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Paper #1861

Do incompetent politicians breed populist voters? Evidence from Italian municipalities
Federico Boffa, Vincenzo Mollisi and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto
March 2023
Poor performance by the established political class can drive voters towards anti-establishment outsiders. Is the inffectiveness of incumbent politicians an important driver of the recent rise of populist parties? We provide an empirical test exploiting a sharp discontinuity in the wage of local politicians as a function of population in Italian municipalities. We find that the more skilled local politicians and more effective local government in municipalities above the threshold cause a signi…cant drop in voter support for the populist Five-Star Movement in regional and national elections. Support for incumbent governing parties increases instead.
Populism, Government e¢ ciency, Politician quality, Political agency
JEL codes:
D72, D73, H70
Area of Research:
Macroeconomics and International Economics

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