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Paper #1431

Financial crises and exchange rate policy
Luca Fornaro
July 2014 (Revised: November 2014)
This paper studies exchange rate policy in a small open economy model featuring an occasionally binding collateral constraint and Fisherian deflation. The goal is to evaluate the performance of alternative exchange rate policies in sudden stop-prone economies. The key element of the analysis is a pecuniary externality arising from frictions in the international credit markets, which creates a trade-off between price and financial stability. The main result is that devaluing the exchange rate during a financial crisis has a positive impact on welfare, because the stimulus provided by a devaluation sustains asset prices, the value of collateral, and access to the international credit markets.
Financial crises, Monetary Policy, Sudden Stops, Exchange Rate Regime, Nominal Wage Rigidities, Pecuniary Externalities.
JEL codes:
G01, E44, E52, F32, F34, F41.
Area of Research:
Macroeconomics and International Economics
Published in:
Journal of International Economics, 95 (2), pp. 202-215, 2015

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