Resultats de la cerca:

Mostrant 11-20 de 1874 papers trobats

[1875] - Human capital, institutions, and ambitious entrepreneurship during good times and two crises
per Mircea Epure, Victor Martin-Sanchez, Sebastian Aparicio i David Urbano
(Octubre 2023)

[1874] - Drivers of public procurement prices: Evidence from pharmaceutical markets
per Claudia Allende, Juan Pablo Atal, Rodrigo Carril, Jose Ignacio Cuesta i Andrés González Lira
(Novembre 2023)

[1873] - Evaluating policy institutions -150 years of US monetary policy-
per Régis Barnichon i Geert Mesters
(Octubre 2023)

[1872] - Firm balance sheet liquidity, monetary policy shocks, and investment dynamics
per Priit Jeenas
(Octubre 2023)

[1871] - Consumption segregation
per Corina Boar i Elisa Giannone
(Juliol 2023)

[1870] - Organizational identity and performance: An inquiry into nonconforming company names
per Mario Daniele Amore, Mircea Epure i Orsola Garofalo
(Setembre 2023)

[1869] - The Roman Familia: A view from the economics of property
per Benito Arruńada
(Octubre 2023)

[1868] - Platform liability with reputational sanctions
per Alessandro De Chiara, Juan José Ganuza, Fernando Gómez, Ester Manna i Adrián Segura
(Setembre 2023)

[1867] - The death and life of great British cities
per Stephan Heblich, David Krisztián Nagy, Alex Trew i Yanos Zylberberg
(Juliol 2023)

[1866] - Political preferences and the spatial distribution of infrastructure:evidence from California’s high-speed rail
per Pablo Fajgelbaum, Cecile Gaubert, Nicole Gorton, Eduardo Morales Morales i Edouard Schaal
(Juny 2023)

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