Resultados de la búsqueda:

Mostrando 41-50 de 63 documentos encontrados

[1698] - Countercyclical liquidity policy and credit cycles: Evidence from macroprudential and monetary policy in Brazil
por João Barata R. Blanco Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, José-Luis Peydró y Bernardus F. Nazar Van Doornik
(Febrero 2020)

[1697] - Cash transfers and fertility: How the introduction and cancellation of a child benefit affected births and abortions
por Libertad González Luna y Sofia Trommlerová
(Febrero 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin]

[1696] - Prospects of blockchain in contract and property
por Benito Arruñada
(Enero 2020)

[1692] - Financial disclosure environment and the cash policy of private firms
por Marcelo Ortiz
(Enero 2020)

[1690] - Optimal contracts with randomly arriving tasks
por Daniel Bird y Alexander Frug
(Enero 2020)

[1688] - Understanding the size of the government spending multiplier: It’s in the sign
por Régis Barnichon, Davide Debortoli y Christian Matthes
(Febrero 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2020)

[1687] - Optimal fiscal policy without commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey
por Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes y Pierre Yared
(Febrero 2019; Revisado: Septiembre 2020)

[1684] - Banking supervision, monetary policy and risk-taking: Big data evidence from 15 credit registers
por Carlos Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, José-Luis Peydró y Frank Smets
(Diciembre 2019; Revisado: Diciembre 2020)

[1683] - The impact of experience on how we perceive the rule of law
por Benito Arruñada
(Noviembre 2019; Revisado: Febrero 2020)

[1678] - Negative monetary policy rates and systemic banks’ risk-taking: Evidence from the Euro area securities register
por Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni y José-Luis Peydró
(Marzo 2019; Revisado: Marzo 2020) [Publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2020, 52(S1): 197-231]

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