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Paper #1552

Opinion dynamics via search engines (and other algorithmic gatekeepers)
Fabrizio Germano and Francesco Sobbrio
December 2016 (Revised: March 2018)
Ranking algorithms are the information gatekeepers of the Internet era. We develop a stylized framework to study the effects of ranking algorithms on opinion dynamics. We consider rankings that depend on popularity and on personalization. We find that popularity driven rankings can enhance asymptotic learning while personalized ones can both inhibit or enhance it, depending on whether individuals have common or private value preferences. We also find that ranking algorithms can contribute towards the diffusion of misinformation (e.g., “fake news”), since lower ex-ante accuracy of content of minority websites can actually increase their overall traffic share.
Ranking Algorithms, Opinion Dynamics, Website Traffic, Asymptotic Learning, Stochastic Choice, Misinformation, Polarization, Search Engines, Fake News.
JEL codes:
D83, L86
Area of Research:

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