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Paper #420

Monetary policy misspecification in VAR models
Fabio Canova and Joaquim Pires Pina
October 1998 (Revised: September 1999)
We examine the effects of extracting monetary policy disturbances with semi-structural and structural VARs, using data generated by a limited participation model under partial accommodative and feedback rules. We find that, in general, misspecification is substantial: short run coefficients often have wrong signs; impulse responses and variance decompositions give misleading representations of the dynamics. Explanations for the results and suggestions for macroeconomic practice are provided.
General equilibrium, monetary policy, identification, structural VARs
JEL codes:
C32, C68, E32, E52
Area of Research:
Macroeconomics and International Economics
Published in:
Chapter in book ed. by Diebolt and Kritsou, Springer and Verlag, 2005
With the title:
Advances in Macroeconomics

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