
579 | 2001 | [579] - Interbank market integration under asymmetric information by Xavier Freixas and Cornelia Holthausen (March 2001) [Published in: Review of Financial Studies, 18(2):459-490, 2005]
578 | 2001 | [578] - Flexible multivariate GARCH modeling with an application to international stock markets by Olivier Ledoit, Pedro Santa Clara and Michael Wolf (October 2001) [Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics 85, 735-747, 2003]
577 | 2001 | [577] - Internet e-ethics in confrontation with an activists' agenda: Yahoo! on trial by Marc Le Menestrel, Mark Hunter and Henri Claude de Bettignies (November 2001) [Published in: Journal of Business Ethics, 39, 1, (2002), pp. 135-144]
576 | 2001 | [576] - The domain and interpretation of utility functions: An exploration by Marc Le Menestrel and Luk N. Van Wassenhove (October 2001) [Published in: Theory and Decision, 51, (2001)]
575 | 2001 | [575] - Some hypothesis tests for the covariance matrix when the dimension is large compared to the sample size by Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf (October 2001) [Published in: Annals of Statistics 30, 1081-1102, 2002]
574 | 2001 | [574] - Failure to collude in the presence of asymmetric information by Doh Shin Jeon (August 2001; Revised: June 2005)
573 | 2001 | [573] - Subsampling inference in threshold autoregressive models by Jesús Gonzalo and Michael Wolf (October 2001) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 127, 201-224, 2005]
572 | 2001 | [572] - A multilevel analysis on the determinants of regional health care expenditure. A note by Guillem López and Marc Sáez (October 2001) [Published in: European Journal of Health Economics, october 2006]
571 | 2001 | [571] - Electoral platforms, implemented policies and abstention by Humberto Llavador (September 2001; Revised: October 2004) [Published in: Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 27, Number 1 / August, 2006]
570 | 2001 | [570] - A process approach to the utility for gambling by Marc Le Menestrel (September 2001) [Published in: Theory and Decision, 50, 3, (2001), pp. 249-262]
569 | 2001 | [569] - Correspondence analysis and categorical conjoint measurement by Anna Torres (August 2001) [Published in: Michael Greenacre & Joerg Blasius. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press 2006; With the title: Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods (chapter in book)]
568 | 2001 | [568] - Shocks and institutions in a job matching model by Christian Haefke (March 2001; Revised: August 2001)
567 | 2001 | [567] - A search theory of money and commerce with Neoclassical production by Miquel Faig (September 2001)
566 | 2001 | [566] - Parental altruism under imperfect information: Theory and evidence by Ernesto Villanueva (September 2001; Revised: September 2002)
565 | 2001 | [565] - The role of title insurance under recording and registration by Benito Arruñada (July 2001; Revised: September 2002) [Published in: The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 27 (4), 2002, 582-601]
564 | 2001 | [564] - Property enforcement as organized consent by Benito Arruñada (April 2001) [Published in: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 19 (2), 2003, 401-444]
563 | 2001 | [563] - An economic theory of church strictness by Nuno Garoupa and Pedro Pita Barros (August 2001) [Published in: Economic Journal, 12, (2002) pp. 558-575]
562 | 2001 | [562] - Estimating parliamentary composition through electoral polls by Frederic Udina and Pedro Delicado (July 2001) [Published in: J. R. Statist. Soc. (2005) 168, Part 2, pp. 387-399]
561 | 2001 | [561] - On the receiver pays principle by Doh Shin Jeon, Jean Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole (March 2001) [Published in: RAND Journal of Economics, 35, 1, (2004), pp. 85-110]
560 | 2001 | [560] - Educational opportunity and the college premium by Igal Hendel, Joel Shapiro and Paul Willen (May 2001) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, Volume 89, Issues 5-6, pp. 841-870, June 2005]
559 | 2001 | [559] - Income taxation in a frictional labor market by Joel Shapiro (June 2001) [Published in: Journal of Public Economics, Volume 88, Issues 3-4, pp. 465-479, March 2004]
558 | 2001 | [558] - Debt and deficit fluctuations and the structure of bond markets by Albert Marcet and Andrew Scott (May 2001; Revised: July 2003)
557 | 2001 | [557] - Biplots of compositional data by J. Aitchison and Michael Greenacre (June 2001) [Published in: Applied Statistics, 51, (2002), pp. 375-392]
556 | 2001 | [556] - Non-stationary job search when jobs are not forever: A structural estimation by J. Ignacio García Pérez (May 2001) [Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 21(2), pp. 245-272, 2006]
555 | 2001 | [555] - The determinants of football match attendance revisited: Empirical evidence from the Spanish Football League by Jaume Garcia and Plácido Rodríguez (June 2001) [Published in: Journal of Sports Economics, vol. 3, p. 18-38, 2002]
554 | 2001 | [554] - Temporary help agencies and workers' occupational mobility by J. Ignacio García Pérez and Fernando Muñoz Bullón (May 2001) [Published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol 65(2), pp. 163-180, 2005]
553 | 2001 | [553] - Wild bids. Gambling for resurrection in procurement contracts by Aleix Calveras, Juan J. Ganuza and Esther Hauk (March 2001; Revised: April 2001) [Published in: Journal of Regulatory Economics, Volume 26, Number 1, July, 2004, pp. 41-68]
552 | 2001 | [552] - Convertibility, currency controls and the cost of capital in Western Europe, 1950-1999 by Hans Joachim Voth (May 2001) [Published in: International Journal of Finance & Economics, 8 (2003), 3, pp. 255-276]
551 | 2001 | [551] - Testing the descriptive performance of the rank-dependent utility in the domain of health profiles by José Mª Abellán and José Luis Pinto (March 2001) [Published in: Spanish Economic Review, 3, (2001), pp.177-191]
550 | 2000 | [550] - ¿Es posible reducir el gasto sanitario a través del subsidio a los seguros sanitarios privados? La doble cobertura sanitaria en Catalunya. Estimación de patrones de utilización de servicios sanitarios y simulación de costes asociados a la asistencia by Ángel López Nicolás, Jaume Garcia Villar, Guillem López and Jaume Puig (December 2000)
549 | 2001 | [549] - Fiscal decentralization policies and sub-national government debt in evolving federations by Teresa Garcia-Milà, Timothy J. Goodspeed and Therese J. McGuire (July 2001; Revised: May 2002)
548 | 2001 | [548] - How important are tobacco prices in the propensity to start and quit smoking? An analysis of smoking histories from the Spanish National Health Survey by Ángel López Nicolás (February 2001) [Published in: Health Economics, 11, 2002, pp. 521-535]
547 | 2001 | [547] - The crew-scheduling module in the GIST system by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (May 2001) [Published in: Industrial Applications of Operations Research, L. Valadares Tavares i C. Henggeler Antunes (eds.), McGraw-Hill, pp.168-184, 2000; With the title: Geraçao de Serviços de Motoristas através de Metaheurística-Sistema GIST]
546 | 2001 | [546] - On payoff heterogeneity in games with strategic complementarities by Antonio Ciccone and James Costain (April 2001; Revised: February 2002) [Published in: Oxford Economic Papers, 56 (4), 701-713, 2004]
545 | 2001 | [545] - A comparison of stock market mechanisms by Giovanni Cespa (May 2001; Revised: November 2003) [Published in: Rand Journal of Economics, 2004, vol. 35, 803-824]
544 | 2001 | [544] - Income maintenance programs and multidimensional screening by Joel Shapiro (April 2001)
543 | 2001 | [543] - On the robustness of least-squares Monte Carlo (LSM) for pricing American derivatives by Manuel Moreno and Javier R. Navas (April 2001) [Published in: Review of Derivatives Research, 6 (2003), 2 (May), pp. 107-128]
542 | 2001 | [542] - Female labour supply in Spain: The importance of behavioural assumptions and unobserved heterogeneity specification by Jaume Garcia and María J. Suárez (March 2001) [Published in: Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 164, p. 9-27, 2003; With the title: Female labour Supply and Income Taxation in Spain: The importance of behavioural assumptions and unobserved heterogeneity specification]
541 | 2001 | [541] - Efectos de la reforma del IRPF sobre la oferta laboral de las mujeres by Jaume Garcia and María J. Suárez (March 2001) [Published in: Revista de Economía Aplicada, vol 10, p. 53-77, 2002; With the title: La reforma del IRPF y la oferta laboral de las mujeres casadas]
540 | 2001 | [540] - One hundred issues of Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad (REFC)-insights into trends in the Spanish academic community by Oriol Amat and Ester Oliveras (March 2001) [Published in: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad, 108, (2001), pp. 529-552]
539 | 2001 | [539] - Analysis of matched matrices by Michael Greenacre (March 2001) [Published in: Journal of Applied Statistics, 30, 10, (2004), pp. 1101-1113]
538 | 2001 | [538] - Supply chain management: An opportunity for metaheuristics by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (March 2001) [Published in: Metaheuristics Optimization via Memory and Evolution, C. Rego and B. Alidaee (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 329-356, 2005; With the title: Logistics Management: an opportunity for Metaheuristics]
537 | 1998 | [537] - Resistance to reform: Reconsidering the role of individual-specific uncertainty by Antonio Ciccone (March 1998; Revised: February 2001) [Published in: The American Economic Review, 94 (3), 785-795, June 2004; With the title: Resistance to Reform: Status Quo Bias in the Presence of Individual-Specific Uncertainty: Comment]
536 | 2001 | [536] - Teaching, research and service: Experience and opinions of accounting Spanish academics by Ester Oliveras (March 2001)
535 | 2001 | [535] - Inflation, political instability and stockmarket volatility in interwar Germany by Hans Joachim Voth (March 2001)
534 | 2001 | [534] - Assigning proctors to exams with scatter search by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Rafael Martí and Manuel Laguna (February 2001) [Published in: Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, edited by M. Laguna and José L. González Velarde, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2000), pp. 215-228]
533 | 2000 | [533] - Revenue management under general discrete choice model of consumer behavior by Kalyan Talluri and Garrett van Ryzin (September 2000; Revised: October 2001) [Published in: Management Science, 50(1):15-33, 2004a]
532 | 2001 | [532] - A multi-objective model for a multi-period distribution management problem by Rita Ribeiro and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (February 2001) [Published in: Proceeding of the First International Conference on Integrated Logistics, Singapore, (2001), pp. 463-471]
531 | 2001 | [531] - Demand for private health insurance: Is there a quality gap? by Joan Costa and Jaume Garcia (February 2001) [Published in: Health Economics, vol. 12, p. 587-599, 2003; With the title: Demand for private health insurance: how important is the quality gap?]
530 | 2001 | [530] - Productividad, competencia e innovación en la banca privada española (1900-1914) by Xavier Cuadras, Ángel S. Fernández Castro and Joan R. Rosés (February 2001) [Published in: Revista de Historia Económica, XX, 3, (2002)]
529 | 2000 | [529] - Corporate criminal law and organization incentives: A managerial perspective by Nuno Garoupa (November 2000) [Published in: Managerial and Decision Economics, 21, 6, (2000), pp.243-252]
528 | 2001 | [528] - The so-called 'external partners' in the groups of corporations: A model of presentation in the consolidated statements by Soledad Moya (January 2001)
527 | 2001 | [527] - Insuring California earthquakes and the role for catastrophe bonds by José Penalva (January 2001) [Published in: The Journal of Risk Finance, 3(4), 54-72, 2002]
526 | 2001 | [526] - Organized vs. competitive corruption by Marco Celentani and Juan J. Ganuza (January 2001; Revised: November 2001) [Published in: Annals of Operations Research, 109, (2002), pp. 293-315]
525 | 2000 | [525] - Campaign rhetoric: A model of reputation by Enriqueta Aragonés and Andrew Postlewaite (September 2000)
524 | 2000 | [524] - The impact of the reference price system on the pharmaceutical market: A theoretical approach by Anna Merino (December 2000; Revised: June 2003)
523 | 2000 | [523] - Financiación capitativa, articulación entre niveles asistenciales y descentralización de las organizaciones sanitarias by Vicente Ortún and Guillem López (November 2000) [Published in: Documentos de Trabajo 3, Fundación BBVA, 2002]
522 | 2000 | [522] - Bank versus venture capital by Masako Ueda (November 2000) [Published in: Journal of Finance 59(2), 601-621, 2004; With the title: Banks versus Venture Capital: Project Evaluation, Screening, and Expropiation]
521 | 2000 | [521] - The role of institutions in the contractual process by Benito Arruñada (December 2000; Revised: April 2003) [Published in: B. Deffains and T. Kirat, eds., Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries, The Economics of Legal Relationships Series, vol. 6, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001, pp. 149-167]
520 | 2000 | [520] - Short-term investment and equilibrium multiplicity by Giovanni Cespa (June 2000; Revised: June 2002) [Published in: European Economic Review, 46, 9, (2002), pp. 1645-1670]
519 | 2000 | [519] - Financement et autonomie fiscale de la Catalogne: Deux décénnies de problèmes non résolus by Guillem López (November 2000) [Published in: Documents de l'Institit d'Estudis Autonòmics, novembre 2000]
518 | 2000 | [518] - La Crema: A case study of mutual fire insurance by Antonio Cabrales, Antoni Calvó and Matthew O. Jackson (December 2000) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 111, (2003), pp. 425-458]
517 | 2000 | [517] - Designing institutions for financial stability: Regulation and supervision by objective for the Euro area by Giorgio di Giorgio and Carmine Di Noia (November 2000) [Published in: Brooklyn Journal of International Law, vol 28, 2003; With the title: Financial Market Regulation and Supervision: How Many Peaks for the Euro Area?]
516 | 2000 | [516] - With a bang, not a whimper: Pricking Germany's "stock market bubble" in 1927 and the slide into depression by Hans Joachim Voth (November 2000) [Published in: The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 63, No. 1 (March 2003), pp. 65-99]
515 | 2000 | [515] - An attempt to go beyond conventional financial accounting information by Josep Vallverdú (November 2000)
514 | 2000 | [514] - Beyond Smith's rule: An optimal dynamic index, rule for single machine stochastic scheduling with convex holding costs by José Niño-Mora (November 2000)
513 | 2000 | [513] - Iterated local search by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Olivier C. Martin and Thomas Stützle (November 2000) [Published in: Handbook of Metaheuristics, F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, pp. 321-353 (2002)]
512 | 2000 | [512] - Endogeneizing know-how flows through the nature of R&D investments by Bruno Cassiman, David Pérez Castrillo and Reinhilde Veugelers (August 2000; Revised: March 2001) [Published in: The International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20 (6), p. 775-799, 2001]
511 | 2000 | [511] - Corporate finance and the monetary transmission mechanism by Patrick Bolton and Xavier Freixas (June 2000) [Published in: Review of Financial Studies, 19: 829 - 870, Fall 2006]
510 | 2000 | [510] - Heterogeneity as a coordination device by Melvyn G. Coles and Jan Eeckhout (February 2000) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 111, pp. 265-276, 2003; With the title: Indeterminacy and Directed Search]
509 | 2000 | [509] - Cross-border banking in Europe: An empirical investigation by Josep García Blandón (October 2000)
508 | 2000 | [508] - Model selection and error estimation by Peter L. Bartlett, Stéphane Boucheron and Gábor Lugosi (October 2000) [Published in: Machine Learning. vol.48, pp. 85-113, 2002]
507 | 2000 | [507] - Strategies for sequential prediction of stationary time series by László Györfi and Gábor Lugosi (September 2000) [Published in: In Moshe Dror, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Ferenc Szidarovszky (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001; With the title: Modeling Uncertainty:An examination of its theory, methods, and applications (book)]
506 | 2000 | [506] - A zero-delay sequential scheme for lossy coding of individual sequences by Tamás Linder and Gábor Lugosi (February 2000) [Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47:2533--2538, 2001]
505 | 2000 | [505] - A note on robust detection by Luc Devroye, László Györfi and Gábor Lugosi (August 2000) [Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48, pp.2111--2114, 2002]
504 | 2000 | [504] - Fiat money, intrinsic properties and government transaction policy by Xavier Cuadras (September 2000) [Published in: Manchester School, 72, 1, (2004), pp. 152-166.; With the title: Fiat Money in a Search Theoretical Model with Generalistic Consumers]
503 | 2000 | [503] - Measuring and explaining farm inefficiency in a panel data set of mixed farms by Jaume Puig and Josep M. Argilés (July 2000) [Published in: Agricultural Economic Review, 2004;5(2).]
502 | 2000 | [502] - Mixed equilibrium in a Downsian model with a favored candidate by Enriqueta Aragonés and Thomas R. Palfrey (September 2000) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 103, 1, (2002), pp. 131-161]
501 | 2000 | [501] - Estimating learning models from experimental data by Antonio Cabrales and Walter Garcia Fontes (September 2000)
500 | 1997 | [500] - Technology diffusion and the spatial distribution of wages in the US by Antonio Ciccone (October 1997; Revised: December 1999)
499 | 1998 | [499] - Agglomeration-effects in Europe by Antonio Ciccone (April 1998; Revised: August 1999) [Published in: European Economic Review, 46 (2), 213-227, 2002]
498 | 2000 | [498] - Input chains and industrialization by Antonio Ciccone (November 2000) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 69 (3), 565-589, 2002]
497 | 2000 | [497] - New opportunities for farm accounting by Josep M. Argilés and Eric J. Slof (July 2000) [Published in: European Accounting Review, 10, 2, (2001)]
496 | 2000 | [496] - The daily market for funds in Europe: Mathematical appendix by Gabriel Pérez and Hugo Rodríguez (July 2000)
495 | 2000 | [495] - Factor prices and productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution by Pol Antràs and Hans Joachim Voth (October 2000) [Published in: Explorations in Economic History, January 2003, 40 (1), pp. 52-77]
494 | 1999 | [494] - Human capital and externalities in cities by Antonio Ciccone and Giovanni Peri (January 1999; Revised: October 2000) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 73 (2), 381-412, 2006; With the title: Identifying Human Capital Externalities: Theory with an Application to US cities]
493 | 2000 | [493] - Human capital distribution, growth and convergence by Danilo Guaitoli (August 2000) [Published in: Research in Economics 54, (2000), pp. 331-350]
492 | 2000 | [492] - Bargaining on networks: An experiment by Gary Charness and Margarida Corominas (August 2000)
491 | 2000 | [491] - Do market conditions affect preferences? Evidence from experimental markets with excess supply and excess demand by Jordi Brandts and Gary Charness (June 2000)
490 | 2000 | [490] - Gestión de la competencia en el sector público by Benito Arruñada (July 2000) [Published in: Anuario de la Competencia 1999, (2000), pp. 267-311]
489 | 2000 | [489] - How political parties, rather than member-states, are building the European Union by Josep M. Colomer (July 2000) [Published in: in Bernard Steunenberg ed. Widening the European Union. The Politics of Institutional Change and Reform. London and New York: Routledge. 2002]
488 | 2000 | [488] - Job creation under liquidity constraints: The Spanish case by Silvio Rendón (July 2000)
487 | 2000 | [487] - Choice of partners in multiple two-person prisoner's dilemma games: An experimental study by Esther Hauk and Rosemarie Nagel (July 2000) [Published in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45, 6, (2001), pp. 770-793]
486 | 2000 | [486] - Managing by values in the next milenium: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change by Shimon L. Dolan and Salvador García (June 2000) [Published in: Journal of Management Development, Vol 21 (2), 101-117, 2002; With the title: Managing by Values: Cultural redesign for strategic organizational change at the dawn of the 21st century]
485 | 2000 | [485] - Organisational values as "attractors of chaos": An emerging cultural change to manage organisational complexity by Shimon L. Dolan, Salvador García, Samantha Diegoli and Alan Auerbach (June 2000) [Published in: International Journal of Management, Vol 20(1) 23-36, 2003; With the title: Understanding and Managing Chaos in Organizations]
484 | 2000 | [484] - Job satisfaction and life satisfaction: Analysis of a reciprocal model with social demographic moderators by Shimon L. Dolan and Eric Gosselin (June 2000) [Published in: Chapitre dans : Roland Foucher, André Savoie et Luc Brunet (éditeurs); Société québécoise de psychologie du travail et des organisations (SQPTO), Montréal, 2002; With the title: Identifier les rapports entre la satisfaction au travail et celle hors travail : vers un modèle polymorphique de la relation]
483 | 2001 | [483] - Causal assessment in finite extensive-form games by José Penalva and Michael D. Ryall (May 2001; Revised: September 2003)
482 | 2000 | [482] - Economic integration and corruption: The corrupt soul of the European Union by Juan J. Ganuza and Esther Hauk (June 2000) [Published in: International Journal of Industrial Organizations, 22, 10, pp. 1463-1484, 2004]
481 | 2000 | [481] - A theory of international conflict management and sanctioning by Nuno Garoupa and Joao E. Gata (June 2000) [Published in: Public Choice, 110, 1, (2002), pp. 41-65]
480 | 2000 | [480] - A Walrasian theory of commodity money: Paradoxical results by Xavier Cuadras (June 2000) [Published in: Bulletin of Economic Research, 52, 3, (2000), pp. 207-214]
479 | 2000 | [479] - Equity considerations in health care: An axiomatic bargaining approach by Xavier Cuadras, José Luis Pinto and José M. Abellán (April 2000) [Published in: Health Economics, 10, (2001), pp. 187-205,]
478 | 2000 | [478] - Optimal contracts, adverse selection and social preferences: An experiment by Antonio Cabrales and Gary Charness (June 2000)
477 | 1999 | [477] - On the structural difference between the evolutionary approach of Young and that of Kandori, Mailath and Rob by Hans Jorgen Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen and Brigitte Sloth (June 1999; Revised: December 1999)
476 | 1998 | [476] - Endogenous business cycles and stabilization policies by Marta Aloi, Hans Jorgen Jacobsen and Teresa Lloyd Braga (September 1998; Revised: June 2000) [Published in: International Economic Review, 44 (2003), 3 (08), pp. 895-915]
475 | 1997 | [475] - The evolution of conventions under incomplete information by Hans Jorgen Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen and Birgitte Sloth (June 1997; Revised: February 2000) [Published in: Economic Theory, vol. 25(1), pp. 171-185, 2005]
474 | 2000 | [474] - The daily market for funds in Europe: Has something changed with the EMU? by Gabriel Pérez Quirós and Hugo Rodríguez (July 2000) [Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 38/1, 91-118, 2001]
473 | 2000 | [473] - The social value of health programs: Is age a relevant factor? by Eva Rodríguez and José Luis Pinto (June 2000) [Published in: Health Economics, 9, (2000), pp. 611-621]
472 | 2000 | [472] - The significance of distributive effects in social assessment of health care by Eva Rodríguez and José Luis Pinto (June 2000) [Published in: Health Economics, 11, (2002), pp. 43-53; With the title: Measuring the Social Importance of Concentration or Dispersion of Individual Health Benefits]
471 | 1998 | [471] - Competition and cost overruns. Optimal misspecification of procurement contracts by Juan J. Ganuza (October 1998; Revised: March 2002)
470 | 2000 | [470] - The Spanish motor industry in the first third of the 20th Century: A lost opportunity by Salvador Estapé Triay (June 2000)
469 | 2000 | [469] - Supermarket key attributes and location decisions: A comparative study between British and Spanish consumers by Daniel Serra and Rosa Colomé (June 2000)
468 | 2000 | [468] - Pay-as-you-go social security and the distribution of bequests by Jordi Caballé and Luisa Fuster (February 2000) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 70, 2, 2003, pp. 541-568]
467 | 2000 | [467] - An experimental test of loss aversion and scale compatibility by Han Bleichrodt and José Luis Pinto (May 2000) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 3, (2002), pp. 315-337; With the title: Loss Aversion and Scale Compatibility in Two-Attributive Trade-Offs]
466 | 2000 | [466] - On the concept of optimality interval by Pelegrí Viader, Jaume Paradís and Lluís Bibiloni (May 2000) [Published in: International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 30, 9, (2002), pp. 559-567]
465 | 2000 | [465] - Voto dual y abstención diferencial. Un estudio sobre el comportamiento electoral en Cataluña by Clara Riba (May 2000) [Published in: Revista Española de Investogaciones Sociológicas, 91, (2000), pp. 59-87]
464 | 2000 | [464] - Corruption and competition in procurement by Marco Celentani and Juan J. Ganuza (March 2000; Revised: March 2001) [Published in: European Economic Review, 46, (2002), pp. 1273-1303]
463 | 2000 | [463] - Forest fires: Evaluation of government intervention measures by Xavier Ballart and Clara Riba (March 2000) [Published in: Policy Sciences, vol. 35, pp. 361-377, 2002]
462 | 2000 | [462] - The 'new political economy': Two recent books by Gilles Saint Paul (April 2000) [Published in: Journal of Economic Literature, 38 (2000), 4, pp. 915-925; With the title: The "New Political Economy": Recent Books by Allen Drazen and by Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini]
461 | 2000 | [461] - Full insurance, asymmetric information and genetic testing by José Penalva (November 2000)
460 | 2000 | [460] - Insurance with frequent trading: A dynamic analysis of efficient insurance markets by José Penalva (November 2000) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001), pp. 790-822]
459 | 1999 | [459] - On the sources of business cycles in the G-7 by Fabio Canova and Gianni de Nicoló (October 1999; Revised: March 2000) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 59(1), 2003, 77-100]
458 | 2000 | [458] - Country effects in ISSP-1993 environmental data: Comparison of SEM approaches by Pilar Rivera and Albert Satorra (January 2000) [Published in: Latent Variable and Latent Structure Models (G. Marcoulides and I. Moustaki, edts.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers (in press)]
457 | 1999 | [457] - Electoral competition under the threat of political unrest by Matthew Ellman and Leonard Wantchekon (August 1999) [Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115, 2, 2000, pp. 499-531]
456 | 2000 | [456] - On certain greedoid polyhedra, partially indexable scheduling problems and extended restless bandit allocation indices by José Niño-Mora (April 2000)
455 | 2000 | [455] - The ethics of creative accounting: Some Spanish evidence by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Ester Oliveras (March 2000) [Published in: Business Ethics: A European Review, 9, 3, (2000), pp. 136-142]
454 | 2000 | [454] - Optimal magnitude and probability of fines by Nuno Garoupa (April 2000) [Published in: European Economic Review, 45, 9, (2001) pp. 1765-1771]
453 | 2000 | [453] - Location models for airline hubs behaving as M/D/c queues by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (March 2000) [Published in: Computers and Operations Research, 30, (2003), pp. 983-1003]
452 | 2000 | [452] - Audit quality: Attributes, private safeguards and the role of regulation by Benito Arruñada (January 2000) [Published in: European Accounting Review, 9, 2, (2000), pp. 205-24]
451 | 2000 | [451] - Technical inefficiency and public capital in US States: A stochastic frontier approach by Jaume Puig (March 2000) [Published in: Journal of Regional Science, 41, (2001), pp. 65-88]
450 | 2000 | [450] - Flexibility vs. rigidity: Does Spain have the worst of both worlds? by Gilles Saint Paul (March 2000) [Published in: Jonas Agell, Michael Keen and Alfons Weichenrieder (eds.), Labor Market Institutions and Public Regulation, 2004, 101-122]
449 | 2000 | [449] - Will EMU increase eurosclerosis? by Gilles Saint Paul and Samuel Bentolila (March 2000) [Published in: EMU: Impact on Europe and the World, C. Wyplosz, ed., WIDER and Oxford University Press, 2001]
448 | 2000 | [448] - Resolució de problemes i mètode de raonament en l'educació matemàtica by Joan Miralles and Jaume Paradís (February 2000) [Published in: Temps d'Educació, 22(2), 1999, pp. 13:28]
447 | 2000 | [447] - Hiring and firing costs, adverse selection and long-term unemployment by Adriana D. Kugler and Gilles Saint Paul (February 2000) [Published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 22, 3 (2004), pp. 553-584]
446 | 1999 | [446] - Monetary policy shocks and transmission in Italy: A VAR analysis by Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Giorgio Di Giorgio (December 1999) [Published in: Economic Notes, Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics, Blackwell, Vol 30, 2001]
445 | 2000 | [445] - The quasi-judicial role of large retailers: An efficiency hypothesis of their relation with suppliers by Benito Arruñada (January 2000) [Published in: Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 92, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, (2000), pp. 277-96. Reprinted in E. Brousseau and J.-M. Glachant (eds.), The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002, pp. 337-57]
444 | 2000 | [444] - External technology sources: Embodied or disembodied technology acquisition by Bruno Cassiman and Reinhilde Veugelers (January 2000)
443 | 1999 | [443] - Forecasting and turning point predictions in a Bayesian panel VAR model by Fabio Canova and Matteo Ciccarelli (October 1999) [Published in: Journal of Econometrics, 120(2), 2004, 327-359]
442 | 2000 | [442] - The macroeconomic effects of German unification: Real adjustments and the welfare state by Fabio Canova and Morten O. Ravn (March 2000) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, 2000, 3(3), pp. 423-460]
441 | 1999 | [441] - Social preferences: Some simple tests and a new model by Gary Charness and Matthew Rabin (October 1999; Revised: January 2000) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 117, pp. 817-869, 2002]
440 | 1998 | [440] - Systemic risk, interbank relations and liquidity provision by the Central Bank by Xavier Freixas, Bruno Parigi and Jean Charles Rochet (October 1998; Revised: September 1999) [Published in: Journal of Money Credit and Banking 32(3, part 2), 611-638, August 2000]
439 | 1999 | [439] - Radial measures of public services deficit for regional allocation of public funds by Jaume Puig (December 1999) [Published in: The Journal of Management Science and Regional Developement, 4, (2002), pp. 65-88]
438 | 1999 | [438] - One, two, (three), infinity: Newspaper and lab beauty-contest experiments by Rosemarie Nagel, Antoni Bosch-Domènech, Albert Satorra and José García Montalvo (November 1999) [Published in: American Economic Review, 92, 5, (2002)]
437 | 1999 | [437] - Retribution in a cheap-talk experiment by Jordi Brandts and Gary Charness (December 1999) [Published in: Management Science, Vol 49, No. 1, January 2003; With the title: Truth or Consequences]
436 | 1999 | [436] - Relative payoffs and happiness: An experimental study by Gary Charness and Brit Grosskopf (August 1999; Revised: January 2000) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 45(3), pp. 301-328, 2001]
435 | 1999 | [435] - Restless bandits, partial conservation laws and indexability by José Niño-Mora (December 1999) [Published in: Advances in Applied Probability, 33, 1, pp. 76-98, 2001]
434 | 2000 | [434] - Importance of international linkages for local know-how flows. Some econometric evidence from Belgium by Reinhilde Veugelers and Bruno Cassiman (January 2000) [Published in: European Economic Review, 48(2), p.455-476, 2004]
433 | 1999 | [433] - Toward a theory of labor market institutions by Gilles Saint Paul (November 1999)
432 | 1999 | [432] - Environmental factors giving rise to variations in national management accounting practice by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Philip Wraith (December 1999) [Published in: European Business Review, 12, 3, (2000), pp. 122-128]
431 | 1997 | [431] - On the relevance of modeling volatility for pricing purposes by Manuel Moreno (September 1997; Revised: October 1999)
430 | 1999 | [430] - A note on the dual scaling of dominance data and its relationship to correspondence analysis by Michael Greenacre and Anna Torres (December 1999) [Published in: International Journal for Research in Marketing, 19, pp. 401-05, 2002]
429 | 1997 | [429] - Assessing an intuitive condition for stability under a range of traffic conditions via a generalised Lu-Kumar network by Kevin D. Glazebrook and José Niño-Mora (January 1997; Revised: January 2000) [Published in: Journal of Applied Probability, 37, 3, (2000), pp. 890-899]
428 | 1999 | [428] - Causes of subcontracting: Evidence from panel data on construction firms by Manuel González, Benito Arruñada and Alberto Fernández (November 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 42 (2), 2000, 167-187]
427 | 1997 | [427] - Parallel scheduling of multiclass M/M/m queues: Approximate and heavy-traffic optimization of achievable performance by Kevin D. Glazebrook and José Niño-Mora (February 1997; Revised: October 1999) [Published in: Operations Research, (forthcoming)]
426 | 2000 | [426] - Unemployment duration and workers' wage aspirations in Spain by Namkee Ahn and J. Ignacio García Pérez (March 2000) [Published in: Spanish Economic Review, Vol 4, pp. 103-118, 2002]
425 | 2000 | [425] - Hierarchical location-allocation models for congested systems by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (January 2000) [Published in: European Journal of Operational Research, 135, 1, (2001), pp. 196-209]
424 | 1999 | [424] - Contractual allocation of decision rights and incentives: The case of automobile distribution by Benito Arruñada, Luis Garicano and Luis Vázquez (October 1999) [Published in: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 17 (1), 2001, 256-283]
423 | 1999 | [423] - The provision on non-audit services by auditors: Let the market evolve and decide by Benito Arruñada (June 1999) [Published in: International Review of Law and Economics, 19 (4), 1999, 513-531]
422 | 1999 | [422] - A generalization of histogram type estimators by Pedro Delicado and Manuel del Río (October 1999) [Published in: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 15 (1), 113-135, 2003]
421 | 1999 | [421] - Modelos estadísticos y evaluación: tres estudios en educación by Anna Cuxart (November 1999) [Published in: Revista de educación, 323, (2000), pp. 369-394]
420 | 1998 | [420] - Monetary policy misspecification in VAR models by Fabio Canova and Joaquim Pires Pina (October 1998; Revised: September 1999) [Published in: Chapter in book ed. by Diebolt and Kritsou, Springer and Verlag, 2005; With the title: Advances in Macroeconomics]
419 | 1999 | [419] - Implementing interactive computing in an object-oriented environment by Frederic Udina (November 1999) [Published in: Journal of Statistical Software, 5, 3, (2000), pp. 1-10]
418 | 1999 | [418] - Worst-case bounds for the logarithmic loss of predictors by Nicolò Cesa Bianchi and Gábor Lugosi (October 1999) [Published in: Machine Learning, 43, 3, (2001), pp. 247-264]
417 | 1999 | [417] - On the distribution of income and worker assignment under intra-firm spillovers, with an application to ideas and networks by Gilles Saint Paul (October 1999) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 109 (2001), 1 (February), pp. 1-37]
416 | 1999 | [416] - Local volatility changes in the black-scholes model by Hans Peter Bermin and Arturo Kohatsu (September 1999) [Published in: Mathematical Finance, 13, (2003), pp. 85-97; With the title: Local Vega Index and Variance Reduction Methods]
415 | 1999 | [415] - Variations in national management accounting approaches by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Ester Oliveras (October 1999) [Published in: Revista iberoamericana de contabilidad de gestión, 1, (2003), pp. 13-38]
414 | 1999 | [414] - Validation procedures in radiological diagnostic models. Neural network and logistic regression by Estanislao Arana, Pedro Delicado and Luis Martí (October 1999) [Published in: Investigative Radiology, 34, 636-642, 1999]
413 | 1999 | [413] - Adaptive learning in models with lagged variables by Wilfredo Leiva (October 1999)
412 | 1999 | [412] - A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis by Albert Satorra and Peter M. Bentler (August 1999) [Published in: Psychometrika, 66, pp. 507-514]
411 | 1999 | [411] - Should banking supervision and monetary policy tasks be given to different agencies? by Carmine Di Noia and Giorgio Di Giorgio (October 1999) [Published in: International Finance, 2, 3, (1999), pp. 361-378]
410 | 1999 | [410] - Financial intermediation and equity investment with costly monitoring by Giorgio Di Giorgio (September 1999) [Published in: International Review of Economcis and Finance, vol.11, 2002]
409 | 1999 | [409] - Spanish auditors and the 'true and fair view' by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Ester Oliveras (October 1999) [Published in: Técnica contable, 611, (1999), pp. 779-788]
408 | 1999 | [408] - On forward induction and evolutionary and strategic stability by Esther Hauk and Sjaak Hurkens (July 1999; Revised: September 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 106, Number 1, September 2002, pp. 66-90(25)]
407 | 1998 | [407] - A simple model of multiple equilibria based on risk by James S. Costain (March 1998; Revised: July 1999)
406 | 1999 | [406] - Catalan government popularity. An example of economic effects on sub-national government support by Aida Díaz and Clara Riba (June 1999) [Published in: Dorussen, H. & Taylor, M (eds) Economic Voting, Routledge, London, pp. 173-199, 2002; With the title: Economic Voting in Sub-national Government. Catalonian Evidence]
405 | 1996 | [405] - Asset pricing with idiosyncratic risk and overlapping generations by Kjetil Storesletten, Chris Telmer and Amir Yaron (June 1996; Revised: July 1999)
404 | 1997 | [404] - Testing for convergence clubs in income per-capita: A predictive density approach by Fabio Canova (July 1997; Revised: June 1999) [Published in: International Economic Review, 45(1), 2004, 49-77]
403 | 1999 | [403] - State and industry in the 1940s: The Spanish automobile industry by Salvador Estapé Triay (June 1999)
402 | 1999 | [402] - Dynamic optimal law enforcement with learning by Mohamed Jellal and Nuno Garoupa (June 1999) [Published in: Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 20(2004), pp. 192-206]
401 | 1999 | [401] - Optimal law enforcement under asymmetric information by Mohamed Jellal and Nuno Garoupa (June 1999) [Published in: European Journal of Law and Economics, 14, 1 (2002), pp. 5-13]
400 | 1999 | [400] - Optimal bail out policy, conditionality and constructive ambiguity by Xavier Freixas (June 1999)
399 | 1999 | [399] - La capitación en la financiación territorial de los servicios públicos transferidos: el caso de la sanidad y de la educación by Guillem López (May 1999) [Published in: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, mayo 1999]
398 | 1999 | [398] - Are these classical business cycles? by Michael Reiter and Ulrich Woitek (March 1999)
397 | 2000 | [397] - Economic booms, trade deficits and economic policy by Francisco Alcalá and Diego Peñarrubia (July 2000)
396 | 1999 | [396] - Asset prices and the measurement of wealth and saving by Michael Reiter (September 1999)
395 | 1999 | [395] - Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi-sample analysis of moment structures by Albert Satorra (July 1999) [Published in: Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis: A Fstschrift for Heinz Neudecker. Heijmans, D. D. H., Pollock, D. S. G. and Satorra, A. (edts. pp. 233-247), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht]
394 | 1999 | [394] - Dimensions of national culture and the accounting environment -The Spanish case- by Oriol Amat, John Blake, Philip Wraith and Ester Oliveras (June 1999) [Published in: European Business Review, 12, 3, (2000), pp. 122-128]
393 | 1999 | [393] - The effect of intergroup competition on group coordination: An experimental study by Gary Bornstein, Uri Gneezy and Rosemarie Nagel (May 1999) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 41(2002), 1, pp. 1-25]
392 | 1999 | [392] - On the cultural transmission of corruption by Esther Hauk and Maria Sáez (May 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory 107, 311-335, 2002]
391 | 1999 | [391] - Multiple prisoner's dilemma games with (out) an outside option: An experimental study by Esther Hauk (April 1999) [Published in: Theory and Decision, Volume 54, Number 3, May 2003, pp. 207-229(23)]
390 | 1999 | [390] - New ideas need new space by Diego Rodríguez (May 1999)
389 | 1999 | [389] - Capital, wages and growth: Theory and evidence by Antonio Ciccone, Giovanni Peri and Douglas Almond (January 1999; Revised: May 1999)
388 | 1999 | [388] - The impact of firing costs on turnover and unemployment: Evidence from the Colombian labour market reform by Adriana D. Kugler (May 1999) [Published in: The International Tax and Public Finance Journal, 6, 3, (August 1999), pp. 389 - 410]
387 | 1999 | [387] - Communication, coordination and efficiency in evolutionary one-population models by Sjaak Hurkens and Karl H. Schlag (April 1999)
386 | 1999 | [386] - Endogenous information structures by Sjaak Hurkens and Nir Vulkan (April 1999) [Published in: European Economic Review, 50(2006), 1, pp. 35-54]
385 | 1999 | [385] - Social security in theory and practice (II): Efficiency theories, narrative theories and implications for reform by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (April 1999)
384 | 1999 | [384] - Social security in theory and practice (I): Facts and political theories by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (April 1999)
383 | 1999 | [383] - Gerontocracy, retirement, and social security by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (April 1999)
382 | 1999 | [382] - Corruption and the Hadleyburg effect by Marco Celentani and Juan J. Ganuza (April 1999)
381 | 1998 | [381] - A note on the convergence to competitive equilibria in economies with moral hazard by Alberto Bisin, Piero Gottardi and Danilo Guaitoli (December 1998) [Published in: P. J. J. Herings et al. (ed.): The Theory of Markets, North-Holland (1999)]
380 | 1999 | [380] - The case for a new accounting research agenda in Spain by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Ester Oliveras (January 1999)
379 | 1999 | [379] - Regional diversity in the fruit sector in the European Union by Josep M. Argilés (May 1999)
378 | 1999 | [378] - A singular function and its relation with the number systems involved in its definition by Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader and Lluís Bibiloni (April 1999) [Published in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 253, (2001), pp.107-125; With the title: The Derivative of Minkowski's Singular Function]
377 | 1998 | [377] - Heterogeneity-promoting optimal procurement by Juan J. Ganuza and Lambros Pechlivanos (January 1998; Revised: January 1999) [Published in: Economic Letters, 67, (2000), pp. 105-112]
376 | 1999 | [376] - A sharp concentration inequality with applications by Stéphane Boucheron, Gábor Lugosi and Pascal Massart (April 1999) [Published in: Random Structures and Algorithms, 16, (2000), pp. 277-292]
375 | 1999 | [375] - Almost sure testability of classes of densities by Luc Devroye and Gábor Lugosi (April 1999) [Published in: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, vol. 14, pp.675--698, 2002]
374 | 1999 | [374] - Explaining movements in the labor share by Samuel Bentolila and Gilles Saint Paul (April 1999) [Published in: Contributions to Macroeconomics, Berkeley Electronic Press, vol. 3(1), 2003, pages 1103-1103]
373 | 1999 | [373] - A general class of adaptative strategies by Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (March 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 98(1), pages 26-54, May 2000; With the title: A General Class of Adaptive Strategies]
372 | 1999 | [372] - Las bases sociales y políticas de la abstención en las elecciones generales españolas: recursos individuales, movilización estratégica e instituciones electorales by Carles Boix and Clara Riba (April 1999) [Published in: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 90, (2000), pp. 95-128]
371 | 1999 | [371] - Asymptotic behaviour of the density in a parabolic SPDE by Arturo Kohatsu, D. Márquez Carreras and M. Sanz Solé (April 1999) [Published in: Mathematics Preprint Series 257 of the Universitat de Barcelona and Journal of Theoretical Probability, 14, (2001), pp. 427-462]
370 | 1999 | [370] - Self-serving biases: Evidence from a simulated labor relationship by Gary Charness and Ernan Haruvy (January 1999) [Published in: Journal of Managerial Psychology]
369 | 1999 | [369] - When are layoffs acceptable? Evidence from a quasi-experiment by Gary Charness and David I. Levine (March 1999) [Published in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 53, no. 3 (Apr., 2000), pp. 381-400]
368 | 1999 | [368] - Altruism, equity and reciprocity in a gift-exchange experiment: An encompassing approach by Gary Charness and Ernan Haruvy (March 1999) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 40(2002), 2, pp. 203-231]
367 | 1999 | [367] - Setting the rules of the game: The choice of electoral systems in advanced democracies by Carles Boix (January 1999) [Published in: American Political Science Review 93, pp. 609-624, September, 1999]
366 | 1999 | [366] - Optimal law enforcement and criminal organization by Nuno Garoupa (March 1999)
365 | 1997 | [365] - Insurance with frequent trading by José Penalva (October 1997; Revised: March 1999) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001), pp. 790-822; With the title: Insurance with Frequent Trading: A Dynamic Analysis of Efficient Insurance Markets]
364 | 1999 | [364] - Ambiguity in election games by Enriqueta Aragonés and Andrew Postlewaite (March 1999) [Published in: Review of Economic Design, 7, 3, pp. 233-255, 2002]
363 | 1999 | [363] - The struggle against creative accounting: Is "true and fair view" part of the problem or part of the solution? by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Ester Oliveras (March 1999)
362 | 1999 | [362] - Review of the literature on reference pricing by Guillem López and Jaume Puig (February 1999) [Published in: Health Policy, 54, (2000), pp. 87-123]
361 | 1999 | [361] - Does risk aversion or attraction depend on income? An experiment by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (February 1999; Revised: March 1999) [Published in: Economics Letters, 65, 3, (1999)]
360 | 1999 | [360] - The timing of foreign direct investment under uncertainty: Evidence from the Spanish banking sector by Josep Garcia Blandón (March 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 45 (2001), 2, pp. 213-224]
359 | 1999 | [359] - Surviving in a competitive spatial market: The threshold capture model by Daniel Serra, Charles Revelle and Ken Rosing (February 1999) [Published in: Journal of Regional Science, 39, 4, (1999), pp. 637-652]
358 | 1999 | [358] - Weak approximations. A Malliavin calculus approach by Arturo Kohatsu (February 1999) [Published in: Mathematics of Computation, 70, (2001), pp. 135-172]
357 | 1999 | [357] - A non-quasi-competitive Cournot oligopoly with stability by Ramon Villanova, Jaume Paradís and Pelegrí Viader (February 1999) [Published in: Keio Economic Studies, 38, 1, (2001), pp. 71-82]
356 | 1997 | [356] - The science of monetary policy: A new Keynesian perspective by Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler (September 1997; Revised: April 1999) [Published in: Journal of Economic Literature, 37, 4, (1999), pp. 1661-1707]
355 | 1999 | [355] - The political economy of employment protection by Gilles Saint Paul (January 1999) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 110(3), pp. 672-701, June 2002]
354 | 1998 | [354] - Lyfe-cycle effects on household expenditures: A latent-variable approach by Eva Ventura and Albert Satorra (October 1998) [Published in: Qüestió, 25, 1, (2001), pp. 93-117]
353 | 1998 | [353] - La política monetaria europea y sus posibles repercusiones sobre la economía española by Jordi Galí (December 1998)
352 | 1999 | [352] - Endogenous spillovers, increased competition and re-organization waves by Diego Rodríguez (January 1999)
351 | 1999 | [351] - Credit cycles in theory and experiment by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and María Sáez (January 1999) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 36, (2001), pp. 105-137]
350 | 1997 | [350] - Monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability: Evidence and some theory by Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler (March 1997; Revised: May 1999) [Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. CXV, issue 1, 147-180, 2000]
349 | 1998 | [349] - The ethics of creative accounting by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Jack Dowds (December 1998) [Published in: Ethical Issues in Accounting, Routledge (eds.), Londres 1998, pp.24-40; With the title: The Ethics of Creative Accounting]
348 | 1999 | [348] - Institutional constraints on organizations: The case of Spanish car dealerships by Benito Arruñada, Luis Vázquez and Giorgio Zanarone (January 1999; Revised: June 2007) [Published in: Managerial and Decision Economics, 30(1), pp. 15-26, 2009.]
347 | 1998 | [347] - Competitividad comparada del sector granívoro español en el marco de la Unión Europea. Referencia específica a Cataluña by Josep M. Argilés (December 1998)
346 | 1998 | [346] - Assesing the political viability of labour market reform: The case of employment protection by Gilles Saint Paul (December 1998) [Published in: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue May 1999, pages 73-87]
345 | 1998 | [345] - Moral hazard and non-exclusive contracts by Alberto Bisin and Danilo Guaitoli (June 1998) [Published in: Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 35, n. 2, pp. 306-328, Summer 2004]
344 | 1998 | [344] - Crime and punishment: Further results by Nuno Garoupa (November 1998) [Published in: Économie Appliquée, Special Issue in Law and Economics (Économie de la Justice), 54, 3, (2001), pp. 107-120]
343 | 1998 | [343] - The political consequences of unemployment by Gilles Saint Paul (November 1998) [Published in: Swedish Economic Policy Review, 5, 2, 1998, pp. 259-296]
342 | 1998 | [342] - An analysis of the accounting principles applied by the European Farm Accountancy Data Network by Eric J. Slof and Josep M. Argilés (February 1998; Revised: October 1998)
341 | 1998 | [341] - Inflation dynamics: A structural econometric analysis by Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler (August 1998) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 44, nº 2, 195-222, 1999]
340 | 1998 | [340] - On a problem of Alfréd Rényi by Pelegrí Viader, Lluís Bibiloni and Jaume Paradís (December 1998) [Published in: Acta arithmetica, 91, 2, (1999), pp. 107-115]
339 | 1998 | [339] - A polynomial algorithm for special case of the one-machine scheduling problem with time-lags by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (December 1998)
338 | 1998 | [338] - Solving two production scheduling problems with sequence-dependent set-up times by Joao António Noivo and Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço (December 1998)
337 | 1994 | [337] - Recursive contracts by Albert Marcet and Ramon Marimon (September 1994; Revised: October 1998)
336 | 1998 | [336] - Contracting externalities and multiple equilibria in sectors: Theory and evidence by Neus Bover, Juan J. de Lucio and Diego Rodríguez (November 1998)
335 | 1998 | [335] - The adverse effects of environmental policy in green markets by José L. Moraga and Noemí Padrón (November 1998)
334 | 1998 | [334] - Internacionalización bancaria: paradigmas teóricos y teorías explicativas by Josep Garcia Blandón (November 1998)
333 | 1998 | [333] - Inflationary expectations during Germany's great slump by Hans Joachim Voth (November 1998)
332 | 1998 | [332] - Increasing political returns and rural-urban migrations by Gabriel Sánchez (August 1998)
331 | 1998 | [331] - Timing of seasonal sales by Pascal Courty and Li Hao (November 1998) [Published in: Journal of Business October 1999]
330 | 1997 | [330] - Strategy communication and measurement systems by Pascal Courty (October 1997)
329 | 1998 | [329] - Constant coefficient tests for random coefficient regression by Pedro Delicado and Juan Romo (November 1998)
328 | 1998 | [328] - R&D cooperation and spillovers: Some empirical evidence by Bruno Cassiman and Reinhilde Veugelers (October 1998) [Published in: American Economic Review, 92(4), 1169-1184, 2002]
327 | 1998 | [327] - The organization of research corporations and researcher ability by Bruno Cassiman (August 1998)
326 | 1998 | [326] - Reputation and honesty in a market for information by Gary Charness and Nuno Garoupa (September 1998) [Published in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9, 3, (2000), pp. 425-451]
325 | 1998 | [325] - Variable Kernel estimates: On the impossibility of tuning the parameters by Luc Devroye and Gábor Lugosi (October 1998) [Published in: E. Gine and D. Mason (editors), High-Dimensional Probability, Springer-Verlag, New York, (2000)]
324 | 1998 | [324] - On prediction of individual sequences by Nicolo Cesa Bianchi and Gábor Lugosi (July 1998) [Published in: Annals of Statistics, 27, 6, (1999), 1865-1895]
323 | 1998 | [323] - Adaptive model selection using empirical complexities by Gábor Lugosi and Andrew B. Nobel (June 1998) [Published in: Annals of Statistics, 27, 6, (1999), pp. 1830-1864]
322 | 1998 | [322] - Responsibility-allevation and effort provision in a gift-exchange experiment by Gary Charness (September 1998)
321 | 1998 | [321] - Hot vs. cold: Sequential responses and preference stability in experimental games by Jordi Brandts and Gary Charness (August 1998) [Published in: Experimental Economics, Volume 2, Number 3, March 2000, pp. 227-238(12)]
320 | 1998 | [320] - The variability of money velocity in a generalized cash-in-advance model by Hugo Rodríguez (September 1998)
319 | 1990 | [319] - Equilibrium asset prices and savings of heterogeneous agents in the presence of incomplete markets and portfolio constraints by Albert Marcet and Kenneth J. Singleton (April 1990; Revised: July 1998) [Published in: Macroeconomic Dynamics, (1999), 3]
318 | 1998 | [318] - Migration across Spanish provinces: Evidence from the social security records (1978-1992) by Carlo Devillanova and Walter Garcia Fontes (September 1998) [Published in: Investigaciones Económicas, 28 (2004), 3, pp. 461-487]
317 | 1998 | [317] - The evolution of personally disadvantageous punishment among cofoundresses of the ant Acromyrmex versicolor by Gregory B. Pollock, Antonio Cabrales and Steven W. Rissing (September 1998)
316 | 1998 | [316] - Weak and strong altruism in traitgGroups: Reproductive suicide, personal fitness and expected value by Gregory B. Pollock and Antonio Cabrales (September 1998)
315 | 1998 | [315] - Entrepreneurship, organization and economic performance among Spanish firms, 1930-1975. The case of the motor industry by Albert Carreras and Salvador Estapé Triay (September 1998) [Published in: M. J. Lynskey & S. Yonekura, eds., Entrepreneurship and Organization. The Role of the Entrepreneur in Organizational Innovation, Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, pp. 123-151; With the title: The Spanish Motor Industry, 1930-1975]
314 | 1996 | [314] - Optimization of multiclass queueing networks with changeover times via the achievable region method: Part II, the multi-station case by Dimitris Bertsimas and José Niño-Mora (September 1996; Revised: August 1998) [Published in: Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, (1999), pp. 331-361]
313 | 1998 | [313] - Ex post bargaining, labor coordination and wage formation at the firm level by Diego Rodríguez (September 1998)
312 | 1998 | [312] - Relative price riddles in international business cycle theory: Are transport costs the explanation? by Elisabetta Mazzenga and Morten O. Ravn (May 1998) [Published in: Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(4), 645-71, 2004]
311 | 1998 | [311] - Rate of convergence of a particle method to the solution of the Mc Kean-Vlasov's equation by Fabio Antonelli and Arturo Kohatsu (August 1998) [Published in: Annals of Applied Probability, 12, (2002), pp. 423-476]
310 | 1998 | [310] - Statistics in archaeology: New directions by Pedro Delicado (July 1998) [Published in: British Archaeological Reports International Series. ArchaeoPress, Oxford, 1999; With the title: New Techniques for Old Times. Computer Applications in Archaeology, J. A. Barceló, editor]
309 | 1998 | [309] - Principal curves and principal oriented points by Pedro Delicado (July 1998) [Published in: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 77, 84-116, 2001; With the title: Another look at principal curves and surfaces]
308 | 1998 | [308] - Health care provider choice in the case of patient-initiated contacts. An extended version of discrete choice of model demand by Jaume Puig, Marc Sáez and Esther Martínez Garcia (July 1998) [Published in: Health Care Management Science, 1, (1998), pp. 39-52]
307 | 1998 | [307] - Las deducciones en el IRPF por gasto sanitario privado: situación actual y posibilidades de reforma by Esther Martínez (July 1998) [Published in: Papeles de economía española, 76, (1998), pp. 273-283]
306 | 1998 | [306] - The achievable region approach to the optimal control of stochastic systems by Marcus Dacre, Kevin Glazebrook and José Niño-Mora (June 1998) [Published in: Journal of The Royal Statistical Society B, 61, (1999), pp. 747-791]
305 | 1998 | [305] - Window-dressing in German interwar balance sheets by Mark Spoerer (July 1998) [Published in: Accounting, Business & Financial History, volume 8, number 3, 351-369, November 1998]
304 | 1998 | [304] - Metaheuristics for the bus-driver scheduling problem by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço, José Pinto and Rita Portugal (July 1998) [Published in: Transportation Science, 3, 35, (2001), pp. 331-343]
303 | 1997 | [303] - Valuation bubbles and sequential bubbles by Kevin X.D. Huang and Jan Werner (June 1997; Revised: December 1997) [Published in: Economic Theory, vol 15, pg 253-278,; With the title: Asset price bubbles in Arrow-Debreu and sequential equilibrium]
302 | 1996 | [302] - Optimization of multiclass queueing networks with changeover times via the achievable region approach: Part I, the single-station case by Dimitris Bertsimas and José Niño-Mora (July 1996; Revised: July 1998) [Published in: Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, (1999), pp. 306-330]
301 | 1994 | [301] - Restless bandits, linear programming relaxations and a primal-dual index heuristic by Dimitris Bertsimas and José Niño-Mora (August 1994; Revised: October 1997) [Published in: Operations Research, 48, 1, (2000), pp. 80-90]
300 | 1998 | [300] - An experiment on Nash implementation by Antonio Cabrales, Gary Charness and Luis Corchón (June 1998) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 51, (2003), pp. 161-193,]
299 | 1997 | [299] - Solving higher-dimensional continuous time stochastic control problems by value function regression by Michael Reiter (March 1997; Revised: June 1998) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23, (1999), pp. 1329-53]
298 | 1998 | [298] - Correspondence analysis of two transition tables by Michael Greenacre and José G. Clavel (June 1998) [Published in: Statisctics in Transition, 5(2002), pp.185-197; With the title: Simultaneous visualization of two transition tables]
297 | 1998 | [297] - A portrait of the Spanish accounting community by Oriol Amat, Catherine Gowthorpe, Soledad Moya and Ester Oliveras (June 1998) [Published in: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad, XXVII, 96, (1998), pp. 821-850]
296 | 1998 | [296] - Parameterized expectations approach; Some practical issues by Albert Marcet and Guido Lorenzoni (June 1998) [Published in: Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies, October 2001, pp. 143-172(30)]
295 | 1998 | [295] - The effect of unemployment spells on subsequent wages in Spain by Alfonso Rosolia and Gilles Saint Paul (June 1998)
294 | 1998 | [294] - International accounting harmonisation - A comparison of Spain, Sweden and Austria by John Blake, Oriol Amat and Catherine Gowthorpe (June 1998) [Published in: The Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 4, 1, (1998), pp. 90-118]
293 | 1998 | [293] - Pre-play communication and credibility: A test of Aumann's conjecture by Gary Charness (June 1998) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 33(2000), pp. 179-194]
292 | 1998 | [292] - Quasi-integration in less-than-truckload trucking by Alberto Fernández, Benito Arruñada and Manuel González (June 1998; Revised: July 2002) [Published in: C. Ménard, (ed.), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northhampton, 2000, 293-312]
291 | 1998 | [291] - Monetary unions and the transaction cost savings of a single currency by Hugo Rodríguez (May 1998) [Published in: Review of International Economics, 10 (2002), 2, pp. 263-267]
290 | 1998 | [290] - Consumer choice in competitive location models: Formulations and heuristics by Daniel Serra and Rosa Colomé (May 1998) [Published in: Papers in Regional Science, 80, 4, (2001), pp. 425-438]
289 | 1998 | [289] - Endogenous price leadership by Eric van Damme and Sjaak Hurkens (May 1998) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 23, 105-29, 2004]
288 | 1998 | [288] - Adaptive approach heuristics for the generalized assignment problem by Helena Ramalhinho-Lourenço and Daniel Serra (May 1998) [Published in: Mathware & Soft Computing, Special Issue on Ant Colony Pptimization: Models and Applications, 2, 9, (2002), pp. 209-234; With the title: Meta-heuristics for the Generalized Assignment Problem]
287 | 1998 | [287] - How wide is the gap? An investigation of gender wage differences using quantile regression by Jaume Garcia, Pedro J. Hernández and Ángel López Nicolás (May 1998) [Published in: Empirical Economics, 26, pp. 149-168, (2001)]
286 | 1997 | [286] - A dilution cost approach to financial intermediation and securities markets by Patrick Bolton and Xavier Freixas (December 1997) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 108 (2), (2000), pp.324-351]
285 | 1998 | [285] - Diffusion with delayed informational spillovers by Gabriel Duque (March 1998)
284 | 1998 | [284] - Bargaining efficiency and screening: An experimental investigation by Gary Charness (January 1998) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 42(3), pages 285-304, July 2000]
283 | 1996 | [283] - Attribution and reciprocity in a simulated labor market: An experimental investigation by Gary Charness (September 1996; Revised: October 1997) [Published in: Journal of Labor Economics]
282 | 1998 | [282] - A simple randomized algorithm for consistent sequential prediction of ergodic time series by László Györfi, Gábor Lugosi and Gusztáv Morvai (April 1998) [Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45, (1999), pp. 2642-2650]
281 | 1998 | [281] - Inequalities for a new data-based method for selecting nonparametric density estimates by Luc Devroye, Gábor Lugosi and Frederic Udina (February 1998) [Published in: M. L. Puri (editor), Festschrift in Honour of George Roussas, VSP International Science Publishers, (2000)]
280 | 1998 | [280] - An inequality for uniform deviations of sample averages from their means by Peter Bartlett and Gábor Lugosi (February 1998) [Published in: Statistics and Probability Letters, 44, (1999), pp. 55-62]
279 | 1998 | [279] - Complementarity between technology make and buy in innovation strategies: Evidence from Belgiam manufacturing firms by Bruno Cassiman and Reinhilde Veugelers (February 1998) [Published in: Research Policy, 28, p.63-80, 1999]
278 | 1998 | [278] - Cost-containment in health care: The case of Spain from the eighties up to 1997 by Guillem López (January 1998) [Published in: Chapter in Julien Le Grand and E. Mossialos, 'Cost-Containment in Health Care', january 1998]
277 | 1998 | [277] - Accounting information and the prediction of farm viability by Josep M. Argilés (March 1998) [Published in: The European Accounting Review, vol. 10, no. 2, (2001)]
276 | 1998 | [276] - On the throughput-WIP trade-off in queueing systems, diminishing returns and the threshold property: A linear programming approach by José Niño-Mora (March 1998)
275 | 1997 | [275] - Comparison and evaluation of states of health by Carmen Herrero, José Luis Pinto and Han Bleichrodt (December 1997; Revised: March 1998) [Published in: Journal of Health Economics, 1, 7, (2002); With the title: A Proposal to Solve the Comparability Problem in Cost-Utility Analysis]
274 | 1996 | [274] - Firm investment in imperfect capital markets: A structural estimation by Sangeeta Pratap and Silvio Rendón (September 1996; Revised: March 1998) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics; With the title: 6, 3, (2003), pp. 513-545]
273 | 1994 | [273] - Negativity effect in multiparty electoral competition by Enriqueta Aragonés (August 1994; Revised: September 1997)
272 | 1998 | [272] - Lobbying, innovation and protectionist cycles by Gabriel Sánchez (February 1998)
271 | 1998 | [271] - The choice of the form of representation in multinational banking: Evidence from Spain by Josep Garcia Blandón (March 1998)
270 | 1998 | [270] - On the efficiency and sensitivity of a pyramidal classification algorithm by Àngel J. Gil, Carles Capdevila and Antoni Arcas (March 1998)
269 | 1998 | [269] - Imitation of succesful behavior in Cournot markets by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Nicolaas J. Vriend (February 1998; Revised: May 1999) [Published in: Economic Journal, 113, pp. 495-524, 2003]
268 | 1997 | [268] - Free entry does not imply zero profits by Sjaak Hurkens and Nir Vulkan (December 1997) [Published in: Economics Letters, 81, 3, (2003), pp. 285-290]
267 | 1998 | [267] - Completing contracts ex post: How car manufacturers manage car dealers by Benito Arruñada, Luis Garicano and Luis Vázquez (September 1998; Revised: July 2004) [Published in: Review of Law and Economics, 1 (1), pp. 149-173, 2005]
266 | 1998 | [266] - A total order in [0,1] defined through a 'next' operator by Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader and Lluís Bibiloni (January 1998) [Published in: ORDER, 16, 3, (1999), pp. 17-30]
265 | 1998 | [265] - Finance versus costs for teaching hospitals in Spain by Guillem López and Marc Sáez (February 1998) [Published in: Health Economics, 8, (1999), pp. 641-651]
264 | 1996 | [264] - Influence activity and the organization of research and development by Bruno Cassiman (June 1996; Revised: December 1997)
263 | 1994 | [263] - Research joint ventures and optimal R&D policy with asymmetric information by Bruno Cassiman (October 1994; Revised: December 1997) [Published in: The International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18 (2), p. 283-314, 2000]
262 | 1998 | [262] - On the quantitative importance of wage bargaining models by James S. Costain (January 1998)
261 | 1997 | [261] - How competition controls team production: The case of fishing firms by Benito Arruñada and Manuel González (November 1997)
260 | 1998 | [260] - Job dynamics, correlated shocks and wage profiles by Antonio Cabrales and Hugo Hopenhayn (January 1998)
259 | 1996 | [259] - Country asymmetries, endogenous product choice and the speed of trade liberalization by Antonio Cabrales and Massimo Motta (February 1996; Revised: January 1998) [Published in: European Economic Review, 45, (2001), pp. 87-107]
258 | 1998 | [258] - Foreign direct investments and spillovers through workers' mobility by Andrea Fosfuri, Massimo Motta and Thomas Ronde (January 1998) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 53, pp. 205-222, 2001]
257 | 1997 | [257] - Monitoring the university admissions process in Spain by Anna Cuxart and Nicholas T. Longford (July 1997; Revised: December 1997) [Published in: Higher Education in Europe, XXIII, 3, (1998), Editorial CARFAX (UNESCO), pp. 385-396]
256 | 1996 | [256] - Employment protection, international specialization and innovation by Gilles Saint Paul (January 1996; Revised: May 1997) [Published in: European Economic Review 46, pp 375-395]
255 | 1998 | [255] - Algunos factores que inciden en el rendimiento y en la evaluación de los alumnos en las PAAU by Anna Cuxart, Manuel Martí and Ferran Ferrer (January 1998) [Published in: Revista de educacion, 314, (1998), pp. 63-68]
254 | 1997 | [254] - Risk management under a two-factor model of the term structure of interest rates by Manuel Moreno (December 1997)
253 | 1997 | [253] - Expertise and finance: Mergers motivated by technological change by Masako Ueda (December 1997)
252 | 1997 | [252] - Employee referrals and the inter-industry wage structure by Adriana D. Kugler (December 1997) [Published in: Labour Economics, 10(5): 531-556, 2003]
251 | 1997 | [251] - The drive for quality - the impact on accounting in the wine industry by Soledad Moya, Oriol Amat and John Blake (December 1997) [Published in: Journal of Wine Research, 9, 2, (1998), pp. 75-85]
250 | 1997 | [250] - Seeking theta's desperately: Estimating the distribution of consumers under increasing block rates by Pedro Delicado, Fidel Castro and Jose M. Da Rocha (December 1997) [Published in: Journal of Regulatory Economics, 22 (1), pp. 29-58, 2002; With the title: Desperately seeking theta's: Estimating the distribution of consumers under increasing block rates]
249 | 1998 | [249] - Effects of uncertain lifetime and annuity insurance on capital accumulation and growth by Luisa Fuster (January 1998) [Published in: Economic Theory 13, 2, (1999), pp. 429-445]
248 | 1997 | [248] - Crossing the Rio Grande: Migrations, business cycles and the welfare state by Morten O. Ravn and Fabio Canova (July 1997; Revised: December 1997)
247 | 1997 | [247] - Asymmetric effects of monetary policy in the US: Positive vs. negative or big vs. small? by Morten O. Ravn and Martín Solà (October 1997; Revised: December 1997) [Published in: Quarterly Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2004]
246 | 1997 | [246] - The economics of organized crime and optimal law enforcement by Nuno Garoupa (September 1997; Revised: December 1997) [Published in: Economic Inquiry, 38, 2, (2000), 278-288]
245 | 1997 | [245] - The role of moral values in the economic analysis of crime: A general equilibrium approach by Nuno Garoupa (December 1997)
244 | 1995 | [244] - Recurrent hyperinflations and learning by Albert Marcet and Juan P. Nicolini (November 1995; Revised: November 2001) [Published in: American Economic Review, 93, 5, (2003), pp. 1476-98]
243 | 1997 | [243] - Unemployment insurance with endogenous search intensity and precautionary saving by James Costain (November 1997)
242 | 1997 | [242] - Life-time redistribution effects of the Spanish public pension system by Guillem López and Joan Gil (December 1997)
241 | 1997 | [241] - Finite horizon bargaining and the consistent field by Armando Gomes, Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (April 1997) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 27, pp. 204-228, 1999]
240 | 1997 | [240] - Unobserved heterogeneity and censoring in the demand for health care by Ángel López Nicolás (November 1997) [Published in: Health Economics, 7, pp. 429-437, (1998)]
239 | 1997 | [239] - A mathematical excursion: From the three-door problem to a Cantor-type perfect set by Jaume Paradís, Pelegrí Viader and Lluís Bibiloni (June 1997) [Published in: American Mathematical Monthly, 106, 3, (1999), pp. 241-251]
238 | 1997 | [238] - Strategic behavior and price discovery by Luis A. Medrano and Xavier Vives (September 1997) [Published in: Rand Journal of Economics, 32, 221-248, 2001]
237 | 1997 | [237] - The growth and diffusion of knowlegde and the theory of the firm by Diego Rodríguez (September 1997)
236 | 1997 | [236] - It's still 2%: evidence on convergence from 116 years of the US States panel data by Etsuro Shioji (September 1997)
235 | 1997 | [235] - Convergence in panel data: Evidence from the skipping estimation by Etsuro Shioji (August 1997)
234 | 1997 | [234] - Is altruism important for understanding the long-run effects of social security? by Luisa Fuster (September 1997) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics 2, 3, (1999), pp. 616-637]
233 | 1996 | [233] - Secret information acquisition in Cournot markets by Esther Hauk and Sjaak Hurkens (March 1996; Revised: August 1997) [Published in: Economic Theory, 18, 3, (2001), pp. 661-681]
232 | 1997 | [232] - A model of conglomeration and synergy traps by M. Àngels Oliva and Luis Rivera-Bátiz (August 1997)
231 | 1997 | [231] - Multinationals, technology networks and international takeovers by M. Àngels Oliva and Luis Rivera-Bátiz (September 1997)
230 | 1997 | [230] - An experimental study of adaptive behavior in an oligopolistic market game by Rosemarie Nagel and Nicolaas J. Vriend (July 1997) [Published in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9, Issue 1, p. 27-65, 1999]
229 | 1997 | [229] - The optimum quantity of money: Theory and evidence by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (June 1997) [Published in: Journal of Money Credit and Banking, (1997)]
228 | 1999 | [228] - Crecimiento de las regiones españolas: estructura sectorial, dinámica regional y distribución de rentas. by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Ramon Marimon (April 1999) [Published in: Papeles de Economia Española, 80, (1999), pp. 21-50]
227 | 1997 | [227] - Location of hubs in a competitive environment by Vladimir Marianov, Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (June 1997) [Published in: European Journal of Operational Research, 114, (1999), pp. 363-371]
226 | 1997 | [226] - A new light on Minkowski's? $(x)$ function by Pelegrí Viader, Jaume Paradís and Lluís Bibiloni (June 1997) [Published in: Journal of Number Theory, 73, (1998), pp. 212-227]
225 | 1997 | [225] - Constraints and non-existence of rational expectations equilibria by José M. Marín and Jacques Olivier (July 1997)
224 | 1997 | [224] - Sequential screening by Pascal Courty and Li Hao (May 1997) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, Volume 67 Issue 4, pp 697-717, October 2000]
223 | 1997 | [223] - Speculative securities by José M. Marín and Rohit Rahi (April 1997) [Published in: Economic Theory, 14, pp. 653-668, 1999]
222 | 1997 | [222] - Risk dominance selects the leader. An experimental analysis by Antonio Cabrales, Walter Garcia Fontes and Massimo Motta (February 1997) [Published in: International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18, (2000), pp. 137-162]
221 | 1997 | [221] - Implementation, elimination of weakly dominated strategies and evolutionary dynamics by Antonio Cabrales and Giovanni Ponti (February 1997) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics, 3, (2000), pp. 247-282]
220 | 1997 | [220] - On optimal location with treshold requirements by Miquel Carreras and Daniel Serra (March 1997) [Published in: Socio Economic Planning Sciences, 33, 2, (1999)]
219 | 1997 | [219] - Competitive location and pricing on networks by Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (June 1997) [Published in: Geographical Analysis, 31, 2, (1999)]
218 | 1997 | [218] - Una modelización de los años de vida ajustados por la calidad como utilidades esperadas by José M. Abellán and José L. Pinto (June 1997) [Published in: Spanish Economic Review, 2, 1, (2000), pp. 49-63,; With the title: Quality Adjusted Life Years as Expected Utilities]
217 | 1997 | [217] - Invariance and randomness in the Nash program for coalitional games by Nir Dagan and Roberto Serrano (January 1997) [Published in: Economics Letters, 58, 43-49, 1998]
216 | 1997 | [216] - Identifying monetary policy shocks in Japan by Etsuro Shioji (April 1997) [Published in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 14, Number 1, March 2000, pp. 22-42(21)]
215 | 1997 | [215] - Spanish monetary policy: A structural VAR analysis by Etsuro Shioji (May 1997)
214 | 1997 | [214] - Market structure and hospital efficiency: Evaluating potential effects of deregulation in a national health service by Eulàlia Dalmau and Jaume Puig (June 1997) [Published in: Review of Industrial Organization, 13, (1998), pp. 447-466]
213 | 1997 | [213] - Forecasting with missing data: Application to a real case by Pedro Delicado and Ana Justel (May 1997) [Published in: Journal of Forecasting, 18, 285-298, 1999; With the title: Forecasting with missing data: Application to coastal wave heights]
212 | 1997 | [212] - Setting standards: Information accumulation in development by Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti (March 1997) [Published in: Journal of Economic Growth, March 1999, vol4, 5-38]
211 | 1997 | [211] - Unemployment vs. mismatch of talents: Reconsidering unemployment benefits by Ramon Marimon and Fabrizio Zilibotti (May 1997) [Published in: Economic Journal, 109(455), pp 266-291, 1999]
210 | 1997 | [210] - Comparing and validating hypothesis test procedures: Graphical and numerical tools by Pedro Delicado and Iolanda Placencia (April 1997) [Published in: Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation, 30 (2), pp. 403-422, 2001; With the title: Comparing empirical distributions of p-values from simulations]
209 | 1997 | [209] - Auctions of licences and market structure by Gustavo Rodríguez (February 1997) [Published in: Economic Theory, 19, 283-309, 2002]
208 | 1997 | [208] - First price auctions: Monotonicity and uniqueness by Gustavo Rodríguez (February 1997) [Published in: International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 29, Number 3, pp 413-432, November 2000]
207 | 1996 | [207] - Do interregional transfers improve the economic performance of poor regions? The case of Spain by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (December 1996) [Published in: International Tax and Public Finance, 8 (3), 2001, pp. 281-295]
206 | 1997 | [206] - Minimax lower bounds for the two-armed bandit problem by Sanjeev R. Kulkarni and Gábor Lugosi (February 1997) [Published in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control]
205 | 1996 | [205] - Advertising bans by Massimo Motta (October 1996; Revised: January 1997)
204 | 1997 | [204] - International business cycles, financial markets and household production by Fabio Canova and Ángel J. Ubide (January 1997) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22(4), 1998, 545-572]
203 | 1997 | [203] - Stock returns, term structure, inflation and real activity: An international perspective by Fabio Canova and Gianni de Nicolo (January 1997) [Published in: Macroeconomic Dynamics, 4(3), 2000, 343-372]
202 | 1996 | [202] - Did colonization matter for growth? An empirical exploration into the historical causes of Africa's underdevelopment by Graziella Bertocchi and Fabio Canova (December 1996) [Published in: European Economic Review, 46(10), 2002, 1851-1871]
201 | 1997 | [201] - I just ran four million regressions by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (January 1997) [Published in: American Economic Review, 87, 2, (1997), pp. 178-183]
200 | 1996 | [200] - A simple adaptive procedure leading to correlated equilibrium by Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (March 1996; Revised: December 1996) [Published in: Econometrica, 68, 5, (2000), pp. 1127-1150,]
199 | 1996 | [199] - A data-dependent skeleton estimate and a scale-sensitive dimension for classification by Marta Horvath and Gábor Lugosi (December 1996) [Published in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 86, (1998), pp. 37-61]
198 | 1997 | [198] - The minimax distortion redundancy in empirical quantizer design by Peter Bartlett, Tamas Linder and Gábor Lugosi (January 1997) [Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44, (1998), pp. 1802-1813]
197 | 1997 | [197] - Strong minimax lower bounds for learning by Andras Antos and Gábor Lugosi (January 1997) [Published in: Machine Learning, 30, (1998), pp. 31-56]
196 | 1996 | [196] - Dynamic adverse selection and debt by Gilles Chemla and Antoine Faure Grimaud (March 1996; Revised: December 1996) [Published in: European Economic Review, Volume 45, Number 9, October 2001, pp. 1773-1792(20)]
195 | 1996 | [195] - Falling real wages during an industrial revolution by Antonio Ciccone (October 1996)
194 | 1996 | [194] - Externalities and interdependent growth: Theory and evidence by Antonio Ciccone (October 1996)
193 | 1996 | [193] - A two-mean reverting-factor model of the term structure of interest rates by Manuel Moreno (November 1996) [Published in: Journal of Futures Markets, 23, 11, 1075-1105, 2003]
192 | 1997 | [192] - Health investment complementarities under competing risks by William H. Dow, Tomas Philipson, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Jessica Holmes (January 1997) [Published in: American Economic Review, (1999)]
191 | 1996 | [191] - On the term structure of Interbank interest rates: Jump-diffusion processes and option pricing by Manuel Moreno and Juan I. Peña (November 1996)
190 | 1996 | [190] - Endogenous Stackelberg leadership by Eric van Damme and Sjaak Hurkens (November 1996) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 28, 1, (1999), pp. 105-129]
189 | 1996 | [189] - An adaptation of correspondence analysis for square tables by Michael Greenacre (December 1996) [Published in: Applied Statistics, 49, (2000), pp. 297-310]
188 | 1996 | [188] - Sources and propagation of international cycles: Common shocks or transmission? by Fabio Canova and Jane Marrinan (November 1996) [Published in: Journal of International Economics, 46, 1, (1998), pp. 133-166; With the title: Macroeconomic Dynamics Sources and Propagation of Output Cycles: Common Shocks or Transmission]
187 | 1996 | [187] - Government consumption and private consumption correlations by Jane Marrinan (October 1996) [Published in: Journal of International Money and Finance, 17, (1998), pp. 615-636]
186 | 1996 | [186] - Nonlinear models and small sample performance of the generalized method of moments by Eva Ventura (September 1996)
185 | 1996 | [185] - Does eeasoning enhance learning? by Nicolaas J. Vriend (October 1996) [Published in: Economics Letters, 55, No. 1, 9-18, 1997]
184 | 1996 | [184] - A model of market-making by Nicolaas J. Vriend (October 1996) [Published in: European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 15, No. 3, 185-202, 2001]
183 | 1996 | [183] - Fusion of data sets in multivariate linear regression with errors-in-variables by Albert Satorra (October 1996) [Published in: Classification and Knowledge Organization, (1997), pp. 195-207]
182 | 1996 | [182] - Minimum price variations, time priority and quotes dynamics by Tito Cordella and Thierry Foucault (September 1996) [Published in: Journal of Financial Intermediation, 8: 141-173, 1999]
181 | 1995 | [181] - La contabilidad creativa en España y en el Reino Unido. Un estudio comparativo by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Soledad Moya (July 1995) [Published in: Barcelona Management Review, 3, (1996), pp. 68-75]
180 | 1996 | [180] - The P-median problem in a changing network: The case of Barcelona by Daniel Serra and Vladimir Marianov (July 1996) [Published in: Location Science, 4, 1, (1999)]
179 | 1996 | [179] - Adaptive dynamics and the implementation problem with complete information by Antonio Cabrales (July 1996) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 86, (1999), pp. 159-184]
178 | 1996 | [178] - Bargaining, coalitions and competition by Nir Dagan, Roberto Serrano and Oscar Volij (June 1996) [Published in: Economic Theory, 15, 279-296, 2000]
177 | 1996 | [177] - Probabilistic maximal covering location-allocation models with constrained waiting time or queue length for congested systems by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (September 1996) [Published in: Annals of Operations Research, 111, (2002), pp. 35-50]
176 | 1996 | [176] - Contagion and efficiency in gross and net interbank payment systems by Xavier Freixas and Bruno Parigi (March 1996; Revised: June 1996) [Published in: Journal of Financial Intermediation, 7, 1, (1998), pp. 3-31, (1998)]
175 | 1996 | [175] - Optimal regulation of a fully insured deposit banking system by Xavier Freixas and Emmanuelle Gabillon (May 1996) [Published in: Journal of Regulatory Economics, 16, 2, (1999), pp. 111-134]
174 | 1996 | [174] - European research funding and regional technological capabilities: Network composition analysis by Alfonso Gambardella and Walter Garcia Fontes (June 1996)
173 | 1995 | [173] - Trade liberalization in Uruguay: Domestic and foreign firms by Walter Garcia Fontes, Ruben Tansini and Marcel Vaillant (June 1995)
172 | 1996 | [172] - Public and private saving and investment by Eric van Wincoop and Jane Marrinan (June 1996)
171 | 1996 | [171] - Approximation of quadratic irrationals and their pierce expansions by Jaume Paradís, Lluís Bibiloni and Pelegrí Viader (June 1996) [Published in: The Fibonacci Quarterly, 36, 2, (1998), pp. 146-153]
170 | 1996 | [170] - Optimal taxation without state-contingent debt by Albert Marcet, Thomas J. Sargent and Juha Seppala (April 1996; Revised: October 2001) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, December 2002]
169 | 1996 | [169] - Comparison of information structures by Olivier Gossner (May 1996) [Published in: Games and Economic Behavior, num. 30, pp. 44-63, 2000]
168 | 1996 | [168] - The intra-generational redistributive effects of social security by Luis M. Cubeddu (April 1996)
167 | 1996 | [167] - An axiomatization of the prekernel of nontransferable utility games by Roberto Serrano and Ken Ichi Shimomura (April 1996) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 83, 286-3071998; With the title: Beyond Nash Bargaining Theory: The Nash Set]
166 | 1996 | [166] - Testing calibrated general equilibrium models by Fabio Canova and Eva Ortega (March 1996) [Published in: In Mariano, Schuerman and Weeks (eds.); With the title: Simualtion Methods in Econometrics]
165 | 1996 | [165] - Market versus limit orders in an imperfectly competitive security by Luís A. Medrano (February 1996)
164 | 1996 | [164] - Weighted Kernel regression by Pedro Delicado and Manuel del Rio (March 1996; Revised: April 1997) [Published in: Communications in Statistics. Theory and methods, 26(12), 2983-2998, 1997; With the title: Weighted nonparametric regression]
163 | 1994 | [163] - Negativity effect and the emergence of ideologies by Enriqueta Aragonés (January 1994; Revised: December 1995) [Published in: Journal of Theoretical Politics, 9, 2, (1997), pp. 189-210]
162 | 1994 | [162] - Strategic ambiguity in electoral competition by Enriqueta Aragonés and Zvika Neeman (January 1994; Revised: April 1996) [Published in: Journal of Theoretical Politics, 12, 2, (2000), pp. 183-204]
161 | 1996 | [161] - A comment on the Nash program and the theory of implementation by Roberto Serrano (March 1996) [Published in: Economics Letters, 55, 203-208, 1997]
160 | 1996 | [160] - On money as a medium of exchange when goods vary by supply and demand by Xavier Cuadras and Randall Wright (February 1996) [Published in: Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1, (1997), pp.680-700]
159 | 1996 | [159] - Rapid catch-up, fast convergence and persistent underdevelopment by Antonio Ciccone (February 1996)
158 | 1996 | [158] - Efficiency and equilibrium with locally increasing aggregate returns due to demand complementarities by Antonio Ciccone and Kiminori Matsuyama (January 1996) [Published in: Econometrica, 67 (3), 499-525, 1999]
157 | 1996 | [157] - Agency costs in the process of development by Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti (February 1996)
156 | 1996 | [156] - Boundedly rational credit cycles by María Sáez (February 1996)
155 | 1996 | [155] - Information acquisition and entry by Sjaak Hurkens and Nir Vulkan (February 1996) [Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 44(4): 467-479 (2001)]
154 | 1996 | [154] - Unfolding a symmetric matrix by John C. Gower and Michael Greenacre (January 1996) [Published in: Journal of Classification, 13, (1996), pp. 81-105]
153 | 1995 | [153] - Implicit collusion on wide spreads by Bruno Biais, Thierry Foucault and François Salani (December 1995) [Published in: Journal of Financial Markets, 1, 523-584; October 1998]
152 | 1994 | [152] - Recontracting and competition by Nir Dagan (August 1994; Revised: January 1996)
151 | 1996 | [151] - Consistency and the Walrasian allocations correspondence by Nir Dagan (January 1996)
150 | 1995 | [150] - Altruism, uncertain lifetime and the distribution of wealth by Luisa Fuster (December 1995) [Published in: Review of Economic Dynamics 3, (2000); With the title: Capital Accumulation in an Economy with Dynasties and Uncertain Lifetimes]
149 | 1995 | [149] - Insider Trading and Real Investment by Luis A. Medrano (December 1995)
148 | 1995 | [148] - Managerial incentives for mergers by Ramon Faulí and Massimo Motta (November 1995) [Published in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 4, 4, (1996), pp. 497-514]
147 | 1995 | [147] - Research joint ventures in an international economy by Massimo Motta (November 1995) [Published in: Ricerche Economiche, 50, (1996), pp. 293-315]
146 | 1995 | [146] - On the impact of leverage constraints on asset prices and trading volume by José M. Marín and Jacques P. Olivier (November 1995; Revised: August 2002) [Published in: Spanish Economic Review, 5, pp.123-151, 2003]
145 | 1996 | [145] - Information revelation and market incompleteness by José M. Marín and Rohit Rahi (February 1996) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, vol. 67, no. 3, 635-651, 2000]
144 | 1995 | [144] - Shared knowledge by José V. Rodríguez Mora (September 1995)
143 | 1995 | [143] - Regional allocation of skills by Etsuro Shioji (December 1995)
142 | 1995 | [142] - Start-up costs and pecuniary externalities as barriers to economic development by Antonio Ciccone and Kiminori Matsuyama (March 1995) [Published in: Journal of Development Economics, 49, (1996), pp. 33-59]
141 | 1995 | [141] - Consistent solutions in exchange economies: A characterization of the price mechanism by Nir Dagan (November 1995)
140 | 1995 | [140] - Is the person trade-off a valid method for allocating health care resources? Some caveats by José Luis Pinto (October 1995) [Published in: Health Economics, 6, 1, (1996), pp. 71-81]
139 | 1995 | [139] - Transfers, social safety nets and economic growth by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (September 1995) [Published in: IMF Staff Papers, 44, 1, (1997), pp. 81-102]
138 | 1992 | [138] - Regional growth in Japan by Etsuro Shioji (January 1992; Revised: October 1995) [Published in: The Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 15, 29-49 (2001), Academic Press]
137 | 1995 | [137] - The poor stay poor: Non-convergence across countries and regions by Fabio Canova and Albert Marcet (October 1995; Revised: June 1999)
136 | 1995 | [136] - The equity premium and the risk free rate: A cross country, cross maturity examination by Fabio Canova and Gianni De Nicolo (April 1995) [Published in: IMF staff papers, 50(2), 2003, 222-249]
135 | 1993 | [135] - International consumption risk sharing by Fabio Canova and Morten O. Ravn (March 1993; Revised: June 1995) [Published in: International Economic Review, 37, 3, (1996), pp. 573-601]
134 | 1995 | [134] - Adoption of financial technologies: Implications for money demand and monetary policy by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (August 1995) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 2000; With the title: The Adoption Costs of Financial Technologies: Implications for Monetary Policy]
133 | 1995 | [133] - Measuring the stability of histogram appearance when the anchor position is changed by Jeffrey S. Simonoff and Frederic Udina (July 1995) [Published in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 23, (1997), pp. 335-353]
132 | 1995 | [132] - The dynamics of research networks in Brite-Euram by Walter Garcia Fontes and Aldo Geuna (January 1995; Revised: July 1995) [Published in: The Organization of Economic Innovation in Europe, A. Gambardella and F. Malerba (edts.), chapter 14, pp. 343-366, Cambridge University Press, (1999)]
131 | 1995 | [131] - The algebraic equality of two asymptotic tests for the hypothesis that a normal distribution has a specified correlation matrix by Heinz Neudecker and Albert Satorra (April 1995) [Published in: Statistics & Probability Letters, vol 30 (1996), pp. 99--103]
130 | 1995 | [130] - Fair pricing of deposit insurance. Is it possible? Yes. Is it desirable? No by Xavier Freixas and Jean Charles Rochet (January 1995; Revised: June 1995) [Published in: Research in Economics, 52, 3, (1998), pp. 217-232]
129 | 1995 | [129] - Option pricing under stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rate in the Spanish case by Marc Sáez (August 1995) [Published in: Applied Financial Economics, 7, 4, (1997), pp. 379-394]
128 | 1994 | [128] - Bands width, credibility and exchange risk: Lessons from the EMS experience by Marta Gómez Puig and José García Montalvo (December 1994; Revised: June 1995) [Published in: European Economic Review, 41, 8, (1997); With the title: A New Indicator to Assess the Credibility of the EMS]
127 | 1995 | [127] - Compact matrix expressions for generalized Wald tests of equality of moment vectors by Albert Satorra and Heinz Neudecker (August 1995) [Published in: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 63, (1997), pp. 259-276]
126 | 1995 | [126] - Asymptotic robustness in multi-sample analysis of multivariate linear relations by Albert Satorra (August 1995) [Published in: Econometric Theory, 18, pp. 297-312]
125 | 1995 | [125] - Intertemporal Cournot and Walras equilibrium: An illustration by Tito Cordella and Manjira Datta (July 1995) [Published in: International Economic Review, Vol. 43, pp. 137-153, 2002]
124 | 1995 | [124] - Death, tetanus, and aerobics: The evaluation of disease-specific health interventions by William H. Dow, Jessica Holmes, Tomas Philipson and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (July 1995) [Published in: American Economic Review, (1999)]
123 | 1995 | [123] - The impact of post industrial society on the accounting compromise-experience in the UK and Spain by Oriol Amat and John Blake (July 1995) [Published in: Boletin de estudios economicos, LI, 159, (1996), pp. 531-546]
122 | 1995 | [122] - Why is consumption so seasonal? by Andrew Scott (March 1995)
121 | 1995 | [121] - Arbitrage, bubbles and valuation by Jan Werner (April 1995) [Published in: International Economic Review ,vol 38, no 2, may 1997]
120 | 1995 | [120] - Productivity and the density of economic activity by Antonio Ciccone and Robert E. Hall (May 1995) [Published in: American Economic Review, 86, (1996), pp. 54-70]
119 | 1995 | [119] - Solving capability of LCA by Serguei Maliar, Igor Kozin and Vitali Perepelitsa (June 1995)
118 | 1995 | [118] - LCA solvability of chain covering problem by Serguei Maliar and Vitali Perepelitsa (May 1995)
117 | 1995 | [117] - The classical approach to convergence analysis by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (June 1995) [Published in: Economic Journal, 106, 437, (1996), pp. 1019-1036]
116 | 1995 | [116] - Technological diffusion, convergence and growth by Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (May 1995) [Published in: Journal of Economic Growth, 2, 1, (1997)]
115 | 1995 | [115] - Supply side interventions and redistribution by Teresa Garcia-Milà, Albert Marcet and Eva Ventura (June 1995) [Published in: Economic Journal, 120 (543), 2010, pág. 105-130.]
114 | 1994 | [114] - Bargaining and value by Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell (July 1994; Revised: February 1995) [Published in: Econometrica, 64, 2, (1996), pp. 357-380]
113 | 1994 | [113] - Does detrending matter for the determination of the reference cycle and the selection of turning points? by Fabio Canova (February 1994; Revised: March 1995) [Published in: Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 109(452), pages 126-50, January 1999]
112 | 1994 | [112] - Measuring aggregate human capital by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (October 1994; Revised: January 1995) [Published in: Business and Economics, Volume 5, Number 3, pp 215-252, September 2000]
111 | 1995 | [111] - Bills of exchange as money: Sources of monetary supply during the industrialization in Catalonia (1844-74) by Xavier Cuadras and Joan R. Roses (April 1995) [Published in: Financial History Review, 5, (1998), pp. 27-47]
110 | 1995 | [110] - ARCH patterns in cointegrated systems by Marc Sáez and Robert M. Kunst (March 1995)
109 | 1995 | [109] - Interactive local bandwidth choice by J. S. Marron and Frederic Udina (February 1995) [Published in: Statistics and Computing, 9, (1999), pp. 101-110]
108 | 1995 | [108] - A positive theory of social security by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (February 1995) [Published in: Journal of Economic Growth, 1, 2, (1996), pp. 277-304]
107 | 1995 | [107] - Human capital, heterogeneous agents and technological change by José Mª Bailén and Luis Rivera-Bátiz (March 1995)
106 | 1994 | [106] - A labor-income-based measure of the value of human capital: An application to the States of the United States by Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (March 1994; Revised: December 1994) [Published in: Journal of Japan and the World Economy, (1996)]
105 | 1996 | [105] - Credit constraints in general equilibrium: Experimental results by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Joaquim Silvestre (October 1996) [Published in: Economic Journal, 107, 444, (1997)]
104 | 1994 | [104] - Regional cohesion: Evidence and theories of regional growth and convergence by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (October 1994) [Published in: European Economic Review, 40, (1996), pp. 1325-1352]
103 | 1994 | [103] - Cross-industry entry: The case of a small developing economy by Walter Garcia Fontes, Ruben Tansini and Marcel Vaillant (December 1994)
102 | 1994 | [102] - An evolutionary model of development of a credit market by María Sáez (December 1994)
101 | 1994 | [101] - Are large windows efficient? Evolution of learning rules in a bargaining model by María Sáez (December 1994)
100 | 1994 | [100] - 'Actual' versus 'virtual' employment in Europe: Why is there less employment in Spain? by Ramon Marimon and Fabrizio Zilibotti (December 1994) [Published in: European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 42(1), pages 123-153, January 1998]
99 | 1994 | [99] - Price formation and order placement strategies in a dynamic order driven market by Thierry Foucault (June 1994) [Published in: Journal of Financial Markets, 2, 99-134; May 1999]
98 | 1994 | [98] - Was Prometheus unbound by chance? Risk, diversification and growth by Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti (November 1994) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, 1997, vol. 105, issue 4, pages 709-751]
97 | 1994 | [97] - Regional linkages through European research funding by Alfonso Gambardella and Walter Garcia Fontes (October 1994) [Published in: Economic of Innovation and New Technology, 4, (1996), pp. 123-138]
96 | 1994 | [96] - Competitive location in discrete space by Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (November 1994) [Published in: Zvi Drezner (ed.): Facility Location: A Survey of Applications and Methods. Springer-Verlag New York (1995), pp. 367-386]
95 | 1994 | [95] - Modelos autorregresivos para la varianza condicionada heteroscedastica (ARCH) by Marc Sáez and Jorge V. Pérez Rodríguez (October 1994) [Published in: Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2, (1994), pp. 71-106]
94 | 1994 | [94] - Why do owners let their managers pay too much for their acquisitions? by Ramon Faulí and Massimo Motta (October 1994) [Published in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 4/4, 497-514, Winter 1996; With the title: Managerial Incentives for Takeovers]
93 | 1994 | [93] - National enterprise. Spanish big manufacturing firms (1917-1990), between State and market by Albert Carreras and Xavier Tafunell (September 1994) [Published in: A. D. Chandler, F. Amatori & T. Hikino, eds., Big Business and the Wealth of Nations, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997, pp. 277-304; With the title: Spain: Big Manufacturing Firms Between State and Market, 1970-1990]
92 | 1993 | [92] - The wage effect of an indexation clause: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms by Sergi Jiménez-Martín (August 1993; Revised: September 1994) [Published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 60(4), 449-484, 1998; With the title: Indexation and Wage Change Settlements: Evidence From Spanish Manufacturing Firms]
91 | 1996 | [91] - Tracking the invisible hand: Convergence of double auctions to competitive equilibrium by Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Shyam Sunder (June 1996) [Published in: Computational Economics, 16, 2000, pp. 257-284]
90 | 1994 | [90] - Management's response to finance lease capitalization in Spain by John Blake, Oriol Amat and Julia Clarke (September 1994) [Published in: European Business Review, 95, 6, pp. 331-343 (1995)]
89 | 1994 | [89] - Bank financial analyst's response to lease capitalization in Spain by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Julia Clarke (September 1994) [Published in: International Journal of Accounting, 95, 30, (1995), pp. 331-343]
88 | 1994 | [88] - Basic research, product innovation and growth by Jose M. Bailén (September 1994)
87 | 1994 | [87] - Quality of professional services under price floors by Walter Garcia Fontes and Massimo Motta (June 1994) [Published in: Revista Española de Economia, Numero monografico, (1995), pp. 165-189]
86 | 1994 | [86] - The dynamics of migration in the presence of chains by Christian Helmenstein and Yury Yegorov (June 1994) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 24, Number 2, pp. 307-323(17), February 2000]
85 | 1994 | [85] - Optimal wage indexation in a reputational model of monetary policy credibility by Francesco Drudi and Raffaela Giordano (February 1994) [Published in: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, No. 4, Vol. 102, pp.645-668, 2000; With the title: Wage Indexation, Employment and Inflation]
84 | 1994 | [84] - Quality improvements in models of growth by Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (June 1994) [Published in: Economic Growth, MIT PRESS (1998), Chapter 7]
83 | 1993 | [83] - The wage setting process in Spain. Is it really only about wages? by Sergi Jiménez-Martín (April 1993; Revised: May 1994)
82 | 1994 | [82] - Capital mobility in Neoclassical models of growth by Robert J. Barro, N. Gregory Mankiw and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (May 1994) [Published in: American Economic Review, 85, 1, (1995), pp. 103-115]
81 | 1994 | [81] - Progresividad y gastos fiscales en la imposicion personal sobre la renta by Esther Martínez (May 1994) [Published in: Public Finance, 2, (1996)]
80 | 1994 | [80] - Perishable medium of exchange (Can ice cream be money?) by Xavier Cuadras (May 1994) [Published in: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 66 (2), (1997), pp.103-125]
79 | 1994 | [79] - Cross-sectional regressions and the empirics of economic growth by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (May 1994) [Published in: European Economic Review, (1994)]
78 | 1994 | [78] - Lecture notes on economic growth (II): Five prototype models of endogenous growth by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (May 1994) [Published in: Antoni Bosch Editor, Barcelona, (1994, 2nd. Edition 2000); With the title: Apuntes de Crecimiento Económico]
77 | 1994 | [77] - Lecture notes on economic growth (I): Introduction to the literature and Neoclassical models by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (May 1994) [Published in: Antoni Bosch Editor, Barcelona, (1994, 2nd. Edition 2000); With the title: Apuntes de Crecimiento Económico]
76 | 1994 | [76] - Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by parameterized expectations: Convergence to stationary solutions by Albert Marcet and David A. Marshall (March 1994)
75 | 1994 | [75] - Issues in the use of the cash flow statement-experience in some other countries by Oriol Amat, John Blake and Jack Dowds (March 1994) [Published in: Revista española de financiacion y contabilidad, 25, 88, (1996), pp. 609-632]
74 | 1994 | [74] - The maximum capture problem with uncertainty by Daniel Serra, Samuel Ratick and Charles Revelle (March 1994) [Published in: Environment and Planning B, 23, (1996), pp. 49-59]
73 | 1994 | [73] - Aspectos macroeconomicos del gasto sanitario en el proceso de convergencia europea by Jaume Puig (January 1994)
72 | 1992 | [72] - A model of inflation and reputation with wage bargaining by Raffaela Giordano (November 1992; Revised: March 1994) [Published in: Research in Economics, No. 55, pp. 359-387, 2001]
71 | 1993 | [71] - Import pricing, domestic pricing and market structure by Giorgia Giovannetti (August 1993; Revised: January 1994)
70 | 1994 | [70] - Probabilistic maximal covering location models for congested systems by Vladimir Marianov and Daniel Serra (March 1994) [Published in: Journal of Regional Science, 38, 3, (1998)]
69 | 1994 | [69] - Foreign investments, enforcement constraints and human capital accumulation by Fabrizio Zilibotti (February 1994)
68 | 1994 | [68] - How products' case volumes influence supermarket shelf space allocations and profits by John Ireland (February 1994)
67 | 1994 | [67] - A DPP evaluation of efficiency gains from channel-manufacturer cooperation on case counts by John Ireland (February 1994)
66 | 1993 | [66] - Sources of real exchage rate fluctuations: How important are nominal shocks? by Jordi Galí and Richard Clarida (October 1993; Revised: January 1994) [Published in: Carnegie-Rochester Conference in Public Policy, 41, (1994), pp. 1-56]
65 | 1993 | [65] - Endogenous growth and poverty traps in a Cournotian model by Jordi Galí and Fabrizio Zilibotti (November 1993) [Published in: Annales D'Econoimie aet de Statistique 37/38, (1995), pp. 197-213]
64 | 1993 | [64] - Adverse selection and security design by Rohit Rahi (July 1993; Revised: February 1994) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, 63, 287-300, 1996]
63 | 1991 | [63] - Patterns of exchange, fiat money and the welfare costs of inflation by Irasema Alonso (November 1991; Revised: September 1993) [Published in: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Working Paper 510, March 1993, Minneapolis]
62 | 1993 | [62] - Optimal taxation in a stochastic growth model with public capital: Crowding-in effects and stabilization policy by German Rojas (September 1993)
61 | 1994 | [61] - Survey on commercial and economic collaboration between companies in the EEC and former Eastern Bloc countries by Josep M. Argilés (February 1994) [Published in: Revista de Estudios Europeos, 8, (1994) pp. 21-36]
60 | 1994 | [60] - Expectations-driven spatial fluctuations by Jordi Galí (January 1994) [Published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 25, Number 1, February 1995, pp. 1-19(19)]
59 | 1994 | [59] - Innovation, "bank" monitoring and endogenous financial development by Ángel de la Fuente and José M. Marín (January 1994) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 38, 2, (1996), pp. 269-301]
58 | 1994 | [58] - A model of financial markets with default and the role of "ex-ante" redundant assets by José M. Marín and Shinichi Suda (January 1994)
57 | 1993 | [57] - Income distribution and growth: A re-examination by Lisa B. Tilis (December 1993)
56 | 1993 | [56] - More on the time inconsistency of optimal monetary policy by Juan P. Nicolini (November 1993) [Published in: Journal of Monetary Economics 41, (1998), pp .333-350]
55 | 1993 | [55] - Heterogeneous beliefs, wealth accumulation and asset price dynamics by Antonio Cabrales and Takeo Hoshi (February 1993; Revised: June 1993) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20, (1996), pp. 1073-1100]
54 | 1993 | [54] - Stochastic replicator dynamics by Antonio Cabrales (December 1993) [Published in: International Economic Review, 41, (2000), pp. 451-481]
53 | 1993 | [53] - An assessment of the Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares (1985-89) as a source of information for applied reseach by Ángel López Nicolás (December 1993) [Published in: Hacienda Publica Española, 132-1, (1995), pp. 133-141]
52 | 1993 | [52] - The demand for private transport in Spain: A microeconometric approach by Ángel López Nicolás (December 1993) [Published in: Revista de Economia Aplicada, 8-3, (1995), pp. 25-39]
51 | 1993 | [51] - Economic applications of genetic algorithms as a Markov process by Lisa Beth Tilis (November 1993)
50 | 1993 | [50] - A bounded rationality, evolutionary model for behavior in two person reciprocity games by Jeffrey E. Prisbrey (November 1993)
49 | 1993 | [49] - Control of the costs of quality management: A review or current practice in Spain by Oriol Amat and John Blake (November 1993) [Published in: Forum, 47, (1994), pp. 19-34]
48 | 1993 | [48] - A regression test of semiparametric index model specification by Thomas M. Stoker and Diego Rodríguez (November 1993) [Published in: MIT CEEPR, WP-93011, 1993, Boston]
47 | 1993 | [47] - Decentralization and the management of competition by Dimitri Vayanos and Diego Rodríguez (November 1993)
46 | 1993 | [46] - The relationship between tax regulations and financial accounting: A comparison of Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom by Oriol Amat (November 1993) [Published in: Readings in Accounting in the European Union, edited by A. Socias, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1996]
45 | 1993 | [45] - Monopolistic competition, business cycles and the composition of aggregate demand by Jordi Galí (October 1993) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 63, 1, pp. 73-96, 1994]
44 | 1993 | [44] - Monopolistic competition, endogenous markups and growth by Jordi Galí (September 1993) [Published in: European Economic Review, 38, pp. 748-756, 1994]
43 | 1993 | [43] - Local externalities, convex adjustment costs and sunspot equilibria by Jordi Galí (September 1993) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 64, 1, pp. 242-252, 1994]
42 | 1993 | [42] - Accuracy in simulations by Wouter J. den Haan and Albert Marcet (September 1993) [Published in: Review of Economic Studies, (1994)]
41 | 1993 | [41] - Saving decisions and fiscal incentives: A Spanish panel based analysis by M. Antònia Monés and Eva Ventura (July 1993) [Published in: Applied Economics, vol. 28, (1996), pp. 1105-1117]
40 | 1993 | [40] - Commodity money in the presence of goods of heterogenous quality by Xavier Cuadras (July 1993) [Published in: Economic Theory 4 (1994)]
39 | 1993 | [39] - Market capture by two competitors: The pre-emptive location problem by Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (May 1993) [Published in: Journal of Regional Science, vol. 34, no. 4, (1994)]
38 | 1993 | [38] - Tax simulations for Spain with a flexible demand system by José M. Labeaga and Ángel López Nicolás (May 1993) [Published in: Revista Española de Economia, vol. 13, nº 2, (1996), pp. 181-197]
37 | 1993 | [37] - Expectations and learning under alternative monetary regimes: An experimental approach by Ramon Marimon and Shyam Sunder (May 1993) [Published in: Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 4(1), pages 131-62, January 1994]
36 | 1993 | [36] - The effect of public capital in state-level production functions reconsidered by Teresa Garcia-Milà, Therese J. McGuire and Robert H. Porter (February 1993) [Published in: The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78 (1), 1996, pp. 177-180]
35 | 1993 | [35] - On the asymptotic optimality of alternative minimum-distance estimators in linear latent-variable models by Albert Satorra (February 1993) [Published in: Econometric Theory, 10, pp. 867-883]
34 | 1993 | [34] - Price competition in segmented industries by Walter Garcia Fontes (April 1993) [Published in: EconWPA, Industrial Organization, number 9308001]
33 | 1993 | [33] - The shakeout by Hugo A. Hopenhayn (April 1993)
32 | 1993 | [32] - Protecciones anti-opa y concentración de la propiedad: el poder de voto by Rafael Crespi (March 1993)
31 | 1993 | [31] - A note on measurement error and Euler equations: An alternative to log-linear approximations by Eva Ventura (March 1993) [Published in: Economics Letters, 45, pp. 305-308 (1994)]
30 | 1993 | [30] - Policy variability and economic growth by Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Maria E. Muniagurría (February 1993) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 63, No. 4, 611-625. Oct., 1996.]
29 | 1993 | [29] - An experimental analysis of two-person reciprocity games by Jeffrey Prisbrey (February 1993) [Published in: Social Science Working Paper 787 (November 1992)]
28 | 1993 | [28] - Does economic integration cause foreign direct investment? by Massimo Motta and George Norman (March 1993) [Published in: International Economic Review, 37, (1996), pp. 757-783]
27 | 1993 | [27] - Short term credit versus account receivable financing by Xavier Freixas (March 1993)
26 | 1993 | [26] - A cross-section model with zeros: an application to the demand for tobacco by Jaume Garcia and Jose M. Labeaga (March 1993) [Published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 58, p. 489-506, 1996; With the title: Alternative approaches to modelling zero expenditure: An application to Spanish demand for tobacco]
25 | 1993 | [25] - Indeterminacy of equilibria in a hyperinflationary world: Experimental evidence by Ramon Marimon and Shyam Sunder (March 1993) [Published in: Econometrica, 1993, vol. 61, issue 5, pages 1073-1107]
24 | 1993 | [24] - On adaptive learning in strategic games by Ramon Marimon and Ellen McGrattan (March 1993) [Published in: Kirman, J., Salmon, M. (Ed), Learning and Rationality in Economics . Basil Blackwell: Oxford ; 61-101.]
23 | 1993 | [23] - Adaptive learning, evolutionary dynamics and equilibrium selection in games by Ramon Marimon (March 1993) [Published in: European Economic Review 37 (1993)]
22 | 1993 | [22] - Growth, capital flows and enforcement constaints: The case of Africa by Giorgia Giovannetti, Albert Marcet and Ramon Marimon (March 1993) [Published in: European Economic Review 37, pp. 418-425 (1993)]
21 | 1993 | [21] - Expectationally-driven market volatility: An experimental study by Ramon Marimon, Stephen E. Spear and Shyam Sunder (March 1993) [Published in: Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (1992), Minneapolis]
20 | 1993 | [20] - The coherent covering location problem by Daniel Serra (February 1993) [Published in: Papers in Regional Science, vol. 75, no. 1, (1996)]
19 | 1993 | [19] - Information, liquidity and asset trading in a random matching game by Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Ingrid M. Werner (February 1993) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 68, Number 2, pp. 349-379(31), February 1996]
18 | 1992 | [18] - Consumption, real after tax interest rates and income innovations. A panel data analysis by M. Antònia Monés, Rafael Salas and Eva Ventura (December 1992) [Published in: Papeles de Trabajo editados por el Instituto de Estudios Fiscales ; 27/92, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1992]
17 | 1992 | [17] - Convergence of approximate model solutions to rational expectation equilibria using the method of parameterized expectations by Albert Marcet and David A. Marshall (October 1992)
16 | 1992 | [16] - Multi-sample analysis of moment-structures: Asymptotic validity of inferences based on second-order moments by Albert Satorra (June 1992) [Published in: Statistical Modelling and Latent Variables Elsevier, North Holland. K. Haagen, D. J.Bartholomew and M. Deistler (eds.), pp. 283-298.] Special issue Vernon L. Smith Experimental Methods in Economics. (June 1992)]
15 | 1992 | [15] - Speed of convergence of recursive least squares learning with ARMA perceptions by Albert Marcet and Thomas J. Sargent (May 1992) [Published in: Learning and Rationality in Economics, 1995, ed. A. Kirman]
14 | 1992 | [14] - Ruling out speculative hyperinflations: A game theoretic approach by Juan P. Nicolini (April 1992) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 20, Issue 5, Pages 791-809, May 1996.; With the title: Ruling out speculative hyperinflations The role of the government]
13 | 1992 | [13] - The PQ-Median problem: Location and districting of hierarchical facilities. Part II: Heuristic solution methods by Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (April 1992) [Published in: Location Science, vol. 2, no. 2, (1994), pp. 63-82]
12 | 1992 | [12] - The PQ-Median problem: Location and districting of hierarchical facilities. Part I by Daniel Serra and Charles Revelle (April 1992) [Published in: Location Science, vol. 1, no. 4, (1993), pp. 299-312]
11 | 1992 | [11] - Indicadores de eficiencia en el sector hospitalario by Guillem López and Adam R. Wagstaff (March 1992) [Published in: Moneda y Credito, vol. 196]
10 | 1992 | [10] - Entry restrictions and the determination of quality by Walter Garcia Fontes and Hugo Hopenhayn (February 1992) [Published in: Spanish Economic Review, vol. 2, no. 2, (2000), pp. 105-127]
9 | 1992 | [9] - Industrial mix as a factor in the growth and variability of States' economies by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire (January 1992) [Published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23 (6), 1993, pp. 731-748]
8 | 1992 | [8] - The variance matrix of sample second-order moments in multivariate linear relations by Albert Satorra (January 1992) [Published in: Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 15, no. 1, (1992), pp. 63-69]
7 | 1991 | [7] - A unique informationally efficient and decentralized mechanism with fair outcomes by Xavier Calsamiglia and Alan Kirman (November 1991) [Published in: Econometrica, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1147-1172 (1993)]
6 | 1991 | [6] - Simulation analysis of dynamic stochastic models: Applications to theory and estimation by Albert Marcet (November 1991) [Published in: Advances in Econometrics, Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society (Eds. JJ. Laffont i C.A. Sims). Cambridge University Press, pp 81-118 (1994)]
5 | 1991 | [5] - Solving non-linear stochastic models by parameterizing expectations: An application to asset pricing with production by Albert Marcet (July 1991)
4 | 1991 | [4] - Wage determination in the Spanish industry by Javier Andrés and Jaume Garcia (June 1991) [Published in: J.J. Dolado et al. (eds.) La industria y el comportamiento de las empresas españolas (Ensayos en homenaje a Gonzalo Mato), Chapter 6, pp. 171-196, Alianza Economia; With the title: Factores determinantes de los salarios: evidencia para la industria española]
3 | 1991 | [3] - Asymptotic robust inferences in the analysis of mean and covariance structures by Albert Satorra (June 1991) [Published in: Sociological Methodology (1992) Vol. 22, pp. 249-278, P.V. Marsden Edt. Basil Blackwell: Oxford & Cambridge, MA]
2 | 1991 | [2] - Economies of scale, location, age and sex discrimination in household demand by Antoni Bosch-Domènech (June 1991) [Published in: European Economic Review 35, (1991) 1589-1595]
1 | 1991 | [1] - Communication, commitment and growth by Albert Marcet and Ramon Marimon (June 1991) [Published in: Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 58, no. 2, pp 219-249, December 1992] |