Resultats de la cerca:

Mostrant 231-240 de 1877 papers trobats

[1651] - From finance to fascism
per Sebastian Doerr, Stefan Gissler, José-Luis Peydró i Hans-Joachim Voth
(Març 2018; Revisat: Novembre 2020) [Publicat a: Journal of Finance, 77(6), December 2022, 2993-3425. DOI:; Amb el títol: ‘Financial Crises and Political Radicalization: How Failing Banks Paved Hitler's Path to Power’]

[1650] - Macroprudential and monetary policy: Loan-level evidence from reserve requirements
per Cecilia Dassatti Camors, José-Luis Peydró, Francesc Rodriguez-Tous i Sergio Vicente
(Març 2019; Revisat: Novembre 2019)

[1649] - Expansionary yet different: credit supply and real effects of negative interest rate policy
per Margherita Bottero, Camelia Minoiu, José-Luis Peydró, Andrea Polo, Andrea F. Presbitero i Enrico Sette
(Febrer 2019; Revisat: Setembre 2020) [Publicat a: Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (2), Nov. 2022, pp. 754-778, DOI:]

[1648] - Hedger of last resort: Evidence from Brazilian FX interventions, local credit, and global financial cycles
per Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, Dmitry Khametshin, José-Luis Peydró i Andrea Polo
(Octubre 2018; Revisat: Novembre 2022)

[1647] - Monotone contracts
per Daniel Bird i Alexander Frug
(Abril 2019)

[1646] - Global unanimity agreement on the carbon budget
per Humberto Llavador i John E. Roemer
(Abril 2019)

[1645] - Transaction-tax evasion in the housing market
per José Garcia Montalvo, Amedeo Piolatto i Josep M. Raya
(Març 2019)

[1644] - Gender and credit risk: a view from the loan officer's desk
per José Garcia Montalvo i Marta Reynal-Querol
(Març 2019)

[1643] - The good, the bad and the complex: Product design with imperfect information
per Vladimir Asriyan, Dana Foarta i Victoria Vanasco
(Març 2019; Revisat: Setembre 2021) [Publicat a: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2023, 15(2): 187–226]

[1642] - VAR-based Granger-causality test in the presence of instabilities
per Yiru Wang i Barbara Rossi
(Gener 2019)

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