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Showing 41-50 of 57 papers found

[1768] - Talent poaching and job rotation
by Diego Battiston, Miguel Espinosa and Shuo Liu
(January 2021)

[1767] - Should the ECB adjust its strategy in the face of a lower r*?
by Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan and Julien Matheron
(January 2021; Revised: April 2021) [Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 132, 2021, 1-23]

[1766] - When transparency fails: Financial incentives for local banking agents in Indonesia
by Erika Deserranno, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta and Firman Witoelar
(January 2021)

[1765] - Rules versus discretion in public procurement
by Rodrigo Carril
(January 2021)

[1761] - Monetary policy and inequality
by Asger Lau Andersen, Niels Johannesen, Mia Jørgensen and José-Luis Peydró
(December 2020; Revised: March 2021) [Published in: Journal of Finance, forthcoming]

[1712] - Security design in non-exclusive markets with asymmetric information
by Vladimir Asriyan and Victoria Vanasco
(November 2019; Revised: June 2021) [Published in: The Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.]

[1711] - Forecasting in the presence of instabilities: How do we know whether models predict well and how to improve them
by Barbara Rossi
(November 2019; Revised: July 2021)

[1701] - Has the information channel of monetary policy disappeared? Revisiting the empirical evidence
by Lukas Hoesch, Barbara Rossi and Tatevik Sekhposyan
(February 2020; Revised: July 2021)

[1695] - The organization of public registries: A comparative analysis
by Benito Arruñada
(February 2020; Revised: September 2021)

[1694] - Mismatch cycles
by Isaac Baley, Ana Figueiredo and Robert Ulbricht
(January 2020; Revised: August 2021) [Published in: Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming]

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