Resultats de la cerca:

Mostrant 91-100 de 1873 papers trobats

[1794] - Monetary policy in the age of automation
per Luca Fornaro i Martin Wolf
(Juliol 2021; Revisat: Setembre 2022)

[1793] - Fiscal targeting
per Régis Barnichon i Geert Mesters
(Juliol 2021)

[1792] - Robust non-Gaussian inference for linear simultaneous equations models
per Adam Lee i Geert Mesters
(Juliol 2021)

[1791] - Maternal age and infant health
per Cristina Borra, Libertad González Luna i David Patiño
(Juliol 2021)

[1790] - Renegotiation and discrimination in symmetric procurement auctions
per Leandro Arozamena, Juan José Ganuza i Federico Weinschelbaum
(Juliol 2021)

[1789] - The causal effect of an income shock on children’s human capital
per Cristina Borra, Ana Costa-Ramón, Libertad González Luna i Almudena Sevilla
(Juliol 2021)

[1788] - Teacher compensation and structural inequality: Evidence from centralized teacher school choice in Perú
per Matteo Bobba, Tim Ederer, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Christopher A. Neilson i Marco Nieddu
(Juliol 2021)

[1787] - Land titling and litigation
per Benito Arruñada, Marco Fabbri i Michael Faure
(Juliol 2021)

[1785] - Cost-benefit analysis in reasoning: The value-of-information case with forward-looking agent
per Larbi Alaoui i Antonio Penta
(Juliol 2021)

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