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Paper #1600

Uncovered interest parity, forward guidance and the exchange rate
Jordi Galí
May 2017 (Revised: February 2020)
Under uncovered interest parity (UIP), the size of the e¤ect on the real exchange rate of an anticipated change in real interest rate di¤erentials is invariant to the horizon at which the change is expected. Empirical evidence using US, euro area and UK data points to a substantial deviation from that invariance prediction: expectations of interest rate di¤erentials in the near (distant) future are shown to have much larger (smaller) e¤ects on the real exchange rate than is implied by UIP. Some possible explanations are discussed.
forward guidance puzzle, uncovered interest rate parity, unconventional monetary policies, open economy New Keynesian model.
JEL codes:
E43, E58, F41,
Area of Research:
Macroeconomics and International Economics
Published in:
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52(S2), 465-496.

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