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Showing 1-10 of 46 papers found

[1860] - Exploring European regional trade
by Marta Santamaría, Jaume Ventura and Uğur Yeşilbayraktar
(December 2022) [Published in: Journal of International Economics 146 (2023) 103747]

[1853] - Firing costs and productivity: Evidence from a natural experiment
by Andrea Caggese, Ozan Guler, Mike Mariathasan and Klaas Mulier
(November 2022)

[1852] - Income inequality and entrepreneurship: Lessons from the 2020 COVID-19 recession
by Christoph Albert, Andrea Caggese, Beatriz González and Victor Martin-Sanchez
(October 2022)

[1851] - Self-preferencing and foreclosure in digital markets: Theories of harm for abuse cases
by Massimo Motta
(December 2022)

[1850] - A measure of behavioral heterogeneity
by Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester
(November 2022)

[1849] - Coordination and sophistication
by Larbi Alaoui, Katharina A. Janezic and Antonio Penta
(November 2022)

[1848] - Ownership diversification and product market pricing Incentives
by Albert Banal-Estañol, Jo Seldeslachts and Xavier Vives
(November 2022)

[1847] - Robust inference for non-Gaussian SVAR models
by Lukas Hoesch, Adam Lee and Geert Mesters
(October 2022)

[1846] - Tweeting for money: Social media and mutual fund flows
by Javier Gil-Bazo and Juan F. Imbet
(October 2022)

[1845] - Non-independent components analysis
by Geert Mesters and Piotr Zwiernik
(August 2022)

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